478 christmas text messages on 2010/1214

The Christmas Lights Webcam allows Internet surfers to send "Instant Messages via webcam" which are displayed real-time in Santa's Workshop.In addition, web surfers are controlling the lights & inflatables - i.e. turning them on and off via X10 controls - which they did 9,205 times that day including 6,018 overloads of the system. For those that missed it, here's a log of what was said!

Christmas "Instant Messages on webcam" on 1214

Date_Time                 IP Address        Message
2010_12_14_17:00:18.139   082.042.107.xxx   iam first
2010_12_14_17:00:35.479   174.114.204.xxx   LET'S PARTY!
2010_12_14_17:01:02.643   069.181.093.xxx   YEAHHH
2010_12_14_17:01:10.488   098.118.067.xxx   hey
2010_12_14_17:01:16.383   174.114.204.xxx   Greetings from Canada!
2010_12_14_17:01:17.683   071.023.249.xxx   awsomeeeee
2010_12_14_17:01:24.761   209.169.216.xxx   Another day in paradise
2010_12_14_17:01:46.812   076.029.221.xxx   Alek, wanted to have an email with you, so how would I contact you?
2010_12_14_17:01:50.014   174.114.204.xxx   LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!!
2010_12_14_17:01:59.170   209.169.216.xxx   Snow Tomorrow..
2010_12_14_17:02:10.439   142.068.087.xxx   cr
2010_12_14_17:02:22.831   068.054.211.xxx   merry xmas from Indianapolis
2010_12_14_17:02:33.983   071.023.249.xxx   awsommmmmeeeee i love this
2010_12_14_17:02:45.832   076.029.221.xxx   Merry Christmas from IL :)
2010_12_14_17:03:07.632   068.054.211.xxx   hey Alek can you wave for us?? please?
2010_12_14_17:03:56.650   173.243.144.xxx   hello
2010_12_14_17:04:09.468   068.054.211.xxx   hey everette
2010_12_14_17:04:11.367   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Winter Storm Advisory issued - could have snow this time tomorrow - WOOT! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_17:04:11.884   174.114.204.xxx   lololololololol
2010_12_14_17:04:24.995   173.243.144.xxx   hi james
2010_12_14_17:05:02.413   068.054.211.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM INDIANA!!!! LOOK OVERR HERE!!!
2010_12_14_17:05:14.028   076.029.221.xxx   More potty mouths :(
2010_12_14_17:05:28.305   068.037.190.xxx   ewww potty mouths :___
2010_12_14_17:05:33.284   174.114.204.xxx   Testing...
2010_12_14_17:05:47.583   076.029.221.xxx   Works :)
2010_12_14_17:05:54.365   068.037.190.xxx   8====___
2010_12_14_17:05:59.529   189.150.086.xxx   greetings from the littles
2010_12_14_17:06:08.480   174.114.204.xxx   Everything OFF! Hehe.
2010_12_14_17:06:22.238   068.037.190.xxx   p****
2010_12_14_17:07:10.033   174.114.204.xxx   PUPPY!
2010_12_14_17:07:12.513   098.110.091.xxx   greetings from New Jersey
2010_12_14_17:07:19.086   068.037.190.xxx   This si Epic...
2010_12_14_17:07:27.308   071.023.249.xxx   hi234
2010_12_14_17:07:34.416   098.118.067.xxx   hAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
2010_12_14_17:07:37.955   174.114.204.xxx   IT'S ALL OFF!
2010_12_14_17:08:34.357   213.141.091.xxx   Merry xmas from sweden!
2010_12_14_17:09:30.552   068.037.190.xxx   HO HO HO
2010_12_14_17:10:10.296   068.037.190.xxx   this is epic
2010_12_14_17:10:23.657   098.118.067.xxx   TOENAILS
2010_12_14_17:10:42.194   068.054.211.xxx   type yes if you love XMAS!
2010_12_14_17:10:50.209   098.118.067.xxx   NO
2010_12_14_17:10:56.303   068.037.190.xxx   Heck Yes
2010_12_14_17:11:06.648   098.110.091.xxx   it's cold on the east coast
2010_12_14_17:11:30.588   068.054.211.xxx   if you hate xmas out yes, if not put no
2010_12_14_17:11:55.735   068.037.190.xxx   If you hate people who curse put I
2010_12_14_17:12:07.487   068.054.211.xxx   I!!!
2010_12_14_17:12:17.123   098.118.067.xxx   WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS! BLACK AND GOLD
2010_12_14_17:12:53.733   068.054.211.xxx   this xmas music is ttight
2010_12_14_17:13:01.896   098.118.067.xxx   WHODAT?!
