Here is the distribution for netwatch, a nifty little program that generates data on packet loss/delays to remote machines/networks. The following files are part of the distribution: HISTORY: History of netwatch. INSTALL: Describes how to install netwatch. LICENSE: License information. README: This file. TODO: Stuff on the todo list for netwatch Perl program that is called as a CGI script to display stuff Perl include file with misc. definitions you will need to tweek runwatch: Perl program that actually does the dirty work and runs periodically data/ Directory where output stuff goes ... hosts/: Directory of Perl include file for the hosts/networks you want to pulse fping/: Source code for fping, a REAL nice tool that does broadcast pings rather than serially and runs much faster (optional for netwatch) If you want to see a real-time display of what an early incarnation of netwatch looks like (not much different now), check out: Questions/comments/suggestions about netwatch should be directed to Alek Komarnitsky,