1,119 christmas text messages on 2007/1206

The Christmas Lights Webcam allows Internet surfers to send "Instant Messages via webcam" which are displayed real-time in Santa's Workshop.In addition, web surfers are controlling the lights & inflatables - i.e. turning them on and off via X10 controls - which they did 21,593 times that day including 16,824 overloads of the system. For those that missed it, here's a log of what was said!

Christmas "Instant Messages on webcam" on 1206

Date_Time                 IP Address        Message
2007_12_06_17:00:54.192   160.079.140.xxx   Hello
2007_12_06_17:00:56.281   075.047.077.xxx   this is cool
2007_12_06_17:01:03.955   068.217.253.xxx   Merry Christmas from Augusta Ga      love you sue !!
2007_12_06_17:01:12.538   082.036.148.xxx   HELLO TINA
2007_12_06_17:01:19.928   137.073.088.xxx   w000t!
2007_12_06_17:01:27.502   143.166.255.xxx   Hello From Dell in Edmonton Alberta Canada!!
2007_12_06_17:01:27.989   068.193.035.xxx   HI Nick
2007_12_06_17:01:32.492   210.023.129.xxx   hmmmm
2007_12_06_17:01:33.542   121.044.077.xxx   Bryn Rulz Ok
2007_12_06_17:01:46.888   064.012.116.xxx   Whooohooooo
2007_12_06_17:01:49.628   081.158.153.xxx   hy from richaed in the uk
2007_12_06_17:01:56.161   067.180.162.xxx   Sweet...
2007_12_06_17:02:00.845   082.036.148.xxx   hello tina
2007_12_06_17:02:08.343   067.189.107.xxx   Hi!
2007_12_06_17:02:08.526   070.178.098.xxx   Hello from Gravette Arkansas!!
2007_12_06_17:02:12.699   068.193.035.xxx   NEW YORK RULES JErsey s**** d***
2007_12_06_17:02:14.566   082.036.162.xxx   Hello Chris
2007_12_06_17:02:23.578   162.093.249.xxx   Hello from Parker, Colorado!!!
2007_12_06_17:02:25.692   143.166.255.xxx   Hello from Dell in Edmonton Alberta Canada!!!
2007_12_06_17:02:29.016   081.158.153.xxx   hey from bournemouth uk
2007_12_06_17:02:33.078   064.012.116.xxx   Hello from Camp Hill, Pa
2007_12_06_17:02:36.389   067.180.162.xxx   I need money for this :P
2007_12_06_17:02:45.563   067.189.107.xxx   Hello from Chris in Oregon
2007_12_06_17:02:45.618   203.012.144.xxx   HIRST RUUUUUUUULEZZZZZZZZZZ
2007_12_06_17:02:49.897   024.124.004.xxx   whats up from Ike
2007_12_06_17:02:55.318   143.166.255.xxx   Hey Alek, do you have a Dell Computer???
2007_12_06_17:03:03.516   067.180.162.xxx   I lost the game :D
2007_12_06_17:03:04.700   068.009.229.xxx   im going to try and donate as a present
2007_12_06_17:03:05.931   082.036.148.xxx   TINA, FANCY A LITTLE DB???
2007_12_06_17:03:19.784   070.169.113.xxx   greetings from Andover, KS
2007_12_06_17:03:23.831   081.158.153.xxx   richard from bournemouth uk
2007_12_06_17:03:30.510   066.068.091.xxx   Lights go on....Lights Go off.
2007_12_06_17:03:31.545   024.013.159.xxx   heyyyy qt
2007_12_06_17:03:32.643   068.193.035.xxx   Great House Display
2007_12_06_17:03:32.986   067.180.162.xxx   I lost the game :D
2007_12_06_17:03:36.701   143.166.255.xxx   Saskatchewan Roughriders **** Grey Cup Champions!! :)
2007_12_06_17:03:47.904   203.012.144.xxx   HIRST RUUUUUUUULEZZZZZZZZZZ
2007_12_06_17:03:50.050   129.015.131.xxx   greetings from norman, ok. BOOMER SOONER BABY!
2007_12_06_17:03:50.599   076.114.240.xxx   merry christmas from UMW swimming!
2007_12_06_17:04:05.517   070.169.113.xxx   Ron Paul for President!
2007_12_06_17:04:16.214   162.093.249.xxx   Merry Christmas from Parker, Colorado
2007_12_06_17:04:18.759   076.114.240.xxx   pers-********4@craigslist.org
2007_12_06_17:04:21.725   024.209.042.xxx   Merry christmas from jessica
2007_12_06_17:04:33.335   075.047.077.xxx   humm
2007_12_06_17:04:53.985   024.124.004.xxx   this is sweet - Ike
2007_12_06_17:04:57.713   075.047.077.xxx   this is cool
2007_12_06_17:05:00.561   076.114.240.xxx   woo hoo!
2007_12_06_17:05:00.642   081.158.153.xxx   christchurch removals nz
2007_12_06_17:05:05.058   076.088.026.xxx   is this fake
2007_12_06_17:05:20.024   143.166.255.xxx   ALL HAIL TO EDMONTON, ALBERTA!!
2007_12_06_17:05:42.860   076.114.240.xxx   buffalo sabres RULE!
2007_12_06_17:05:50.801   069.114.077.xxx   Yo, You Rule
2007_12_06_17:05:51.074   082.036.148.xxx   Tina, why don't you love me?
2007_12_06_17:06:00.481   076.088.026.xxx   roses are red, violets are blue, this is pretty cool, is it real too?
2007_12_06_17:06:17.768   081.158.153.xxx   will you marry me louise???
2007_12_06_17:06:19.894   082.036.162.xxx   because you are horrible to me
2007_12_06_17:06:42.313   082.036.148.xxx   I am not horrible, I love YOU!!
2007_12_06_17:06:50.346   081.158.153.xxx   YES!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_17:06:57.171   075.047.077.xxx   lalalalalalala
2007_12_06_17:07:01.122   065.029.210.xxx   Greetings to all!
2007_12_06_17:07:21.919   072.188.122.xxx   hello from orlando
2007_12_06_17:07:32.243   069.125.154.xxx   noel noel
2007_12_06_17:07:38.053   065.029.210.xxx   Hello from Cincinanti!
2007_12_06_17:07:47.522   075.047.077.xxx   hello from oshkosh wisconsin
2007_12_06_17:07:48.778   070.081.003.xxx   Joyeux No___l, de Montr___al!
2007_12_06_17:07:49.707   078.145.183.xxx   Hello fron the united kingdon
2007_12_06_17:07:52.772   143.166.255.xxx   This Site Rocks!  Gotta get onto CNN!
2007_12_06_17:08:03.576   068.009.229.xxx   Hello from Rhode Island
2007_12_06_17:08:17.166   082.036.148.xxx   HELLO FROM WALSALL ROAD!!
2007_12_06_17:08:18.638   065.029.210.xxx   Hello from Russia!
2007_12_06_17:08:31.088   024.209.042.xxx   I Love you Angel
2007_12_06_17:08:41.166   069.125.154.xxx   hello from paterson
2007_12_06_17:08:52.243   068.127.119.xxx   Hello Muddah... Hello Fuddah... Here I am at... Camp Granada
2007_12_06_17:08:59.852   143.166.255.xxx   HEYYYY ABBOTT!!!!!
2007_12_06_17:09:01.672   078.145.183.xxx   hello all from the UK
2007_12_06_17:09:20.037   086.133.112.xxx   hello from london
2007_12_06_17:09:32.671   081.158.153.xxx   Rchard Green Is A legand From Bournemouth uk
2007_12_06_17:09:43.854   068.127.119.xxx   I've been a baaaaaddddddd Boy
2007_12_06_17:09:47.473   078.145.183.xxx   hello from cambridge in the UK
2007_12_06_17:09:47.499   075.036.045.xxx   HELLO FROM SAN DIEGO
2007_12_06_17:10:04.478   068.009.229.xxx   HoHoHo (or for Australians HaHaHa)
2007_12_06_17:10:10.131   071.127.094.xxx   Hi from the FORY
2007_12_06_17:10:11.680   143.166.255.xxx   Abbott & Costello is #1
2007_12_06_17:10:20.455   081.158.153.xxx   good luck ricky hatton
2007_12_06_17:10:23.305   075.036.045.xxx   HI APRIL
2007_12_06_17:10:28.001   068.127.119.xxx   My bum is super smooth
2007_12_06_17:10:41.934   024.141.037.xxx   Hello from Ontario
2007_12_06_17:10:43.555   078.145.183.xxx   hi from cambridge in the UK___
2007_12_06_17:10:53.155   075.036.045.xxx   i LOVE DAVE
2007_12_06_17:10:55.731   081.158.153.xxx   good luck ricky hatton
2007_12_06_17:11:01.843   071.127.094.xxx   Hello from Fort Wayne Indiana
2007_12_06_17:11:11.623   143.166.255.xxx   It's a Wonderful Life! on ABC!
2007_12_06_17:11:25.065   068.127.119.xxx   my nose smells
2007_12_06_17:11:35.792   024.110.133.xxx   @n@l se______ = great pleasure!
2007_12_06_17:11:47.171   069.115.102.xxx   Live Laugh Love
2007_12_06_17:11:48.347   143.166.255.xxx   Go Avalanche Go!! (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:12:03.011   068.009.229.xxx   i love this site
2007_12_06_17:12:26.102   024.110.133.xxx   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza
2007_12_06_17:12:38.259   143.166.255.xxx   Please don't type Adult related messages!  Kids are watching this! (11)
2007_12_06_17:12:38.957   081.158.153.xxx   Richard Green IS A LEGAND (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:12:57.835   069.115.102.xxx   Haley says Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_17:13:20.657   068.127.119.xxx   I was abducted by aliens and probed=great pleasure
2007_12_06_17:13:26.113   143.166.255.xxx   Please don't type Adult related Messages.. Kids are watching! (12)
2007_12_06_17:13:48.071   082.036.148.xxx   TINA WILL YOU MARRY ME?
2007_12_06_17:14:07.883   143.166.255.xxx   NO (13)
2007_12_06_17:14:21.182   024.110.133.xxx   TINA WILL YOU HAVE @N@L ___ECKZ WITH ME?
2007_12_06_17:14:23.338   068.127.119.xxx   lol
2007_12_06_17:14:35.018   082.036.148.xxx   oh ok.. WELL THANKS FOR ANSWERING ANYWAY
2007_12_06_17:14:59.111   143.166.255.xxx   Maybe in 10 years ok? (14)
2007_12_06_17:15:07.072   082.036.148.xxx   WHAY NOT TINA?
2007_12_06_17:15:11.996   024.110.133.xxx   PROMISE?
2007_12_06_17:15:17.397   070.226.099.xxx   why is one web cam off line?
2007_12_06_17:15:38.046   143.166.255.xxx   Because I am Not really into Marriage.. just for the Money (15)
2007_12_06_17:15:40.378   082.036.148.xxx   I LOVE TINA PACE (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:15:51.105   071.127.094.xxx   Merry Christmas, Eddie Harrington
2007_12_06_17:15:53.455   024.110.133.xxx   I LOVE TINA PACE TOO!
2007_12_06_17:15:56.445   069.115.102.xxx   Your tracking number is being recorded potty mouth
2007_12_06_17:16:25.789   068.127.119.xxx   i love karen
2007_12_06_17:16:28.389   082.036.148.xxx   TINA, WILL YOU MARTY CHRIS? (11)
2007_12_06_17:16:29.656   024.110.133.xxx   I'm tracking your numbers non-potty mouth!
2007_12_06_17:16:32.672   143.166.255.xxx   yea.. keep it clean boys and girls.. (16)
2007_12_06_17:16:47.893   071.040.143.xxx   Happy Holidays
2007_12_06_17:17:03.662   024.110.133.xxx   kids aren't stupid enough to watch this, their too busy playing WoW
2007_12_06_17:17:30.602   143.166.255.xxx   not everyone Likes WoW (17)
2007_12_06_17:17:42.926   074.128.148.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_17:17:46.433   024.110.133.xxx   but all children do.
2007_12_06_17:17:53.696   067.149.252.xxx   Hi Julia
2007_12_06_17:18:18.645   071.202.255.xxx   Happy Holidays from rainy California
2007_12_06_17:18:30.161   076.244.162.xxx   hes not here, lets steal stuff
2007_12_06_17:18:36.961   070.226.099.xxx   who is being the potty mouth? just asken?
2007_12_06_17:18:38.669   074.128.148.xxx   Merry Christmas from Burlington, KY
2007_12_06_17:18:45.153   082.036.148.xxx   TINA (12)
2007_12_06_17:18:46.752   075.047.077.xxx   ok
2007_12_06_17:18:58.432   074.135.179.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_17:19:02.061   211.026.221.xxx   heeeeeeea!