2010_12_14_17:13:09.178   068.037.190.xxx   We need Lil wayne to make a x mas song
2010_12_14_17:13:25.502   068.054.211.xxx   yah! tht wld be cool
2010_12_14_17:13:36.985   068.037.190.xxx   Who is from Ps forums? (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:13:37.487   098.118.067.xxx   WE NEED LIL WAYNE TO STOP RAPPING
2010_12_14_17:14:05.685   068.037.190.xxx   Who is from Ps forums (11)
2010_12_14_17:14:07.436   068.054.211.xxx   i want alek to wave for us!!! (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:14:22.626   098.118.067.xxx   :)
2010_12_14_17:14:35.868   068.037.190.xxx   If your from Ps foums say 1 (12)
2010_12_14_17:14:46.269   068.054.211.xxx   if he comes back evry1 say"wave alek!" (11)
2010_12_14_17:15:43.465   098.118.067.xxx   hey ppl whats good
2010_12_14_17:16:06.063   068.054.211.xxx   D'OH! HULK SMASH! (12)
2010_12_14_17:16:06.147   068.037.190.xxx   KFC is good (13)
2010_12_14_17:16:44.342   098.118.067.xxx   KFC IS BAD (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:16:46.136   068.054.211.xxx   D'OH!!   HULK SMASH! (13)
2010_12_14_17:17:02.210   068.037.190.xxx   KFC is good y0 you a nub (14)
2010_12_14_17:17:20.898   068.054.211.xxx   does tht sign say WALL DRUG?!?!?! (14)
2010_12_14_17:17:44.655   098.118.067.xxx   POPEYES IS BETTER (11)
2010_12_14_17:17:50.155   068.037.190.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam! (15)
2010_12_14_17:18:05.905   068.054.211.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam! (15)
2010_12_14_17:18:16.521   098.118.067.xxx   Type text & CR to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam! (12)
2010_12_14_17:18:24.673   068.037.190.xxx   I forgot about popeyes your right*** better (16)
2010_12_14_17:18:25.173   076.029.221.xxx   hmm
2010_12_14_17:18:26.663   024.112.130.xxx   Sup
2010_12_14_17:18:37.199   068.054.211.xxx   wats ur favorite number? mines 12 (16)
2010_12_14_17:18:38.118   071.023.249.xxx   hiya
2010_12_14_17:18:43.377   098.118.067.xxx   NM U (13)
2010_12_14_17:19:00.065   024.112.130.xxx   Haha subscribe to me on youtube
2010_12_14_17:19:08.434   068.037.190.xxx   I want some food anyone else? (17)
2010_12_14_17:19:24.948   068.054.211.xxx   WATS UR FAVORITE NUMBER?? MINES 12 (17)
2010_12_14_17:19:35.909   068.037.190.xxx   69 (18)
2010_12_14_17:19:42.254   024.112.130.xxx   BLUE 42
2010_12_14_17:20:00.150   098.118.067.xxx   RED 47 (14)
2010_12_14_17:20:10.271   068.054.211.xxx   whoevr said blue 42 r u from indiana? (18)
2010_12_14_17:20:25.157   024.112.130.xxx   Initiating Christmas Lights Self-Destruct in...
2010_12_14_17:20:25.228   071.023.249.xxx   red 18 red 18
2010_12_14_17:20:44.640   098.118.067.xxx   HUT HUT... HIKE (15)
2010_12_14_17:20:53.644   024.112.130.xxx   no I am not
2010_12_14_17:20:55.787   071.023.249.xxx   lol you got it
2010_12_14_17:21:07.861   068.037.190.xxx   BRB (19)
2010_12_14_17:21:15.923   068.054.211.xxx   oh cuz its a indianapolis colts play (19)
2010_12_14_17:21:17.551   024.112.130.xxx   Don't care
2010_12_14_17:21:28.296   071.023.249.xxx   gooooo bhs
2010_12_14_17:21:35.526   098.118.067.xxx   tuchdown (16)
2010_12_14_17:21:48.274   024.112.130.xxx   Initiating Christmas Lights Self-Destruct in...
2010_12_14_17:21:52.778   068.054.211.xxx   blue 42 is a colts play (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:21:54.385   098.094.131.xxx   Hello world... Happy Holidays to all.
2010_12_14_17:22:15.153   071.023.249.xxx   bhs=bristol pa highschool, merry christmas to all
2010_12_14_17:22:19.100   024.112.130.xxx   Yeah I know colts are awesome
2010_12_14_17:22:23.349   068.054.211.xxx   if your from the US say yes (21)
2010_12_14_17:22:24.711   099.242.140.xxx   Tom from Orillia, On says Hey!!!
2010_12_14_17:22:41.696   098.118.067.xxx   Who yall think gonna win the lombarbi? (17)
2010_12_14_17:22:49.063   024.112.130.xxx   This dude is a genius
2010_12_14_17:23:07.747   068.054.211.xxx   colts! or maybe houston (22)
2010_12_14_17:23:36.611   098.118.067.xxx   New Orleans Saints WHODAT?! (18)
2010_12_14_17:23:56.522   068.054.211.xxx   idk is is it? you asked (23)
2010_12_14_17:24:07.967   024.112.130.xxx   how much you wanna bet he's watching this screen... (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:24:23.988   071.023.249.xxx   i watch alll screens
2010_12_14_17:24:37.710   068.054.211.xxx   alek? he comes and sits in tht chair and watches it (24)
2010_12_14_17:24:40.206   024.112.130.xxx   I'M PART OF EAGLE EYE?! (11)
2010_12_14_17:24:47.488   098.118.067.xxx   Light Up! (19)
2010_12_14_17:24:58.607   071.023.249.xxx   dont mock me i will find you (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:25:20.922   024.112.130.xxx   mock... mock... MOCK (12)
2010_12_14_17:25:22.630   098.118.067.xxx   find me i dare you (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:25:50.115   024.112.130.xxx   Is that a threat or a promise? (13)
2010_12_14_17:26:02.398   098.118.067.xxx   a promise (21)
2010_12_14_17:26:10.086   071.023.249.xxx   ok then i will 098.118.067 (11)
2010_12_14_17:27:50.957   098.118.067.xxx   Ok have Fun (22)
2010_12_14_17:28:15.626   071.023.249.xxx   found youuuu (12)
2010_12_14_17:28:54.641   098.118.067.xxx   or did i find you? (23)
2010_12_14_17:29:19.951   071.023.249.xxx   your in washington (13)
2010_12_14_17:29:48.285   098.118.067.xxx   how did you know lol wrong (24)
2010_12_14_17:30:06.450   071.023.249.xxx   atlanta? (14)
2010_12_14_17:30:18.363   098.118.067.xxx   nope (25)
2010_12_14_17:30:52.411   071.023.249.xxx   houston (15)
2010_12_14_17:30:50.448   098.028.077.xxx   Merry Christmas from Northwest Ohio!!!!! GIXXERGUY6 ROCKS
2010_12_14_17:31:18.425   098.118.067.xxx   FAIL (26)
2010_12_14_17:31:30.661   071.023.249.xxx   what (16)
2010_12_14_17:32:03.965   098.118.067.xxx   you are a failure (27)
2010_12_14_17:32:22.224   071.023.249.xxx   how i founf you (17)
2010_12_14_17:32:51.375   098.118.067.xxx   no i found u get it right (28)
2010_12_14_17:33:20.242   071.085.197.xxx   hi SANTA!!!!!!!
