881 comments (chronological order) on the Christmas Blog in 2007
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_24_12:12:12.250:
It's time for another year of Christmas Fun. While the Halloween Decorations are still up (along with the controllable webcam), that's all a warmup for Christmas and so commenting is turned back on over here. I expect the christmas lights webcam to be live by December 1st and maybe Thanksgiving. Below is what the display looked like last year and there will be some new things for christmas 2007 ... most notably, Hulk's twin brother - SMASHING, 'eh?!? ;-)
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United Kingdom - Welland Worcestershire 52.050°N 2.300°W "Alison" from (user237.resC135.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_12:14:06.184:
Delighted to take second spot. Thanks Alek. :-) Roll on Christmas 2007!!!!!
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_24_13:36:44.625:
Yay xmas blog on again
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United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_24_13:44:58.839:
Yip**eee! things are really moving now. You are really spoiling us now Alek. Let me be the first to say "Happy Christmas everyone". Luke.
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United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-151-150.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_15:30:37.746:
Man oh man. I came in fifth this time. Must be getting old.
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United States - Ontario California 34.050°N 117.629°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-175-178-177.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_25_20:14:25.982:
Merry Christmas!
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United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_27_07:34:05.521:
Were not decorating this year,hubby not feeling well enough to do it :-( So I will have to spend all my time here :-)
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_13:31:47.191:
Yeah merry xmas to all and to all a good night
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_30_23:01:20.190:
If you love Christmas check out LINK DELETED They got great gifts here like Christmas Bingo and the original Christmas Trivia game. Also the 12 Days of Christmas Golf b*** !
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United States - Cedar Rapids Iowa 41.919°N 91.678°W "Anonymous" from (ctc-tc-1-106.flexabit.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_10:46:21.884:
My friend told me about a neat website, LINK DELETED They have a very classic style of decor and offer advice for those needing it. Especially helpful to those who have limited time.
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United States - Aurora Colorado 39.691°N 104.772°W "kevin hieu nguyen" from (c-67-177-227-108.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:02:22.616:
Santa are you real
12 -
United States - Aurora Colorado 39.691°N 104.772°W "kevin" from (c-67-177-227-108.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:09:04.667:
Santa are you real or not?
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_01_06:55:59.171:
hi alex thanks for entertaining us again for halloween, u do a great show. please could u tell me when ur christmas dec are going live thanks alison from peterbrough (england)
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United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "Anonymous" from (74-60-76-73.rcc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_11_01_18:47:00.139:
chrismas is cool
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United States - Chicago Illinois 41.877°N 87.627°W "dictator" from (.) wrote at 2007_11_01_21:06:31.778:
All hale alek!
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_02_08:32:01.963:
I'm taking down the The Halloween decorations and have shut off the halloween webcam ... so Halloween/2007 is over. It was again a ton of fun - over 200 trick-or-treaters came by the house and if you missed it, watch the time-lapse movies. Web surfers from 109 countries joined in on the fun along with listening to the free halloween music. All-inall, a good warmup for Christmas!
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89ab1.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_02_12:34:19.789:
hi evey one
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-112-88.opaltelecom.net.112.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_11_02_14:44:42.974:
And So It begins.......as one famous drinks company said Holidays are Coming....Holidays are coming.....Cant wait to see what festive treats Alek has got instore for us this year....
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89ab1.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_02_15:45:02.451:
i cant belive both the fan in my inflatable pumpking and santa have broke in the same year any ideas how tio fix alek thanks
Alek replies at 11:57 - Unless there is something obvious (like a fuse, wire burned, etc.), those probably aren't fixable. I've only had one fan truly go bad on me ... so I did some "Open Fan Transplant Surgery" and Elmo provided his to the Skull for Halloween - will have to switch 'em back in the next week or so.
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United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_02_17:58:06.676:
HO,HO,HO!!!! Thanks for a wonderful Halloween experience. And Happy ThanksgivingL).
21 -
United States - San Marcos Texas 29.872°N 98.014°W "Mr. Spock" from (rrcs-71-42-153-6.sw.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_02_20:50:24.469:
___gasps___ I can't believe Christmas has come around again! I can't wait for the decorations to go up, but are you gonna decorate for Thanksgiving? Its my personal favorite of ALL holidays, what with the pumpkin pie, and turkey, and pumpkin pie, and cranberries, and pumpkin pie, and pumpkin pie, and pumpkin pie, and more pumpkin pie, and more...
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United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_03_12:31:32.936:
Hi see the cristmass lights
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89aba.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_03_14:32:57.836:
thanks alek i will switch the fan from the fankinstine to the santa and on halloween the snowman to pumpkin
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_03_17:13:12.290:
Uof m Wins!!!!!!!
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "tom" from (cpc1-mfld9-0-0-cust633.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_11_04_07:33:41.286:
thought id ley u know iv bought a new fan for the pumpkin and santa to share so iv done some open fan transplant surgery my self. this one muck powerfuller so it pumps up in seconds. thanks for the help
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United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Anonymous" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_11_04_14:39:27.611:
Alek, any idea of how many/much donations for Celiac received as a result of the Halloween Cams?
Alek replies at 13:26 - I don't see the donations since they go directly to the University of Maryland ... and according to them them, it was over $500 for the month of October. Would be nice if it was more (you can donate now), but Halloween is the warmup for Christmas ... so hopefully things will pick up in December.
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United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "josh" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2007_11_06_06:01:56.421:
ho ho ho merry christmas every one
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Romania - Bucharest Bucuresti 44.433°N 26.100°E "Ady" from (gate.dds.gov.ro) wrote at 2007_11_06_06:44:46.009:
Hohoho!!! Can't wait for your Christmas decorations!
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89a5e.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_06_11:52:02.837:
hi alek just woundered if any of your lights had transformers on them ind if they do where do u put them to keep out the water merry christmas
Alek replies at 21:11 -
There are a fews "step-down voltage bricks" in the Christmas display ... and yea (next to wind) water is the biggest challenge since it can trip the GFI's. I try to shelter and/or elevate stuff, but it's not always possible - just one of the many real-world challenges.
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Canada - Saskatoon Saskatchewan 52.133°N 106.666°W "Anonymous" from (S0106001217be9163.ss.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_11_06_13:20:51.471:
Christmas will be awesome this yeaR!!!
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United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "Anonymous" from (74-60-76-73.rcc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_11_07_16:07:06.320:
when do the chrismas cams come on???
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_07_17:45:58.282:
let me get a real sell phone let me have some heeleys to
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United States - San Antonio Texas 29.471°N 98.514°W "Mr. Spock" from (ppp-70-243-164-167.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_11_07_18:46:34.637:
Hey Alek, when will the webcams go online? I can't wait!!!
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_07_21:08:49.113:
The total raised for the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research passed $20,000 yesterday with two $1,000 donations - thank you Andrew Batson at Brass Key and Maria Sutorik at Bronner's Christmas Wonderland. What a great way to start off the Christmas season - consider adding your direct donation too. And WOW - everyone is chomping at the bit in anticipation for Christmas/2007 ... but you are going to have to wait a couple of weeks. The webcams (and X10 controls) should go live after Thanksgiving - at least that is early this year ... HO-HO-HO! ;-)
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Australia - Peakhurst New South Wales 33.966°S 151.050°E "Annalyse" from (218-214-165-94.people.net.au) wrote at 2007_11_08_02:41:52.182:
to santa you are the best and i wanted to no how old you.
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United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-158-156.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_11_08_16:12:08.712:
20K!! Good for you Mr Grassmas. I'm proud of ya!
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United States - San Marcos Texas 29.872°N 98.014°W "Mr. Spock" from (rrcs-71-42-153-6.sw.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_09_16:59:13.828:
They come on after Thanksgiving? But thats a whole ___counts in head, mumbles a little bit___ sometime away, at least it's gonna be soon! Merry Christmas, Alek!!!
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_09_19:02:00.400:
For those interested, I have just doing misc. stuff like putting away the Halloween stuff, fixing the leak on Hulk #2, and repairing a blown X10 Super Socket as shown below. On a non-holiday related note, my youngest son Kyle has a "Hulk'in" entry for the Cub Scout Boat Regatta tomorrow - hopefully it will be as fast as how strong it looks! ;-)
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United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_09_19:50:59.824:
ooo what is blown i dont see anything there and why is something plugged in? you should unplug stuff before working on it! tsk! tsk! just kidding goodluck in the race thingy!
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United States - Ontario California 34.050°N 117.629°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-175-178-177.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_09_21:21:35.213:
Merry Christmas!
41 -
United States - Ontario California 34.050°N 117.629°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-175-178-177.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_09_21:26:10.965:
Check out http: //homepages. LINK DELETED /maincentral
42 -
United States - Saint Louis Missouri 38.638°N 90.302°W "Anna Banana" from (24-107-18-71.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_10_14:36:54.322:
Alek, I just tripped over your website while surfing. I will most certainly check back after Turkey Day! -A Fellow Christmas Addict
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5acceb6f.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_11_12:07:14.620:
hi again alek i have some rope light i want to put on the garden but you only get 0.5m of cable between the lights and conrlol box what would you do. tar
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United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5acceb6f.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_11_12:08:14.919:
ps: its mains voltage
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_11_14:26:33.192:
Jingle bell Jingle bell rock!
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United States - Goodrich Michigan 42.920°N 83.479°W "WILLIE ROBINSON" from (c-69-244-175-164.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_12_05:07:34.595:
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_12_10:32:08.029:
As a followup from post #38, Kyle did darn well at the Cub Scout Boat Regatta, coming in second. He might have won if he had focused more on providing wind power to the boat rather than looking at how his opponent was doing! ;-)
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United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_11_12_13:30:59.167:
Hi everyone, Not long now untill those christmas lights go up, could someone please tell me when Thanksgiving is.I want to know how long I have to wait for the lights :-) Dave UK, when are you putting yours up? Luke.
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_12_17:25:40.606:
One more non-Christmas related post ... but hey, it's family. While Kyle was doing Scouts, my older son Dirk was competing in a Robot Competition - check out the concentration!
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_12_17:40:21.689:
Thanksgiving is on the 22nd luke
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United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_12_18:11:48.078:
where did you get thos wind generators from!?!?!? thos are cooooooooooool
52 -
Canada - Courtenay British Columbia 49.683°N 125.000°W "Katelynn" from (S0106001731ba9248.cc.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_11_12_20:38:08.537:
dear santa may i please have all the Highschool things a digital camera and a Video Camera
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United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_11_13_10:13:56.816:
Thank you Nick, I can look forward to the lights sooner than I thought. I bet everyone over there are getting lots of nice food and turkey, yummy! Luke.
54 -
United States - Harlingen Texas 26.245°N 97.683°W "ebzzqfybyeqan" from (adsl-64-219-149-243.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_11_13_11:40:15.169:
I was lucky enough o get my credit card information stolen. My credit history was messed up. It took me awhile to solve the problem. After that I didn___t want to use credit cards online because I didn___t want to screw everything up again. Now I need a new one and I___m thinking about applying for one at _________ hiohwrkhcsnzd
55 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_13_11:49:09.660:
am i on the good list
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_13_14:30:39.083:
Hi Luke nice to hear from you again. My wife wont let me put my lights up until 1st December :0(. But I have got them all down from the loft and there ready to go. Are you putting any up luke.
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_11_13_15:11:13.258:
hi santa i love you soo much!
58 -
United Kingdom - Grays Thurrock 51.483°N 0.333°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_13_15:18:05.287:
Have been computerless for what seems like ever. One of my dear offspring managed to infect 11000 files on the pc with adware. Grrrr. Anyway pleased to be back for now and looking forward to the next Alek installment.
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United States - Randolph New Jersey 40.846°N 74.591°W "daniela" from (ool-44c49e6e.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_13_16:47:51.085:
i would really want a winterboot size 7 and a sweater size 10/12
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United States - Woodbury New York 40.818°N 73.472°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_13_18:27:13.341:
he alex do you leave the icle lights up and the hulk up between haloween and chrismas since you use them for both
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_14_10:28:31.667:
#51: I don't have any wind generators - Xcel Energy has a program where you pay an extra cent/KWH for wind power.