2007_12_06_17:19:12.899   189.154.073.xxx   hola amigos... lol
2007_12_06_17:19:21.771   143.166.255.xxx   I George Bush, hereby Donate 1,000,000 Dollars :) (18)
2007_12_06_17:19:22.408   076.244.162.xxx   dibs on hulk
2007_12_06_17:19:30.418   070.226.099.xxx   don't steel any stuff he has a great show.
2007_12_06_17:19:32.790   075.047.077.xxx   chris pirillo is cool
2007_12_06_17:19:49.878   189.154.073.xxx   wheres this house
2007_12_06_17:20:02.707   143.166.255.xxx   In Colorado (19)
2007_12_06_17:20:10.698   075.047.077.xxx   on the moon
2007_12_06_17:20:26.160   189.154.073.xxx   is it a populated place?
2007_12_06_17:20:40.924   066.227.136.xxx   n
2007_12_06_17:20:43.262   143.166.255.xxx   I think it has about a few Million people, so yea (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:21:06.938   189.154.073.xxx   but i mean the real house
2007_12_06_17:21:08.573   075.047.077.xxx   yes the moon is popular
2007_12_06_17:21:13.136   068.078.106.xxx   Hello all - Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_17:21:13.455   070.226.099.xxx   DON'T STEEL ANYTHING PLEASE!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_17:21:21.068   069.114.077.xxx   Yo
2007_12_06_17:21:31.254   074.128.148.xxx   Hi Klos
2007_12_06_17:21:40.632   075.047.077.xxx   darn (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:21:41.107   076.017.134.xxx   Fish, the other thing to eat.
2007_12_06_17:21:48.742   143.166.255.xxx   Merry Christmas from a small City called Spruce Grove, AB Canada! (21)
2007_12_06_17:21:52.055   076.231.122.xxx   hate
2007_12_06_17:22:05.788   082.036.148.xxx   TINA? (13)
2007_12_06_17:22:15.007   143.166.255.xxx   yes? (22)
2007_12_06_17:22:22.896   075.047.077.xxx   hi from oshkosh wisconsin (11)
2007_12_06_17:22:31.286   068.196.149.xxx   Happy Holidays From Quintano Media
2007_12_06_17:22:39.883   082.036.148.xxx   Tina (14)
2007_12_06_17:22:51.706   143.166.255.xxx   yes? (23)
2007_12_06_17:22:59.352   068.196.149.xxx   visit LINK DELETED
2007_12_06_17:23:05.108   082.036.148.xxx   Call me (15)
2007_12_06_17:23:21.495   068.078.106.xxx   Hello
2007_12_06_17:23:24.051   143.166.255.xxx   On the line.. call me any time! (24)
2007_12_06_17:23:26.498   068.196.149.xxx   visit justin dot tv
2007_12_06_17:23:30.881   076.017.134.xxx   My cat ate your cat.
2007_12_06_17:23:32.710   075.047.077.xxx   come see chris pirillo @ LINK DELETED (12)
2007_12_06_17:23:37.918   082.036.148.xxx   Call me tina (16)
2007_12_06_17:23:49.749   143.166.255.xxx   ok, you're Tina (25)
2007_12_06_17:23:56.169   134.024.147.xxx   Merry Christmass
2007_12_06_17:24:03.296   074.128.148.xxx   tina
2007_12_06_17:24:07.161   075.047.077.xxx   hehe (13)
2007_12_06_17:24:17.838   082.036.148.xxx   ha ha very funy (17)
2007_12_06_17:24:24.755   024.129.221.xxx   Calling All Cops FTW
2007_12_06_17:24:29.655   206.195.188.xxx   Aloha
2007_12_06_17:24:51.535   024.129.221.xxx   Calling All Cops FTW
2007_12_06_17:24:59.730   086.014.251.xxx   ntl
2007_12_06_17:25:04.333   068.217.253.xxx   Merry Christmas Jim
2007_12_06_17:25:08.749   143.166.255.xxx   Watch CSI on TV tonight! (26)
2007_12_06_17:25:17.532   075.047.077.xxx   come see chris pirillo @ live dot pirillo dot cp, (14)
2007_12_06_17:25:24.265   074.128.148.xxx   will do
2007_12_06_17:25:41.111   143.166.255.xxx   LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!! :( (27)
2007_12_06_17:26:07.002   064.107.077.xxx   ???
2007_12_06_17:26:09.528   076.017.134.xxx   It's Christmas time, where are squirls?
2007_12_06_17:26:11.876   206.195.188.xxx   Merry Chrismas from Hawaii
2007_12_06_17:26:19.911   068.151.020.xxx   Yeah! Leave Britney alone! Out in the desert! in a box! dead!
2007_12_06_17:26:24.565   075.047.077.xxx   come see chris pirillo @ live dot pirillo dot com (15)
2007_12_06_17:26:48.489   143.166.255.xxx   Hi, this is Britney Spears.. and I like watching this! (28)
2007_12_06_17:27:18.819   064.203.189.xxx   Hello from Mia in Virginia!
2007_12_06_17:27:48.568   068.038.070.xxx   hey from NEW JERSEY!
2007_12_06_17:27:51.996   074.132.049.xxx   Hello from Berne IN
2007_12_06_17:28:12.406   143.166.255.xxx   Hello from beyond the Grave.... oooohhhh (29)
2007_12_06_17:28:52.525   206.195.188.xxx   Melekalikimaka
2007_12_06_17:28:53.869   076.244.162.xxx   youd better watch out
2007_12_06_17:28:54.475   202.146.008.xxx   this is really cool
2007_12_06_17:28:58.805   143.166.255.xxx   My Hot Dog has a First name, it's H O M E R! (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:29:11.724   190.042.026.xxx   IM ONLINE
2007_12_06_17:29:32.554   143.166.255.xxx   My Hot dog has a 2nd name, it's H O M E R! (31)
2007_12_06_17:29:39.650   121.044.077.xxx   I AM CITIZEN DONUT!
2007_12_06_17:29:53.499   076.244.162.xxx   if a fat girl falls in the woods
2007_12_06_17:29:56.502   068.217.253.xxx   I Love U Jim...
2007_12_06_17:30:01.896   082.036.162.xxx   krispy kreme doughnuts rule
2007_12_06_17:30:02.365   143.166.255.xxx   ok gotta go home!!  have fun :) (32)
2007_12_06_17:30:15.424   202.146.008.xxx   hello from aus!
2007_12_06_17:30:28.815   024.166.073.xxx   Merry Christmas!!
2007_12_06_17:30:29.511   068.038.070.xxx   Hi From the great state of JERSEY!
2007_12_06_17:30:32.663   121.044.077.xxx   ellos from Aus too!
2007_12_06_17:30:48.292   202.146.008.xxx   wish i could do this at my house
2007_12_06_17:30:51.007   206.195.188.xxx   Hope Everyone Is Doing Well
2007_12_06_17:32:17.701   067.149.166.xxx   hello all
2007_12_06_17:32:57.238   075.047.077.xxx   yo yo yo yo (16)
2007_12_06_17:33:06.537   068.047.083.xxx   Merry Christmas from South Carolina!
2007_12_06_17:33:29.411   064.107.077.xxx   Homer killed himself after too much midi.
2007_12_06_17:33:43.524   066.194.065.xxx   This is awesome!
2007_12_06_17:34:14.770   066.194.065.xxx   Merry Christmas from Bellevue, WA!!
2007_12_06_17:34:15.355   075.047.077.xxx   ho ho ho! merry christmas (17)
2007_12_06_17:34:44.816   068.009.229.xxx   im surprised he doesn't pop a breaker or blow a fuse
2007_12_06_17:35:09.292   068.202.092.xxx   Hello from Orlando!
2007_12_06_17:35:34.337   068.196.149.xxx   anthony quintano here aim mrquintano2u
2007_12_06_17:35:40.850   066.057.102.xxx   Merry xmas Lars
2007_12_06_17:36:12.260   198.053.124.xxx   eat a d*** hahahahahaha!
2007_12_06_17:36:27.739   066.057.102.xxx   cold in Boone ?
2007_12_06_17:36:30.261   152.010.180.xxx   Merry xmas dad
2007_12_06_17:36:36.543   210.015.230.xxx   Hello Australia
2007_12_06_17:36:36.786   068.217.001.xxx   wow you guys are losers!
2007_12_06_17:36:49.928   198.053.124.xxx   =( that's rude
2007_12_06_17:36:52.609   068.245.233.xxx   i shat myself
2007_12_06_17:36:56.156   152.010.180.xxx   cold and snowy
2007_12_06_17:37:23.308   198.053.124.xxx   anyone want to cyber
2007_12_06_17:37:48.475   068.009.229.xxx   man this thing is overloading a-lot
2007_12_06_17:38:12.815   068.245.233.xxx   13f want 2 bone?
2007_12_06_17:38:16.523   068.217.001.xxx   theres soo many people on at once
2007_12_06_17:38:20.169   068.230.183.xxx   Ho Ho Ho from cold and wintry Falls Church VA
2007_12_06_17:38:52.984   068.217.001.xxx   turn everything off
2007_12_06_17:39:51.811   210.015.230.xxx   bleh bleh bleh
2007_12_06_17:40:19.023   210.015.230.xxx   FU AE
2007_12_06_17:40:22.588   068.047.089.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_17:40:43.785   067.124.036.xxx   hi santa
2007_12_06_17:41:19.475   068.047.089.xxx   Rick Atwell is the BEST!
2007_12_06_17:41:54.184   206.195.188.xxx   mele kalikimaka
2007_12_06_17:42:10.108   071.127.094.xxx   hello from fort wayne indiana
2007_12_06_17:42:22.987   075.047.077.xxx   humm this is veeeeeery interesting (18)
2007_12_06_17:42:33.013   068.217.001.xxx   wonder if the inflatable motors will blow?
2007_12_06_17:43:01.358   206.195.188.xxx   aloha from hawaii, ilk
2007_12_06_17:43:20.041   068.047.089.xxx   Rick Atwell is the BEST husband!
2007_12_06_17:43:33.727   068.009.229.xxx   hey from Rhode Island
2007_12_06_17:44:06.906   076.194.009.xxx   pretty cool
2007_12_06_17:45:17.991   068.009.229.xxx   Kryptonite by 3 doors down rox
2007_12_06_17:46:55.723   075.047.077.xxx   humm this is veeeeeery interesting (19)
2007_12_06_17:47:23.172   066.194.065.xxx   Happy Holidays - good luck with your fundraising efforts.
2007_12_06_17:47:31.407   068.009.229.xxx   so many overloads (i'm surprised i haven't) for some readon no matter what it s
2007_12_06_17:48:21.075   075.047.077.xxx   i wonder if the lights infront of the cam is controllible (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:49:15.452   024.092.250.xxx   this is the most insane thing i have ever seen and i love it
2007_12_06_17:49:38.714   068.009.229.xxx   for anyone who goes to hackaday i submitted this (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:51:00.624   024.092.250.xxx   this is the most insane thing i have ever seen and i love it
2007_12_06_17:51:33.134   068.009.229.xxx   this thing is bugged from all of the trafic (11)
2007_12_06_17:53:39.799   068.009.229.xxx   there its working for me again (12)
2007_12_06_17:53:50.885   072.133.037.xxx   Cameron knight wants to know where his Santa letter is?
2007_12_06_17:54:52.423   012.208.203.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_17:54:54.207   072.133.037.xxx   Hi Santa
2007_12_06_17:55:17.177   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, for all your MMO needs (13)
2007_12_06_17:55:42.455   069.181.046.xxx   someone doesn't like christmas lights
2007_12_06_17:56:13.732   076.244.162.xxx   he sees you when youre sleeping
2007_12_06_17:56:14.577   068.009.229.xxx   christmas lights are santa's landing strip (14)
2007_12_06_17:56:43.847   067.185.076.xxx   jeff rules
2007_12_06_17:56:52.803   076.244.162.xxx   he knows when youre awake
2007_12_06_17:57:34.115   076.244.162.xxx   he knows if youve been bad or good
2007_12_06_17:57:58.552   082.036.148.xxx   NIGHT TINA. X (18)
2007_12_06_17:58:24.005   076.244.162.xxx   so be good for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_17:58:25.315   131.181.251.xxx   Hey fluff
2007_12_06_17:58:34.207   068.092.213.xxx   psycho bob
2007_12_06_17:58:42.936   063.211.201.xxx   bob dole
2007_12_06_17:59:01.058   076.244.162.xxx   ohhhhhhhhhh youd better watch out
2007_12_06_17:59:36.106   076.244.162.xxx   youd better not cry (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_17:59:46.126   063.211.201.xxx   bob dole
2007_12_06_18:00:09.430   068.092.213.xxx   i love my babysweets
2007_12_06_18:00:18.737   076.244.162.xxx   youd better not pout (11)
2007_12_06_18:00:54.117   076.244.162.xxx   im tellin you why (12)
2007_12_06_18:01:21.636   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, for all your MMO needs (15)
2007_12_06_18:01:34.617   076.244.162.xxx   SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (13)
2007_12_06_18:01:52.116   128.237.224.xxx   Test
2007_12_06_18:01:53.060   072.133.037.xxx   f***
2007_12_06_18:02:48.887   068.092.213.xxx   TURN EVERYTHING OFF!!!!!!