2010_12_14_17:33:26.155   071.023.249.xxx   yeah then where am i (18)
2010_12_14_17:34:33.887   098.118.067.xxx   between here and over there (29)
2010_12_14_17:35:39.720   071.023.249.xxx   o poo no really tho im right next door to you waving at you through my wall (19)
2010_12_14_17:36:24.631   098.118.067.xxx   too bad i dont have neighbors Fail (30 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:36:32.052   071.023.249.xxx   hi (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:36:55.606   142.068.087.xxx   Hi Nova Scotia
2010_12_14_17:37:04.075   071.023.249.xxx   person in the room wave to us (21)
2010_12_14_17:38:31.059   098.118.067.xxx   he waved (31)
2010_12_14_17:39:09.825   075.008.106.xxx   hi
2010_12_14_17:39:59.201   173.186.151.xxx   .
2010_12_14_17:40:20.749   098.118.067.xxx   do u keep these lights up all year? (32)
2010_12_14_17:40:23.043   068.096.170.xxx   Perons in the room is Alek - he has a name
2010_12_14_17:40:23.214   075.008.106.xxx   lol does he know that were turning stuff on and off
2010_12_14_17:40:31.362   174.114.204.xxx   w00t!
2010_12_14_17:40:48.659   075.008.106.xxx   lol does he know that were turning stuff on and off
2010_12_14_17:41:11.244   068.096.170.xxx   He has no clue you are turning the lights off RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!
2010_12_14_17:41:14.650   064.047.091.xxx   LOL I DON'T THINK HE KNOWS DUDE
2010_12_14_17:41:19.089   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Uhhhh ... yea, I know you guys are turning stuff on and off ... HO-HO-HO! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_17:41:29.658   075.008.106.xxx   lol howd they make this
2010_12_14_17:42:02.192   068.096.170.xxx   Audio Animatronics!
2010_12_14_17:42:18.360   174.114.204.xxx   Home Automation Devices! (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_17:42:57.261   068.096.170.xxx   Alek made it - he's a robot Animatronic
2010_12_14_17:43:08.675   174.114.204.xxx   TOTAL BLACKOUT! (11)
2010_12_14_17:44:28.084   064.047.091.xxx   HAHA WE DID IT!
2010_12_14_17:45:46.592   064.047.091.xxx   WHAT IS THIS I CANT SEE ANYTHING
2010_12_14_17:45:58.030   173.186.151.xxx   lol
2010_12_14_17:46:34.640   065.103.070.xxx   HELLO WORLD
2010_12_14_17:46:56.988   174.114.204.xxx   BLACKOUT! (12)
2010_12_14_17:47:09.284   065.103.070.xxx   WOW! It worked!
2010_12_14_17:47:43.820   174.114.204.xxx   LET THERE BE LIGHT! (13)
2010_12_14_17:49:28.323   065.103.070.xxx   Thank you Alec! this was neat!
2010_12_14_17:50:01.119   174.114.204.xxx   GOING TO BLACK! (14)
2010_12_14_17:52:25.502   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** HEY ... who turned out the lights! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_17:53:52.251   174.114.204.xxx   Yay! LIGHTS ARE BACK! (15)
2010_12_14_17:54:34.839   070.178.127.xxx   Pepper the BullDog says Merry Christmas!!
2010_12_14_17:55:01.555   174.114.204.xxx   Doppel from Canada says Merry Christmas too!!!!! (16)
2010_12_14_17:55:23.898   068.003.148.xxx   uh oh camera spaz
2010_12_14_17:56:09.459   096.036.137.xxx   ERIC MARENYI RULES
2010_12_14_17:56:43.176   096.036.137.xxx   This site is amazing!
2010_12_14_17:57:03.827   174.114.204.xxx   HULK IS ANGRY EVERYONE RUUUUN! (17)
2010_12_14_17:57:42.225   068.003.148.xxx   no he's smiling you can see his teeth
2010_12_14_17:59:25.634   096.036.137.xxx   X10 can do all this?
2010_12_14_18:00:34.186   068.109.140.xxx   merry christmas to your kids!___
2010_12_14_18:00:55.329   108.009.008.xxx   the power of x10 and Alek can do all this... (smile)
2010_12_14_18:01:35.267   174.114.204.xxx   Wow, there are more overloads than actual toggles. (18)
2010_12_14_18:01:36.446   096.036.137.xxx   Who is the guy sitting in Santa's Workshop___
2010_12_14_18:01:42.344   068.109.140.xxx   how are your kids doing?
2010_12_14_18:02:35.012   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** People are hitting the X10 controls hard tonight, so lots of overloads ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_18:02:48.730   108.009.008.xxx   Alek, how does the Mrs. feel about your time in the workshop?