#60: I leave the icicle lights up between Halloween and Christmas, but put the Hulk in the basement.
Others: I'll let Santa know about your requests for Christmas! ;-)
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United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_14_14:14:01.984:
Hey Alek, Have you started to hang any of your lights up besides the Ones that you leave up? I think i am going to put some out today!
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United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_14_16:48:09.490:
i meant in the first picture in post 49, the lego ones.
64 -
Brazil - City N/A Region N/A 10.000°S 55.000°W "NICKNAME" from ( wrote at 2007_11_14_23:07:53.264:
Abnormal program termination.
65 -
Brazil - City N/A Region N/A 10.000°S 55.000°W "NICKNAME" from ( wrote at 2007_11_14_23:10:52.769:
Abnormal program termination.
66 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "XRumerPPLLLP" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_14_23:13:01.443:
Hello here... I'm XRumer, where is my drink?! It is simple a testing :)
67 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "XRumerPPLLLP" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_14_23:14:55.195:
Hi all I am XRumer, where is my drink?! It is only a test...
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_15_09:40:02.500:
Appreciate it if we could keep the blog comments more Christmas Focused. Speaking of that, here's a way to say Merry Christmas ... in over 100 languages - in Klingon, it would be "yItIv [Christmas]"
69 -
United States - Frisco Texas 33.149°N 96.855°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_11_15_12:57:10.438:
Santas warned ___'ho ho ho___' offensive to women - Santas in Australia___'s largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas___'s traditional ___"ho ho ho___" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday. Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say ___"ha ha ha___" instead.
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United States - Union City Pennsylvania 41.901°N 79.852°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-121-88-165.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_15_13:10:38.515:
Please don't blame Don Imus. He has been through enough
71 -
United States - Woodbury New York 40.818°N 73.472°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_15_18:02:20.278:
Alek replies at 22:49 - Very little snow - only a few dustings so far. Long range forecast is 60's and sunny almost up to Thanksgiving!
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Kirsty" from (ACD57F11.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_11_16_03:21:57.707:
I cannot wait for them to come. I've never been on here before. & I live in England. So when are they coming? SPREAD THE CHRISTMAS CHEER. xox
73 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_16_16:55:56.863:
i see decorations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
74 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_16_17:15:33.117:
Yip** Decorations!!!!
75 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-36-139.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_11_16_17:56:39.947:
Hey Sir Nick, got any good Saint Nick jokes?
76 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_16_18:03:57.569:
Is cam 2 on a new anagle this year? Sorry luke but nope.
77 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_16_20:19:31.611:
awwww turn cam on so we can see the lights!!
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_16_20:59:50.090:
As several folks have commented, I put up the first of christmas decorations on the front lawn today. I'll be adding more in the next few days and will probably turn on at least one webcam over here for those interested. Update: Added a time-lapse of the first setup to the Christmas Videos page.
79 -
United States - Missoula Montana 46.889°N 114.030°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_11_16_22:34:09.322:
why are alot of sites syaying this was fake? Is it real or not? I really enjoy this but they said you told them it was a hoax. This would s*** if it was
Alek replies at 22:47 - 100% hoax/simulation from 2002-2004 ... in some respects, that was more fun! ;-)
Has been 100% real from 2005 on. Ditto the over $20,000 raised for Celiac Disease.
80 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_17_07:13:57.374:
Alek there is a flaw on wgg cam2 offline image displays for webcam! plz fix
81 -
United States - Villa Park Illinois 41.881°N 87.976°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-68-79-12-165.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_11_17_07:31:26.556:
Can't wait to see when you are up and running again this year, my grandson loves your website and we know this is not a hoax and that you do it from your heart for family and strangers. Maritato Family Brookfield, Illinois
82 -
United States - Hopewell Junction New York 41.545°N 73.781°W "Lindsay "orphnage of New York"" from (ool-45799ee5.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_17_08:40:52.680:
i can't wait for santa to come and bring presents to my orphanage all of my friends have been getting new homes lately and i'm gunna be alone for this christmas
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_17_08:53:58.166:
I think you should get another hat for hulk 2 so we can have double hulk action!
84 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_11_17_10:24:05.119:
You must have been working late last night. I saw lights moving and shadows after sunset. I believe you were working on the lights between the candy canes and triangle.
85 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_17_10:50:13.060:
helho my name is jessica iam 7years old i wish to santa to have a very nice christmas and i happy new year lots of presents as well.by to you see you soon
86 -
United States - Winter Park Florida 28.602°N 81.358°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_17_14:41:28.235:
Merry Christmas To all an to all a good night. Love The Neville Family Brent, Misty, Shi-Ann, Scooter, and Taz
87 -
United States - Randolph Massachusetts 42.169°N 71.060°W "pat" from (c-71-232-148-178.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_17_17:34:48.872:
alek u are aweseom i think this is THE BEST website on EARTH!!
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United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_17_20:12:28.896:
hey alek in photo of lights from last there there looks like there is too moons is that true?
89 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_11_18_06:33:20.794:
Hi Dave, My mum and dad put ours up on the 1st too. We have just had an extension built, so we need to buy some new lights this year. :-) Luke.
90 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_18_11:15:40.661:
Mary Cisrmass
91 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Anonymous" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_18_11:27:54.475:
Can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. Can't wait to put up my christmas lights, but of course they are going to be nothing compared to Mr G's lights.
92 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_18_20:54:34.566:
High of 70°F predicted Monday before a cold front comes in Tuesday with possible snow on Wednesday. So I'll be making a big push tomorrow to put up some outside stuff with help from Dirk-n-Kyle who have no school this week. One thing you won't see for Christmas this year is the Grim Reaper's I picked up the day after Halloween (50% off!) ... you'll have to wait until 2008 to see them in action. Webcam1 was installed at the neighbors house yesterday, so I'll probably turn it and webcam2 on for a bit when I'm working in the yard.
P.S. Nick/#88: There are two blue globes hanging from the far left/right sides of the house - no double moon.
93 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_19_11:41:17.388:
It's supposed to be in the 70's here too. i'll be putting most of my christmas lights. Can't wait til the lights go on. Have a good day everyone.
94 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_19_13:16:12.580:
double wammy alek gets on roof and here comes ups! lol
Alek replies at 15:15 - I was setting up the train above the garage ... time-lapse video added to the Christmas Videos page. Because it can get kinda windy, the train is bolted to a wood span, which has a few pavers placed on top to weight it, and then a rope is run through as a final safety measure. While the UPS van/lady was easily seeable in webcam2 (watching the front yard), you can see her briefly in webcam1 tossing the package (replacement oven door) into my garage right at 13:16.
95 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_19_16:49:00.159:
looking good alek with all em lights light up you look like you are ready for thanksgiving. Keep up the hard work and strive for success.
96 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_19_17:06:10.723:
need to trim the bush/tree thingy....
97 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_19_17:17:44.804:
wonderful start, alek
98 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_19_17:54:07.179:
uh... are those lights changing colors?
99 -
United States - Lehi Utah 40.324°N 111.961°W "mcenut" from (71-213-90-45.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_11_19_19:02:30.671:
Looking good. Can't wait to see the finished product.
100 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_19_19:07:41.457:
Thanks for all the compliments - still a LOT more to come. Yes, several christmas decorations change color, most notably the red/green six foot LED Christmas Tree near the house. And yes, I did trim the "bush/tree" thing - remember, it's just the first day - patience please! Enough testing for tonight - will be christmas lights out in a few minutes ...
P.S. Just noticed this is post #100 ... surprised someone else didn't grab it - D'OH! ;-)
101 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_19_19:28:31.101:
compared to yours mine are nothing.... do yours make the lights in the house flicker?
102 -
United States - Woodbury New York 40.818°N 73.472°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_19_21:02:56.981:
ALEX WHY WONT YOU USE THE NEW STUFF FOR CHRISMAS 2007 and GET MORE NEW STUFF NEXT YEAR PS HOW MANY LIGHTS THIS YEAR PLEASE HIT THE MAX WE ARE ALL ON THE EDGE HER MAN 30,000 you get do it dude keep up that good work DHO for celic disease peace out komar.org
103 -
India - Calcutta West Bengal 22.569°N 88.369°E "Cathrina Jones" from (mail5.itlindia.com) wrote at 2007_11_20_05:09:05.677:
Gr8 site buddy, Email me to exchange free link/banner for your Christmas related blogs.
104 -
Canada - Windsor Region N/A 42.333°N 83.033°W "Mike" from (d38-242-108.home1.cgocable.net) wrote at 2007_11_20_06:25:46.717:
You wanna know what p***es me off? These d*** religious radicals who are trying to take xmas away from us. We don't move to your country (pakistan, saudi arabia, etc) and for our religion on your people. We don't complain about Ramadan. Stop being a* es and leave xmas alone. Secondly, stop complaining that you can't wear your towels in driver's licence pictures, or that the police are graphing muslims, etc. You moved to OUR country because life in yours was not free or was not what you wanted. Don't come here thinking you can do whatever you want. We have rules/laws, so follow them.
105 -
Canada - Windsor Region N/A 42.333°N 83.033°W "Mike" from (d38-242-108.home1.cgocable.net) wrote at 2007_11_20_06:33:41.186:
As for the police like the LAPD, they are graphing your race due to a bunch of Arabs attacking NY 6 years ago. Stop being a retard and understand its not you, but you are a part of an ethnicity that is under suspicion. Same with airlines. That little extra screening is fine by all of us to ensure safety. Don't complain that you are being randomly checked. If your people didn't attack the States, you wouldn't be going through it. Stop taking our country away from us.
106 -
Ireland - Athlone Westmeath 53.422°N 7.937°W "steve" from (86-42-7-125.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_20_09:22:49.782:
The web page looks great I will be starting my own site this year to raise money for a local school Check it out at www (dot) freewebtown (Dot) com/carndonagh all the best - Steve
107 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_20_13:14:41.648:
About 50% of the way done and still planning to turn everyone on after Thanksgiving. An Artic cold front is moving in and temperatures are start to plunge from yesterday's 70°F weather. There could be as much as 6" of snow tomorrow ... but won't be a monster Colorado snowstorm like we saw last year! ;-)
108 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-122-105.opaltelecom.net.122.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_11_20_14:13:29.369:
We had snow on Sunday here in the UK. Not a lot but enough to freeze me when we went to see the local town turn on there christmas lights. Lookin good Alex.
109 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_20_16:28:16.338:
I spy a neighbour in his yard. I wonder if he's doing a spot of decorating too.
110 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_20_23:52:59.137:
Is it raining there?
111 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_21_04:19:02.246:
hi have u got snow already it looks like it on the web camb
112 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "brian" from (host81-129-157-143.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_21_05:16:10.151:
hi from barnet u/k carn,t wait to see 2007 lights
113 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_21_10:22:23.606:
Wow snow. Lucky devils. Now it really feeld like Christmas is on its way. :-)
114 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "alison marshall" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_21_12:03:26.462:
why cant we have snow in the uk. oh well on my christmas list im going to ask santa for 12 inchs of snow love alison
115 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_21_12:11:47.609:
awww no fair.... can you mail me some snow? pleaaase?
116 -
Spain - Madrid Madrid 40.400°N 3.683°W "Anonymous" from (78.Red-213-98-218.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2007_11_21_15:49:20.569:
Have you bought a Toyota Prius Mr Komar?
Alek replies at 17:06 - Nope ... I have not paid a $5,000+ premium (even after the tax credits/subsidy) for a car that is almost certainly a net negative toward the environment if you include legit issues such as the manufacturing/disposal of the battery.
117 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user183.resC88.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_11_21_17:19:16.875:
I guess your not too keen on Toyotas :-)
Alek replies at 17;31 - Actually, we own a Toyota Sienna Minivan that we are quite happy with. I just think that hybrid cars in general are over-rated and not all that they are cracked up to be.