2007_12_06_18:03:51.223   070.137.199.xxx   Does this really work ? lol
2007_12_06_18:03:54.332   068.009.229.xxx   hey theres our favorite guy (16)
2007_12_06_18:04:13.800   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Turn everything ON!!! ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_18:04:24.427   068.092.213.xxx   Hey what's up mister man
2007_12_06_18:04:34.376   068.009.229.xxx   its a little bugged tonight, im a* uming from all the trafic (17)
2007_12_06_18:05:03.821   070.137.199.xxx   i wonder how high his bill is going to be
2007_12_06_18:05:12.535   068.009.229.xxx   it pretty much always tells me that i sent a command less than (18)
2007_12_06_18:05:13.358   068.092.213.xxx   turn it all OFFFFFF
2007_12_06_18:05:36.249   068.009.229.xxx   3 seconds (19)
2007_12_06_18:06:16.637   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Electric bill is about three dollars a day ... REALLY - see the FAQ ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_18:06:16.868   068.009.229.xxx   seems to be working better now (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_18:06:28.899   072.224.069.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_18:06:41.245   075.118.160.xxx   COD 4 on PC RULZ..Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_18:06:50.845   068.092.213.xxx   the santa step ladder is really cool, i used to have one
2007_12_06_18:08:25.616   072.224.069.xxx   this is such a cool idea - must drive the neighbors nuts
2007_12_06_18:09:19.366   075.073.166.xxx   Bubba from Eden Prairie says Hi!
2007_12_06_18:09:23.762   068.009.229.xxx   i wish i could do this, my neighbors already hate us (21)
2007_12_06_18:09:40.288   068.039.199.xxx   Hi from NJ!
2007_12_06_18:10:52.267   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Got Stepping Santa from Costco. Time for dinner - have fun with the lights! ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_18:11:03.299   075.073.166.xxx   My wife is Bah Humbug!
2007_12_06_18:11:44.855   075.073.166.xxx   This site ROCKS.. you are truly a geek I look up to!  -Bubba
2007_12_06_18:12:14.003   068.092.213.xxx   turn it all OFF!!!
2007_12_06_18:12:23.491   141.149.052.xxx   TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_18:12:28.125   138.077.002.xxx   hohoho it's off to work I go
2007_12_06_18:12:32.940   085.181.228.xxx   Hello from Germany
2007_12_06_18:12:47.382   075.073.166.xxx   Hello Germany!  -Bubba
2007_12_06_18:12:48.546   068.092.213.xxx   see if we can turn it all off!!!
2007_12_06_18:12:52.789   065.035.166.xxx   Excellent Job Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_18:13:15.023   138.077.002.xxx   hoho from tropical north australia :-)
2007_12_06_18:13:18.814   099.240.035.xxx   Hello from the Great White North
2007_12_06_18:13:32.880   075.073.166.xxx   Welcome Ozland!  -Buba
2007_12_06_18:13:55.435   068.092.213.xxx   YES, it was all OFF!!!!
2007_12_06_18:13:59.586   069.251.080.xxx   Hello from B'more!
2007_12_06_18:14:19.495   075.073.166.xxx   Weather in Eden Prairie, MN  10 degrees... brrrrr
2007_12_06_18:14:59.840   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, for all your MMO needs (22)
2007_12_06_18:15:00.670   138.077.002.xxx   weather in Mackay, Australia 27deg c and sunny :-)
2007_12_06_18:15:15.153   069.251.080.xxx   Happy Birthday Jesus!
2007_12_06_18:15:20.780   075.073.166.xxx   wish I was in Aussie!  -Bubba
2007_12_06_18:15:35.879   085.181.228.xxx   Germany, 8___C and raining
2007_12_06_18:15:42.498   068.009.229.xxx   wish i was outside this house (23)
2007_12_06_18:16:01.080   072.049.141.xxx   Go Bucks!
2007_12_06_18:16:17.423   075.073.166.xxx   No... Go Gophers!
2007_12_06_18:16:34.755   072.049.141.xxx   Screw the Gophers!
2007_12_06_18:16:42.744   070.153.114.xxx   GO Wolfpack!!!
2007_12_06_18:16:45.765   075.073.166.xxx   Go Vikes!
2007_12_06_18:16:49.916   068.009.229.xxx   go badgers (24)
2007_12_06_18:16:56.334   070.226.099.xxx   who wanted to rob aleks decorations?
2007_12_06_18:17:12.089   075.073.166.xxx   Cheeseheads.... (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_18:17:17.796   099.241.007.xxx   Not me!
2007_12_06_18:17:39.298   068.009.229.xxx   i didnt i just wana see them in person (25)
2007_12_06_18:18:27.876   070.226.099.xxx   see who in person?
2007_12_06_18:18:32.501   075.073.166.xxx   Looks like Christmas came over to Aleks house and threw up!  Love it! (11)
2007_12_06_18:18:42.689   068.009.229.xxx   the decorations (26)
2007_12_06_18:19:16.952   071.252.255.xxx   allison is cool
2007_12_06_18:19:41.016   075.073.166.xxx   who's Allison? (12)
2007_12_06_18:19:53.241   064.198.245.xxx   i'm allison
2007_12_06_18:20:00.323   071.252.255.xxx   i love dad
2007_12_06_18:20:16.847   075.073.166.xxx   Bubba says hi Allison!  Merry Christmas! (13)
2007_12_06_18:20:17.673   064.198.245.xxx   i love you
2007_12_06_18:20:48.780   068.009.229.xxx   im out (27)
2007_12_06_18:21:00.388   064.198.245.xxx   Christmas is the 13th in 820
2007_12_06_18:21:01.461   075.073.166.xxx   Santa Bubba says.... Go Vikes! (14)
2007_12_06_18:21:12.767   070.090.230.xxx   hello from murfreesboro, TN
2007_12_06_18:21:13.535   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, for all your MMO needs (28)
2007_12_06_18:21:18.957   071.252.255.xxx   spencer  is cool
2007_12_06_18:21:47.260   064.198.245.xxx   no he's not
2007_12_06_18:22:16.469   070.143.041.xxx   remember the reason for the season
2007_12_06_18:23:15.298   067.169.104.xxx   i like bacon
2007_12_06_18:23:27.285   075.047.077.xxx   life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you are going to get (21)
2007_12_06_18:23:53.268   067.169.104.xxx   life is like a pan a of bacon
2007_12_06_18:24:29.520   071.055.178.xxx   Testing testing 1-2-3!!
2007_12_06_18:24:41.086   070.090.230.xxx   hello from brian
2007_12_06_18:24:41.835   069.107.104.xxx   Test
2007_12_06_18:25:00.221   075.047.077.xxx   life is like a live dot LINK DELETED (22)
2007_12_06_18:25:02.704   070.058.013.xxx   Hello from Loveland Colorado
2007_12_06_18:25:43.658   070.058.013.xxx   God Bless our Troops!!!
2007_12_06_18:25:49.510   069.107.104.xxx   Greetings From Fairfield, CA
2007_12_06_18:25:50.587   064.198.245.xxx   Hi Loveland, GWF!!!
2007_12_06_18:26:37.204   070.058.013.xxx   GWF???
2007_12_06_18:26:49.010   075.047.077.xxx   testing 1-2-3  testing 1-2-3testing 1-2-3testing 1-2-3 (23)
2007_12_06_18:26:57.920   064.198.245.xxx   Group Workcamps
2007_12_06_18:27:08.107   069.107.104.xxx   Fairfield Sends Warm Wishes
2007_12_06_18:27:36.888   075.047.077.xxx   Outside Weather at 18:27:12 Mountain Time - Metric (24)
2007_12_06_18:27:39.024   209.169.212.xxx   Merry Christmas Kage n' Kaylee
2007_12_06_18:28:29.965   064.198.245.xxx   And the same to you
2007_12_06_18:28:36.122   075.118.160.xxx   Erica was here
2007_12_06_18:28:55.366   069.140.255.xxx   ROFL!
2007_12_06_18:29:01.196   075.047.077.xxx   393 comments on the Christmas Blog - latest is: (25)
2007_12_06_18:29:24.734   071.055.178.xxx   great site - lots of fun.  Thanks!  Good Luck w/the cause
2007_12_06_18:29:31.402   065.035.166.xxx   I Love Melissa
2007_12_06_18:29:55.605   071.055.178.xxx   Hey - I Love Melissa too!
2007_12_06_18:30:04.758   065.035.166.xxx   I LOVE CHRIS
2007_12_06_18:30:21.695   098.203.060.xxx   I love John
2007_12_06_18:30:22.776   071.055.178.xxx   hey - I love Chris too!
2007_12_06_18:30:38.155   075.047.077.xxx   My kids have an autoimmune disorder called Celiac Disease. So please consider a (26)
2007_12_06_18:30:56.642   071.055.178.xxx   But most of all... I love me :P
2007_12_06_18:31:23.737   075.047.077.xxx   no love santa (27)
2007_12_06_18:31:45.636   065.035.166.xxx   I LOVE ME TOO!!!
2007_12_06_18:32:14.839   071.202.255.xxx   please don't drink and drive this holiday season
2007_12_06_18:32:16.075   071.055.178.xxx   hey - we turned it all out!!
2007_12_06_18:32:27.352   075.047.077.xxx   375 people viewing Christmas Lights - HOLY MOLEY! (28)
2007_12_06_18:33:14.985   071.055.178.xxx   merry christmas to all....    and to all a good night
2007_12_06_18:34:34.589   071.224.198.xxx   HAPPY Channukah and Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_18:35:00.594   071.224.198.xxx   YEAH!
2007_12_06_18:36:06.980   075.047.077.xxx   Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana phone (29)
2007_12_06_18:37:02.735   070.226.099.xxx   poop head
2007_12_06_18:37:23.761   070.226.099.xxx   jooking
2007_12_06_18:37:32.947   081.103.143.xxx   hi!!! merry christmas
2007_12_06_18:37:40.449   075.047.077.xxx   hehe (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_18:38:09.228   098.203.060.xxx   God Bless
2007_12_06_18:38:16.108   012.019.113.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_18:38:19.532   075.047.077.xxx   i know (31)
2007_12_06_18:39:04.407   024.015.093.xxx   a million dollars!
2007_12_06_18:39:26.857   071.207.191.xxx   Who has a million dollars?? I want a million dollars!
2007_12_06_18:39:50.193   024.015.093.xxx   donating it for you!
2007_12_06_18:42:00.101   071.207.191.xxx   Homer has a complex
2007_12_06_18:43:06.767   071.207.191.xxx   Yay Homer's back!
2007_12_06_18:43:11.673   070.139.220.xxx   lies and haxs
2007_12_06_18:43:33.726   069.158.025.xxx   halo is a pretty cool guy.
2007_12_06_18:43:44.081   071.207.191.xxx   OMG H4XOR5 0N T3H Y0UR PC?
2007_12_06_18:43:44.100   024.015.093.xxx   cheats and tricks!
2007_12_06_18:44:11.667   024.015.093.xxx   music is my boyfriend
2007_12_06_18:44:46.151   071.207.191.xxx   STOP KILLING HOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_18:45:25.026   024.015.093.xxx   i'd be so annoyed if i  lived across the street from this house
2007_12_06_18:45:34.277   074.139.115.xxx   Poor Homer.
2007_12_06_18:46:01.779   071.207.191.xxx   Yeah.
2007_12_06_18:46:07.194   074.139.115.xxx   Bob Gough got fired!
2007_12_06_18:47:39.654   074.139.115.xxx   This is crazy.
2007_12_06_18:47:56.661   081.103.143.xxx   hola
2007_12_06_18:48:10.358   075.047.077.xxx   lfe is sometimes boring (32)
2007_12_06_18:48:43.307   081.103.143.xxx   bonjour!!! cana
2007_12_06_18:48:51.209   069.140.094.xxx   hi hulkster!