2010_12_14_18:03:11.668   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Funny you say that - have to go downstairs to do the dishes - D'OH! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_18:03:16.971   108.009.008.xxx   that was not cool
2010_12_14_18:04:01.624   108.009.008.xxx   you would think that after all the warnings people would just follow the rules
2010_12_14_18:05:51.725   209.121.200.xxx   Greetings from Vancouver
2010_12_14_18:08:30.266   209.121.200.xxx   ADMIN NOTICE: Emergency evacuation in progress
2010_12_14_18:08:43.832   076.029.221.xxx   Nice try
2010_12_14_18:08:47.372   068.003.148.xxx   rudolph the red nose reindeer
2010_12_14_18:09:19.982   068.003.148.xxx   had a very shiney nose
2010_12_14_18:09:43.457   174.114.204.xxx   DOGGEH (19)
2010_12_14_18:09:48.645   068.003.148.xxx   and if you ever saw it
2010_12_14_18:10:05.050   108.009.008.xxx   you would even say it glows
2010_12_14_18:10:20.357   068.003.148.xxx   you would surely say it glows
2010_12_14_18:10:47.722   066.116.022.xxx   Merry Christmas from team LGM!!!!!!
2010_12_14_18:11:18.100   068.003.148.xxx   all of the other reindeer....
2010_12_14_18:12:16.260   068.003.148.xxx   used to laugh and call him names
2010_12_14_18:12:58.046   068.003.148.xxx   they never let poor rudolph join in any reindeer games
2010_12_14_18:13:55.637   108.009.008.xxx   I bet the neighbors just love this site... lol
2010_12_14_18:14:34.532   068.003.148.xxx   then one foggy christmas eve (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_18:14:51.080   129.130.252.xxx   Hey, It's Lauren. What are you wearing under those p*******
2010_12_14_18:15:12.481   068.003.148.xxx   santa came to say (11)
2010_12_14_18:15:36.394   024.137.118.xxx   merry easter
2010_12_14_18:16:55.099   099.063.251.xxx   LGM IS THE BEST
2010_12_14_18:17:03.493   066.116.022.xxx   LGM_RODKNOCKER!!!!!!!!!!
2010_12_14_18:18:03.919   099.063.251.xxx   LGM BABY
2010_12_14_18:18:11.123   071.230.082.xxx   text
2010_12_14_18:19:54.038   142.162.021.xxx   Jingle all the way
2010_12_14_18:22:27.527   068.043.184.xxx   Merry Christmas
2010_12_14_18:23:49.852   079.067.007.xxx   i think this service is great, thanks for doing this
2010_12_14_18:25:25.371   024.027.041.xxx   Merry Christmas...very nice page and display!!!
2010_12_14_18:27:36.497   068.054.211.xxx   cna you wave for us alek?? PLEASE???? (25)
2010_12_14_18:28:18.221   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** How was that wave? ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_18:28:22.138   068.054.211.xxx   THANK YOU SOO MUCH! (26)
2010_12_14_18:29:08.824   068.054.211.xxx   alek your screen is broke! it wont update it (27)
2010_12_14_18:33:02.374   068.098.033.xxx   Woo hoo! We're performing in The Nutcracker Ballet this week!
2010_12_14_18:34:57.571   209.121.200.xxx   This would be even cooler if people outside could read the messages
2010_12_14_18:34:57.779   068.054.211.xxx   anyone notice his screen is broke? it wont update (28)
2010_12_14_18:38:13.776   209.121.200.xxx   woohoo santa is down I killed him
2010_12_14_18:38:21.235   076.029.221.xxx   :(
2010_12_14_18:40:08.497   129.173.162.xxx   wa**up
2010_12_14_18:41:05.378   209.121.200.xxx   oh yeah it's dark
2010_12_14_18:42:06.924   068.054.211.xxx   every body turn ALL the lights out!! (29)
2010_12_14_18:43:25.109   068.054.211.xxx   now turn all lights ON! (30 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_18:44:02.157   068.054.211.xxx   ON I TELL YOU! (31)
2010_12_14_18:44:25.476   099.115.138.xxx   Merry Christmas
2010_12_14_18:47:07.025   174.114.204.xxx   Pasdbndehcbfdenms (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_18:47:15.907   071.141.105.xxx   Mommy loves Eleanor!
2010_12_14_18:47:55.652   071.141.105.xxx   Mommy loves Connoroo!
2010_12_14_18:47:59.357   206.255.189.xxx   Merry Christmas
2010_12_14_18:49:05.951   068.054.211.xxx   hey alek how come the screen broke for a while? (32)
2010_12_14_18:49:11.290   174.114.204.xxx   PUPPY IS VERy CUTE! (21)
2010_12_14_18:49:28.368   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Firefox with ReloadEvery extension just hangs randomly after hours ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_18:49:33.532   206.255.189.xxx   This made my day!!!
2010_12_14_18:50:32.431   068.054.211.xxx   thanks for explaining alek!!! (33)
2010_12_14_18:51:03.671   071.141.105.xxx   Merry Christmas, love Connor!
2010_12_14_18:51:26.252   068.054.211.xxx   WHAT DOES THE SIGN UNDER THE BELLS SAY? (34)
2010_12_14_18:51:28.840   076.029.221.xxx   Alek, wanted to have an email with you, so how would I contact you?
2010_12_14_18:51:37.899   206.255.189.xxx   I just donated you can too!
2010_12_14_18:52:05.600   076.029.221.xxx   Needs money :( I owe my parents still :P
2010_12_14_18:53:13.297   068.054.211.xxx   AHH santa is climbing up a ladder!!! dont fall! save him alek (35)
2010_12_14_18:54:54.840   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Thanks for your donation for Celiac Disease ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_18:56:16.169   173.243.144.xxx   Hello Chris....
