gettemp-1.5 (03/09/00)
Click on link (if it exists) under Machine to see who gets notified on overtemps
by Swatch
Click on Status (typically cool) to see historical data
Machine Status Temperature Readings - °Fahrenheit (convert to Celsius) ------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------- BL11E-310_HOST123 WARM CPU-1 107 CPU-3 142 BL11E-310_HOST1 cool CPU-0 96 CPU-1 98 CPU-2 100 CPU-4 98 BL11E-310_HOST12345 cool CPU-0 122 CPU-1 98 CPU-2 125 CPU-5 98 BL11E-310_HOST cool AMBIENT 68 CPU-3 118 BL2_EXAMPLE-123456 WARM AMBIENT 82 CPU-3 136 BL3592_HOST12 cool AMBIENT 66 CPU-3 109 BL3592_HOST13 cool AMBIENT 59 CPU-3 109 BL3592_HOST1234 cool AMBIENT 59 CPU-3 109 Zexample_of_hot HOT! AMBIENT 90 CPU-1 127 CPU-2 144 CPU-3 143 WARM: AMBIENT > 77 or CPU > 140 °Celsius ... or "not OK" as reported by some systems
HOT!: AMBIENT > 86 or CPU > 149 °Celsius ... or "not OK" as reported by some systems
Note: Reported AMBIENT Temperatures appears to be a few degrees less than actual