2007_12_06_18:48:52.477   075.047.077.xxx   well maybe (33)
2007_12_06_18:49:11.272   071.207.191.xxx   +1
2007_12_06_18:49:18.945   081.103.143.xxx   gutan tag
2007_12_06_18:49:20.764   067.169.104.xxx   xkcd
2007_12_06_18:49:44.260   071.207.191.xxx   xfce
2007_12_06_18:49:59.023   081.103.143.xxx   lol
2007_12_06_18:50:03.276   067.169.104.xxx   xkcd
2007_12_06_18:50:41.145   071.207.191.xxx   KDE 4.o0
2007_12_06_18:51:18.920   067.015.157.xxx   XKCD FTW
2007_12_06_18:51:39.330   071.207.191.xxx   GNOME 2.22 ON LINUX FTW (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_18:52:08.862   081.103.143.xxx   d'oh
2007_12_06_18:52:10.110   067.015.157.xxx   Gizmodo
2007_12_06_18:52:10.857   071.207.191.xxx   Kernel 2.6.22-14 generic (11)
2007_12_06_18:52:18.631   076.175.006.xxx   Merry Christmas from the Conners
2007_12_06_18:52:35.561   076.010.168.xxx   bing bing bong!!!
2007_12_06_18:52:42.372   081.103.143.xxx   merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_18:52:54.240   067.015.157.xxx   Merry Christmas from the Uselessninjas
2007_12_06_18:53:24.812   071.207.191.xxx   Useless Ninjas? Must be the Ninja of Beverly Hills (12)
2007_12_06_18:53:45.226   067.015.157.xxx   uselessnijas dot com
2007_12_06_18:54:15.756   067.169.104.xxx   awesome site
2007_12_06_18:54:26.159   071.207.191.xxx   I SAID STOP KILLING HO9MER (13)
2007_12_06_18:54:34.194   076.010.168.xxx   eat my shorts!
2007_12_06_18:55:02.265   072.192.205.xxx   testing testing...
2007_12_06_18:55:06.116   067.169.104.xxx   POD
2007_12_06_18:55:12.398   071.207.191.xxx   I DON'T WANT A LARGE FARVA! (14)
2007_12_06_18:55:48.641   070.160.053.xxx   Merry Christmas fromm Nate
2007_12_06_18:56:13.244   071.207.191.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ROD FARVA (15)
2007_12_06_18:56:46.395   075.187.105.xxx   Merry Christmas from Ponzios!
2007_12_06_18:56:54.700   076.175.006.xxx   Favorite Xmas movie?
2007_12_06_18:57:18.155   071.207.191.xxx   Oh noes! Someone haxorzed ChristmasCam1 :( (16)
2007_12_06_18:57:32.965   081.103.143.xxx   y is cam 1 off
2007_12_06_18:58:03.497   071.238.054.xxx   YEA
2007_12_06_18:58:07.367   024.255.059.xxx   Favorite XMas movie: A Christmas Story
2007_12_06_18:58:07.696   081.103.143.xxx   oh no  its not
2007_12_06_18:58:30.726   071.238.054.xxx   Yes it id
2007_12_06_18:58:44.699   081.103.143.xxx   hi whoever said that (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_18:58:48.067   076.252.066.xxx   DJ x2o
2007_12_06_18:59:06.698   071.238.054.xxx   Hi From Flushing, MI
2007_12_06_18:59:26.884   071.207.191.xxx   Do people flush a lot there (17)
2007_12_06_18:59:34.951   076.252.066.xxx   FOWLERVILLE, MI
2007_12_06_18:59:44.796   071.238.054.xxx   hahahaha... NO!!!!!!
2007_12_06_18:59:58.555   071.207.191.xxx   Awww :( (18)
2007_12_06_19:00:05.918   075.187.105.xxx   Hello Bruce!
2007_12_06_19:00:26.361   081.103.143.xxx   is there any 1 on this from northern ireland (11)
2007_12_06_19:00:30.532   075.094.105.xxx   hello...rochester new york
2007_12_06_19:00:45.364   072.192.205.xxx   your display rocks
2007_12_06_19:00:46.019   071.207.191.xxx   BTW...AAAAAAAALABAMA BABY (19)
2007_12_06_19:00:58.005   081.103.143.xxx   ???????????????? (12)
2007_12_06_19:01:01.690   024.192.071.xxx   Merry Christmas All from Columbus OH
2007_12_06_19:01:11.441   075.047.077.xxx   lol (34)
2007_12_06_19:01:14.247   071.207.191.xxx   That was supposed to say Alabama (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:01:29.817   075.187.105.xxx   Columbus, OH here too!!!
2007_12_06_19:01:41.584   024.192.071.xxx   Go Bucks!
2007_12_06_19:02:00.564   076.169.108.xxx   ywan
2007_12_06_19:02:00.607   071.207.191.xxx   ROLL TIDE BABY (21)
2007_12_06_19:02:08.109   075.187.105.xxx   The Villages, FL.
2007_12_06_19:02:17.754   203.059.136.xxx   merry christmas all
2007_12_06_19:02:33.064   071.207.191.xxx   Actually I'm an Auburn fan...WAR EAGLE (22)
2007_12_06_19:02:50.927   076.169.108.xxx   foot ball is for girls
2007_12_06_19:02:53.252   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, the Number 1 place for free MMO's (29)
2007_12_06_19:02:58.493   081.103.143.xxx   winnie the pooh!!! lol (13)
2007_12_06_19:03:06.508   024.192.071.xxx   Go Hawaii Warriors! Undefeated!
2007_12_06_19:03:19.086   071.207.191.xxx   Tee Eye Double Guh Err...That spells TIGGER! (23)
2007_12_06_19:03:22.573   075.047.077.xxx   homer the simpsons (35)
2007_12_06_19:03:33.358   081.103.143.xxx   jingle bells jingle bells (14)
2007_12_06_19:03:40.189   071.238.054.xxx   GO LIONS!!!!!!!! LOL
2007_12_06_19:03:43.548   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGER IS BETTER (24)
2007_12_06_19:04:03.143   081.103.143.xxx   jingle all the way (15)
2007_12_06_19:04:16.713   071.207.191.xxx   Lions? as in UNA Lions? (25)
2007_12_06_19:04:18.826   075.047.077.xxx   go tigger go! (36)
2007_12_06_19:04:18.904   071.238.054.xxx   Yep alot all the way for the tigers this year
2007_12_06_19:04:31.882   081.103.143.xxx   no pooh is lol (16)
2007_12_06_19:04:39.220   024.192.071.xxx   sunsets of hawaii .com for xmas gifts
2007_12_06_19:04:42.789   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGER (26)
2007_12_06_19:04:54.564   075.047.077.xxx   tigger is cool! (37)
2007_12_06_19:04:57.754   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (17)
2007_12_06_19:05:05.952   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, the Number 1 place for free MMO's (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:05:18.967   024.192.071.xxx   shaka mad, shaka real mad
2007_12_06_19:05:22.541   071.238.054.xxx   AND GO FLUSHING RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_19:05:34.545   075.047.077.xxx   go packers go! (38)
2007_12_06_19:05:36.274   071.207.191.xxx   k enough spam (27)
2007_12_06_19:05:40.773   068.009.229.xxx   i love this site (31)
2007_12_06_19:05:46.389   081.103.143.xxx   POOH POOH POOH POOH POOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (18)
2007_12_06_19:05:54.489   024.192.071.xxx   sunsets of hawaii dot com for xmas gifts
2007_12_06_19:06:05.310   071.207.191.xxx   Poo poo? EWWWW! (28)
2007_12_06_19:06:11.501   068.221.053.xxx   PITTSBURGH!!!!
2007_12_06_19:06:18.899   075.047.077.xxx   tigger tigger tigger tigger tigger tigger tigger (39)
2007_12_06_19:06:24.315   081.103.143.xxx   NO WINNIE THE POOH (19)
2007_12_06_19:06:25.803   071.238.054.xxx   I love this site so kool
2007_12_06_19:06:26.297   024.192.071.xxx   You got some pooh on your shoe
2007_12_06_19:06:31.039   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGER (29)
2007_12_06_19:06:59.329   024.192.071.xxx   Tigger wipes pooh off his b***
2007_12_06_19:07:05.654   071.207.191.xxx   Actually...PIGLET FTW (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:07:08.034   075.047.077.xxx   you got some pooh on your hands (40 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:07:09.070   066.227.136.xxx   Sent is number of X10 commands (toggle power on/off) sent by web surfers
2007_12_06_19:07:18.804   081.103.143.xxx   WHO IS THIS I'M TALKING 2 ABOUT TIGGER 7 POOH (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:07:30.948   071.207.191.xxx   PIGLET FTW (31)
2007_12_06_19:07:59.857   075.047.077.xxx   winnie the pooh pooh! (41)
2007_12_06_19:08:06.216   068.009.229.xxx   Rhode Island Represent (32)
2007_12_06_19:08:10.578   081.103.143.xxx   POOH!!!!!!!!!!!! (21)
2007_12_06_19:08:13.275   071.238.054.xxx   TIGERS,Lions, bear oh my!! LOL
2007_12_06_19:08:17.022   024.192.071.xxx   Piglet would taste the best
2007_12_06_19:08:20.472   071.207.191.xxx   Alabama is better (32)
2007_12_06_19:08:38.957   081.103.143.xxx   AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! (22)
2007_12_06_19:08:42.204   075.047.077.xxx   Outside Weather at 19:08:21 Mountain Time - Metric (42)
2007_12_06_19:08:42.962   068.221.053.xxx   STEELERS!
2007_12_06_19:08:49.061   024.192.071.xxx   Ohio is #1 (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:08:56.483   071.238.054.xxx   LIONS (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:09:00.949   071.207.191.xxx   NO way.  PATRIOTS ARE BETTER (33)
2007_12_06_19:09:10.493   068.221.053.xxx   SEE YOU SUNDAY!
2007_12_06_19:09:11.180   068.009.229.xxx   man his neighbors must hair us (33)
2007_12_06_19:09:17.724   024.192.071.xxx   Go Bucks! (11)
2007_12_06_19:09:32.582   071.207.191.xxx   GO RED SOX (34)
2007_12_06_19:09:32.974   075.047.077.xxx   My kids have an autoimmune disorder called Celiac Disease. So please consider a (43)
2007_12_06_19:09:34.382   081.103.143.xxx   POOH POOH POOH POOH POOH POOH POOH POOH (23)
2007_12_06_19:10:02.663   024.192.071.xxx   piglet tastes best (12)
2007_12_06_19:10:08.513   071.207.191.xxx   red sox (35)
2007_12_06_19:10:09.274   072.183.102.xxx   Eleanor Maude is back again!
2007_12_06_19:10:15.770   081.103.143.xxx   POOH ALL THE WAY (24)
2007_12_06_19:10:20.520   075.047.077.xxx   in and out it is all about (44)
2007_12_06_19:10:34.324   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGER!!!!!!!!! (36)
2007_12_06_19:10:36.662   024.192.071.xxx   You eat your pooh. I will have some piglets on the grill. (13)
2007_12_06_19:10:57.514   081.103.143.xxx   SICK (25)
2007_12_06_19:10:58.351   071.207.191.xxx   tigger (37)
2007_12_06_19:11:06.486   068.221.053.xxx   Wow that's getting old!
2007_12_06_19:11:24.909   024.192.071.xxx   Where does this dude park his car? (14)
2007_12_06_19:11:27.215   081.103.143.xxx   POOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (26)
2007_12_06_19:11:37.578   075.047.077.xxx   325 people viewing Christmas Lights - HOLY MOLEY! (45)
2007_12_06_19:11:39.549   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (38)
2007_12_06_19:11:58.612   081.103.143.xxx   POOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (27)
2007_12_06_19:11:59.841   072.183.102.xxx   Eleanor wishes you a Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_19:12:00.414   024.192.071.xxx   Great googley moogley! (15)
2007_12_06_19:12:24.948   071.207.191.xxx   Holy Sweet Mothers Of CHILDREN!!!!! (39)
2007_12_06_19:12:31.916   081.103.143.xxx   POOh!!!!!!!! (28)
2007_12_06_19:12:44.892   024.192.071.xxx   Donate for the kids please. Thanks! (16)
2007_12_06_19:12:49.855   071.207.191.xxx   TIGGEr!!!! (40 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:12:58.788   071.238.054.xxx   324 people viewing Christmas Lights - HOLY MOLEY! (11)
2007_12_06_19:13:02.309   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, the Number 1 place for free MMO's (34)
2007_12_06_19:13:08.832   081.103.143.xxx   y don't u like pooh? (29)
2007_12_06_19:13:23.310   024.126.109.xxx   Hi
2007_12_06_19:13:26.338   071.207.191.xxx   because he's a clumsy bear, tigger is better (41)
2007_12_06_19:13:29.068   075.047.077.xxx   325 people viewing Christmas Lights - HOLY MOLEY! (46)
2007_12_06_19:13:29.905   207.224.032.xxx   hi alek
2007_12_06_19:13:30.476   024.192.071.xxx   please donate (17)
2007_12_06_19:13:56.718   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:14:02.683   024.175.202.xxx   i love this!