2010_12_14_18:56:30.353   068.054.211.xxx   somebody put the santa in tht box!! tht wuld be funny! (36)
2010_12_14_18:58:26.672   068.054.211.xxx   anybody there? no1 has said anything (37)
2010_12_14_18:59:36.391   076.029.221.xxx   I'm here... (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:06:02.902   068.193.138.xxx   Hi Alek wave to the screen!!!
2010_12_14_19:06:29.504   068.193.138.xxx   YEAH!!!!
2010_12_14_19:06:57.016   072.077.095.xxx   Merry Christmas!
2010_12_14_19:07:00.267   068.193.138.xxx   Do a funny dance!
2010_12_14_19:07:31.074   068.193.138.xxx   Alek do a funny dance!
2010_12_14_19:07:32.405   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** As my wife would say, any dance I do is funny ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_19:07:38.687   068.054.211.xxx   DO IT DO IT DO IT (38)
2010_12_14_19:08:10.756   068.193.138.xxx   Then dance!
2010_12_14_19:08:10.796   068.054.211.xxx   DO IT DO IT DO IT (39)
2010_12_14_19:08:45.258   068.193.138.xxx   Dance ALEK Dance!
2010_12_14_19:08:45.617   068.054.211.xxx   DO THAT DANCE ALEK! COME ON! (40 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:09:18.931   068.193.138.xxx   Alek do ya dance with pride!
2010_12_14_19:09:36.914   068.054.211.xxx   YAH (41)
2010_12_14_19:09:52.365   068.193.138.xxx   You know you want to dance so DANCE
2010_12_14_19:10:21.649   068.054.211.xxx   its christmas time! smile please for once! (42)
2010_12_14_19:10:45.776   068.193.138.xxx   Alek ALEK ALEK DANCE DANCE DANCE
2010_12_14_19:11:08.397   068.054.211.xxx   its christmas time! smile please for once! (43)
2010_12_14_19:11:14.799   068.096.170.xxx   Alek, why not set up a separate web page just for you that refreshes using a me
2010_12_14_19:11:57.636   068.193.138.xxx   Alek, what is your favorite football team? (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:11:58.345   068.096.170.xxx   meta , unless you want less than a second that is.....
2010_12_14_19:12:45.139   068.193.138.xxx   Alek, what is your favorite football team? (11)
2010_12_14_19:13:55.704   068.054.211.xxx   show new viewers your hulk mask! HULK SMASH!!! :) (44)
2010_12_14_19:14:54.016   068.193.138.xxx   Alek write something!!! (12)
2010_12_14_19:15:43.039   068.054.211.xxx   Alek: something teehee  just kidding im not him (45)
2010_12_14_19:16:46.466   068.054.211.xxx   hey alek can you read these mesages? please answer! (46)
2010_12_14_19:16:56.975   074.198.012.xxx   Merry Christmas from North Bay
2010_12_14_19:17:31.391   068.054.211.xxx   alek can you read these messages? PLEASE ANSWER!! (47)
2010_12_14_19:18:05.284   074.198.012.xxx   Merry Christmas from Malachai, Mia, Andree and Jeremie!!
2010_12_14_19:18:48.393   068.054.211.xxx   HULK SMASH PUNY HUMANS LIKE YOU! :) (48)
2010_12_14_19:19:46.976   068.193.138.xxx   Hi alek type (13)
2010_12_14_19:19:54.961   068.054.211.xxx   where is your Hulk mask anyway? (49)
2010_12_14_19:20:22.472   074.198.012.xxx   HAPPY HOLIDAYS,EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010_12_14_19:20:49.408   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** I see the messages - just working on some other stuff ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_19:20:57.774   068.096.170.xxx   HULK SAY THROW COOKIE SO Santa-Homer Cursor STAYS OFF ON ALL PAGES
2010_12_14_19:21:29.991   068.054.211.xxx   ok cool i can respect that Alek (50 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:22:47.280   068.054.211.xxx   do u guys know how hard he works for this? geez leave him alone ad let him work (51)
2010_12_14_19:23:25.390   068.096.170.xxx   It gives him a reason to hide from wife in his MAN CAVE!
2010_12_14_19:23:50.773   068.054.211.xxx   LOL he said earlier he had to do dishes..teehee (52)
2010_12_14_19:24:27.309   074.198.012.xxx   HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE
2010_12_14_19:24:59.147   068.150.181.xxx   yay! glad to see you will likely get snow!
2010_12_14_19:25:02.151   099.148.169.xxx   Hey
2010_12_14_19:25:28.064   068.054.211.xxx   webcam 2 is out for me. how about you guys? (53)
2010_12_14_19:25:33.699   099.148.169.xxx   How is it going?
2010_12_14_19:26:30.823   068.054.211.xxx   good how about you? (54)
2010_12_14_19:27:01.393   099.148.169.xxx   Doing great.. n****id
2010_12_14_19:27:22.079   068.054.211.xxx   watch yo language! (55)
2010_12_14_19:28:07.381   099.148.169.xxx   I meant I'm watching netflix :)
2010_12_14_19:28:17.571   076.029.221.xxx   ___sighs___ (11)
2010_12_14_19:28:27.029   068.054.211.xxx   my phone number is 938-5866 txt me rite now! (56)
2010_12_14_19:29:29.670   068.054.211.xxx   anyone txtin me? (57)
2010_12_14_19:30:08.413   068.054.211.xxx   hello? (58)
2010_12_14_19:30:53.783   099.228.117.xxx   why would we want to txt u
2010_12_14_19:31:15.487   068.054.211.xxx   idk cuz im BORED!! ust do it seriously (59)
2010_12_14_19:31:15.956   099.148.169.xxx   Say hey if your my friend!!
