The results of the Kyle Komarnitsky Birth Date/Time & Weight Contest

Contest Rules
The Predictions

Earliest Birth Date/Time:  Feb 26th, 0412
Latest Birth Date/Time:    Mar 13th, 2020
Average Birth Date/Time:   Mar 4th, 15:44:43       (based on dates AND times)
Average Birth DATE:        Mar 4th                 (based ONLY on dates)
Average TIME OF DAY:       11:10:26                (based ONLY on times)
"Official" Due Date:       Mar 7th
ACTUAL Birth Date/Time:    Mar 6th, 16:57          (Myke Komarnitsky is winner)

Lowest Birth Weight:       5 Pounds,  6 Ounces 
Highest Birth Weight:      8 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Average Birth Weight:      6 Pounds, 10 Ounces
ACTUAL Birth Weight:       5 pounds, 15 Ounces     (Gail Rust NAILS it!)

Note: The Email announcement went out at 2144 to 135 people on the Kyle Birth Announcement List. So I had this out (and pictures available on the web) in just under 5 hours ... trust me, that's not easy! Ironically, this is almost identical to the time it took me for Dirk; his birth was as 2025 and the first note went out at 0108.

We received a total of 65 responses; fortunately, none complained that it was spam Email! ;-) Ursula Scarano was the first to reply - in THREE minutes - WOW! 45 folks responded in the first 24 hours ... and it really was nice to read these to Wendy (between her naps) as people wrote in with congrats - thanx again for writing. I CAN recommend this semi-impersonal approach to other future Dads out there - sleep is really at a premium, so when I wasn't online, we disconnected the phone; yet, it was great to let people know and then hear your thoughts/words.

Recall that there was a $10 "booby" prize for the person who was the tenth person to respond to the Email. My Mother (one of the FEW people who actually DID get a phone call earlier about the birth! ;-) asked in her response at 2310 if she was the tenth - she was actually #9 ... so I emailed her back a few hours later saying she JUST missed. So my Father Emails first thing in the morning if he is #10 ... unfortunately, he was #26 by then.

Wendy had complained that this contest put the East Coast people at a disadvantage - not so it turned out ... as my Aunt Gail Emailed me at 0511 (MST) the next morning ... so she not only NAILED the weight (see results below), but she also won this "booby" prize.

                         Sorted by Birth Date/Time
NAME                     DATE      TIME           WEIGHT
Johnathan Tofel          Feb 26th, 0412           5 Pounds,  6 Ounces
Katherine Komarnitsky    Feb 28th, 1100           6 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Nancy Davis              Feb 28th, 1602           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Betsy Komarnitsky        Mar  1st, 1400           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Gail Rust                Mar  1st, 1500           5 Pounds, 15 Ounces
Nick Komarnitsky         Mar  1st, 1602           6 Pounds,  8 Ounces
Art Smoot                Mar  2nd, 0630           6 Pounds,  4 Ounces
Mary Komarnitsky         Mar  2nd, 1000           7 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Kurt Komarnitsky         Mar  2nd, 2359           7 Pounds,  8 Ounces
Steve Norwood            Mar  3rd, 0100           7 Pounds,  5 Ounces
Stephanie Nowers         Mar  3rd, 0215           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Steven Nowers            Mar  4th, 1002           6 Pounds,  6 Ounces
Art Vertun               Mar  5th, 0402           8 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Kris Komarnitsky         Mar  5th, 1000           7 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Oleg Komarnitsky         Mar  5th, 1400           6 Pounds,  5 Ounces
Holly Schindler          Mar  6th, 0502           8 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Myke Komarnitsky         Mar  6th, 1530           5 Pounds,  8 Ounces
ACTUAL                   Mar  6th, 1608
Doug Lervik              Mar  8th, 1513           7 Pounds,  1 Ounces
Veronica Sommers         Mar 10th, 0700           7 Pounds,  1 Ounce
Kara Komarnitsky         Mar 13th, 1330           7 Pounds,  3 Ounces
Yvonne Tofel             Mar 13th, 2020           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces

                         Sorted by Weight
NAME                     DATE      TIME           WEIGHT
Johnathan Tofel          Feb 26th, 0412           5 Pounds,  6 Ounces
Myke Komarnitsky         Mar  6th, 1530           5 Pounds,  8 Ounces
Gail Rust                Mar  1st, 1500           5 Pounds, 15 Ounces
ACTUAL                                            5 Pounds, 15 Ounces
Katherine Komarnitsky    Feb 28th, 1100           6 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Nancy Davis              Feb 28th, 1602           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Betsy Komarnitsky        Mar  1st, 1400           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Stephanie Nowers         Mar  3rd, 0215           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Yvonne Tofel             Mar 13th, 2020           6 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Art Smoot                Mar  2nd, 0630           6 Pounds,  4 Ounces
Oleg Komarnitsky         Mar  5th, 1400           6 Pounds,  5 Ounces
Steven Nowers            Mar  4th, 1002           6 Pounds,  6 Ounces
Nick Komarnitsky         Mar  1st, 1602           6 Pounds,  8 Ounces
Kris Komarnitsky         Mar  5th, 1000           7 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Mary Komarnitsky         Mar  2nd, 1000           7 Pounds,  0 Ounces
Doug Lervik              Mar  8th, 1513           7 Pounds,  1 Ounces
Veronica Sommers         Mar 10th, 0700           7 Pounds,  1 Ounces
Kara Komarnitsky         Mar 13th, 1330           7 Pounds,  3 Ounces
Steve Norwood            Mar  3rd, 0100           7 Pounds,  5 Ounces
Kurt Komarnitsky         Mar  2nd, 2359           7 Pounds,  8 Ounces
Holly Schindler          Mar  6th, 0502           8 Pounds,  2 Ounces
Art Vertun               Mar  5nd, 0402           8 Pounds,  2 Ounces

Just for grins, here is Alek & Wendy's guesses (we're not elgible for prizes):
Wendy Komarnitsky        Feb 20th, 2200           6 Pounds,  4 Ounces
Alek Komarnitsky         Feb 28th, 2000           6 Pounds, 12 Ounces

Total in the pot is $5 X 21 for a total of $105 - Kyle's brother Dirk
kicked in $5 to make the math easy, so the distributions were:
   $75 Myke Komarnitsky  (closest to birth date/time)
   $25 Gail Rust         (nailed the weight)
   $10 Gail Rust         (tenth person to respond to birth announcement)