Sphero Games at Orbotix - April 11st, 2013

Here's a few pictures from a fun Sphero game night - check out the nifty Robots balls controlled from your handheld device.
Too bad President Obama wasn't there to join us - "excuse me, give me some space to drive my ball" - direct YouTube link

My son Kyle in the middle with friend Drew on his left and his brother Jeffrey

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Jeffrey and Drew using the Sphero App to control their robots balls

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More Sphero Gamers line up their balls at the starting line

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Slow shutter speed shows Sphero movement - mouseover next two images to see the players follow the action!

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sphere action 2

A few long exposure frames using a remote release to control the tripod mounted camera

Use the controls to play, step, pause, slow-down, and/or speed-up the animation.
Play Step Into (pause at each frame) Pause     Decrease playback speed Increase playback speed     Frame Rate     ... loading images ...
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Adam talks about the Sphero Robotic Sports League

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Paul soliciting feedback - Kyle says he wants a Turbo Super Fast mode!

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Kyle is too busy playing with the Sphero App to look at the camera!

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Photography Notes: Pictures taken with a Canon 7D and 17-55/2.8 lens along with remote flash ... mostly run-n-gun.

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