2010_12_14_19:31:43.249   068.054.211.xxx   HEY! (60 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:31:59.782   099.228.117.xxx   you sound desperate
2010_12_14_19:32:19.443   068.054.211.xxx   lol they do dont they? (61)
2010_12_14_19:32:29.427   099.148.169.xxx   Well... At least I have a friend!! :)
2010_12_14_19:32:55.510   068.054.211.xxx   is it me? i was the 1 who said hey! :) (62)
2010_12_14_19:33:17.146   099.148.169.xxx   Of course pal!
2010_12_14_19:33:40.289   068.054.211.xxx   HAHA YA!! so it this long distance?? :) (63)
2010_12_14_19:34:31.652   068.103.251.xxx   test
2010_12_14_19:34:47.759   068.054.211.xxx   test? what (64)
2010_12_14_19:34:48.167   099.228.117.xxx   They probably charge for each message too
2010_12_14_19:35:19.146   099.148.169.xxx   Everyone name where your from!! Dallas
2010_12_14_19:35:22.758   068.054.211.xxx   what texting? (65)
2010_12_14_19:35:53.973   068.054.211.xxx   INDIANAPOLIS BABY! (66)
2010_12_14_19:36:12.730   098.113.166.xxx   Greetings from SI, NY
2010_12_14_19:36:29.843   076.190.135.xxx   Merry Christmas From Cleveland OH xD jrz09!!!
2010_12_14_19:41:23.192   068.054.211.xxx   hey (67)
2010_12_14_19:43:23.867   068.054.211.xxx   Type text & CLINK DELETED to see real-time in Santa's Workshop Cam! (68)
2010_12_14_19:44:07.704   067.077.074.xxx   hello mom I love you!
2010_12_14_19:45:51.635   069.171.163.xxx   famous gilbert
2010_12_14_19:46:07.734   068.054.211.xxx   hey (69)
2010_12_14_19:47:11.810   068.054.211.xxx   1 more and i have sent 70 IM's today! (70 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_19:47:43.429   068.054.211.xxx   YAY I HIT 70! (71)
2010_12_14_19:47:57.146   068.103.251.xxx   Pretend this is something clever
2010_12_14_19:48:02.844   072.066.063.xxx   wow, amazing..  not.
2010_12_14_19:48:21.565   068.054.211.xxx   you jerk (72)
2010_12_14_19:48:35.942   072.066.063.xxx   gee, this guy needs a new setup.
2010_12_14_19:48:52.717   068.054.211.xxx   gtg BYE!! merry xmas! (73)
2010_12_14_19:49:04.961   072.066.063.xxx   sure you do.
2010_12_14_19:50:06.694   072.066.063.xxx   0_O
2010_12_14_19:57:04.746   076.029.221.xxx   Alek, could I know your email? (12)
2010_12_14_20:08:43.917   076.022.153.xxx   Holy Crayola!
2010_12_14_20:09:48.961   076.022.153.xxx   Hello random peoples of the universe. :D
2010_12_14_20:11:08.614   076.022.153.xxx   Aww, still no TARDIS. :(
2010_12_14_20:13:43.905   174.059.165.xxx   Hello! Why is there a skull in top left corner?!?!?!?
2010_12_14_20:14:14.141   076.022.153.xxx   Holy macra, there is! :O
2010_12_14_20:14:50.050   174.059.165.xxx   If you see this now, respond with the letter "z"
2010_12_14_20:15:00.556   076.022.153.xxx   z
2010_12_14_20:15:27.216   076.022.153.xxx   You are welcome. :)
2010_12_14_20:15:28.384   174.059.165.xxx   if you see this, respond with the letter "o"
2010_12_14_20:17:08.549   098.228.204.xxx   Merry Christmas from Meg & Josh
2010_12_14_20:17:12.420   174.059.165.xxx   Everyone, try turning every single light off, see if we can do it!
2010_12_14_20:18:08.919   076.022.153.xxx   Hey, who turned out the lights?
2010_12_14_20:18:37.037   076.022.153.xxx   It's the Vashta Nereda! :O
2010_12_14_20:18:41.626   174.059.165.xxx   Hahahaha! Idk! turn them all on now! :)
2010_12_14_20:19:14.657   071.203.019.xxx   hi from florida
2010_12_14_20:19:22.516   076.022.153.xxx   They're coming aliiiive! :D
2010_12_14_20:19:41.614   174.059.165.xxx   YEssss!!!! Itss allliiiivvvveee!!
2010_12_14_20:20:24.935   174.059.165.xxx   _________he just put that pabst can there a few mins ago...
2010_12_14_20:21:58.630   174.059.165.xxx   HEEEYYYY,  HEEYY YOU!!!
2010_12_14_20:22:09.324   071.203.019.xxx   i love pugs
2010_12_14_20:22:20.222   076.022.153.xxx   Hello random person! (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:22:26.560   174.059.165.xxx   i see you!!! muhahaha
2010_12_14_20:22:33.061   071.203.019.xxx   lol
2010_12_14_20:23:01.281   071.203.019.xxx   hellooo everyone
2010_12_14_20:23:01.887   098.228.204.xxx   I like pie
2010_12_14_20:23:11.420   076.022.153.xxx   "Say wheeeeee!" (11)
2010_12_14_20:23:23.009   174.059.165.xxx   whhheeeeee! (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:23:27.355   071.203.019.xxx   wheeeeeeeeeeeee
2010_12_14_20:23:54.301   174.059.165.xxx   all 79 of us are having fun!! (11)
2010_12_14_20:23:55.409   076.022.153.xxx   Ha ha :D (12)
2010_12_14_20:24:00.241   098.228.204.xxx   I like turtles
2010_12_14_20:24:22.350   071.203.019.xxx   i like santa
2010_12_14_20:24:24.095   076.022.153.xxx   Turtles are cool. Like bow ties. (13)
2010_12_14_20:24:24.847   074.192.030.xxx   HEY! FROM AGGIELAND, TEXAS
2010_12_14_20:24:47.341   174.059.165.xxx   hey texas! (12)
2010_12_14_20:24:53.934   071.203.019.xxx   Hi from Venice Florida
2010_12_14_20:24:59.332   076.022.153.xxx   Hello from Tennessee! (14)
2010_12_14_20:25:13.246   098.228.204.xxx   You can't eat cookies for breakfast!