118 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Vectra" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_05:29:20.482:
Hey Alek, glad to see your cams are back online. It's certainly starting to feel a lot more xmassy now that you've gotton some snow on the ground. Snow is great, expect when you have to drive in it.
119 -
France - Canteleu Haute-Normandie 49.450°N 1.033°E "Anonymous" from (chv78-1-82-233-240-96.fbx.proxad.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_05:32:37.534:
What's up in London for Christmas? LINK DELETED
120 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_05:33:29.093:
Happy thansgiving everyone!!!!!. I woke up to about a 1" of snow so now mi has snow!
121 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_05:45:17.459:
122 -
Ireland - Athlone Westmeath 53.422°N 7.937°W "Steve" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_06:15:07.592:
ho ho ho - none of the webcams are working at the mo but the site looks great - I have just started my site going email me for details - Steve - Ireland
123 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky from Chilly Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_06:21:21.801:
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Had to work the overnight shift at work, so I'm going to TRY to stay up today. With all that turkey who knows if i will be successful. Have a great day everyone.
124 -
United States - Cockeysville Maryland 39.491°N 76.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-69-250-213-185.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_07:15:29.858:
there is a song the world is a better place and the only way it can be a better place is if we all give 100 0/0 to helping each other, may GOD bless your family with a happy thanksgiving and Merry Chrismas
125 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_07:45:17.628:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE....can't wait for the lights to go on:).
126 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_11_22_07:59:56.394:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
127 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_22_09:44:59.512:
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. My wife and kids are watching the Macy's Parade on TV and we'll be doing a monster turkeyfest tonight ... with 14 adults and 10 kids - YIKES! And I just received a nice note from Chuck Smith at PlanetChristmas which is THE place to go to learn about holiday lighting. Chuck mentions this site on his Showing Off for 2007 page which is an awesome collection of displays from Christmas enthusiasts - be sure to check it out!
128 -
United Kingdom - Guildford Surrey 51.216°N 0.566°W "Alison" from (user143.resC154.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_11:10:39.921:
Happy Thanksgiving one and all. From Alison in Jersey UK. x
129 -
United States - Lubbock Texas 33.566°N 101.883°W "Andrew in Texas" from (ppp-70-242-183-240.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_13:42:43.864:
Hapyy thanksgivein alek & family and a very blessed Christmas & lighting Season!
130 -
United States - San Marcos Texas 29.872°N 98.014°W "Mr. Spock" from (rrcs-71-42-153-6.sw.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_22_13:47:15.388:
Is it just me, or is there a pair of scissors hanging in front of webcam2?
131 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_14:25:03.156:
Happy Thanks Giving Alex! I have been afrequent visitor for a season or two now. Is the maceys parade like the one on Miracle on 34rd Street? Happy Light Season Everyone!
132 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-30.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_14:49:39.300:
Man oh man am I FULL! Will somebody please pass the sweatpants. Well, OK, maybe just one more piece of pie. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
133 -
Ireland - Dublin Dublin 53.333°N 6.248°W "jessica" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_15:10:03.401:
hi just want to say happy thanks giving. im from dublin ireland so we dont have thanks giving here but i wish we did ha ha. my children says hi to all your family and we love your site....
134 -
United States - Milltown New Jersey 40.448°N 74.443°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-36-56-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_22_15:24:06.880:
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I cant wait to see the Christmas lights Alek. Sue from Camp Hill, Pa
135 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_22_17:10:07.977:
so do the constrolls come online tonight?
136 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_22_17:29:38.313:
They go live after this weekend Maxwell, let the man enjoy Thanksgiving! ___) hes got a house full tonight!
137 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_22_19:01:21.613:
yeah 24 people is alot of gravy..... mmmmmm
138 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_22_22:02:39.747:
approximately 22 more hours untill x-10 controlls....
139 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_23_08:12:01.977:
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving - a neighbor was nice enough to host the gaggle last night - got 19 of 'em in this picture. And Tyler was the turkey carver extraordinaire! ;-) Still lots more christmas stuff to put up and as noted on the main page, I expect to fire everything up after this weekend.
140 -
United States - Durham North Carolina 35.992°N 78.901°W "Sydney" from (cpe-066-057-212-142.sc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_23_09:36:22.548:
Hello Santa how are you doing?????? Only 32 days away i can't wait
141 -
United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.982°N 93.306°W "Anonymous" from (63-226-176-100.mpls.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_11_23_10:23:15.265:
I can't wait to control your lights again!!!
142 -
Ireland - Gort Galway 53.066°N 8.816°W "Steve - LINK DELETED" from (86-42-15-198.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_23_11:41:23.624:
Hi - Hope you all had a great thanks giving
143 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_23_12:12:19.772:
Making a lotta progress in putting out the rest of the Christmas stuff - here are "before/after" pictures of the basement where I store the Christmas Decorations. BTW, what is not visible in the "before" picture is all of the stuff inside the crawl space (back right) plus some huge piles behind and to the left of the camera - it's quite a collection! ;-)
144 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "XRumakTheBest" from (ppp85-140-22-97.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) wrote at 2007_11_23_15:13:31.049:
xrumer is the perfect tool for promotion! It's have CAPTCHA recognizer, email verificator, and a lot of other functions... But. I forgot link to it :( Can you give me link to the XRumer description? screenshots, etc. Thanks
145 -
United States - Kokomo Indiana 40.484°N 86.128°W "christmas luver" from (74-140-3-56.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_11_23_16:15:03.864:
this is so cool. This was a great idea
146 -
United States - Corpus Christi Texas 27.751°N 97.434°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-72-183-58-190.stx.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_23_16:58:57.452:
laaaaa yo i love christmas yooo pyce
147 -
United States - Philadelphia Pennsylvania 39.996°N 75.148°W "Anonymous" from (pool-70-20-216-81.phil.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_23_17:31:46.516:
Why cant I control anything? It is after Thanksgiving.
148 -
United States - Arnold Maryland 39.041°N 76.494°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-206-11-53.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_23_18:42:13.967:
MY KIDS ARE WATCHING YOU. DO SOMETHING FUN!!! Type in your Christmas Cheer here ...
149 -
Ireland - Gort Galway 53.066°N 8.816°W "Steve" from (86-42-15-198.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_03:27:57.870:
Hi there Alek, Im off out today for more lights for my webcam lol It wil be great to see your house when its done Steve - Carndonagh,Inishowen Webcam
150 -
United Kingdom - Kenley Surrey 51.316°N 0.100°W "g**le" from (85-211-64-172.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) wrote at 2007_11_24_09:51:30.145:
I thank you so much for doing this for those of us who can't put up lights. I am an American who lives in England (not my fault) and in this area no one does any decorating and it's very boring. So I will be sure to visit you a lot and play with your lights! Thanks again. I'll donate too! :)
151 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_24_09:55:26.507:
Hello everyone. Hope the holiday found everyone healthy and happy. I also think everyone was found sleeping. :0 Still eating leftovers and loving it. My mom-in-law makes some mean pumpkin and apple pies. YUM. Later kids.
152 -
Ireland - Gort Galway 53.066°N 8.816°W "Steve" from (86-42-15-198.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_11:58:09.046:
WOW you must have a few ______'s worth there Alek!
153 -
United States - Detroit Michigan 42.366°N 83.101°W "Anonymous" from (c-69-246-49-70.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_12:37:06.145:
dear nick i want a pupey
154 -
United States - Tolland Connecticut 41.883°N 72.361°W "Anonymous" from (66-159-180-48.adsl.snet.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_12:55:37.408:
what day this week?????????????????/
155 -
United States - Mocksville North Carolina 35.898°N 80.574°W "Alex" from (66-44-241-164.dyn.dsl.yadtel.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_14:59:39.698:
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
156 -
United States - Fairfield Texas 31.803°N 96.089°W "Charlie" from (h221.50.155.207.ip.alltel.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_16:44:41.739:
Found the site and am thrilled. Will be mentioning it on my radio show Sunday morning. Can't do a promo like the Brits but hey, Texans ARE know to do it right.I will be checking back often. CB
157 -
United States - Vancouver Washington 45.667°N 122.606°W "beverly vinson" from (c-24-21-91-103.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_16:48:08.815:
when are you turning on the lights.I can't wait!!!!!!!
158 -
United States - Milford Connecticut 41.224°N 73.051°W "EvilHom3r" from (ool-43568514.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_18:11:07.927:
Cant wait till monday! till then i will be LINK DELETED
159 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_24_18:14:06.135:
Thanks for all the kinda words and glad people are getting excited. There's a chance I might have everything ready to go for tomorrow (Sunday) evening ... but for sure everything will go live on Monday. Elmo is ready to go - remember that for Halloween, he "donated" his fan to the skull ... Spiderman Kyle helped me return it and splice the wires back for Christmas! ;-)
160 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_11_24_19:00:51.077:
Alek, your website is mentioned in an article in the December 2007 Costco Connection which arrived today.
161 -
United States - Syracuse New York 43.051°N 76.149°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-74-79-51-164.twcny.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_24_19:53:52.730:
will your neighbor plow your driveway with their car this year like last year ? That was so funny, I am thinking you should submit it to AFV on ABC and maybe win some money and donate it Love your lights Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
162 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_24_20:28:47.206:
160/Piobaireachd: Yea, I knew that was coming - David Wright was a pleasure to work with.
#161: Yea, the webcam movie of my neighbor plowing the driveway last year was pretty funny.
BTW, anyone notice the COOL shadow from the full moon tonight on webcam#2? Check out this snapshot showing the looming shadow from the large pine tree just to the right of the webcam as a car drives by. I'll do a time-lapse later later. Update: here's the video - there is even a shadow from the Christmas Tree in the bottom next to Santa.
163 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "emily" from (nv-76-4-237-110.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_11_24_22:50:32.759:
can u p___z tell me a decent website to find cheat codes?
164 -
Ireland - Gort Galway 53.066°N 8.816°W "Steve" from (86-42-15-198.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_03:23:11.761:
We had a kool full moon last night up here near Malin Head.
165 -
Canada - Niagara Falls Ontario 43.100°N 79.050°W "katelyn" from (d150-179-75.home.cgocable.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_07:54:31.658:
i saw the 2005 footage of santa and i was wondering if there is any 2006 footage like that
Alek replies at 08:13 - I'm assuming you are referring to the Santa Tracker where the Big Red Guy was caught on webcam in 2005. There wasn't any footage of him from the webcams in 2006 ... but HEY, lets keep an eye out Santa and his reindeer in 2007! ;-)
166 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_25_09:49:10.302:
Most of the inflatables are ready to go - had to replace a bunch of burnt-out C7 bulbs and apply a bit of Duct Tape in spots. From left-to-right, we have SpongeBob SquarePants, Homer Simpson, Elmo, 12' Santa, and 6' Santa. Still to do is the "Snowman Family."
167 -
United States - Vancouver Washington 45.667°N 122.606°W "redneckgirl vancouver washington" from (c-24-21-91-103.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_14:12:01.798:
I was just wondering What part of the united states you are in to get snow?
168 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_25_14:56:53.697:
Must be christmas as all the music channels are now playing Christmas songs........only 29 days to go. Cant wait to have ago on the lights.......
169 -
United States - Mountain Top Pennsylvania 41.123°N 75.968°W "Lauren" from (pool-71-173-59-60.sctnpa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_15:00:13.973:
dear santa,my friends say you aren't real but my parents say you are/ who should i believemy true friends or my parents??????????????
170 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_25_15:01:33.900:
santa is real
171 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-514fc436.l3.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_11_25_15:07:13.574:
Good work Alek
172 -
United States - Springfield New Jersey 40.698°N 74.329°W "Claudio and Karen" from (pool-70-21-177-126.nwrk.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_15:27:08.086:
173 -
United States - Perham Minnesota 46.608°N 95.539°W "Mary" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_25_16:23:17.546:
Hi Alex! I'm new here but I'm excited about your website and the light show! Looks like most of what little you had of snow is gone! I'm sure it will be a white Christmas though! Thanks for all your efforts and those of your family putting on this wonderful Christmas web site! Minnesota
174 -
United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "greg p. rochester ny" from (75-94-105-230.roc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_16:25:05.406:
i hope every one had a great thanks giving and the best christmas ever. first time here on this site..cant wait to mess with hulk! prayers out to all the folks with celiac disease.