2007_12_06_19:14:09.507   071.207.191.xxx   tigger (42)
2007_12_06_19:14:25.041   081.103.143.xxx   owl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (31)
2007_12_06_19:14:25.883   121.223.215.xxx   weeeheehee
2007_12_06_19:14:41.137   024.192.071.xxx   Who would have thought this was more fun than the lights (18)
2007_12_06_19:14:44.883   069.134.201.xxx   ho ho ho
2007_12_06_19:15:01.376   081.103.143.xxx   pooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (32)
2007_12_06_19:15:02.547   121.223.215.xxx   I'm the SpanishBrowne
2007_12_06_19:15:10.071   072.195.177.xxx   hello to   all
2007_12_06_19:15:22.581   069.134.201.xxx   Merry Christmas from NC
2007_12_06_19:15:28.068   075.047.077.xxx   sjkfl'slfj jsdlkf jklajfl'dsklf'jkslfjlk'sdfj lk'dsjf lk'adslfkjaslfjlkasd' fjl (47)
2007_12_06_19:15:29.480   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (33)
2007_12_06_19:16:00.304   075.047.077.xxx   lol (48)
2007_12_06_19:16:01.071   024.192.071.xxx   Anyone want to play with my Wii? (19)
2007_12_06_19:16:13.426   081.103.143.xxx   ya (34)
2007_12_06_19:16:23.040   024.175.202.xxx   n*****
2007_12_06_19:16:27.423   075.047.077.xxx   ok (49)
2007_12_06_19:16:51.118   071.207.191.xxx   HEY TURN THE GARAGE LIGHTS BACK ON (43)
2007_12_06_19:16:54.769   024.175.202.xxx   i love sbegetty
2007_12_06_19:17:07.657   207.224.032.xxx   greta koenig
2007_12_06_19:17:11.947   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (35)
2007_12_06_19:17:13.311   075.047.077.xxx   what is the link?? (50 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:17:32.098   076.252.066.xxx   barbie
2007_12_06_19:17:37.887   071.207.191.xxx   Someone swedish is here!! (44)
2007_12_06_19:17:38.979   081.103.143.xxx   dono (36)
2007_12_06_19:17:40.365   069.134.201.xxx   Durham, NC says hello!
2007_12_06_19:18:06.887   075.047.077.xxx   My kids have an autoimmune disorder called Celiac Disease. So please consider a (51)
2007_12_06_19:18:12.839   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (37)
2007_12_06_19:18:15.645   068.009.229.xxx   West Warwick Rhode Island says hi (35)
2007_12_06_19:18:30.597   099.246.139.xxx   I love you martha!
2007_12_06_19:18:41.683   024.192.071.xxx   Wish you had snow there for your lights. (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:18:44.374   075.047.077.xxx   My kids have an autoimmune disorder called Celiac Disease. So please consider a (52)
2007_12_06_19:19:04.858   076.252.066.xxx   barbie
2007_12_06_19:19:23.827   071.207.191.xxx   KEN (45)
2007_12_06_19:19:32.604   081.103.143.xxx   pooh (38)
2007_12_06_19:19:50.134   071.207.191.xxx   I SAID TIGGER (46)
2007_12_06_19:20:02.240   099.246.139.xxx   HAZA THIS IS AWESOME!
2007_12_06_19:20:05.098   081.103.143.xxx   makka-- pakka (39)
2007_12_06_19:20:07.060   075.047.077.xxx   viva las farting (53)
2007_12_06_19:20:28.871   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, the Number 1 place for free MMO's (36)
2007_12_06_19:20:33.040   081.103.143.xxx   i said pooh (40 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:20:48.892   075.047.077.xxx   oh my god you killed kenny (54)
2007_12_06_19:21:05.001   081.103.143.xxx   uppsy daisy (41)
2007_12_06_19:21:10.467   024.192.071.xxx   pooh (21)
2007_12_06_19:21:11.630   203.166.096.xxx   Merry Christmas from Australia, love the lights
2007_12_06_19:21:37.612   024.192.071.xxx   gday mates (22)
2007_12_06_19:21:40.313   071.207.191.xxx   hey australia, do they have C7 and C9 lights there (47)
2007_12_06_19:21:52.118   068.092.213.xxx   turn everthing OFF!!! (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:22:09.495   203.166.096.xxx   umm I think so, which ones are those?
2007_12_06_19:22:16.897   075.047.077.xxx   oh my god they killed kenny...you bastards! (55)
2007_12_06_19:22:21.447   216.232.224.xxx   Mery Christmas from Canada eh  :)
2007_12_06_19:22:21.928   099.246.139.xxx   binary solo! ****************************************0
2007_12_06_19:22:22.154   068.092.213.xxx   OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF!!!! (11)
2007_12_06_19:22:33.109   071.207.191.xxx   The big ones that are usually 12 inches apart (48)
2007_12_06_19:23:02.551   071.207.191.xxx   That's something I've always wondered about (49)
2007_12_06_19:23:17.383   203.166.096.xxx   oh I thought you meant on one of the cameras, not sure...
2007_12_06_19:23:26.373   206.253.147.xxx   Merry Christmas from SC
2007_12_06_19:23:28.804   075.047.077.xxx   on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! on! (56)
2007_12_06_19:23:35.864   024.192.071.xxx   you have too much time on your hands (23)
2007_12_06_19:23:37.419   071.207.191.xxx   BRB (50 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:23:56.031   099.246.139.xxx   Im sciencing as fast as I can!
2007_12_06_19:24:00.289   024.214.167.xxx   Kelly wuz here!
2007_12_06_19:24:16.076   024.192.071.xxx   blaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh (24)
2007_12_06_19:24:19.481   068.227.212.xxx   p*** off
2007_12_06_19:24:22.115   068.092.213.xxx   what time is it in Australia? (12)
2007_12_06_19:24:26.320   075.047.077.xxx   While I appreciate the folks who have asked if they can donate/PayPal to cover  (57)
2007_12_06_19:24:42.663   075.094.105.xxx   Lets all have a moment of silence for all who affected by yedays mall shoot out
2007_12_06_19:25:19.127   024.192.071.xxx   pooh (25)
2007_12_06_19:25:35.446   075.047.077.xxx   moo! moo! moo! moo! moo! moo! (58)
2007_12_06_19:25:41.110   075.094.105.xxx   ..yesterday mall shoot out. r.i.p
2007_12_06_19:25:45.664   024.192.071.xxx   Up the Irons! (26)
2007_12_06_19:26:21.511   075.047.077.xxx   can i get on  your moo! moo! (59)
2007_12_06_19:26:24.455   068.092.213.xxx   What time is it in Australia? (13)
2007_12_06_19:26:58.022   024.192.071.xxx   Its tomorrow there (27)
2007_12_06_19:27:05.940   203.166.096.xxx   It's 1:26 in the afternoon on Friday the 7th December
2007_12_06_19:27:10.319   075.047.077.xxx   half pass a monkeys a** and quarter to its b*** (60 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:28:48.298   075.047.077.xxx   it is quiet now (61)
2007_12_06_19:29:06.293   067.084.095.xxx   this makes me feel good
2007_12_06_19:29:34.845   075.185.012.xxx   this is SWEEEEET
2007_12_06_19:29:54.254   070.177.103.xxx   Really?
2007_12_06_19:30:32.676   075.045.169.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_19:31:22.989   068.009.229.xxx   Aeria Games, The Number 1 place for free MMO's (37)
2007_12_06_19:32:15.645   075.047.077.xxx   have a holly jolly f***ing christmas (62)
2007_12_06_19:32:19.965   075.063.206.xxx   Merry Cat-mas!
2007_12_06_19:32:28.063   070.177.103.xxx   What is an MMO?
2007_12_06_19:32:47.699   075.047.077.xxx   moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (63)
2007_12_06_19:33:07.395   216.211.244.xxx   Mixed Martial Orts
2007_12_06_19:33:25.245   070.018.143.xxx   Hey big dude.  Neat system
2007_12_06_19:33:45.958   069.243.013.xxx   cool!
2007_12_06_19:34:28.044   075.047.077.xxx   santa goes up the ladder and then down the ladder (64)
2007_12_06_19:34:45.949   070.177.103.xxx   Let's turn everything off, right now.
2007_12_06_19:35:37.666   068.009.229.xxx   MMO stands for massively multiplayer online (reffering to game) (38)
2007_12_06_19:35:38.714   207.224.032.xxx   can be seen from space?
2007_12_06_19:36:27.215   075.047.077.xxx   yes he is from mars (65)
2007_12_06_19:36:56.110   076.178.028.xxx   is the ISS here tonight?
2007_12_06_19:37:31.032   075.047.077.xxx   not f***ing sur (66)
2007_12_06_19:37:34.866   070.018.225.xxx   lmfao!
2007_12_06_19:38:14.865   012.041.166.xxx   Awesome
2007_12_06_19:38:22.714   070.018.143.xxx   mybad
2007_12_06_19:38:27.090   012.144.110.xxx   I love my Marisa
2007_12_06_19:38:44.492   064.236.221.xxx   hello world
2007_12_06_19:38:46.190   075.047.077.xxx   live dot pirillo dot com (67)
2007_12_06_19:38:54.875   067.140.018.xxx   totally cool set up keep up the good work!
2007_12_06_19:39:05.381   075.094.105.xxx   twas the night befor christmas..
2007_12_06_19:39:16.679   012.144.110.xxx   Merry X-Mas from the Wilson Family
2007_12_06_19:40:00.804   075.047.077.xxx   la de da  la de da  la de da  la de da (68)
2007_12_06_19:41:05.555   075.047.077.xxx   oops i did it again (69)
2007_12_06_19:41:14.764   063.198.018.xxx   Merry Christmas to all, to all goodnight
2007_12_06_19:41:34.858   071.113.085.xxx   Hi my name is Kyle
2007_12_06_19:42:15.144   075.047.077.xxx   have yourself a merry little xmas (70 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_19:42:17.586   075.094.105.xxx   hi Kyle
2007_12_06_19:43:04.882   068.104.149.xxx   where you from kyle
2007_12_06_19:43:27.827   071.199.099.xxx   Hola!
2007_12_06_19:43:30.375   075.047.077.xxx   oh my god they killed kenny......you bastard (71)
2007_12_06_19:44:38.750   068.104.149.xxx   whose  Kenny?
2007_12_06_19:44:39.645   072.187.160.xxx   God bless everyone tonight and forever
2007_12_06_19:45:21.217   075.047.077.xxx   ok whatever (72)
2007_12_06_19:45:26.405   068.104.149.xxx   whose  Kenny?
2007_12_06_19:45:46.697   068.001.113.xxx   Hello From Eglin AFB!
2007_12_06_19:46:00.996   068.104.149.xxx   Hello
2007_12_06_19:46:19.867   071.207.163.xxx   hey my name is SLACKEY!
2007_12_06_19:46:34.395   068.104.149.xxx   I that in England?
2007_12_06_19:46:49.686   074.138.105.xxx   Bloomington, IN
2007_12_06_19:47:11.139   071.207.163.xxx   BYOB PARTY TONIGHT
2007_12_06_19:47:54.414   071.207.163.xxx   HELLO
2007_12_06_19:48:34.733   064.110.209.xxx   Yolanda is HERE!  Merry Xmas!
2007_12_06_19:49:04.220   071.164.013.xxx   Merry Christmas to all from Treece in Wash. state!
2007_12_06_19:49:54.860   071.164.013.xxx   My thoughts & prayers to all victims in Omaha
2007_12_06_19:50:08.577   075.047.077.xxx   dooooooo daaaaaaaaaaa dooooooooooo daaaaaaaaa dooooooooooooooo! (73)
2007_12_06_19:50:51.290   071.207.163.xxx   ahahhahahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah
2007_12_06_19:50:57.805   071.164.013.xxx   May there be peace on earth!
2007_12_06_19:51:09.575   075.047.077.xxx   fsdklf___kas___fk___sd (74)
2007_12_06_19:51:36.618   071.164.013.xxx   Many blessings to all our military
2007_12_06_19:52:25.691   071.164.013.xxx   Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus
2007_12_06_19:52:28.788   075.047.077.xxx   hehehe (75)
2007_12_06_19:53:10.827   075.094.105.xxx   God Bless all !   united nations, peace on earth!