2010_12_14_20:25:31.987   071.203.019.xxx   i just went to tennessee ...i loved it there.. gatlinburg
2010_12_14_20:25:34.787   074.192.030.xxx   Thanks for this! It's awesome!! :O) Hope ur Dec is going good.
2010_12_14_20:25:56.756   174.059.165.xxx   i was just in tennesse for a magic convention (13)
2010_12_14_20:26:05.062   076.022.153.xxx   Really? Neat! (15)
2010_12_14_20:26:22.982   071.203.019.xxx   there is a lot of magic stuff in tn
2010_12_14_20:26:28.250   174.059.165.xxx   KAITLTYN WHITE!!!!! (14)
2010_12_14_20:26:53.966   071.203.019.xxx   gatlinburg was so nice (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:26:55.158   174.059.165.xxx   yes, lots!!!! (15)
2010_12_14_20:27:08.630   076.022.153.xxx   Ooh, Gatlinburg is great. (16)
2010_12_14_20:27:48.402   174.059.165.xxx   i love pigeon forge!!! do you know terry evanswood? (16)
2010_12_14_20:27:49.898   098.228.204.xxx   I love Nashville!
2010_12_14_20:28:00.226   071.203.019.xxx   loved the aquarium there (11)
2010_12_14_20:28:00.668   076.022.153.xxx   I don't think I know that person. (17)
2010_12_14_20:28:16.445   174.059.165.xxx   hmm. how about wonderworks? (17)
2010_12_14_20:28:43.526   076.022.153.xxx   Hmm. I can't quite recall that. (18)
2010_12_14_20:28:56.657   174.059.165.xxx   KAITLYN WHITEEEE!!!! (18)
2010_12_14_20:29:00.784   071.203.019.xxx   i like ripleys believe it or not..awesome (12)
2010_12_14_20:29:28.709   174.059.165.xxx   KAITLYN WHITTEEE!!!! (19)
2010_12_14_20:29:31.551   071.203.019.xxx   cades cove was cool too (13)
2010_12_14_20:29:40.293   076.022.153.xxx   Yep! (19)
2010_12_14_20:30:08.278   071.203.019.xxx   it's 30 degrees here in Florida..ugggggg (14)
2010_12_14_20:30:19.988   174.059.165.xxx   KAITLYNN WWHHITTEE!!!!! (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:30:55.914   071.203.019.xxx   what time is it where u are (15)
2010_12_14_20:30:58.101   174.059.165.xxx   hey, hey you!!! (21)
2010_12_14_20:31:09.986   076.022.153.xxx   9:30 pm. (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:31:26.920   071.203.019.xxx   10,30 (16)
2010_12_14_20:31:39.652   174.059.165.xxx   he cant see this...hes a weenie!!! (22)
2010_12_14_20:31:41.765   156.034.192.xxx   11:30
2010_12_14_20:32:01.933   071.203.019.xxx   11..where r u from (17)
2010_12_14_20:32:18.849   174.059.165.xxx   heeyy (23)
2010_12_14_20:32:47.478   071.203.019.xxx   anyone have any snow (18)
2010_12_14_20:32:52.110   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Alek went to Africa from his son kyle ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_20:32:57.121   174.059.165.xxx   turn all the lights off!!!!! (24)
2010_12_14_20:33:00.935   076.022.153.xxx   I have snow cream! (21)
2010_12_14_20:33:18.658   156.034.192.xxx   Africa ?!
2010_12_14_20:33:25.343   076.022.153.xxx   Africa?! (22)
2010_12_14_20:33:33.422   174.059.165.xxx   turn off all of the lights!!!! (25)
2010_12_14_20:33:33.576   071.203.019.xxx   snow cream....what? (19)
2010_12_14_20:34:02.819   076.022.153.xxx   It's snow, vanilla flavoring, milk, and sugar mixed together. (23)
2010_12_14_20:34:24.013   174.059.165.xxx   TURN OFF ALL THE LIGHTS!!!!!! (26)
2010_12_14_20:34:33.172   071.203.019.xxx   yummmmy (20 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_20:34:35.226   098.228.204.xxx   I always thought snow cream wasn't very good...
2010_12_14_20:34:38.681   156.034.192.xxx   No
2010_12_14_20:34:46.082   076.022.153.xxx   It's delicious. (24)
2010_12_14_20:35:17.431   076.022.153.xxx   It's the Vashta Nerada! :O (25)
2010_12_14_20:35:20.131   071.203.019.xxx   sounds it (21)
2010_12_14_20:36:15.575   071.203.019.xxx   well Goodnight....have fun.... (22)
2010_12_14_20:36:28.362   076.022.153.xxx   Good night! (26)
2010_12_14_20:36:50.637   174.059.165.xxx   whats their obsession with hulk? (27)
2010_12_14_20:37:17.268   076.022.153.xxx   Nerds are cool. (27)
2010_12_14_20:37:25.546   156.034.192.xxx   Phew Kyle said u went to Africa Alek !
2010_12_14_20:37:27.206   174.059.165.xxx   hey, thats not nice!!!! I think he made all this! (28)
2010_12_14_20:37:47.497   098.228.204.xxx   This website is one of the best parts of this time of year for me!
