80 christmas text messages on 2014/1227

The Christmas Lights Webcam allows Internet surfers to send "Instant Messages via webcam" which are displayed real-time in Santa's Workshop.In addition, web surfers are controlling the lights & inflatables - i.e. turning them on and off via X10 controls - which they did 3,995 times that day including 2,558 overloads of the system. For those that missed it, here's a log of what was said!

Christmas "Instant Messages on webcam" on 1227

Date_Time                 IP Address        Message
2014_12_27_17:00:57.110   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** Webcam #2 white balance is off with the snow - will get better at dark ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_17:06:01.434   068.150.161.xxx   Looks ok so far
2014_12_27_17:06:45.726   050.187.088.xxx   Theres a car there in webcam 2
2014_12_27_17:07:29.501   068.150.161.xxx   I don't see a car
2014_12_27_17:07:34.661   050.187.088.xxx   You did a great job this year and its the best house
2014_12_27_17:10:38.369   068.150.161.xxx   Alek, next Christmas you should all go somewhere warm
2014_12_27_17:12:48.297   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** LOL - maybe Hawaii! ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_17:13:38.229   068.150.161.xxx   Well you deserve a fresh change for once
2014_12_27_17:20:58.668   107.145.103.xxx   moof
2014_12_27_17:24:06.360   086.152.023.xxx   hello evebody
2014_12_27_17:27:19.942   086.152.023.xxx   santa you are awsome
2014_12_27_17:28:28.238   086.152.023.xxx   i think the homer is a bit faualty
2014_12_27_17:29:09.031   188.220.029.xxx   so is your spelliingg lol
2014_12_27_17:29:28.851   086.152.023.xxx   i cant help it
2014_12_27_17:30:30.550   086.152.023.xxx   moodey boy/girl omg
2014_12_27_17:30:39.897   068.150.161.xxx   Moo
2014_12_27_17:31:17.302   071.205.077.xxx   The Detroit Cast Rules!
2014_12_27_17:32:04.892   050.106.014.xxx   GO WHS DECA
2014_12_27_17:32:34.690   050.106.014.xxx   I pooped my pants
2014_12_27_17:34:00.801   050.106.014.xxx   why is your clock going backwards?
2014_12_27_17:34:28.894   068.150.161.xxx   He has a backward clock
2014_12_27_17:34:45.728   070.053.026.xxx   Merry Xmas from Ottawa, canada
2014_12_27_17:35:27.127   068.150.161.xxx   Tmi guy
2014_12_27_17:36:30.475   068.150.161.xxx   Guys, grow up
2014_12_27_17:36:31.306   086.152.023.xxx   o lol
2014_12_27_17:37:32.067   068.150.161.xxx   Maturity lacking
2014_12_27_17:37:58.040   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** Santa sent them some coal! ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_17:38:45.727   086.152.023.xxx   we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry
2014_12_27_17:38:50.663   068.150.161.xxx   High quality Coal I'm sure (10 IM's so far today)
2014_12_27_17:39:31.437   086.152.023.xxx   who did he send the coal to
2014_12_27_17:41:20.261   068.150.161.xxx   You (11)
2014_12_27_17:42:13.066   086.152.023.xxx   why
2014_12_27_17:42:41.845   068.150.161.xxx   Telling us way too much on here (12)
2014_12_27_17:43:41.024   086.152.023.xxx   the lag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10 IM's so far today)
2014_12_27_17:45:26.412   070.199.132.xxx   Alloohhhaa
2014_12_27_17:45:56.571   068.150.161.xxx   Rag tag lag hag nag bag zag (13)
2014_12_27_18:10:26.448   068.106.030.xxx   Greetings from Green Valley, AZ   USA
2014_12_27_18:12:53.052   068.150.161.xxx   Hello AZ (14)
2014_12_27_18:51:58.779   098.248.136.xxx   Man I'm great at this game!
2014_12_27_18:57:52.559   068.150.161.xxx   Not much of a game when you play it alone (15)
