CCLL Giants Baseball - May 31st, 2013 against the Rockies

The 500mm "big dog" lens captures Gabe SMACKING the baseball

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a1

The "wide angle" (!) 200mm lens shows good form here also ... but jusssstttt missed! ;-)

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a2

Kyle about to slug one

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a3

Kyle lines up again later in the game - mouseover image of him making contact

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m1

Kyle dances out of the way of this inside pitch

giants 2013_05_11 rockies k1

34 second later, he clobbers this one!

giants 2013_05_11 rockies k1

Wide-angle shot of Griphen about to hit this ball

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a4

500mm lens provides a closeup of the same pitch - mouseover image to the swing

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m2

Yep, that ball went flying!

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a5

Lucas just after making contact - mouseover image to see him do the cha-cha! ;-)

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m3

Drew has his eye on the ball as he fouls one off

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a6

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a7

Luke keeping a close eye on this high pitch as seen by 200mm and 500mm lens

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a8

giants 2013_05_11 rockies a9

Luke gets out of the way of another high/inside pitch!

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b0

Conner making contact - mouseover image to see 1/8 second later

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m4

Keegan swinging from the left side

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b1

He actually hit a sharp ground ball foul at the cameraman! ;-)

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b2

Davis certainly has his "eye" on this pitch!

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b3

Jack drills a thigh-high pitch

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b4

Jack ducks down low ... and stick his tounge out at this inside pitch

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b5

and then knocks the stuffing out of the ball!

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b6

giants 2013_05_11 rockies b7

Jack slides into home - mouseover image to see 1/8 second earlier

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m1

Harry (former Giant but now on the Rockies) fouls one off

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

Stop-action of a crushing hit by Harry - oh yeah!

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Harry hit

Some other pictures of the Rockies - sorry I don't know their names

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1 giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies r1

Mouseover the following 3 images to see the Rockies in action

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m1

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m5

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m6

Great playing by both teams!

giants 2013_05_31 rockies e1

giants 2013_05_31 rockies e2

Coach Eric, Dave, and Doug talk to the Giants afterwards about the game

giants 2013_05_31 rockies e3

Mouseover image to see Dave explain the finer points of the game! ;-)

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giants 2013_05_31 rockies e6

A "Future Giant" comes over to join the team - mouseover image to see Jonah with the ball ;-)

giants 2013/05/31 rockies m7

giants 2013_05_31 rockies e9

Photography Notes: Pictures taken with a Canon 7D and 70-200/F2.8 and 500/F4 lens.

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