175 -
United States - Lafayette Tennessee 36.527°N 86.005°W "Colby" from (42-182.mod.nctc.com) wrote at 2007_11_25_16:52:19.558:
Hello everyone!!! I love this site and what it does. i have a similar display except i only have around 3000 lights!!! Still alot more than normal displays!!!
176 -
United States - Vancouver Washington 45.667°N 122.606°W "beverly" from (c-24-21-91-103.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_17:18:19.713:
I am new to this site!!! Looks like things are starting really soon!! i am excited!!!
177 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_25_17:26:42.926:
While the "official" first day it tomorrow (Monday), I'm going to turn everything on for a test run tonight. Still more lights and stuff to put up ... and I've barely started setting up Santa's Workshop in webcam3 ... HO-HO-HO! ;-)
178 -
Canada - Hamilton Ontario 43.250°N 79.833°W "Anonymous" from (bas7-london14-1242516638.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2007_11_25_17:44:08.081:
Looking great so far!
179 -
United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.685°N 77.537°W "Alec S" from (c-71-62-3-43.hsd1.va.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_17:53:22.162:
52 amps... are you running these off dedicated circuits?
180 -
United States - Moraga California 37.838°N 122.102°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-67-33-168.lsanca.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_18:37:36.027:
great job looks fantastik
181 -
United States - Ogden Utah 41.182°N 111.915°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_25_19:12:53.843:
This is so cool!!
182 -
United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.522°N 112.083°W "Kerryanne" from (ip68-3-19-49.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_19:41:00.597:
Just wanted to wish you the best Xmas and hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
183 -
United States - Green Bay Wisconsin 44.518°N 88.023°W "Anonymous" from (user-12l3u9i.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_11_25_20:14:07.539:
hi santa! i can't wait for you to come! hope your reindeer are fine!
184 -
United States - Lehi Utah 40.324°N 111.961°W "Scott." from (71-213-90-45.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_11_25_20:46:29.834:
Alek, I've been viewing the Christmas cam since 2003. Needless to say I am a big fan. However, is there a way to turn off the music that plays on each and every time I visit (which is frequently during the season.)
Alek replies at 22:36 - Good suggestion Scott - added a parameter so that the music doesn't auto-start ... try this:
185 -
Ireland - Edenderry Offaly 53.345°N 7.049°W "Steve" from (86-42-51-122.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_00:55:13.175:
Hi there Alek, I love the site and cant wait for the Big switch on - I have done a site like this and trying to raise money for a local Dogs Home - email me for the link. all the best Steve
186 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_11_26_07:46:29.160:
what is steves email address???
187 -
Ireland - Edenderry Offaly 53.345°N 7.049°W "Steve" from (86-42-51-122.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_08:09:46.145:
My email is EI2GYB (AT) EIRCOM.NET Please feel free to send me an email (Or erase this post) if needed.
188 -
Germany - City N/A Region N/A 51.000°N 9.000°E "MudMan" from (p548DCC68.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_11:54:34.494:
Greetings from Germany! I love this light-show :-)
189 -
United States - Tyler Texas 32.318°N 95.292°W "James" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_26_13:00:43.098:
Man this is great! i love what you are doing. I come back every year to check out your halloween and x-mas lights. I am a christmas fanatic. I put up a astronomical amount of lights each year. I think its great what you are doing to help research this disease! keep up the good work. If you ever want to talk just email me and let me know. I would love to talk sometime.
190 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_26_16:23:37.583:
Is that gasoline you are putting on that!
191 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_26_16:33:11.131:
where are the hulks? it doesnt look right without the hulks!!!! oh, and merry cristmas
Alek replies at 16:40 - I'm actually tossing Hulk #1 up on the balcony right now ... ;-)
192 -
United States - Woodbury New York 40.818°N 73.472°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_16:55:59.189:
wheres the giant santa alex
193 -
United States - Brooklyn New York 40.652°N 73.955°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-132-248.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_16:58:52.759:
your cool also how man lights
194 -
United States - Brooklyn New York 40.652°N 73.955°W "BRUCE FROM QUEENS" from (pool-96-224-132-248.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_17:37:48.312:
195 -
United States - Brooklyn New York 40.652°N 73.955°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-132-248.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_17:46:25.930:
196 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_26_18:10:38.569:
Aleck is there any way to ban from the site?
197 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_26_18:37:44.137:
Added a spotlight to the HULK ... but he's pretty darn big ... so I'm going to have to find a bigger bulb. Also, the "Santa Hat" I have for him didn't fit ... so I'll have to adjust that also. Other stuff left to do is Frosty and the Snowman Family ... and Santa's Workshop! ;-)
198 -
United States - Hazlet New Jersey 40.424°N 74.174°W "Anonymous" from (pool-68-239-180-247.nwrk.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_18:56:34.954:
yo yo yo im soooo excited 4 christmas to come=___=___ i ___3 u santa clause=___=___
199 -
United States - Milford Connecticut 41.224°N 73.051°W "EvilHulk" from (ool-43568514.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_26_20:38:20.077:
EvilHulk like what he sees. EvilHulk give alek big bear bug, but not squish puny human alek! Puny humans turn hulk spot light off! This makes EvilHulk mad EvilHulk Smash puny humans!
200 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick200" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_26_21:04:04.325:
#200 yip**!
201 -
United States - Caro Michigan 43.499°N 83.385°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_26_23:55:48.280:
Great Christmas site. I really enjoyed the tip toeing Santa :0) ___Michelle great gifts for the LINK DELETED (remove spaces)
202 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_10:18:11.414:
Back again for another year is Stepping Santa! I got him back in Christmas/2005 and the Big Red Guy actually steps up and down the ladder ... about a bazillion times during the holidays. He's under X10 control, so if you want to give him a break, turn zone #7 OFF. On the other hand, he could lose a few pounds, so turn #7 ON to give him a workout! Kyle (with the X10 remote in his hand) says this is his favorite thing in Santa's Workshop.
203 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_10:44:27.614:
hey there cool site never seen the lght up
204 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_10:52:44.390:
he he he
205 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_11:32:12.232:
hi alex please could u tell us what ur doing in ur front garden thanks alison
206 -
United States - Lafayette Louisiana 30.207°N 92.038°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-226-130-109.lf.br.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_11:46:00.554:
yip**!christmas in26 more days!
207 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_11:52:12.911:
yea tell us you put up a rein der or somthing
208 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_11:56:06.376:
I actually was putting up a reindeer next to the red/green LED tree. Also staking down the tinman - supposed to be windy tomorrow. And (surprise!) adding some more christmas lights! ;-)
209 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_11:59:30.748:
cqant you make the time earlier i cant wait te he its like christmas is already here te he
210 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:07:33.041:
put some more stuff out and also could you just update the front view photo plz also how come you have snow outside 24/7
211 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:11:17.271:
i wish the xmas lights could go on a bit early for us in the UK as we have to wait until midnight or so and then us parents have to go and get up for 7 am to get our darling kids reafy for school which starts at 8___30am thanks alisoin
212 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:14:01.797:
what r u doing noww aek in the front
213 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:16:54.391:
yer santa baby what u doing to the xmas lights thanks alison
214 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:20:02.471:
can u make it at least an hour earlier please becuase im uk and im a kid have to go to bed at 10 so i will beg ti stay up if you do take open time an hour back plz plz plz something fell ASWELL
215 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:23:06.581:
please can u switch them on hour before alex i think us in the UK would be grateful thanks alison
216 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_12:31:47.611:
Yea, it's a bummer the sun doesn't go down earlier for the UK and other European visitors. I'm still putting stuff up, so maybe sometime next week or so I'll turn things on early ... but it doesn't really look good until it is dark - perhaps on a cloudy day. I'll announce it beforehand.
217 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:34:39.102:
please can you put them on an hour before you will get many more ukers on here plz
218 -
United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.102°N 94.550°W "Anonymous" from (fw-asa1) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:43:58.812:
Mr. Alek, God bless you and your family, I think what you have done and continue to do is amazing, this world needs more caring and devoted people like you in this world. Good luck and myself as well as my co-workers will be checking out this website as well as donating to your cause! Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
219 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_12:50:20.367:
santas up woooooooooo
220 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_13:32:07.915:
what do you mean sant's up?
221 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_14:12:47.616:
Very gusty winds today - 30 MPH+ ... so the inflatables are unplugged - sorry. Assuming it dies down tonight, I'll plug 'em back in. The thousands of lights are still in your control via zones 1-4. BTW, some folks complained in the IM's last night that Elmo/SpongeBob wasn't working on zone #5. Turns out I had 'em mis-wired and they was on zone #6 ... this is fixed now! ;-)
222 -
United States - Lincoln Rhode Island 41.917°N 71.442°W "J.G." from (ip70-188-177-57.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_16:03:43.895:
Alec- for some reason your light controler is not working for me.It says i half to wait another hour.It said the same thing last night.Just wondering! thanks, J.G.
223 -
United States - Lincoln Rhode Island 41.917°N 71.442°W "J.G." from (ip70-188-177-57.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_16:30:26.987:
J.G. again I am so excited your X10 controlls are almost activated. A HALF AN HOUR!!!!!!!!
224 -
United Kingdom - Houghton Conquest Lancashire 52.050°N 0.466°W "Alison S" from (user233.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_16:54:42.686:
Ok Alek I am more than a little confused. Cam 2 I see inflatable lit and blown up, but they are off and deflated in Cam 1. Am I getting my angles wrong or just being plain thick today? House looking good by the way. Oh and changing my sig to Alison S as I'm not the only English Ali posting now.
225 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_17:09:54.683:
I agree with alison what up with homer and santa on cam 2 but cma 1 they are off. Are cams messed up or something?
226 -
United States - Milford Connecticut 41.224°N 73.051°W "Anonymous" from (ool-43568514.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_17:20:19.423:
Alison S: What your seeing is the little homer/santa (in zone #2), he is on the roof. I guess alex didnt bother to unplug him since he is so small.
227 -
United States - Cookeville Tennessee 36.218°N 85.499°W "will" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_17:20:57.337:
cam 2 shows LITTLE homers hat from on cam 1 LITTLE homer and LITTLE santa are below the window
228 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_18:41:27.802:
Roger what last two posters said - above the garage roof is the 4' inflatable Homer and Santa - I left those pluged in. However, I unplugged 8' Elmo and Homer Simpson plus the 12' Santa that are in front of the garage. These get tossed all over the place in high winds ... but I just plugged 'em all back in for 'ya. And yes, I realize that Frosty (and Snowman Family) hasn't shown up yet - expect him out tomorrow to the left of the giant Christmas Tree in the front yard - see that big empty black space?!? J.G. I typically turn the webcams on a half hour before the X10 controls go live ... that's what the countdown indicates.
229 -
United States - Orange California 33.803°N 117.828°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-69-235-163-124.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_18:44:18.164:
They are Christmas lights, since we are celebrating the birth of Christ. Has everyone forgotten the reason we celebarte CHRISTmas? H#______ with politically correct!
230 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_27_20:09:41.556:
Six year old Kyle as Joe Cool - note what some web surfer said in the background - LOL! ;-)
Update: Added time-lapse video of Santa's Workshop - it's a bit crazy this time of the year! ;-)
231 -
United States - Woodbury New York 40.818°N 73.472°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_20:13:03.649:
Alex im sorry about that post kinda embarressed can you delete the picture
Alek replies at 21:20 - I think it is cute and Kyle thought it was funny ... as did Dirk who liked being told he was "cooler"... so no reason to remove the picture - it's all good.
