Which is something like:
"Drive by the house of an American who has put 22,000 christmas
lights on his house and his front garden and you can control the
lights and the brightnets. A user can control it via a browser and a
"Wie kann man das Fest des Friedens und der Stille wohl am
auffälligsten feiern und gleichzeitig am unangenehmsten für die
Nachbarn machen? Ganz einfach man befestigt 22.000 Lampen an seinem
Haus und im Vorgarten und lässt die Lichterpracht auch noch von Usern
steuern. "
Which is something like:
"How can you celebrate the festival of piece with this noticable
exhibit and not also make it unpleasant for the neighbors? You just
let the 22,000 lights in the front of the house be controlled by the
users." ???
"Gesagt getan - Ein Amerikaner lädt die Surfer aller Welt auf seiner
Homepage zum vergnüglichen Lichter ein- und ausschalten ein. Über die
installierte Webcam können dann die "Erfolge" beobachtet werden. Wie
die veröffentlichten Bilder zeigen ein durchaus imposanter Anblick.
Aufgrund des enormen Ansturms und aus Rücksicht auf die Anwohner
können die Lichtspiele jedoch nur in der Zeit von 18.00 and 22.00 Uhr
Mountain Standard Time betrachtet werden.(red)"
Which is something like:
"Enough said. An American lets the surfers of the world control the
lights from his home page. Over the installed web-cam the user can
see his "results". Based on the heavy load, the light games can only
be played between 6 and 10 oclock" --- or some such.
And here's another translation I got from WillemD:
Control 22.000 Christmas lights with your browser.
An American dressed up his house including front yard. Now users are
able to switch the lights on and off via the internet.
How can one celebrate the festival of peace and silence in the most
remarkable way and at the same time make it unpleasant for your neighbors?
article talks about making it unpleasant for your neighbors !
Very easy. You hook up 22.000 lights to your house and frond yard and
you let the light splendor be controlled by (net) users.
On his home page an American invites all net surfers of the world to the
fun of switching the lights on and off.
Via the installed Webcam you can see the results.
As the pictures show you it is quite an impressive sight.
Because of the enormous interest and to spare his neighbors you can only
play with the lights from 6pm till 10pm MST.
Pls send me an Email
with any corrections.