2010_12_14_20:37:56.931   071.203.019.xxx   i see Pabst Blue ribbon....yummm (23)
2010_12_14_20:38:17.030   076.022.153.xxx   I still wish there was a TARDIS. :( (28)
2010_12_14_20:38:36.804   071.203.019.xxx   i love this website.....so fun (24)
2010_12_14_20:39:33.091   071.203.019.xxx   smile (25)
2010_12_14_20:39:44.789   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Kyle is correct - was fortunate to be able to do an African Safari this summer ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_20:39:58.359   076.022.153.xxx   Neat! (29)
2010_12_14_20:40:00.350   071.081.178.xxx   hi Jill!!
2010_12_14_20:40:06.847   071.203.019.xxx   wave to us.... (26)
2010_12_14_20:40:10.305   156.034.192.xxx   Cool
2010_12_14_20:40:40.067   071.081.178.xxx   hi Jill & Tooney
2010_12_14_20:41:08.351   071.203.019.xxx   MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (27)
2010_12_14_20:48:50.952   024.049.018.xxx   THIS IS SO GROOVY
2010_12_14_20:49:29.402   024.049.018.xxx   HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL
2010_12_14_21:00:25.729   173.051.044.xxx   cr
2010_12_14_21:01:15.729   173.051.044.xxx   having NASCAR withdraws.... Merry Christmas
2010_12_14_21:05:39.965   184.056.246.xxx   10 days, 55 minutes
2010_12_14_21:05:51.054   173.051.044.xxx   having NASCAR withdraws.... Merry Christmas
2010_12_14_21:06:22.768   072.219.146.xxx   This is so cool
2010_12_14_21:07:07.903   072.219.146.xxx   Lakers taking it on X mas! WOoo
2010_12_14_21:08:31.433   099.238.038.xxx   I see you alek !
2010_12_14_21:11:45.983   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** I see you Internet Surfer Dude! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_21:15:46.625   068.150.181.xxx   snoLINK DELETED
2010_12_14_21:16:11.622   068.150.181.xxx   oops haha
2010_12_14_21:16:21.566   068.005.191.xxx   Good Evening
2010_12_14_21:16:58.993   068.150.181.xxx   Someone turn off the Snow man
2010_12_14_21:17:40.980   068.150.181.xxx   it's so unlike Colorado to not have any snow still
2010_12_14_21:21:43.004   068.150.181.xxx   oh I wanna Hippopatamus for Christmas..
2010_12_14_21:23:15.023   068.150.181.xxx   last 20:popup
2010_12_14_21:26:37.626   098.184.064.xxx   this is fun XD
2010_12_14_21:26:58.892   068.150.181.xxx   CD?
2010_12_14_21:27:29.007   098.184.064.xxx   DVD?
2010_12_14_21:27:31.087   068.150.181.xxx   oops. I think I meant.. XD?
2010_12_14_21:28:03.673   024.000.195.xxx   I ___3 Tara
2010_12_14_21:28:10.354   098.184.064.xxx   it's like lol, its s sideways smiley with his eyes closed laughing...XD
2010_12_14_21:28:36.519   068.150.181.xxx   oh ok.  I've never seen that before. (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_21:29:09.191   098.184.064.xxx   i don't see many people use it anymore
2010_12_14_21:30:34.241   068.150.181.xxx   ok.  must be pre-texting days :D (11)
2010_12_14_21:30:56.425   098.184.064.xxx   HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM SUPERCIVIC1991
2010_12_14_21:35:04.595   068.150.181.xxx   oohh (12)
2010_12_14_21:40:02.130   071.029.180.xxx   Happy Holidays, Suki
2010_12_14_21:40:34.642   071.029.180.xxx   _________
2010_12_14_21:41:00.462   024.121.155.xxx   AWESOME
2010_12_14_21:41:45.941   024.121.155.xxx   THIS IS THE BEST SITE EVER
2010_12_14_21:42:13.874   074.220.050.xxx   Millersville University
2010_12_14_21:42:38.624   071.029.180.xxx   Go University of Kentucky!
2010_12_14_21:42:45.936   024.121.155.xxx   BULLHEAD CITY, ARIZONA
2010_12_14_21:43:32.627   071.029.180.xxx   .w.
2010_12_14_21:44:41.840   074.220.050.xxx   bye mistery man
2010_12_14_21:47:33.337   069.244.185.xxx   Hello
2010_12_14_21:48:16.197   069.244.185.xxx   You have a very cool setup
2010_12_14_21:54:13.264   070.178.110.xxx   Callin' it a nite.....g'night all!
2010_12_14_21:54:42.065   068.096.170.xxx   Komar song for site - nobody does it better - carly simon
2010_12_14_21:55:17.704   068.096.170.xxx   Make me feel sad for the rest! (10 IM's so far today)
2010_12_14_21:55:59.658   068.096.170.xxx   No body has a web site half as good as you! (11)
2010_12_14_21:56:27.284   068.096.170.xxx   You're the BEST !!! (12)
2010_12_14_21:57:02.667   074.220.050.xxx   that guy looks like steven colbert
2010_12_14_21:57:17.144   068.096.170.xxx   Thanks Alek, having fun even with the few glitches (13)
2010_12_14_21:57:37.095   074.055.007.xxx   ***ALEK*** Thanks for stopping by - may have snow tomorrow night ... HO-HO-HO! ***ALEK***
2010_12_14_21:59:18.846   184.058.124.xxx   night!
2010_12_14_21:59:57.044   068.096.170.xxx   Last post! And best xmas site on the web! (14)

Christmas Messages Index