232 -
United States - Murfreesboro Tennessee 35.849°N 86.385°W "Suzan McKnight" from (c-68-52-57-177.hsd1.ky.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_20:35:48.835:
Wow! This is amazing! Makes me want to get off my lazy backside and start hauling the Christmas decorations up out of the basement. We don't do a lot of outside lights, but I put up 7 trees and tons of other decorations in the house! I am the webmaster for my school on Fort Knox and I shared the link to Planet Christmas in my weekly newsletter to the staff today. The students will love it!
233 -
United States - Shirley New York 40.794°N 72.879°W "Jenni" from (ool-182ddb9c.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_20:36:23.181:
What an amazing site you have here. :)
234 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "XRumerWFPFFP" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_21:39:29.137:
Hello... I'm XRumer, where is my topic?! It is only a test :)))
235 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "XRumerWFPFFP" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_27_22:12:09.978:
Hello I am XRumer, where is my beer?! Its simple a test :)))
236 -
United States - Surprise Arizona 33.655°N 112.391°W "Anonymous" from (67-150-15-65.lsan.mdsg-pacwest.com) wrote at 2007_11_27_22:23:20.815:
Dear Santa, I think u r the greatest
237 -
United States - Milwaukee Wisconsin 43.052°N 87.965°W "Fooled in Franklin" from (adsl-69-210-136-227.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_11_27_22:23:50.421:
DOH!, I can see now it's a fake!!! Glad I didn't make the contribution yet .....m mmmm ....but my Xmas spirit will, probably, ultimately prevail. I have the equipment to make something like this work. Too bad it's not real.
238 -
United States - Clifton Park New York 42.857°N 73.799°W "kyle" from (cpe-72-224-90-208.nycap.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_00:20:40.117:
Looking foward to watching the xmas lights being fooled with this winter! Seeya later.
239 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-3e88d88a.tcl115.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_11_28_11:50:53.839:
#237 - how naive!!
240 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "domn" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_12:49:04.980:
whazt u doing in tghe front alek
241 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_12:59:09.210:
This display is 100% real plus i would be hard to simulate alek moving around/ doing requests
242 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_13:02:08.021:
alek could u put up a light on its own plz likwere its eempty
243 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_13:45:27.203:
alex what arw re u doin on web camb 2
244 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_28_13:59:12.205:
Adding some "bugs" to hang down from the icicles. I've also been adding the last final things to the display - note that the Snowman family is already out there to the left of the tree - should look great when inflated and lit up at night. It's a bit breezy this afternoon, but not the forecasted 40 MPH winds ... so should be OK for tonight and I hope to shoot some pictures of the Christmas Display this evening at dusk.
245 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_14:22:04.931:
wat u doin there
246 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_14:41:05.587:
homer flopped
247 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_14:57:07.787:
arhhh those bugs aere so sweet alison in the uk
248 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89a62.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_15:31:22.638:
hi alek just wondered if the sponge bob has a voltage step down transformer on it or if the fan runs straight off the mains if it does wat voltage does it run on thanks
Alek replies at 15:40 - SpongeBob SquarePant's has an external brick that supplies 12V DC - most of the others inflatables have the step-down transformer built into the fan assembly.
249 -
United States - Lincoln Rhode Island 41.917°N 71.442°W "J.G." from (ip70-188-177-57.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_15:59:50.263:
Alec- where did you buy your X10 controlls. I want to install it on my christmas lights. from, J.G.
250 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_16:05:06.640:
x10 dot com
251 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_16:33:31.504:
why did site go down?
Alek replies at 16:34 - I majorly fat-fingered some Perl Code - D'oH! ;-)
252 -
United States - Suwanee Georgia 34.053°N 84.065°W "dylan" from (adsl-145-121-159.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_16:42:41.381:
hey alex what did you make the tree in your grass out of?
253 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.768°N 73.919°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-12-223.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_17:07:59.906:
alex whats the lader doing in the front?
Alek replies at 17:29 - I was taking some pictures.
254 -
United Kingdom - Grays Thurrock 51.483°N 0.333°E "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_28_17:53:31.727:
Thanks all for setting me straight about what I was seeing with the inflatables last night. Definately a Doh moment on my part.
255 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.768°N 73.919°W "homer lol" from (pool-71-190-12-223.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_18:10:02.481:
whats wrong with homer?
Alek replies at 18:20 - I forgot to put rocks underneath his plywood base so he leans forward - otherwise, he falls backwards sometimes and can get stuck behind Elmo - D'OH! ;-)
256 -
United States - Annandale Virginia 38.838°N 77.212°W "Anonymous" from (ip70-187-209-87.dc.dc.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_18:37:15.805:
how long didi it take u to set up all of the x-mas and take down halloween?
Alek replies at 20:26 - About three full-time days equivelent ... please also see the Christmas FAQ which answers many questions.
257 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.768°N 73.919°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-12-223.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_18:54:10.895:
alex in cam 2 its says Watching Grass Grow in the Front Yard its winter ...
258 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_19:11:32.821:
alek the last 20 popup wont work!!!!
Alek replies at 22:31 - This is fixed - IM quotes were interfering with the CSS setup ... and yes, I can see your your "hidden" message.
259 -
United States - Marblehead Massachusetts 42.500°N 70.865°W "D-rek" from (c-66-30-51-60.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_28_19:17:58.788:
Merry Christmas from Maine!
260 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_28_19:54:38.902:
Here's one of the pictures I took tonight - the long exposure (1/5 second) makes for an interesting effect as a car drives by.
261 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.877°N 87.627°W "Alek" from (.) wrote at 2007_11_28_21:45:10.578:
I am shutting this site down because i hate u all
262 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.877°N 87.627°W "Alek" from (.) wrote at 2007_11_28_22:06:49.116:
Alek says: I am shutting down this site because i hate u all and spent all of ur money on lights so haha i ticked u all again.
263 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.877°N 87.627°W "bob" from (.) wrote at 2007_11_28_22:15:06.596:
This site s**** eggs
264 -
United States - Washington District of Columbia 38.909°N 77.023°W "Anonymous" from (207-172-88-53.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_22:48:04.620:
This site ROCKS - Komar provides best Christmas Cheer every year!
265 -
United States - Garden Grove California 33.775°N 117.970°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-87-151-54.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_28_23:27:06.151:
This is a great site and defintiely cheers me up... I think the grinch who was posting today should not post anymore!
266 -
United Kingdom - Newburn Durham 54.966°N 1.733°W "Anonymous" from (host86-157-251-99.range86-157.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_06:36:58.370:
Hi, love the site and thanks for taking the time to keep the Christmas spirit well and truly alive. Where are you in Colorado as i have visited Denver and the copper mountain area? Kindest Regards, Bill... Plynouth, England
267 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "josh" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_29_07:49:32.668:
alek whats your post code so i can see your house on google earth
Alek replies at 08:18 - Check out the Google Christmas Map! ;-)
268 -
United States - Warner Robins Georgia 32.581°N 83.628°W "RYAN BALL" from (ip72-195-177-148.mc.at.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_07:55:12.803:
269 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89ada.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_11:09:15.148:
thanks for the spongebob info, i asked because i saw one exactly the smae on ebay wich i want but because i live in the uk the voltage is different so im weighing up different way to come round that. do you no what the watage or ampage is thanks
270 -
United States - Almont Michigan 42.935°N 83.044°W "Beth" from (rrcs-71-41-221-162.se.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_11:52:41.815:
HEY EVERYONE! Check out the new Holiday Single from David Martin called ___Fa La La La In Love.___ I was browsing the web last week when I stumbled across this single. His voice is amazing and his sound reminds me of Maroon 5. I think this guy is going to be real big and you___re hearing it first! I bought his song on iTunes and it was only a dollar! CHECK IT OUT!!!!!
271 -
United States - Redmond Washington 47.680°N 122.120°W "Crazy4Chrismas" from (email.jonessoda.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_12:10:34.465:
Hey Everyone! Check out the Jones Soda Christmas Pack for 2007! My kids love their Holiday Packs, so I ordered a few for stocking stuffers. It includes several new flavors such as Egg Nog, Christmas Tree, Sugar Plum and Ham. Great for tasting with families and toasting to the season. You can order them on their website at LINK DELETED
272 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_13:13:53.758:
Happy holidays
273 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-126-221.opaltelecom.net.126.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_11_29_13:17:44.389:
Hi Alex love the lights just need matchsticks to keep my eyes open at work after staying up late to see them....lol. One question. What is in Egg Nog. We have a drink called Advocat that is eggs and alchol is it similar to this. Sorry for my ignorance.....
274 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-69-209-66-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_13:55:29.791:
Lol.. when you go to the Christmas Maps page and zoom all of the way in on Alek's house, the icon is in the middle of a lake. The Sixmile Reservoir to be exact. Way to go Google Earth!
275 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_29_13:59:49.883:
#274/Grace: Very observant ... you are the first person to pick up on that little "Easter Egg" - I'm a bit SouthEast of there actually.
#273/Dave: No idea what exactly is in EggNog ... but it's darn good, especially with some alcohol to spice it up on a cold day.
#269/Tom: For the small inflatables, the amperage (at 12 Volts) is typically between 500 and 1,200 milliamps - not much!
276 -
United States - Peoria Illinois 40.711°N 89.573°W "Anonymous" from (69-223-17-187.chail.org) wrote at 2007_11_29_15:15:21.299:
merry christmas
277 -
United States - Alfred New York 42.254°N 77.790°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-69-205-253-104.stny.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_17:23:21.908:
I think this is fake because when santa's lights are off on cam 1 you can see it on in cam 2.
278 -
United States - Auburn Maine 44.086°N 70.243°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-198-46-19.buffalo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_29_17:27:15.559:
There___s a delay silly
279 -
United States - Suwanee Georgia 34.053°N 84.065°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-145-121-53.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_17:28:11.619:
the santa head is on the roof if you can see it
280 -
United States - Suwanee Georgia 34.053°N 84.065°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-145-121-53.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_18:11:17.422:
go to gaholidaylights . com
281 -
United States - Provo Utah 40.339°N 111.570°W "BugNuker" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_29_18:34:00.972:
I've been watching this site for about 3 - 4 years now, I cant remember. I was fasinated when I saw the x-10 stuff. I still havent dont it my self. I am very interested to know more. I know when I started looking at this site, I had no idea how to program.
282 -
United States - Kirkland Washington 47.696°N 122.197°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-112-119-178.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_20:21:40.563:
You know Dasher,Prancer,Viken, But do you know the most famous reindeer of all Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
283 -
United States - Phoenix Arizona 33.522°N 112.083°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-230-1-228.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_20:56:12.629:
hey merry christmas
284 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-69-209-66-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_21:03:18.340:
Hey Alek! Honestly I thought zooming all of the way in on your house was a bit stalkerish, but I'm originally from Colorado and was curious. I don't blame you at all for not showing the exact location of your house! Was that your idea or your wife's? ___o)
Alek replies at 07:28 - My idea - I like to leave little surprises for people that look closely at thing - heh, heh! ;-)
285 -
United States - Bronx New York 40.849°N 73.876°W "Anonymous" from (ool-182c901b.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_21:58:54.121:
i just want a kitar
286 -
United States - Warner Robins Georgia 32.581°N 83.628°W "RYAN BALL" from (ip72-195-177-148.mc.at.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_29_22:02:50.376:
287 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "EMMA" from (CPE-121-217-20-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2007_11_29_22:17:39.089:
288 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2007_11_30_03:36:19.635:
heyeh merry christmas
289 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "josh" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2007_11_30_03:59:47.345:
alek how much did you pay for spongebob
Alek replies at 07:35 - SpongeBob was purchased after the holiday's last year at 50% - think it was $5 or so. I had to add a string of mini-lights inside of him, plus some "hangers" so I can suspend him from the garage roof.
290 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_30_07:41:51.406:
Thanks for all the compliments and glad everyone is enjoying the christmas display. Here's another car driveby picture from last night that shows the completed display including the Snowman Family.
