Real-time webcam picture ==> Hitting the Update Webcam does not pan/zoom the camera, nor does it change the lights - it only asks the webcam to "reshoot" the picture. While the lights themselves won't change (unless someone else is playing with them at the same time - a REAL possibility by the way!), what you may see is an occasional car drive by, people stopping to gawk at the lights, our garage opening, etc. Email me if you see anything "interesting" and I'll add to the webcam cool pictures page! ;-) |
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You can PAN the webcam - i.e. move it to the left/right and/or up/down. The bearing shows the (true) compass heading, so lower numbers slew to the left and higher slews to the right. The elevation is the verticle angle of the webcam - higher numbers are up. The webcam also has a ZOOM feature - i.e. take a closer look at something.
Punch in what you want or use the arrows to slew the camera 5° in the selected direction or use the +/- buttons to zoom-in/out by 1X. Finally, here are some special buttons that will cause the camera to go right to the topic of interest - try HULK! |
Control the Webcam - Pan & Zoom it!
The current state of the X10 zones is shown to the right. Also look at the picture above and the light count/amperage table below. Then simply toggle a zone (or zones - you can do more than one) to whatever you want, and then hit Change Light Setting which will send X10 commands to change the lights, and then refresh the picture ... and hopefully not annoy my neighbors too much! |
Control the Lights - turn 'em ON & OFF!
X10-Zone Amps Lights Description - red means it is ON 1 0.2 7 Driveway lights 1 0.7 3 Lower RIP lights 2 2.3 203 Garage backlight, Lower Ghost, Hulk Spotlight, Frank & Alien 2 0.7 3 Upper RIP lights, Hulk lower light 3 2.0 314 Bubble Lights, Boneyard, Poo Lights 3 6.6 1,900 Pumpkin 4 1.9 360 Large lawn BOO 4 3.6 950 Upper Deck icicles and Upper Ghost TIMER 0.5 50 Downstairs Flying Bat TIMER 0.7 100 Upstairs Window Boo and Pumpkin TOTALS 19.2 3,890 |