2018 Alek's Annual Email: Puppy, Peaches, Presentations, Paddling, Parade, Prom, and more rambling ... ;-)

Yep - it's time for yet another annual "Alek's Ramblings" email with a bunch of misc. links and pics at the bottom.

Some items of possible interest in random order:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

P.S. If for any reason you'd rather not get my annual "mail-all's", please just let me know - happy to remove 'ya from my address book.

FYI FWIW that the response to that is suprisingly consistent every year. I'll get a couple dozen requests which I always reply to and mention the Email conversation (sometimes from years ago) how they got in my address book ... plus thanking for letting me know and have removed their address. The majority of people will then write back:
"oh yea, you were really helpful and/or I loved your pictures ... please KEEP me on your annual Email list" ;-)

Misc. Pictures to go with the ramblings - more at the links above

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Index of Annual Emails