291 -
United States - Mount Laurel New Jersey 39.957°N 74.916°W "Holiday Chatter" from (70-91-140-189-ma-ne.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_09:22:36.497:
Happy Holidays!! ___a no HTML links=
292 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5acceba9.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_30_09:31:28.304:
wow i wish the inflatables where that cheap in the uk. are they all that cheap alek in the us because the spongebob on ebay is ___40
293 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_30_11:58:48.088:
The trick to buying decorations, wherever you are is to wait for the sales just before or just after Xmas. Fair enough you have to wait a year to display them, but it saves a small fortune believe me. I just wish there was more variety in the UK. We've resorted to buying a US converter so we can buy US goodies.
294 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "DOM N" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_30_13:06:40.104:
ho ho ho merry chrismats and great begin two advent woooo1
295 -
United States - Willingboro New Jersey 40.025°N 74.891°W "The Hurley Family" from (pool-70-104-87-8.pskn.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_15:13:36.182:
Have a merry christmas everyone!!!
296 -
United States - Willingboro New Jersey 40.025°N 74.891°W "Pyaaaah" from (pool-70-104-87-8.pskn.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_15:27:42.795:
297 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "dom n" from (host86-133-52-10.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_11_30_15:39:45.969:
go biiggins he won im a celeb woooo!
298 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_30_16:32:41.085:
As folks noted last night in the IM log, the garage roof icicles were no longer responding to commands. Turns out we had our first X10 fatality for Christmas/2007. Kinda like Christmas lights that you turn on at Dusk and then turn off in a few hours, X10 devices are designed for that type of typical usage. But thanks to the frenzy from Internet surfers who click like crazy, everything is cycled thousands of times in a night. Needless to say, the X10 guys kinda laughed at me when I asked 'em if I was exceeding the duty cycle and if this would be covered under warrenty. Here's a pile of some of the broken lights/fuses/misc. and X10 Super Sockets from Christmas/2006 - I'll try to provide more updates on the broken christmas lights page. You can't open these up, so I just replace 'em ... and the Roof Icicles should be working just fine for 'ya tonight! ;-)
299 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_16:40:55.250:
that does not look good!!!
300 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_30_16:44:34.485:
aww send me the bad ones!!!! P.S. im using my name now not maxwell
301 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_16:46:38.445:
Hey brandon is it raining there in yuma? it is here in mesa!
302 -
United States - Grand Rapids Michigan 42.938°N 85.643°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-205-40-189.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_17:18:19.002:
Mr alek please turn off lights i cant sleep they are bright
303 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_30_17:57:10.350:
actually i live in post falls idaho. i dont know why it says yuma. in fact, i've never heard of yuma untill i came here and saw it.
304 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_30_20:20:25.730:
Wow thats alota fuses and bulbs
305 -
United States - Edison New Jersey 40.537°N 74.371°W "Anthony Hrehowsik" from (ool-43553439.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_21:17:58.640:
Hi Alex, I read on your site the tech info on how you got the text box on camera three to work. I am really interested in know how you have done this. Would you be will to pass along the code and share how you made the laptop screen display the info that way. I have been looking for this for my website for a log time. I would make a donation to your cause. my friend has a son with celiac Disease
Alek replies at 21:28 - As outlined in the FAQ, I've written all my Perl code ... so it's pretty customized to my setup. Plus it's ugly under the covers! ;-) But there certainly are 3rd party solutions that you could integrate into your setup and provide similar functionality.
306 -
United States - West Haven Connecticut 41.273°N 72.957°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-186-151-89.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_30_21:56:22.104:
Greetings from CT
307 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_01_00:26:29.637:
is that fresh snow i see? oh and happy December!!!! let hte countdown begin!!!!!!!
308 -
United States - Bellevue Washington 47.602°N 122.155°W "Mrdjs7 On Alien-Earth (Dot) Org" from (c-76-104-150-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_02:37:18.511:
Was on here last year. Hope things are going good for you and your family!!!
309 -
United States - Tyler Texas 32.318°N 95.292°W "Ashley" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_01_11:32:11.389:
merry christmas everyone!!! and happy birthday jesus!!!
310 -
United States - Newington Connecticut 41.685°N 72.731°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_12_01_11:50:17.368:
Greetings also from CT
311 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_01_12:17:10.981:
Major snowstrom heading our toward michigan supposed to get 5-10" of snow! preparing for a colorodo snowstorm. :-)
312 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison s" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_01_12:20:07.900:
Well against the odds (hubby been ill)we lit up for the first time tonight. Half an hour later we were shut down when a thunder storm put out the power.
313 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-69-209-66-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_13:45:35.500:
Nick from Michigan: Gotta love that lake-effect snow! Here on the other side of the lake in Chicago we're only getting an inch and then a whole bunch of sleet and rain. It's December! I want snow!
314 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_01_13:49:58.162:
Yeah i want snow to grace
315 -
United Kingdom - Gillingham Dorset 51.400°N 0.566°E "Claire Fun" from (82-34-216-34.cable.ubr08.gill.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_01_15:44:18.473:
Fantastic stuff, looking forward to a night where I can stay up late enough to see it all lit up - another early rising UK parent here! I'll be back again :)
316 -
United States - Sanford Florida 28.791°N 81.304°W "LINK DELETED" from (user-0c6s5nt.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_12_01_17:20:03.326:
Merry Christmas everyone. I love this site. Your decorations are beautiful. I'll tell my friends to come to this site for the holidays. Happy holidays, Alfie C. Elf
317 -
United States - Willingboro New Jersey 40.025°N 74.891°W "HI ALEK!!!" from (pool-70-104-87-8.pskn.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_17:45:01.434:
318 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_18:33:36.008:
Hey "HI ALEK", did you ever read the book MISERY by stephen king?
319 -
United States - Coal Township Pennsylvania 40.794°N 76.557°W "Joseph" from (pool-70-18-68-211.scr.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_19:17:10.800:
I really enjoy your display.
320 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "JB" from (pool-71-185-219-100.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_19:19:47.330:
This is great Merry Christmas
321 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_01_19:21:41.038:
Yea Great Stuff and Happy Holidays
322 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-69-209-66-231.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_01_22:00:57.306:
Alek, you were missed tonight! The IM log will show that!
323 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "paul, chez and boys" from (host86-161-179-249.range86-161.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_02_02:04:45.095:
this is what christmas should be, a fantastic site another U.K viewer here and we will have to stay up to see the lights live, well done and good luck
324 -
Italy - Brescia Lombardia 45.550°N 10.250°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_02_06:02:47.783:
buon natale
325 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-227-52-245.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_02_14:02:35.232:
I am very impressed with your Christmas lights display and the generosity of you and your family in raising money for celiac awareness and research. I too have celiac disease. I was diagnosed just this year at age 35. Keep up the wonderful work! Melanie V.
326 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_02_15:28:46.173:
My neighborhood has the annual Christmas shin-dig tonight. Santa visits ... and look for the horse drawn sleigh on webcam2 between 5:00-7:00.
327 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_02_17:07:30.376:
I saw it
Alek replies at 17:19 - That was the first pass - I was on that one - here's the second pass ... looks like Rudolph's nose has turned blue though! It will be running for a couple more hours.
328 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "Yvonne and Sie Lancashire, UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_02_17:55:44.941:
Looks Great, good how you can inflate and deflate the snowman, Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year!!!!
329 -
United States - Gallipolis Ohio 38.806°N 82.270°W "Anonymous" from (cdm-75-108-95-207.asbnva.dhcp.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2007_12_02_18:04:55.428:
hey guys and Merry Christmas from Zach - West Virginia
330 -
United States - Randolph Ohio 41.019°N 81.302°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-65-25-51-27.neo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_02_19:06:09.955:
merry christmas from sharon in ohioType in your Christmas Cheer here ...
331 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_02_19:47:37.299:
Here's a picture of tonight's horse drawn "sleigh" ... with wheels since there isn't a lotta snow on the ground. This was probably the only time it didn't go out full ... Santa had just shown up ... and he was a HUGE HIT with the kids. Kyle in the second picture seems to be thinking of even more things to ask Santa for! ;-)
332 -
United States - Bradenton Florida 27.454°N 82.511°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-100-40-30.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_02_19:49:01.933:
Merry Christmass from Carl In Florida'What is Snow LOL
333 -
United States - Sanford Florida 28.791°N 81.304°W "Lola" from (user-0c6s5nt.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_12_02_20:31:34.880:
How marvelous! No snow in Flawda! lol! We've got the AC on at our house. The photo of the little guy with the big fat guy is darling! I'll bet his contemplating more gifts to ask for from Santa Claus. Merry Christmas everyone from Lola in Central Florida!
334 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.724°N 114.515°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_02_21:29:56.684:
hey 333 posts
335 -
Germany - Eschborn Hessen 50.133°N 8.550°E "Anonymous" from (drms-590d5c43.pool.einsundeins.de) wrote at 2007_12_03_02:20:14.132:
Hallo Gruss von Germany
336 -
Sweden - Kalmar Kalmar Lan 56.666°N 16.366°E "VeryMerry" from (c-73eae355.030-72-6b6c6d1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) wrote at 2007_12_03_02:57:23.779:
Hello! I just wanted to send a tip your way about a website/blog with Christmas movies, music and other things. Check out LINK DELETED Cheers!
337 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_03_06:11:56.324:
oh my god, rudolph is a horse!
338 -
Canada - Niagara Falls Ontario 43.100°N 79.050°W "Anonymous" from (bas2-stcatharines10-1096629407.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2007_12_03_06:44:05.720:
Merry Christmas from Niagara Falls, We found your Christmas website from LINK DELETED we are in Niagara Falls Canada and the only webcam here is LINK DELETED they also have christmas lights. Good Luck with your charity drive
339 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_03_12:34:55.686:
Decorations look fabulous as always Alek. Have a great time during the holidays.
340 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "loobyloo" from (customer6757.pool1.unallocated-110-192.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_03_16:30:10.147:
wishing you and your family a happy and holy christmas, and a fabulous 2008
341 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_03_16:57:02.415:
Hey alek may i borrow the santa tracker image of santa to show to the little ones on christams day
342 -
United States - Niles Illinois 42.031°N 87.811°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_03_17:30:50.259:
HO HO HO well have a Merry one! Red from Niles Il.
343 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_03_17:44:41.250:
I've been asked dozens/hundreds of times by web surfers to WAVE on webcam3 in Santa's Workshop ... so I hope people don't mind I don't always do so. However, I couldn't resist hamming it up when I saw someone IM this on the laptop. A few years ago, I even waved on webcam1 ;-)
344 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_03_19:08:21.337:
so do you have one of your monitors on the website all the time? (nice looking monitors by the way)
345 -
United States - Chillicothe Illinois 40.913°N 89.532°W "Anonymous" from (12-219-183-26.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2007_12_03_20:23:06.352:
Super cool set up! Must be a blast for you. I'm having a small competition with my neighbors (VERY small compared to yours) right now and I'm loving it! Have lots of ideas but not enough cash. ___) Keep spreading the cheer! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
346 -
United States - Lenexa Kansas 38.960°N 94.804°W "jennifer" from (adsl-66-142-215-27.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_12_03_22:28:00.279:
dear santa i would like a john berry christmas cd with a new cd player jennifer
347 -
Australia - Mundaring Weir Western Australia 31.950°S 116.166°E "Chelsea" from (124-169-217-239.dyn.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2007_12_04_00:50:22.490:
Dear Santa For Christmas can you please get me Big apple barn books stablemates books and unicorns of balinor books also horse models and a dream pony luv ya
348 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "BY" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_04_02:14:13.367:
i love christmas it's full of joy! for christmas i want a nintendo DS!
349 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "AVS & GBN" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_04_09:12:32.195:
Hi Alek. Merry Xmas all from Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK! Alek, your site is great, it works really well. Are you a programmer by trade?
350 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_04_09:35:54.313:
40+ MPH winds last night and this morning - just about knocked the train off the garage roof despite being attached to plywood which is then attached to a 2x8 and weighed down with several concrete pavers - fortunately, the "safety rope" prevented it from falling. Check out the Christmas Videos of webcam 1 & 2 last night ... and the next morning with the train almost off the roof. The jitter in webcam1 is due to the winds bouncing the webcam enclosure around.