2007_12_06_19:53:42.287   071.164.013.xxx   Nineteen days to go!!!
2007_12_06_19:54:19.831   071.207.163.xxx   Im not Puny Hulk is stupid
2007_12_06_19:55:03.870   071.207.163.xxx   Hulk eat puny human grahhhhhharggg arggg im a pirate
2007_12_06_19:56:19.084   071.207.163.xxx   The golden compass good movie
2007_12_06_19:58:25.600   071.164.013.xxx   Do NOT see the golden compass!
2007_12_06_19:59:47.481   024.198.046.xxx   Hello from the ISS
2007_12_06_20:01:02.857   076.178.028.xxx   yaya the iss is here
2007_12_06_20:01:36.936   024.198.046.xxx   GOOD EVENING FROM THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION
2007_12_06_20:02:13.413   076.175.006.xxx   Merry Christmas from the Conners
2007_12_06_20:02:48.642   024.198.046.xxx   Hello again from the ISS
2007_12_06_20:03:09.724   198.161.230.xxx   Cool yule from med school!
2007_12_06_20:03:21.403   066.168.242.xxx   Hello Kimberly
2007_12_06_20:03:31.905   024.198.046.xxx   WE DID SEE THESE LIGHTS
2007_12_06_20:04:13.530   066.168.242.xxx   Hello  Kimberly again
2007_12_06_20:04:30.142   024.198.046.xxx   We___re expecting company over the weekend
2007_12_06_20:05:04.792   024.198.046.xxx   They look even nicer from 220 miles up
2007_12_06_20:05:07.605   071.164.013.xxx   Soooooo wish it would snow!
2007_12_06_20:05:33.087   024.198.046.xxx   They look even nicer from 220 miles up
2007_12_06_20:07:32.578   024.008.156.xxx   Go Gators!
2007_12_06_20:07:34.698   024.014.045.xxx   happy holidays
2007_12_06_20:07:51.097   065.027.044.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_20:08:00.640   066.168.242.xxx   Merry Christmas from Alabama
2007_12_06_20:09:13.553   210.023.141.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_20:09:23.921   024.008.171.xxx   Komar.Org ROCKS!
2007_12_06_20:09:53.236   074.183.204.xxx   Thanks for this site from a fellow celiac!
2007_12_06_20:12:54.881   074.140.083.xxx   Will you marry me?
2007_12_06_20:15:13.495   065.032.210.xxx   hello there
2007_12_06_20:15:37.996   065.027.044.xxx   waz up kansas p**ps
2007_12_06_20:15:39.781   070.018.225.xxx   hulk looks like he's been colonascopied.
2007_12_06_20:15:43.573   096.226.056.xxx   Mmmm.... Fried Reindeer!
2007_12_06_20:15:50.469   065.032.210.xxx   I Love Alyssa
2007_12_06_20:16:14.673   070.018.225.xxx   uh oh serious cleft-gangular activity tonight.
2007_12_06_20:16:26.649   065.027.044.xxx   kansa rocks!
2007_12_06_20:17:01.351   065.027.044.xxx   happy holidays
2007_12_06_20:17:13.010   071.164.013.xxx   Chad sez Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_20:18:04.518   065.027.044.xxx   emilie says happy new year and chrismahanakwanza!
2007_12_06_20:19:01.426   024.014.045.xxx   Cheryl says ho ho ho
2007_12_06_20:19:04.485   074.140.083.xxx   Hi Honey! Jason I love you.   You Rock Baby
2007_12_06_20:19:06.939   071.164.013.xxx   See Beowulf in 3 D (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:19:17.575   070.018.225.xxx   eye d 10 tea
2007_12_06_20:19:42.614   024.014.045.xxx   How u doin?
2007_12_06_20:19:45.620   074.140.083.xxx   Love you honey
2007_12_06_20:19:58.060   138.089.182.xxx   All of us from the North Pole Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_20:20:09.445   202.072.172.xxx   g'day from Australia!
2007_12_06_20:20:18.965   024.014.045.xxx   Bears are LOSING again.
2007_12_06_20:20:36.460   070.018.225.xxx   we miss you lauren, carl, monica, george, david!  ljs-gkhb
2007_12_06_20:20:37.829   096.226.056.xxx   Mmmm...  Wheaties!
2007_12_06_20:20:46.585   074.140.083.xxx   Yes I will marry you any time any place
2007_12_06_20:20:49.293   138.089.182.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS To My Dog
2007_12_06_20:21:03.335   024.014.045.xxx   Footbal should not be played on a Thursday
2007_12_06_20:21:31.288   138.089.182.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS To Me
2007_12_06_20:21:42.586   070.018.225.xxx   i also miss 319!
2007_12_06_20:21:49.392   071.115.133.xxx   Howdy ya'll and merry christmas from Leroy
2007_12_06_20:22:18.780   202.072.172.xxx   Merry syphilis. i mean christmas
2007_12_06_20:22:19.207   070.018.225.xxx   monica, carl, lauren, dave, mary, susan...
2007_12_06_20:22:22.432   068.181.254.xxx   Fight on SC
2007_12_06_20:22:35.603   138.089.182.xxx   from Baldspots Merry Christmas
2007_12_06_20:23:30.669   067.162.060.xxx   Remember 9-11!!  Merry Christmas and God Bless All!
2007_12_06_20:23:41.572   071.059.066.xxx   get a mac, pc's are junk
2007_12_06_20:23:51.282   065.078.094.xxx   God's Grace and Glory Shall Dwell Here
2007_12_06_20:24:10.600   070.018.225.xxx   LFMAO!
2007_12_06_20:24:13.229   067.162.060.xxx   Hi from Elk Grove, IL.
2007_12_06_20:24:25.280   074.140.083.xxx   Goodnight honey.  Thanks for everything
2007_12_06_20:24:42.644   067.162.060.xxx   Hi from Elk Grove, IL.eety!
2007_12_06_20:24:49.331   071.059.066.xxx   dell computers are from s****
2007_12_06_20:24:55.146   138.089.182.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS To All The a* Cheeks
2007_12_06_20:24:57.859   065.031.002.xxx   Merry Christmas from Columbus, O-H   I-O!!!
2007_12_06_20:24:58.611   070.018.225.xxx   ELVIS LIVES!
2007_12_06_20:25:30.949   138.089.182.xxx   a** Cheeks
2007_12_06_20:25:37.063   024.113.155.xxx   Santa's doing all the work
2007_12_06_20:25:39.113   071.063.006.xxx   SOXMAS
2007_12_06_20:25:50.534   067.162.060.xxx   I LOVE JESUS!
2007_12_06_20:26:01.818   070.018.225.xxx   LMFAO! (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:26:05.710   074.186.072.xxx   Merry Xmas
2007_12_06_20:26:06.990   138.089.182.xxx   What Time is it
2007_12_06_20:26:09.285   071.063.006.xxx   roxor
2007_12_06_20:26:27.189   070.018.225.xxx   it's miller time. (11)
2007_12_06_20:26:30.826   071.059.066.xxx   jjghkgkhhgdsaeyrgtfgkhkljnbvfgxdryftgu
2007_12_06_20:26:40.514   069.155.138.xxx   Merry xmas yall
2007_12_06_20:26:50.344   076.017.197.xxx   Ho Ho Ho
2007_12_06_20:26:58.819   138.089.182.xxx   its party time
2007_12_06_20:27:04.416   067.162.060.xxx   Remember what Christmas means !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007_12_06_20:27:05.693   072.177.007.xxx   Hello world
2007_12_06_20:27:06.955   076.085.206.xxx   Joyous Yule
2007_12_06_20:27:36.456   071.052.137.xxx   Santa is watching you fap.
2007_12_06_20:28:19.788   067.162.060.xxx   Remember what Christmas means!
2007_12_06_20:28:22.098   070.018.225.xxx   the more you learn the less you know (12)
2007_12_06_20:28:43.124   138.089.182.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS To My Chicken
2007_12_06_20:28:52.523   071.185.227.xxx   happy chanukah!
2007_12_06_20:29:04.797   070.018.225.xxx   just laughs,  yeah sure...       it's the festival of lights...   that's what i (13)
2007_12_06_20:29:23.272   138.089.182.xxx   Happy d**** (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:29:30.177   068.061.077.xxx   yup
2007_12_06_20:29:39.662   070.018.225.xxx   20k of lights and counting. (14)
2007_12_06_20:29:44.127   071.185.227.xxx   happy chanukah!
2007_12_06_20:29:58.475   072.177.007.xxx   This thing is nuts
2007_12_06_20:30:02.582   067.162.060.xxx   Nice, Go to Bed children!
2007_12_06_20:30:11.801   071.060.110.xxx   Let's Go Pens!
2007_12_06_20:30:52.872   070.018.225.xxx   i want more DMX control! (15)
2007_12_06_20:31:00.247   071.060.110.xxx   Colby Goal
2007_12_06_20:31:00.472   138.089.182.xxx   a** (11)
2007_12_06_20:31:01.596   069.155.138.xxx   lets play a game on here
2007_12_06_20:31:04.141   067.162.060.xxx   YOU ARE BLOCKED !
2007_12_06_20:31:28.941   138.089.182.xxx   what (12)
2007_12_06_20:31:30.608   070.018.225.xxx   sighs.. anyways as i was typing...   20k of lights! (16)
2007_12_06_20:31:36.343   072.177.007.xxx   I want to control every light
2007_12_06_20:31:44.415   071.060.110.xxx   Penguins 1 Flames 1 2nd period
2007_12_06_20:32:02.922   138.089.182.xxx   kiko (13)
2007_12_06_20:32:07.257   070.018.225.xxx   t-morrow it's first friday!  support your local arts! (17)
2007_12_06_20:32:28.061   071.052.137.xxx   I AM BLOCKED OH NO
2007_12_06_20:32:30.609   071.185.227.xxx   hello dad happy holidays
2007_12_06_20:32:36.013   138.089.182.xxx   Goya Beans (14)
2007_12_06_20:32:41.681   024.023.041.xxx   kjh
2007_12_06_20:32:47.526   070.018.225.xxx   bbq in 30 F  and champagne for everyone! (18)
2007_12_06_20:33:06.518   072.177.007.xxx   Homer is tired of this a abuse
2007_12_06_20:33:20.387   024.023.041.xxx   R2D2
2007_12_06_20:33:38.532   138.089.182.xxx   Meow (15)
2007_12_06_20:33:51.597   070.018.225.xxx   BARK! (19)
2007_12_06_20:34:26.556   070.018.225.xxx   bark backwards is krab.       good with beer crabs are. (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:34:43.245   076.022.210.xxx   hello from murfreesboro, tennessee
2007_12_06_20:34:49.709   138.089.182.xxx   pretty neat (16)
2007_12_06_20:35:04.465   072.177.007.xxx   072.177.007.xxx said
2007_12_06_20:35:14.861   070.018.225.xxx   our fountain is frozen,  time to put beers in it to chill. (21)
2007_12_06_20:35:37.610   072.177.007.xxx   This site has ADD
2007_12_06_20:35:49.854   067.162.060.xxx   Use Vodka, Lower freezing point!
2007_12_06_20:35:54.134   070.018.225.xxx   subtract.. (22)
2007_12_06_20:36:06.077   071.175.041.xxx   ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hoh ho ho hoh ho h oho
2007_12_06_20:36:29.252   070.018.225.xxx   yoko hoho? (23)
2007_12_06_20:36:31.022   138.089.182.xxx   Merry Christmas (17)
2007_12_06_20:36:55.111   067.162.060.xxx   JESUS___ JESUS___ JESUS___ JESUS (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:37:11.899   071.175.041.xxx   Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted
2007_12_06_20:37:19.510   070.018.225.xxx   sighs.   yeh yeh.   anyways,  frozen tundra here - beer! (24)
2007_12_06_20:37:22.832   072.177.007.xxx   ________________________
2007_12_06_20:37:51.168   074.163.037.xxx   greetings from Alabama
2007_12_06_20:38:02.370   071.175.041.xxx   Greetings from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA
2007_12_06_20:38:03.384   070.018.225.xxx   i must get les miserables for xmas.   the **** version. (25)
2007_12_06_20:38:16.908   072.177.007.xxx   ****************************0
2007_12_06_20:38:21.681   207.213.114.xxx   Wow, very cool Happy holidays !
2007_12_06_20:38:30.610   074.163.037.xxx   hello world
2007_12_06_20:38:30.568   070.018.225.xxx   numbers are filtered? (26)
2007_12_06_20:38:51.285   069.155.138.xxx   what program is this
2007_12_06_20:39:00.855   070.018.225.xxx   ok the charles lawton version. (27)
2007_12_06_20:39:00.948   072.177.007.xxx   No unicode support bah humbug
2007_12_06_20:39:19.587   074.163.037.xxx   :)
2007_12_06_20:39:21.393   207.213.114.xxx   Kepp on givng! peace!
