Halloween 2004 Webcam Bots
One thing I hadn't anticipated with the halloween webcam being used to "vote" for Bush,
Kerry, or the Hulk (see Hulk for President) is that some folks would try to
"stuff the ballot" ... and write "computer bots" that keep accessing
the webcam and voting for their favorite candidate.
When I dumped frequency of access from the halloween web stats, these jump right out ... and I've subsequently added some "fraud detection" code
to the webcam itself to make tracking this stuff easier. So far, I've only
stumbled across one "Bot" (there could be more!) and here are the detailed
webcam logs themselves for it:
When I see this, I "ban" that IP from access the webcam and also pull
the numbers ... so guys, you aren't doing your candidate any favors by
doing stuff like this. Also, this is my personal family web site, so I'd
also appeciate a little less hacking attempts.
Update: Voting Bots show up again for the
2008 Election!