351 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Brin" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_04_12:27:04.811:
Hello, nice site :)
352 -
United States - Muncie Indiana 40.135°N 85.380°W "Harry Markcum" from (c-68-51-115-125.hsd1.in.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_04_14:34:53.278:
Hey there Alek I donate every year to the celiac research ever since I stumbled on to your site. I think what you do is fabulous!! I will be here this year with my kids as well. Keep up the great job you do and Merry Christmas to you and your family from my family in Indiana
353 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Norene Sleeman" from (adsl-99-130-130-9.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_04_19:48:35.169:
Does anyone out there know where to find Christmas decorations in the Chicago and surrounding areas? I have been driving all over the south side and not many lights out there. I remember when everyone decorated their homes, but I think Christmas is dead in Chicago.
354 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_04_21:33:49.505:
I talked at a Tech Meetup tonight - smart group that seemed to enjoy my holiday presentation. A friend took a picture - the Christmas Webcam looks darn good on 10 foot screens! ;-)
355 -
United States - Rustburg Virginia 37.254°N 79.098°W "JM" from (va-71-48-152-26.dyn.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_12_04_22:39:26.139:
What's with all the light in webcam 2?
Alek replies at 23:23 - That's a streetlight just off-camera ... since I have the webcam in max aperature and low-lux mode, it looks pretty darn bright for the middle of the night!
356 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_04_23:29:29.905:
Merry Christmas. "What a GREAT display" From Diane and Stewart Wellington New Zealand. ...
357 -
United States - Malvern Pennsylvania 40.040°N 75.533°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_05_03:20:15.300:
do you put christmas tree lights on first or last
358 -
United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.685°N 77.537°W "Anonymous" from (dialup- wrote at 2007_12_05_09:38:06.337:
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the wonderful display.
359 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.878°N 87.685°W "Grace" from (slds1a.studev.uic.edu) wrote at 2007_12_05_09:41:18.117:
Christmas tree lights (white only, of course) go on first!
360 -
United States - Niagara Falls New York 43.127°N 79.021°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-74-78-162-44.buffalo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_11:42:31.865:
wanting to ssee if anyone has a site all about christmas like there are sites about halloween ...
361 -
United States - East Brunswick New Jersey 40.429°N 74.420°W "Anonymous" from (mail.cherenson.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_12:25:32.404:
visit LINK DELETED and make some really great animated e-cards with your faces on them!
362 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Russ" from (ausisaw2k3pc102-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_12:31:56.090:
This is a Great site! I totally love it! I'm up in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. I love coming here to watch!! I hope you guys have some good weather and no issue with your displays!
363 -
United States - Woodridge Illinois 41.735°N 88.044°W "Kim - Illinois" from (216-207-150-226.dia.static.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_13:21:13.503:
This Website is truly amazing. I can't wait to show my boys when I get home. What you are doing is completely awesome. Happy Holidays!!!
364 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Erin - Kansas City" from (ip241.new.lh.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_13:25:34.400:
Wow, impressive! I love seeing people get so excited about Christmas! :) Happy holidays!
365 -
United States - Boulder Colorado 40.017°N 105.264°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-196-138-234.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_14:19:40.124:
thanks for the smile today!
366 -
United States - Fredonia Kansas 37.552°N 95.863°W "Laura Meier" from (75-107-183-7.cust.wildblue.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_14:40:52.202:
HO HO HO from Lowry City, Missouri. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
367 -
United States - Snellville Georgia 33.796°N 84.033°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-129-49.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_15:55:36.172:
who are the people in your driveway?
368 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_16:17:05.313:
hey #360 go here: http://www.komar.org/cgi-bin/christmas_webcam
369 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_16:22:52.022:
oops my bad, it http://www.komar.org/cgi-bin/halloween_webcam again SORRY alek
370 -
United States - Panama City Florida 30.152°N 85.726°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-59-95-26.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_16:24:47.181:
Wazzup with Big Santa - he broke last night.
Alek replies at 16:29 - The twelve foot Santa in front of the Garage blew his 5-amp fuse last night ... but I put a new one in there and he is ready to go. Wife is due home with the boys around 4:50 ... so I'll put him up after that.
371 -
United States - Evanston Illinois 42.044°N 87.701°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-13-189-0.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_16:25:37.037:
Alek --- you're linked to in an article today on RosieChat.com
Alek replies at 16:31 - Wish Rosie a Merry Christmas for me! ;-)
372 -
United States - Snellville Georgia 33.796°N 84.033°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-129-49.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_17:25:33.918:
where is hulks twin brother
373 -
United States - Snellville Georgia 33.796°N 84.033°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-129-49.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_17:30:36.284:
alex do you mind if i use your javascript code for the webcam update it is the file/javascript/webcam i think
374 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_05_17:59:58.066:
#373: I only have one XXX-Large Santa Hat, so only one Hulk for Christmas - come back for Halloween 2008 to see the Twin Hulk Brothers. #372: Anyone can scrape my code, so I can't really say no ... but credit would be appreciated ... or a donation to Celiac Charity.
375 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-67-10-173-145.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_19:03:40.265:
merry christmas! this is cool.
376 -
United States - Marquette Michigan 46.628°N 87.479°W "Anonymous" from (rbaPOOLA-140.hiawatha.jamadots.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_19:31:05.329:
Merry Christams from Michigan! Thank you!!!
377 -
United States - Barberville Florida 29.188°N 81.418°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_05_19:54:21.806:
Merry Christmas to you and your Family!I love your site! :) Joan in Jax Beach,Fl
378 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_05_20:09:16.972:
Now this is a first ... Chris Pirillo has a live webcam watching him. So he was watching my site ... but then I watched him watch me - D'OH! ;-)
379 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_20:12:09.102:
reverse webcam huh?
380 -
United States - Marquette Michigan 46.628°N 87.479°W "Anonymous" from (rbaPOOLA-140.hiawatha.jamadots.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_20:13:14.115:
Way to go Bronner's for donating to the fund! It is the greatest Christmas store in the United States! I shop there all year long! God bless you and your family in your fight againt Celiac Disease. I have 2 family members, one in her 30's and one in her 40's, recently diagnosed.
381 -
United States - Milford Connecticut 41.224°N 73.051°W "EvilHom3r" from (ool-43568514.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_12_05_20:47:14.112:
Chris Pirillo FTW!
382 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Lemon Deb" from (cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_05_22:01:15.715:
383 -
United States - Holland Michigan 42.797°N 86.096°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_05_22:57:24.908:
384 -
Ireland - Athlone Westmeath 53.422°N 7.937°W "Steve" from (86-42-48-141.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_12_06_01:35:40.819:
I was able to login and controll the lights for the 1st time last night (I had to stay up here in Ireland) - Just to update you Alek we have raised just over 50 Euro for the dogs home on the Carndonagh Webcams!
385 -
United States - Detroit Michigan 42.366°N 83.101°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-61-60-180.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_06_06:56:41.835:
Do your part for the ma****. Send the ACLU a Christmas Card for their strong stance against the wording of "Christmas". ACLU, 125 Broad Street, Ny, NY10004
386 -
United Kingdom - Rawtenstall Lancashire 53.700°N 2.283°W "jon169" from (cpc2-asht1-0-0-cust672.manc.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_06_07:33:43.356:
Hello Alek an family, gosh this year has flown by. So we are here again for another 30 odd days of fun, laughter and who can notice anything good to highlight.Lets see how long it will be before missis jon169 bans me from the PC like last year. Well my eyes will be glued as usual, an when I'm aloud. P.S no leaving cans of beer around this year for Beer'O' Boy to drink, lol.
387 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_06_08:30:40.751:
Stephanie Desmon from the Baltimore Sun wrote a great article today about the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research (who I've raised over $20,000 for) - read it here. Thanks in advance for those that have donated to help find a cure.
388 -
United States - Lubbock Texas 33.610°N 101.821°W "Anonymous" from (gd161.dhcp.ttu.edu) wrote at 2007_12_06_08:35:07.823:
Hello from Texas Tech University in Lubbock!
389 -
United States - New York New York 40.761°N 73.976°W "Jeff" from (host143.earthcam.com) wrote at 2007_12_06_09:06:27.318:
Woot, Go Firefox! :)
390 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_06_13:36:39.071:
JaniceK sent me this pretty funny "inspirational poster" ... ;-)
391 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR. CRISTMASSLIGTHS" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_06_14:08:06.802:
392 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky from Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_06_15:52:48.019:
Hope everyone is having fun and safe holiday season so far.
393 -
United States - Seattle Washington 47.595°N 122.332°W "Jenny in Seattle" from (mulder.f5.com) wrote at 2007_12_06_16:53:26.755:
Hope you & your family have a wonderful Christmas & a Happy & Healthy New Year. We have a couple of great G.F. restaurants here if you are ever out this way :-)
394 -
United States - Cape Neddick Maine 43.223°N 70.642°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-72-224-205-141.maine.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_07:23:53.521:
Nice footprints in the snow this morning - did Santa visit early?
Alek replies at 10:09 - Just getting the newspapers - Santa isn't due for another couple of weeks ...
P.S. That school bus comes by every weekday morning at the same time.
395 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (82-43-141-63.cable.ubr01.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_07_10:36:04.324:
AWESOME - THANKS ALEC!!!!! European Surfers have been clamoring for the lights/controls to go on early. Unfortunately, I can't make the sun set sooner so the lights are visible ... but it's cloudy with light snow ... so lets turn 'em on at 3:00 MST (GMT-7) today!
396 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (austin-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_12:08:31.177:
Just like you to know that Dell loves this site! We are (many of us) watching the lights and are extremely happy to see you do all this for everyone!
Alek replies at 12:19 - Thanks for watching ... may interest you to know that the two 19" monitors in Santa's Workshop are from Dell.
397 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_07_12:35:38.975:
Glad you are excited about the early start #395. It's still pretty grey, so I've set things to fire up at 1:00 - four hours earlier than usual. I have the webcams on and the inflatables pumped up - this way, they will dry out a bit before you guys start turning 'em off!
398 -
United Kingdom - Bristol Bristol 51.450°N 2.583°W "Anonymous" from (host86-141-84-38.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_13:00:42.621:
Hi! Picked up your website from Geekbrief. It's wet and windy here in the UK amd I'm looking forward to see your lights working. Dave.
399 -
United Kingdom - Welwyn Garden City Hertford 51.800°N 0.200°W "Anonymous" from (host86-147-235-51.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_13:20:50.520:
Found details of your site on a Youthwork site - definitely will be telling my group about this. Yesterday took my kids out in the car at night to see the christmas lights near us - will have to show my 7 yr old what you are up to - she'll love it! Happy Christmas to you and your family - well done on a fab display. From P, Whitstable, Kent, UK
400 -
United Kingdom - Portsmouth Portsmouth 50.796°N 1.083°W "Anonymous" from (spc3-cosh6-0-0-cust184.cosh.broadband.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_14:53:18.174:
happy xmas from the uk x
401 -
United States - Greenville South Carolina 34.847°N 82.379°W "Anonymous" from (75-143-190-080.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_15:18:39.825:
YAY! but how come i can't see the things happen when i click them??
Alek replies at 15:24 - Because it is still daytime (I turned things on early) and it's really hard to see the 17,000 Christmas Lights - will start getting dark in about an hour.
402 -
United States - Reidsville Georgia 32.017°N 82.096°W "Emily Ann Waters" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_07_15:44:57.181:
I want Santa to call me today!!!
403 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_16:20:15.137:
just wondering, could you maybe take a video of the lights in real time and put it on the video's page so people can see what it really looks like instead of sped up versions?
Alek replies at 21:27 - Just play it back in slow motion! Heck, the timestamps are in the top/left, so you can sync it to real-time.