2007_12_06_20:39:45.411   071.175.041.xxx   Greetings from Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA
2007_12_06_20:39:53.829   207.213.114.xxx   hey, who turn out the lights!?
2007_12_06_20:39:55.954   097.088.209.xxx   Merry Christmas from St. Louis MO
2007_12_06_20:39:59.088   074.163.037.xxx   hello world
2007_12_06_20:40:04.888   070.017.212.xxx   Mary X-Mas From Baltimore Maryland
2007_12_06_20:40:13.994   067.182.209.xxx   turn everything on!
2007_12_06_20:40:19.731   070.018.225.xxx   hey!   westminster maryland here! (28)
2007_12_06_20:40:31.291   068.046.159.xxx   Happy Holidays from Haddonfield NJ
2007_12_06_20:40:31.541   097.088.209.xxx   Merry Christmas LINK DELETED Ladies!!!!
2007_12_06_20:40:31.671   207.213.114.xxx   Visit Lollicup - Fullerton, Get 20___ off mention this
2007_12_06_20:40:33.723   074.163.037.xxx   im watching you
2007_12_06_20:40:34.139   067.176.058.xxx   Merry Cmas fron Tyler and Ryan
2007_12_06_20:41:04.057   071.164.013.xxx   seahawks to the supebowl! (11)
2007_12_06_20:41:07.932   070.017.212.xxx   Help I am stuck in this computer and I can't get out
2007_12_06_20:41:09.542   024.011.180.xxx   Hello from Michigan Margaret!
2007_12_06_20:41:09.697   074.163.037.xxx   im watching u
2007_12_06_20:41:14.401   071.238.054.xxx   Happy Holidays from Flushing, MI (12)
2007_12_06_20:41:16.440   067.176.058.xxx   I love trains
2007_12_06_20:41:21.830   072.177.007.xxx   BSOD (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:41:33.524   070.018.225.xxx   well i'm watching i.. i'm into consonants. (29)
2007_12_06_20:41:35.644   202.072.172.xxx   i like turtles
2007_12_06_20:41:40.907   097.088.209.xxx   Merry Christmas Fishie Friends... !!!!
2007_12_06_20:41:42.892   067.182.209.xxx   Vote for Mitt Romney!
2007_12_06_20:41:43.957   074.163.037.xxx   ERROR!
2007_12_06_20:41:48.162   024.060.247.xxx   POOP
2007_12_06_20:41:56.869   024.011.180.xxx   TOKYO PIG!!!!!
2007_12_06_20:42:02.138   070.017.212.xxx   I love Turtles
2007_12_06_20:42:03.246   067.176.058.xxx   I love military
2007_12_06_20:42:09.886   067.182.209.xxx   Vote for Mitt Romney!
2007_12_06_20:42:17.164   070.018.225.xxx   oh boy! (30 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:42:23.675   072.177.007.xxx   Mutant seabass (11)
2007_12_06_20:42:25.574   070.157.128.xxx   Merry Christmas from SC!!
2007_12_06_20:42:31.580   024.060.247.xxx   Shizzle mi nizzle fo sho
2007_12_06_20:42:33.772   068.046.159.xxx   I love lamp
2007_12_06_20:42:38.625   071.164.013.xxx   vote 4 pedro (12)
2007_12_06_20:42:44.247   070.017.212.xxx   If you put food in your b*** is comes out of your mouth
2007_12_06_20:42:58.685   070.018.225.xxx   vote for none of the above. (31)
2007_12_06_20:43:01.375   074.163.037.xxx   SYSTEM ERROR! WINDOWS WILL SHUTDOWN IN 5 Secs
2007_12_06_20:43:12.431   202.072.172.xxx   don't eat the yellow ice
2007_12_06_20:43:17.499   071.175.041.xxx   The neighors mus hate this....
2007_12_06_20:43:23.957   024.060.247.xxx   CRAP!
2007_12_06_20:43:25.719   070.017.212.xxx   RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooo
2007_12_06_20:43:28.271   072.177.007.xxx   RTFM before using (12)
2007_12_06_20:43:29.090   070.018.225.xxx   what are you doing hal? (32)
2007_12_06_20:43:39.096   074.163.037.xxx   stop that
2007_12_06_20:43:47.164   071.164.013.xxx   don't eat yellow snow! (13)
2007_12_06_20:43:58.452   070.018.225.xxx   this is very unusual hal. (33)
2007_12_06_20:44:03.136   072.177.007.xxx   This is hal  Daisy (13)
2007_12_06_20:44:13.552   067.162.060.xxx   EAT S____________ (11)
2007_12_06_20:44:17.481   074.163.037.xxx   stop that doing that HAL (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:44:19.719   070.017.212.xxx   Taste it
2007_12_06_20:44:22.769   071.175.041.xxx   Hi Daisy!
2007_12_06_20:44:26.454   070.018.225.xxx   stuffed clams? (34)
2007_12_06_20:44:27.203   024.060.247.xxx   Hi im arnold schwanzegger!
2007_12_06_20:44:31.965   202.072.172.xxx   the clicking relays would drive me crazy
2007_12_06_20:44:36.847   071.164.013.xxx   dont sleep w/paris (14)
2007_12_06_20:44:46.637   070.017.212.xxx   Touch it
2007_12_06_20:44:59.320   072.231.133.xxx   Is this for real?
2007_12_06_20:45:01.316   071.175.041.xxx   Hi Daisy!
2007_12_06_20:45:14.675   071.164.013.xxx   Can't touch this (15)
2007_12_06_20:45:16.125   070.018.225.xxx   ghost of fat elvis presents a peanutbutternanner sammich! (35)
2007_12_06_20:45:19.709   070.017.212.xxx   Do you want to play a game?
2007_12_06_20:45:26.170   074.163.037.xxx   DAISY is LAME (11)
2007_12_06_20:45:31.685   198.036.089.xxx   Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff
2007_12_06_20:45:34.450   072.177.007.xxx   hangman (14)
2007_12_06_20:46:00.584   071.164.013.xxx   Soulja Boy tell 'em (16)
2007_12_06_20:46:04.330   070.018.225.xxx   ghost of fat elvis says give generously to toast! (36)
2007_12_06_20:46:49.829   071.175.041.xxx   On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog.
2007_12_06_20:47:10.446   072.177.007.xxx   oh my god santa is alive (15)
2007_12_06_20:47:32.145   074.163.037.xxx   STOP That! (12)
2007_12_06_20:47:43.718   065.001.162.xxx   kiss my p****
2007_12_06_20:48:09.805   024.060.247.xxx   NEVER POODLE DEEDELY DOO
2007_12_06_20:48:11.611   074.163.037.xxx   =====D----- (13)
2007_12_06_20:48:16.035   070.018.225.xxx   propose to toast! (37)
2007_12_06_20:48:16.341   072.177.007.xxx   Roll Call (16)
2007_12_06_20:48:45.892   074.163.037.xxx   BeeNus (14)
2007_12_06_20:49:20.697   074.186.008.xxx   Hello All
2007_12_06_20:49:32.223   070.018.225.xxx   once upon a time there was a ..... (38)
2007_12_06_20:49:43.996   074.163.037.xxx   plz leave now (15)
2007_12_06_20:50:07.002   070.018.225.xxx   wow... someone's got a complexity.   why is that? (39)
2007_12_06_20:50:33.161   072.177.007.xxx   can I reverse ip lookup? (17)
2007_12_06_20:50:38.633   074.163.037.xxx   Allah??? (16)
2007_12_06_20:50:42.417   070.018.225.xxx   anyways, if you leave me now............... (40 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:50:52.994   071.175.041.xxx   Microsoft Releases Advance Notification for December Security Bulletin (added D
2007_12_06_20:51:08.809   074.163.037.xxx   Allah (17)
2007_12_06_20:51:10.194   070.018.225.xxx   i want earplugs for xmas. (41)
2007_12_06_20:51:43.483   074.163.037.xxx   allah (18)
2007_12_06_20:51:47.315   071.175.041.xxx   While I appreciate the folks who have asked if they can donate/PayPal to cover  (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:51:53.102   070.018.225.xxx   29db radians.   then a bodhi seed mala from tibet. (42)
2007_12_06_20:52:06.355   072.177.007.xxx   You all have been very naughty (18)
2007_12_06_20:52:29.872   074.163.037.xxx   allah (19)
2007_12_06_20:52:33.147   070.018.225.xxx   people sure are into worrying about naughty, bad and... (43)
2007_12_06_20:53:01.325   072.177.007.xxx   the garage its open (19)
2007_12_06_20:53:05.424   070.018.225.xxx   i was good.   matter of factoid i was excellent this year. (44)
2007_12_06_20:53:28.018   065.066.152.xxx   Ya Shure ya becha!!!
2007_12_06_20:53:39.353   070.018.225.xxx   a very good year i'm glad it's over now. (45)
2007_12_06_20:54:11.360   070.018.225.xxx   got my step increase, helped with our division.... (46)
2007_12_06_20:54:43.881   070.018.225.xxx   and got man of the year.  though that means nothing. (47)
2007_12_06_20:55:17.601   070.018.225.xxx   and shopped all year for xmas.   i'm more than done. (48)
2007_12_06_20:55:19.200   074.163.037.xxx   what a waste of money (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:55:47.201   074.163.037.xxx   that movie was lame (21)
2007_12_06_20:55:52.596   070.018.225.xxx   got the lights up, the tree up, got the presents done... (49)
2007_12_06_20:56:06.844   075.191.214.xxx   i'm hungry
2007_12_06_20:56:08.610   076.010.168.xxx   Hi Leia!!!
2007_12_06_20:56:29.434   070.018.225.xxx   i hope next year is just as prosperous.   i hope (50 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:56:29.749   074.163.037.xxx   hi hungry, im bill (22)
2007_12_06_20:56:50.336   072.177.007.xxx   STELLLA!! (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_20:57:06.732   070.018.225.xxx   getting man of the year took years to accomplish. (51)
2007_12_06_20:58:06.603   065.010.178.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_20:58:18.745   070.018.225.xxx   escaping from the archives was the best!!!! (52)
2007_12_06_20:58:48.077   072.177.007.xxx   Go Home nothing to see here (21)
2007_12_06_20:58:52.558   070.018.225.xxx   please let me have another step increase next year!!!!! (53)
2007_12_06_20:59:12.849   072.177.007.xxx   Dork (22)
2007_12_06_20:59:18.865   070.018.225.xxx   ok santa?  :D (54)
2007_12_06_20:59:27.486   071.238.054.xxx   Hi alek (13)
2007_12_06_20:59:52.631   069.179.156.xxx   Fishies Rule!
2007_12_06_21:00:02.735   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Hi everybody - you guys been turning my lights on and off?!?   ___-) ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:00:06.482   070.018.225.xxx   hey santa how about a grade 13?   grade 11 for too long. (55)
2007_12_06_21:00:31.416   072.177.007.xxx   Looks like the shows over (23)
2007_12_06_21:00:36.765   070.018.225.xxx   and give my wife eyesight again.  there i'm done. (56)
2007_12_06_21:01:08.872   071.238.054.xxx   cam uno is off (14)
2007_12_06_21:01:26.451   069.179.156.xxx   Merry Christmas!!
2007_12_06_21:01:50.673   071.059.121.xxx   down with santa!
2007_12_06_21:01:51.247   069.181.212.xxx   Merry Christmas from Concord, CA - Wonderful job!!!
2007_12_06_21:02:26.314   071.238.054.xxx   I do not like bush... but don't tell him (15)
2007_12_06_21:02:26.810   075.185.099.xxx   Hello All!
