Weather at 20:34:29 Mountain Time - Metric
Temperature: 37.4°F -
Humidity: 47% -
Pressure: 30.40" Hg (corrected)
Wind from 304° at 12.1 MPH gusting to 22.0 -
Rain today: none so far
518 comments on the Christmas Blog - latest is:
Once again, I appreciate all the nice
notes and yea, it's over - sorry, all good things must come to an end.
For those that enjoyed this, I'll definately be doing "something" come Halloween 2006 ... and you might periodically check to see what other things I'm up to until then. The January 10th, 2005 Time Magazine issue quoted me saying "I figured I could provide some holiday cheer to folks" for Christmas/2004 and it appears I was succcesful again this year - thanx everyone.