Here's a bunch of pictures/video from the Giants/Dodgers game on May 14th, and
Giants/Rockies game on May 19th, 2012.
Kyle on the mound from the batter's perspective
Kyle throwing some heat!
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Giants taking some mighty swings
Stop-action of another so-so swing from Kyle
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Kyle pitching as seen from 1st base
Coleman checking the runner on 3rd (?) as Kyle fires a pitch - mouseover to see stop-action
Stop-action of Kyle's pitching motion
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Kyle throws to Ethen for the force at home who then takes charge!
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Keegan makes great effort to avoid tag at 2nd ... but it was before the ball popped loose
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Ethan comes into 3rd and is tagged in a ... tough spot! Consider sliding next time ... ;-)
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Coach Dave confers with Kyle and Lucas
Kyle takes over as 3rd base coach
A mad dash for Home from 3rd base!
Coleman crushed one past the outfielders and tried to make it all the way around Here's the 3rd basemen is waiting for ball just before Coleman arrives Note position of foot blocking the bag - legal if you are making a play
Camera lost auto-focus ... but amazing that Coleman didn't trip over 3rd baseman's foot Mouseover image to see closeup - ball won't be there for 3+ frames - a 1/2 second
Ball arrives at 3rd base well after Coleman has rounded bag ... but been slowed down - that Obstruction!
Coleman makes a great slide into home ... very close, but Ump calls him Out
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Lots of plays at home - here Lucas slides in - he's SAFE - mouseover to see wide-angle view
Dodger Catcher AlexU had this nice hit earlier in the game - shadow of the ball is cool