2007_12_06_21:03:07.924   071.238.054.xxx   welcome and merry christmas (16)
2007_12_06_21:03:22.359   071.164.013.xxx   Who dat in da room? (17)
2007_12_06_21:03:54.972   071.164.013.xxx   I see you!!!! (18)
2007_12_06_21:04:08.211   071.238.054.xxx   alek the star of the show - he keeps things running (17)
2007_12_06_21:04:43.147   070.018.225.xxx   i could go for some caviar, kraft squeeze cheese (57)
2007_12_06_21:04:50.170   071.231.010.xxx   Hi Mom
2007_12_06_21:04:50.498   204.112.199.xxx   hello from thompson
2007_12_06_21:05:02.487   071.164.013.xxx   Oh....then who is Kumer? (19)
2007_12_06_21:05:14.731   070.018.225.xxx   korbel and triscuits. (58)
2007_12_06_21:05:28.815   071.238.054.xxx   U should put a all on and a all off button! (18)
2007_12_06_21:05:44.699   070.018.225.xxx   yum,  hardening of the artery foods. (59)
2007_12_06_21:05:50.627   071.164.013.xxx   Hi Alex....luv ur site (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_21:06:49.330   071.238.054.xxx   alek's controllable xmas lights for when ur too lazy to put up ur own (19)
2007_12_06_21:06:55.961   071.231.010.xxx   Hello from Renton
2007_12_06_21:07:01.547   070.018.225.xxx   my tree has **** lights on it now i'm not moving it! (60 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_21:07:23.820   071.164.013.xxx   Hello from Bothell! (21)
2007_12_06_21:07:32.194   070.018.225.xxx   sheesh filtered my numbers again i can't brag. (61)
2007_12_06_21:08:00.286   072.177.007.xxx   you could write it out like one (24)
2007_12_06_21:08:12.509   071.231.010.xxx   How many from the Seattle area? This site rocks!
2007_12_06_21:08:20.247   075.050.058.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_21:08:22.711   070.018.225.xxx   we have so many lights up it can choke a atomic cloud. (62)
2007_12_06_21:08:49.074   075.050.058.xxx   WOW!
2007_12_06_21:08:57.738   072.177.007.xxx   I wonder if he is doing real work? (25)
2007_12_06_21:09:01.030   070.018.225.xxx   most led now so i don't have to keep buying! (63)
2007_12_06_21:09:03.870   064.109.252.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_21:09:34.717   070.018.225.xxx   no such thing as real work!   :D (64)
2007_12_06_21:09:35.761   064.109.252.xxx   Hi Kadri, I love you!
2007_12_06_21:10:05.072   204.112.199.xxx   i r the king
2007_12_06_21:10:35.140   070.018.225.xxx   humm fish eggs and cheap champagne, ok santa? (65)
2007_12_06_21:10:57.433   204.112.199.xxx   i can see your bong
2007_12_06_21:11:33.893   070.018.225.xxx   being a vegetarian 90___ of the time can um... (66)
2007_12_06_21:11:59.025   074.076.059.xxx   Wow. I wonder how much money your lights run you!
2007_12_06_21:12:00.906   070.018.225.xxx   s*** cabbage.   ding! (67)
2007_12_06_21:12:02.543   064.150.133.xxx   hi
2007_12_06_21:12:45.898   064.150.133.xxx   I play paintball
2007_12_06_21:13:35.740   070.018.225.xxx   holy cow it's 11 pm already! (68)
2007_12_06_21:14:49.358   097.097.089.xxx   Hello World!!!
2007_12_06_21:15:05.929   066.082.009.xxx   HELLO FROM GALENA ALSKA
2007_12_06_21:15:24.504   070.244.173.xxx   J.B.
2007_12_06_21:15:26.125   071.238.054.xxx   STOP POSTING YOUR SITE PLEASE. com ha ha (20 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_21:15:47.913   070.244.173.xxx   jOE FELIPE
2007_12_06_21:16:03.805   068.197.042.xxx   FALALALA!
2007_12_06_21:16:40.919   066.082.009.xxx   KIYU RADIO
2007_12_06_21:17:05.317   071.238.054.xxx   SANTA DELETED (21)
2007_12_06_21:17:59.648   071.238.054.xxx   BSOD DELETED (22)
2007_12_06_21:18:46.129   070.244.173.xxx   JOMAR IS CRAZY!
2007_12_06_21:18:49.900   076.122.246.xxx   google me
2007_12_06_21:19:05.047   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Electric bill is about three dollars a day ... REALLY - see the FAQ ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:19:23.973   070.244.173.xxx   JOE FROM DALLAS
2007_12_06_21:19:43.618   071.238.054.xxx   u should make a bot that does that for u instead of saying it everyday (23)
2007_12_06_21:20:03.573   070.244.173.xxx   J.B.
2007_12_06_21:20:19.983   067.042.191.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_21:20:41.766   097.097.089.xxx   HEY THERE!!!
2007_12_06_21:21:28.745   071.238.054.xxx   I like to flush things down the toilet! (24)
2007_12_06_21:21:34.396   071.231.010.xxx   Hi Sarah
2007_12_06_21:21:52.335   076.122.246.xxx   hey
2007_12_06_21:22:20.432   070.244.173.xxx   beth from fort worth
2007_12_06_21:22:41.132   068.099.231.xxx   This is so cool
2007_12_06_21:22:50.426   070.244.173.xxx   jomar is a crazy boyyyyy
2007_12_06_21:22:59.611   076.122.246.xxx   cooookies
2007_12_06_21:23:42.858   075.073.083.xxx   ho ho ho
2007_12_06_21:23:55.325   076.122.246.xxx   they won't stay off :(
2007_12_06_21:24:22.157   075.073.083.xxx   hello from minnesota...
2007_12_06_21:24:35.304   071.238.054.xxx   anyone know when controltheshow starts (25)
2007_12_06_21:24:38.287   076.122.246.xxx   West Virginia!!!! w00t
2007_12_06_21:24:47.520   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** People don't read the FAQ - I get tired of repeating it - D'OH! ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:25:46.203   072.188.107.xxx   hello from florida
2007_12_06_21:27:32.787   069.181.212.xxx   Merry Christmas from Concord, CA - Wonderful job!!!
2007_12_06_21:28:24.325   076.107.179.xxx   fallin moore
2007_12_06_21:28:30.376   083.084.217.xxx   duh
2007_12_06_21:28:53.475   076.107.179.xxx   fallin moore
2007_12_06_21:29:00.201   076.122.246.xxx   bannannas
2007_12_06_21:29:03.794   071.031.149.xxx   Merry Christmas to all!
2007_12_06_21:29:04.992   070.121.180.xxx   Merry Christmas from Florida!
2007_12_06_21:29:08.609   024.238.036.xxx   HO HO HO from Pennsylvania
2007_12_06_21:29:10.851   083.084.217.xxx   fake
2007_12_06_21:29:51.981   071.031.149.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2007_12_06_21:29:57.118   076.175.180.xxx   Merry Navidad everyone!
2007_12_06_21:30:18.482   076.098.145.xxx   omg shoes!
2007_12_06_21:30:37.359   072.188.107.xxx   ___.___
2007_12_06_21:30:54.797   012.215.061.xxx   Greetings from Koontz Lake Indiana
2007_12_06_21:31:18.361   065.078.106.xxx   17 DAYS!
2007_12_06_21:31:51.757   076.098.145.xxx   OMG RLY??
2007_12_06_21:32:18.935   070.251.211.xxx   hi from houston
2007_12_06_21:32:20.888   216.108.168.xxx   Merry Christmas from Yellowknife!
2007_12_06_21:32:58.671   070.251.211.xxx   gig em aggies
2007_12_06_21:33:05.507   076.098.145.xxx   Merry Christmas from Blockland.us!
2007_12_06_21:33:16.469   071.072.086.xxx   joejoe
2007_12_06_21:34:02.831   216.108.168.xxx   minus 25 here today, very Christmassy!
2007_12_06_21:34:22.236   071.072.086.xxx   hi from Columbus Ohio
2007_12_06_21:34:29.732   098.200.133.xxx   watch what you say he has spies all over in this chat room
2007_12_06_21:34:58.026   216.108.168.xxx   Hi Columbus, from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
2007_12_06_21:35:05.766   202.092.090.xxx   Hello Sydney!
2007_12_06_21:36:16.185   065.025.042.xxx   Each day is a precious gift, and each is numbered. Don't waist them.
2007_12_06_21:36:27.115   071.068.192.xxx   Hello Gary
2007_12_06_21:38:16.394   012.207.178.xxx   h***
2007_12_06_21:39:45.654   069.076.217.xxx   Happy Chanuklah
2007_12_06_21:40:12.834   068.104.149.xxx   to Houston,HI from william,Tammie, leah, Erin, Hannah
2007_12_06_21:40:32.112   069.076.217.xxx   That's Chanukah
2007_12_06_21:41:03.596   069.076.217.xxx   D'Oh!
2007_12_06_21:41:42.302   202.092.090.xxx   Franz how you doing
2007_12_06_21:41:42.643   071.164.013.xxx   Holy Moley! (22)
2007_12_06_21:42:09.680   068.104.149.xxx   Anybody go by Ozzy or Gary here From Houston?
2007_12_06_21:44:09.979   076.203.020.xxx   Joe Mama from Chi-Town
2007_12_06_21:44:32.786   070.078.012.xxx   hey
2007_12_06_21:45:48.921   068.104.149.xxx   hey wHO?
2007_12_06_21:45:56.428   202.092.090.xxx   Sean?
2007_12_06_21:46:15.783   066.069.029.xxx   Hi
2007_12_06_21:46:28.469   060.234.154.xxx   hello
2007_12_06_21:47:12.458   066.069.029.xxx   Doctor Who Rules
2007_12_06_21:47:37.772   070.249.155.xxx   ARE U ASLEEP?
2007_12_06_21:47:50.037   068.104.149.xxx   I watch him
2007_12_06_21:47:52.392   071.065.092.xxx   Merry Christmas from Dayton!!
2007_12_06_21:48:14.399   071.031.149.xxx   Happy Holidays! -From NE Ohio
2007_12_06_21:48:22.186   024.174.131.xxx   Doctor Who Rules
2007_12_06_21:48:28.679   070.249.155.xxx   ___b___good night!
2007_12_06_21:48:44.004   066.069.029.xxx   I agree with, the 3rd person who said Doctor Who Rules
2007_12_06_21:48:48.305   068.104.149.xxx   Merry Christmas from Msea,AZ (10 IM's so far today)
2007_12_06_21:49:59.031   068.104.149.xxx   Hey there is Alek (11)
2007_12_06_21:50:19.842   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Yea, I'm still up ... Santa never sleeps! ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:50:33.530   071.031.149.xxx   Hi Alek!
2007_12_06_21:50:54.286   068.104.149.xxx   Santa is good (12)
2007_12_06_21:51:08.730   072.211.128.xxx   Awesome job with the light thing Alek, it's brilliant!
2007_12_06_21:51:09.570   024.008.087.xxx   Love the lights, thanks Alek!
2007_12_06_21:51:56.703   068.104.149.xxx   Goodnight Santa. (13)
2007_12_06_21:52:07.524   024.255.173.xxx   what up?
2007_12_06_21:52:34.194   070.244.145.xxx   Aya Hirano is pretty. ___3
2007_12_06_21:52:45.781   075.155.200.xxx   hi santa
2007_12_06_21:52:47.087   068.104.149.xxx   Sleep tight, Santa (14)
2007_12_06_21:53:34.661   075.155.200.xxx   love you santa
2007_12_06_21:53:49.328   064.081.077.xxx   Hi All!!
2007_12_06_21:53:54.270   068.104.149.xxx   Tammie___3 Santa :) (15)
2007_12_06_21:54:25.060   208.011.222.xxx   hi from mrs. haislop
2007_12_06_21:54:36.758   064.081.077.xxx   leave it off I want to turn it on the same time!
2007_12_06_21:55:26.639   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** It's going to all go off in a couple of minutes anyway! ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:55:26.738   208.011.222.xxx   i love chris h.
2007_12_06_21:56:12.369   064.081.077.xxx   Good night Joshi and Laurie!
2007_12_06_21:56:19.849   066.082.009.xxx   HELLO FROM THE YUKON RIVER
2007_12_06_21:56:25.295   071.075.180.xxx   merry xmas all
2007_12_06_21:56:39.812   209.094.095.xxx   Hoe Hoe Hoe, Time to Do That Row.
2007_12_06_21:56:44.816   064.081.077.xxx   THis is fun!
2007_12_06_21:56:44.923   070.244.145.xxx   Hello from middle of nowhere, Texas ___)
2007_12_06_21:57:16.562   064.081.077.xxx   Hello from San Francisco
2007_12_06_21:57:29.601   072.177.007.xxx   what type of server are you running? (26)
2007_12_06_21:57:45.562   064.081.077.xxx   This is fun!!!
2007_12_06_21:58:20.545   070.244.145.xxx   It's a Windows 95 server
2007_12_06_21:59:16.732   064.081.077.xxx   Good night all!
2007_12_06_21:59:34.567   072.177.007.xxx   I guess thats better the Vista (27)
2007_12_06_21:59:42.389   198.036.089.xxx   cya
2007_12_06_21:59:55.563   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Three dedicated 100 Mbps Linux/Apache/Mod_Perl Servers - see the FAQ ***ALEK***
2007_12_06_21:59:58.453   070.244.145.xxx   see ya'll tomorrow

Christmas Messages Index