Lighting FX

So I heard that Target was carrying a product called Lighting FX and finally found it at the local Super Target. It controls your house lamps and has them flicker to music - they toss in a "spooky music" CD. I've seen it advertised at Smarthome for $34.99, but Targe's price was only $19.99 ... and as always, check it out AFTER the holidays and you may be able to get it for 50% or even 75% off.

Super-simple to use. Plug the Lighting FX box into a hot outlet, and plug your lamp, light string or extension code into the other end. It is rated up to 500 Watts, so you can control a fair number of lights with the later approach. The output then varies with the sound. There is a sensitivity knob that controls how fast the lights "flicker" to sound. It works exactly as you think it should. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to use this with my halloween decorations and possibly the outdoor christmas lights but it should be fun to play around with. Another cool gadget I picked up for $25 at Costo was the Thor-X 10,000,000 candlepower spot light ... just in case I want to send Morse Code to the International Space Station! ;-)

Here's what the Lighting FX box looks like on the shelves

Box, Controller, Instructions, and CD

lighting fx box lighting fx kit

Lighting FX with Bugville

Clap your hands and watch the pumpkin lights flicker! ;-)

with bugville with pumpkin

Oh yeah, the contents of the "13 Transylvania Ave/The Sounds of Horror" CD are: Thunderstorm, Catherdral of the Undead, Grave Digger, Monster Creation, and Haunted Mansion ... all definately top-40 hits around halloween! ;-)