I was driving to work a few days ago, and I heard on the radio one of those "Salutes Real Men of Genius" commercials for "Mr. Halloween Decorations Man" - needless to say, it struck a chord with me! ;-)
I've Google'd to the end of the Internet, but can't seem to find this. So if anyone out there can find a web site with it will Email me the URL, I'll be happy to lockout the Halloween Webcam for your dedicated use for a couple of minutes - swing it left, swing it right, zoom it in, zoom it out, and turn all the lights on and off - whooopeeee!!! And perhaps more importantly, you'll benefit all your fellow surfers who really DO need to hear this important commercial message! ;-)
In case you haven't heard one, lets have a round of applause for Mr. Restrooom Toi1et Paper Refi11er