 Mark Leffingwell
Komarnitsky — flanked by his sons, Kyle, left, and Dirk — holds one of
three Web cameras that allow visitors to www.komar.org to watch as they
turn on and off the lights at the Komarnitsky home in Lafayette.
Lights prankser goes legitChristmas scene now raises money for charity By Kate Larsen, Camera Staff Writer December 17, 2005 LAFAYETTE — Yeah, OK, it was a trick.
The 17,000 Christmas lights on Alek Komarnitsky's house couldn't
actually be controlled by the click of a computer mouse last year. But
this year, all 26,000 of them really can, he says.
And this year, the guy that duped the world, and — oh, my — the media, is using his fame to raise money for charity.
"I fibbed; it was a scam," Komarnitsky said. "Now I'm thinking maybe we can do some good here."
He's using the nearly 7 million weekly hits to his Web site,
www.komar.org, to raise money for celiac disease research. His two sons
suffer from the auto-immune disorder triggered by protein gluten. His oldest son, Dirk, went through months of medical testing,
painful vomiting and weight loss before doctors scraped part of his
intestine to determine the cause. Komarnitsky's updated light tricks have raised nearly $3,500 so far for the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research.
"As many as one in 133 people have celiac disease," said Pam
King, director of operations for the center. "It's certainly a disease
that needs some attention drawn to it." King said she knew all about Komarnitsky's hoax and had no reservations about working with him.
"I truly believe with his children having celiac disease that he wants to help," she said.
Not surprisingly, not everyone was convinced immediately this
year's setup was legitimate. Earlier this month, staff from the Rocky
Mountain News' Web desk did extensive testing and couldn't prove a hoax.
One Daily Camera reporter secretly sat outside the house this
week while her friend in California clicked away, and it appeared to be
the real deal. An 8-foot-tall snowman deflated on command. Lights went
off and back on again. As a computer specialist, it wasn't hard for Komarnitsky to
trick everyone last year. He'd been doing it on the Web site since
2002. He used doctored pictures to convince Internet browsers and
dozens of media outlets that Web users could control his light display.
People thought they were making the lights go on and off, but
they actually were viewing changing images on their screens. The lights
never flickered. Well, almost never.
When a local TV news crew offered to fly Komarnitsky above the house in a helicopter, he got excited. Really excited.
"I said 'Man, a helicopter ride sounds like fun,'" he said. So
he told his wife to use a remote control to turn the lights on and off
while they flew overhead. After what he called a "tsunami" of media attention,
Komarnitsky said he wanted to come clean. He did just that to the Wall
Street Journal the day after Christmas. Another firestorm followed. He won the title of "unethical Web site of the month" by one
online publication. A New York Times reporter called him a "shameless
media hound" and a "liar." Komarnitsky prefers words like "prank," "hoax" and "trick."
And he is quick to point out that any profit he earned from the
Web site traffic last year was "pennies." The Google banner
advertisements running on parts of the site had been up for several
years, and he makes money only when viewers click on them. Additionally, he turned down a $10,000 offer from a Denver radio station to advertise on the site last year.
"If Alek had charged everybody $10 to click on his lights, then
I can see where that would be wrong," said his wife, Wendy Komarnitsky.
She said 90 percent of the thousands of e-mails he received on
the prank were positive and from people who "thought it was funny." "Personally, every time I turn the corner I'm embarrassed and
I think, 'I can't believe I live here,' but the kids love it," she
said. Contact Camera Staff Writer Kate Larsen at (303) 473-1361 or larsenk@dailycamera.com.