116 halloween text messages on 2008/1007

The Halloween Decorations Webcam allows Internet surfers to send "Instant Messages via webcam" which are displayed real-time in the Haunted Office.In addition, web surfers are controlling the lights & inflatables - i.e. turning them on and off via X10 controls - which they did 1,852 times that day including 860 overloads of the system. For those that missed it, here's a log of what was said!

Halloween "Instant Messages on webcam" on 1007

Date_Time                 IP Address        Message
2008_10_07_17:00:10.483   090.200.154.xxx   HIiiii
2008_10_07_17:00:17.530   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Turned things on early tonight to test a few things ... ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_17:01:13.457   090.200.154.xxx   Does heads up harry move ??
2008_10_07_17:02:09.385   078.145.119.xxx   Hi Alex, just off to bed as its 12.00am here in the UK. Good Night!!!
2008_10_07_17:02:51.231   074.038.248.xxx   lol you got a mini lava lamp
2008_10_07_17:03:30.290   078.145.119.xxx   good night all!!!
2008_10_07_17:10:00.336   074.038.248.xxx   weres grim at
2008_10_07_17:12:03.673   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** I'll put Grim Reaper by garage out shortly ... ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_17:14:05.184   074.038.248.xxx   sombodys leavin
2008_10_07_17:14:54.049   066.227.207.xxx   ****0
2008_10_07_17:30:41.290   074.038.248.xxx   do u have 2 moniters on one computer???
2008_10_07_17:40:13.593   076.122.058.xxx   sup
2008_10_07_17:40:53.611   076.122.058.xxx   hi guys
2008_10_07_17:42:06.823   070.243.163.xxx   hello, er, person
2008_10_07_17:43:26.010   070.243.163.xxx   Woohoo! Green Guy's takin' an early lead tonight!
2008_10_07_17:46:34.800   088.068.220.xxx   ich liebe Celina
2008_10_07_17:49:03.888   012.014.148.xxx   Hey, this is cool
2008_10_07_17:49:58.910   070.243.163.xxx   Yeah, this is freakin' AWESOME!!!
2008_10_07_17:53:46.062   070.243.163.xxx   Is that... a feather on Harry's hat?
2008_10_07_17:58:37.742   070.243.163.xxx   Good gravy his eyes move!!!!! Aaaahhhhhh!!!
2008_10_07_18:00:32.926   070.243.163.xxx   Wonder who that was...
2008_10_07_18:01:43.067   070.243.163.xxx   Anybody out there?!
2008_10_07_18:03:49.869   088.068.220.xxx   here
2008_10_07_18:04:10.056   088.068.220.xxx   where are you from
2008_10_07_18:04:12.941   071.052.058.xxx   alek your office looks soooo cool!
2008_10_07_18:05:08.143   088.068.220.xxx   ich liebe dich mein schatz
2008_10_07_18:07:36.784   070.243.163.xxx   Me? I come from planet Cupcakeswithsprinkles.
2008_10_07_18:14:19.969   074.224.164.xxx   hey its seems boring you should go to LINK DELETED
2008_10_07_18:14:59.942   074.224.164.xxx   g******* . com
2008_10_07_18:21:41.227   071.052.058.xxx   hows everyone doing?
2008_10_07_18:26:05.330   074.060.079.xxx   good
2008_10_07_18:26:46.361   071.052.058.xxx   scale of 1--------10
2008_10_07_18:27:25.355   074.060.079.xxx   1
2008_10_07_18:29:12.155   071.052.058.xxx   do not commit suicide!
2008_10_07_18:31:05.517   074.060.079.xxx   wife might do that for me
2008_10_07_18:32:10.834   071.052.058.xxx   why? insert your feelings
2008_10_07_18:32:48.974   074.060.079.xxx   nothanks might be bloodey
2008_10_07_18:36:39.135   068.032.073.xxx   Read & Gray Rock!  Cool Site!
2008_10_07_18:36:45.856   071.052.058.xxx   me like bloodey
2008_10_07_18:37:00.445   074.060.079.xxx   no thanks
2008_10_07_18:40:46.415   068.032.073.xxx   Read & Gray Rock!  Cool site!
2008_10_07_18:40:59.349   075.220.069.xxx   hi!!!!!
2008_10_07_18:42:12.746   071.052.058.xxx   hi wave
2008_10_07_18:42:15.642   075.220.069.xxx   what atre you doing????
2008_10_07_18:42:56.362   071.052.058.xxx   is it flooting?
2008_10_07_18:43:54.142   071.052.058.xxx   ha ha
2008_10_07_18:43:56.003   075.220.069.xxx   lol nice hat
2008_10_07_18:44:35.818   071.052.058.xxx   awesome! (10 IM's so far today)
2008_10_07_18:46:09.379   071.052.058.xxx   hulk! (11)
2008_10_07_18:48:17.400   075.220.069.xxx   i like the alien!!!!
2008_10_07_18:49:09.259   071.052.058.xxx   hey go outside nd move the rope lightsa (12)
2008_10_07_18:49:56.067   075.220.069.xxx   yure electric bill must be crazy ___ !!!!!!!!!
2008_10_07_18:55:56.931   071.052.058.xxx   it does later on probably (13)
2008_10_07_18:59:11.902   071.052.058.xxx   do that again! (14)
2008_10_07_19:01:47.299   066.227.207.xxx   701
2008_10_07_19:08:43.940   075.220.069.xxx   you decoration people rock!!! - new hampshire-
2008_10_07_19:10:07.895   098.015.149.xxx   alex's halloween site for celiac disease rock!
2008_10_07_19:11:31.308   071.052.058.xxx   yeah it does! (15)
2008_10_07_19:13:00.969   098.015.149.xxx   go alek!
2008_10_07_19:14:42.234   125.241.093.xxx   Wow, this is cool. :)