2014_12_27_18:58:49.405   098.248.136.xxx   christmas lights solitaire
2014_12_27_19:02:48.348   100.003.169.xxx   Grinch is rare
2014_12_27_19:05:58.031   100.003.169.xxx   Would u sell it to me mr.alek
2014_12_27_19:09:42.821   174.029.236.xxx   Thank you for letting us control the lights and blowups!
2014_12_27_19:11:25.965   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** Glad you enjoy the show and thank YOU for controlling my lights! ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_19:12:48.673   174.029.236.xxx   We will miss seeing your decorations when they are down.
2014_12_27_19:15:25.033   098.248.136.xxx   Yes. I will cry night and day. seriously.
2014_12_27_19:17:00.910   100.003.169.xxx   Which inflatable was your first mr. Alek?
2014_12_27_19:20:11.957   096.252.203.xxx   off
2014_12_27_19:24:26.011   100.003.169.xxx   I said inflatable!
2014_12_27_19:45:46.488   067.176.051.xxx   Merry Christmas everyone!
2014_12_27_19:59:21.640   100.003.169.xxx   hapy holidays, and happy winter solistice
2014_12_27_20:37:36.125   068.150.161.xxx   hooray for everything! (16)
2014_12_27_20:38:24.484   108.036.133.xxx   Hope you're keeping some of your Christmas decorations, Mr.K
2014_12_27_20:38:50.816   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** One final round of pictures tonight, so controls off at 9:00 - sorry ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_20:39:48.633   108.036.133.xxx   Do you have people stopping to take pics as well?
2014_12_27_20:41:19.416   104.008.108.xxx   Happy Holidayz!
2014_12_27_20:42:05.218   068.150.161.xxx   Happy Festivus! (17)
2014_12_27_20:42:15.832   108.036.133.xxx   Happy Third Day of Christmas!
2014_12_27_20:43:19.086   068.150.161.xxx   Gobble Gobble! (18)
2014_12_27_20:45:37.920   108.036.133.xxx   Looks like a lot of traffic out there tonight.
2014_12_27_20:45:52.494   076.169.111.xxx   Sad you are shutting down early.  Hope you are back in some way next year!
2014_12_27_20:46:48.238   108.036.133.xxx   I'd be happy just to see a few decorations on the Grass Cam
2014_12_27_20:47:52.632   076.169.111.xxx   Yes, even a few decorations would be nice.
2014_12_27_20:48:08.811   068.150.161.xxx   Grass inflatables (19)
2014_12_27_20:48:38.439   108.036.133.xxx   Grass lights, heh!
2014_12_27_20:49:04.945   068.150.161.xxx   Ha!  Ha controllable solar lights (20 IM's so far today)
2014_12_27_20:49:22.102   108.036.133.xxx   Now that would be a trick!
2014_12_27_20:50:05.222   108.036.133.xxx   Stepping Santa is working again!
2014_12_27_20:50:08.793   068.150.161.xxx   Inflatable worms and squirrels (21)
2014_12_27_20:50:49.674   108.036.133.xxx   How does this month go so fast? :(
2014_12_27_20:51:20.125   068.150.161.xxx   By the second! (22)
2014_12_27_20:53:02.940   108.036.133.xxx   I'm going to have to watch Youtube videos next year. :( (10 IM's so far today)
2014_12_27_20:53:22.944   068.150.161.xxx   Why are they off at 9pm again? (23)
2014_12_27_20:53:50.718   108.036.133.xxx   Alek is taking photos then. (11)
2014_12_27_20:54:03.773   068.150.161.xxx   More photos? (24)
2014_12_27_20:54:43.796   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** Sorry guys - last set of photos - should not have to do tomorrow ***ALEK***
2014_12_27_20:56:09.017   108.036.133.xxx   No worries, you take great pics! (12)
2014_12_27_20:57:26.705   108.036.133.xxx   What time will you go dark tomorrow? (13)
2014_12_27_20:58:26.797   173.193.189.xxx   ***ALEK*** Regular time at 10:00 ... work day on Monday ***ALEK***

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