2008_10_07_19:18:38.971   071.052.058.xxx   its a goverment conspericy! (16)
2008_10_07_19:21:41.519   067.159.044.xxx   Wake up ____ people . Vote Mccain to preserve our furure
2008_10_07_19:23:50.692   067.159.044.xxx   If your poor vote OBama
2008_10_07_19:24:06.888   075.220.069.xxx   that was uncalled for
2008_10_07_19:24:27.504   067.159.044.xxx   Obama =  radical  liberalism
2008_10_07_19:24:49.897   067.159.044.xxx   Obama is a muslim
2008_10_07_19:25:32.894   067.159.044.xxx   He slipped and said  HIS MUSLIM FAITH
2008_10_07_19:25:36.823   071.052.058.xxx   preserve our future ha! thats funny! (17)
2008_10_07_19:26:25.645   067.159.044.xxx   DEMOCRATS  ARE THE REASON FOR fANNIE MAY
2008_10_07_19:26:57.791   032.179.023.xxx   BOOO!
2008_10_07_19:27:03.694   075.220.069.xxx   why are you people talking bout this?
2008_10_07_19:28:29.481   067.159.044.xxx   Alek SAYS go to h***. Leave my site
2008_10_07_19:29:29.245   071.052.058.xxx   no he doesnt you do! oh yeah no cussing this is a family site! (18)
2008_10_07_19:29:49.686   067.159.044.xxx   Sorry just kidding
2008_10_07_19:30:44.219   075.220.069.xxx   you decoration people rock!!! - new hampshire-
2008_10_07_19:32:46.123   071.052.058.xxx   doesnt sound like you were just kidding (19)
2008_10_07_19:33:37.100   075.220.069.xxx   what did i miss???? (10 IM's so far today)
2008_10_07_19:37:30.437   071.052.058.xxx   idk (20 IM's so far today)
2008_10_07_19:50:19.511   071.052.058.xxx   anyone heree? (21)
2008_10_07_19:51:43.410   071.052.058.xxx   hi alek! again (22)
2008_10_07_19:52:06.147   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** The REAL Alek is here and he says welcome to the site - have fun! ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_19:52:41.558   071.052.058.xxx   why did you put the real alek? (23)
2008_10_07_19:56:58.438   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Because "I approve that message" - anyone watching the debate? ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_19:57:42.040   071.052.058.xxx   vote for alek! **** (24)
2008_10_07_19:58:32.022   071.052.058.xxx   why cant i type a year? (25)
2008_10_07_20:01:13.442   069.133.203.xxx   Hey! Close the garage Door!!!!
2008_10_07_20:02:16.138   069.133.203.xxx   Nice Hat, Harry!
2008_10_07_20:03:54.785   076.098.087.xxx   STEVE DETKY SAYS  NICE TUSH
2008_10_07_20:04:58.324   071.052.058.xxx   green lights! (26)
2008_10_07_20:08:10.270   071.052.058.xxx   show the lights behind harry (27)
2008_10_07_20:09:29.186   076.098.087.xxx   we need change  vote OBAMA'
2008_10_07_20:11:01.769   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Vote Green, Vote HULK!!! ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_20:11:22.481   076.098.087.xxx   ironman is better
2008_10_07_20:14:46.089   071.052.058.xxx   nu-uh! (28)
2008_10_07_20:20:55.114   069.076.004.xxx   Wow, no one is using chat....  Hey everyone
2008_10_07_20:21:23.855   069.076.004.xxx   Its just me, Brandon
2008_10_07_20:33:57.055   071.052.058.xxx   hi brandon? (29)
2008_10_07_20:34:49.312   071.052.058.xxx   i meant: hi brandon! (30 IM's so far today)
2008_10_07_20:37:34.665   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Alek taking control to test a few things ... ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_20:49:26.052   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** OK - all done testing stuff - control of my house back to the Internet! ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_20:49:40.217   071.052.058.xxx   yay (31)
2008_10_07_20:49:40.398   072.208.165.xxx   About time
2008_10_07_20:49:50.247   069.076.004.xxx   Hello back to you, 071.052.058.xxx
2008_10_07_20:50:36.538   071.052.058.xxx   thanks! 069.076.004.xxx (32)
2008_10_07_20:51:09.481   071.052.058.xxx   why were you testing stuff alek? (33)
2008_10_07_20:53:02.614   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Hard to see how everything ON looks when you guys keep turning stuff OFF! ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_20:53:58.134   071.052.058.xxx   i agree! (34)
2008_10_07_20:59:45.533   071.052.058.xxx   alek you should move stuff so we can see you better! (35)
2008_10_07_21:02:31.823   071.052.058.xxx   bye alek i have to go to bed : ( (36)
2008_10_07_21:03:50.903   075.031.241.xxx   Where did you find the backwards clock? I love it!
2008_10_07_21:04:40.768   070.084.053.xxx   ***ALEK*** Found the backwards clock on eBay ... ***ALEK***
2008_10_07_21:05:36.739   075.031.241.xxx   Thanks! Harry's elbow is kind of in the way of the laptop
2008_10_07_21:06:27.353   071.052.058.xxx   please move harry over (37)
2008_10_07_21:09:47.669   071.052.058.xxx   bye every one! (38)
2008_10_07_21:36:24.892   068.194.244.xxx   070.084.053.xxx
2008_10_07_21:59:19.207   075.031.241.xxx   Good night fellow Komarites!

Halloween Messages Index