404 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Jason" from (pool-72-84-254-181.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_07_16:33:25.628:
Very cool website! I like it alot! Neat integration of the X10 things! Great work :)
405 -
United States - Memphis Tennessee 35.124°N 89.952°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-242-181-135.mem.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_07_17:31:07.549:
Hey, this is really neat, that you can do all that from such a distance. Thank you all for the cheer peeples! Merry Early Xmas!!!
406 -
United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user135.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_12_07_17:53:43.497:
Nice to see the white stuff again. Its all wind and rain here, not Christmassy at all just miserable.
407 -
Canada - Mississauga Ontario 43.150°N 79.500°W "Anonymous" from (CPE00023f6a8a9b-CM00195eefab50.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_20:27:06.445:
Man Alek's Electric bill must be through the roof!
408 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_20:59:18.569:
well 407, to quote alek "Electric bill is about three bucks/day per the Christmas FAQ"[Thanks Brandon - minor formatting by Alek]
409 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_07_21:50:35.063:
thankyou alek
410 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_07_22:52:25.855:
alek u really need a bot in im to say that whenever someone asks... it gets annoying after a while.
Alek replies at 23:32 - I get asked repetitive questions a LOT ... maybe I should tell people to donate a $1 to Celiac Disease Research if it is already answered in the FAQ?!? ;-)
411 -
Vietnam - Hanoi Dac Lac 21.033°N 105.850°E "aaaaaaaaa" from (localhost) wrote at 2007_12_08_00:42:11.388:
Christmas !
412 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_08_09:20:58.086:
I happened to notice that some local radio statios were having a contest for the "best" christmas lights display. So I added a picture of mine - please consider voting for it if it's your favorite. I think I stand a decent chance of coming in second - MikeM (aka The Greeley Grizwalds) has entered his awesome display which has 128 channels of 70,000+ computer controlled lights sychronized music. Be sure to check out the videos on his site - WOW!!!
413 -
Croatia - Split Splitsko-Dalmatinska 43.513°N 16.455°E "Anonymous" from (78-3-68-247.adsl.net.t-com.hr) wrote at 2007_12_08_09:28:54.216:
414 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-39-213.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_12:49:41.243:
Let's all get over there to 92.5 "The Wolf" and VOTE for Alek!! His electric bill PAID for the month of December can be our gift to him as thanks for all his hard work and keeping us entertained. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!!!
415 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_13:55:32.774:
WOW!!! lots more snow.
416 -
United States - Port Charlotte Florida 26.976°N 82.139°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-56-204-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_14:10:00.254:
Merry Christmas!
417 -
United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user135.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_14:14:08.414:
h2000 do an extra vote on my behalf please.
418 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_08_16:12:38.530:
Friday's freezing rain/snow is tough on electrical connections and the garage GCFI tripped several times ... so Elmo, Santa, SpongeBob, and Homer went down - D'OH! In addition, there is a ground fault somewhere in the middle of the giant lighted Christmas Tree on the front yard. I've isolated down to a specific extension cord ... but there is 6" of snow on the ground and it's darn cold ... so it's running on partial power. Dry snow coming down now, so hopefully we won't have any more issues and I'll look into things more on Sunday.
419 -
United States - Spring Texas 30.114°N 95.472°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_16:45:39.931:
what is the difference between "dry" snow & just snow? I know this sounds like a dumb question but I really don't know.
420 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "gill (lukes mum)" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_08_17:22:18.820:
I think the answer is that dry snow doesn't stick together, so you wouldn't be able to make a snowman, or have a snowball fight. The other snow does sticl together.
421 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "gill (lukes mum)" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_08_17:28:41.039:
Dry snow is also quite fine, its like powder. :-)
Alek replies at 19:42 - Gill is correct - relates to the water content and temperature. To expand a bit, freezing rain/snow (next to strong winds) is the toughest on Christmas Displays. Because it is near the freezing point, it can melt and water can ooze into the electrical connections and then freeze, providing a conducting path to the ground and tripping the GFCI ... which is doing what it is supposed to. Last year, Colorado got several feet of snow ... but it was dry and the display hung in there ... I much prefer that over an inch of ice.
422 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Ali" from (adsl-232-17-26.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_08_19:58:30.744:
Great lights and amazing time put into this. I enjoy watching the webcams and turning on and off lights and inflatables. I am a kid that gets on to this website a whole lot!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again!
423 -
United Kingdom - Gourock Inverclyde 55.950°N 4.833°W "mark" from (cpc3-grnk2-0-0-cust10.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_09_11:54:23.986:
Hiyaaaaa :) merry christmas ___-)
424 -
United Kingdom - Droitwich Worcestershire 52.266°N 2.150°W "Sam" from (host86-146-56-141.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_09_12:34:24.623:
Dear Santa,merrychistmas,love from,SamuelSvendsen
425 -
United States - Hixson Tennessee 35.170°N 85.209°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-59-229-75.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_09_14:18:51.692:
We love this site. Merry Christmas to all! Chattanooga, TN
426 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Craig" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_09_15:13:14.158:
Alek- When do you enable the 'Santa's Workshop' Camera? Well Done on the lights!
427 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_09_15:13:32.743:
Just an FYI that the Hulk has a small leak (plus he doesn't like the cold) ... so he is inside under repair ... and warming up! Should be back on the balcony Monday. Garage GFCI worked fine last night, but still have a ground somewhere in the lighted Christmas Tree ... and that's hard to find with half a foot of snow on the ground ... so it is running under partial power. Craig: Webcam3 usually comes online an hour or so before the show starts.
428 -
Indonesia - Jakarta Region N/A 6.174°S 106.829°E "Anonymous" from (157.subnet222-124-121.speedy.telkom.net.id) wrote at 2007_12_09_15:50:27.783:
Merry christMas ___D GOD bless me n u all..___o___
429 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-5446ce05.lns5-c13.telh.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_09_16:47:01.616:
430 -
United States - Vernon Hills Illinois 42.232°N 87.963°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-162-9-18.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_09_18:19:58.685:
Merry Christmas!
431 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_09_18:24:41.748:
Had someone say "Thats real cool I turned off homer and it looked like he fell on someone" - so I pulled that image from the archives - was me shoveling snow from the driveway. And fans of SpongeBob SquarePants should enjoy the second picture showing him hanging from the garage roof - note some snow is still on 'em ... plus a closeup of Elmo!
432 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "Schmidt's in Oceanside- CA" from (ip72-197-4-240.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_09_19:08:58.438:
My son has celiac and I just wanted to say I appreciate what you are doing to raise awareness!! God Bless!!
433 -
United States - Princeton West Virginia 37.390°N 81.041°W "liz frame & family" from (pool-71-251-240-40.char.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_09_21:25:22.367:
Merry Christmas to you & your family everyone.
434 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_09_23:29:57.086:
For those of you wondering what it looks like to shovel the snow off the driveway, there is time-lapse footage available from webcam1 and webcam2 ... would have been nice if Elmo, SpongeBob, or the Hulk had helped out! ;-)
435 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_10_09:08:03.325:
After patching The Hulk's leak yesterday, he spent the night in our bedroom - D'OH! This morning, the Big Green Guy was just as "Pumped Up" ... so he's ready to go back out in the cold and on the Balcony. Also, I finally got around to scanning in David's Wright's nice piece in Costco Connection magazine (click on it for a larger image) - see blog post #160. I bought Stepping Santa from Costco back in 2005 and he's still going strong on his third holiday - Big Red Dude must have gone up & down that ladder a bazillion times!
436 -
United States - Piscataway New Jersey 40.551°N 74.463°W "Anonymous" from (70-89-44-38-philadelphia-panjde.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_10:51:45.025:
My brother, Brian Cruikshank(a friend of yours in Colorado) sent us to your site. Great fun! Thanks. Esther Stieska
437 -
United States - Santa Ana California 33.763°N 117.794°W "woryzhijchertkc" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_10_11:53:15.985:
Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
438 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-63-184-3.hsd1.az.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_14:35:08.649:
Awesome Coverage in the Costco Connection! You were also LINK DELETED's Website of the Week.
439 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_15:18:19.314:
Alex, I hope Santa brings you a snow-blower for Christmas, although you are really fast:):)
440 -
United States - Portland Oregon 45.518°N 122.655°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-20-213-197.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_15:34:20.891:
What are you doing with a broom in the front yard?
Alek replies at 16:18 - Sweeping the snow off of the giant lighted Christmas Tree in the front yard so the lights can be more easily seen - watch the video! Also, I was doing further isolation of the ground fault that is somewhere in there - note that I walk off-camera to the bottom left several times to reset it as I'm doing my testing. I have it down to just a few strands, so the tree is almost back to full power!
441 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (ausisaw2k3ps303-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_10_15:37:20.483:
that would be too much fun!! I wish I could do this kind of setup too!
442 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_16:35:48.101:
thanks for all your hard work to keep this going, Alex:)
443 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_16:45:39.914:
444 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_10_17:00:56.343:
Weather data comes from local sensors and appreciate the compliment Helen. Was just taking a few pictures, and since the folks in the IM Chat room asked what the camera looks like, here's a shot of the Canon 40D with the 10-22mm wide-angle lens ... ton of fun to shoot with.
445 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_17:06:40.151:
but alex how did you find the sensors and get there info
Alek replies at 17:08 - I worded that poorly - lets try again. Basically just pulling data (using wget) from some web sites that have weather data for nearby locations.
446 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "TreeceWA" from (pool-71-164-13-192.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_17:30:22.514:
Alek.....been visiting your site daily. Thanks for the fun. May you & your family have a blessed Christmas. Peace & Joy!
447 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_17:56:02.561:
how did you get wget
448 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_10_18:28:13.010:
Google "wget" for more info. Meanwhile, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away ... Darth Vader and the Hulk squared off! ;-)
449 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-76-213-226-7.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_18:40:46.449:
happy holidays Alek! Miley Cyrus =)
Alek replies at 07:47 - My wife asked if this was the real Miley Cyrus ... I said probably not ... but then again, the IP address indicates the post came from LA and she is a big Christmas Fan ... so could be!
450 -
United States - Taylor Ridge Illinois 41.392°N 90.750°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-75-21-124-203.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_21:12:55.437:
Well I am Blogging at you from the Quad Cities area of Illinois with a bunch of folks who love eagles :). very nice place. Thanks for all the hard work. ...
451 -
United States - Fort Myers Florida 26.573°N 81.826°W "Anonymous" from (fl-71-3-57-157.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_21:32:35.826:
Just found this.Wishing your kids a Merry Christmas from Okeechobee Fla.
452 -
United States - Daphne Alabama 30.606°N 87.858°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-248-67-197.btr.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_10_21:49:40.176:
Where'd you go alex? We enjoyed watching you on the screen. Did the bots capture you? What were you thinking about up there? Did you know your fans were hoping you would acknowledge the millions of us watching you?
453 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2007_12_11_03:36:52.765:
I love christmas
454 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "santalivenow" from (161.sub-75-213-251.myvzw.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_08:45:52.493:
MERRY CHRISTMAS! IT'S therealsanta DOWNLOAD MY FREE 25DAYS OF CHRISTMAS ADVENT CALENDAR @LINK DELETED adventcalender .blip.tv come to @LINK DELETED LINK DELETED request a free video Christmas Card from Santa!! Santa is here for the kids in all of us. I understand how important this is have wedcam will send free comment to your Childern
455 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_11_09:28:50.075:
Figured with all this snow, I should take some pictures of the deer (who goes up & down) and cross-country skiing polar bear ... yes, those poles really do move.
456 -
United States - Happy Texas 34.770°N 101.794°W "Anonymous" from (66-224-216-122.atgi.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_10:23:56.960:
Merry Christmas!!
457 -
United States - Mercer Island Washington 47.560°N 122.228°W "Anonymous" from (blv-proxy-06.boeing.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_11:16:18.330:
I visited the site on Sunday night and played some with the lights. Didn't have my credit card handy then, but I do now and just made a donation. Have a Merry Christmas!
458 -
Portugal - Amadora Lisboa 38.750°N 9.233°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_11_12:32:53.544:
este blog esta muito engra___ado!!!
459 -
United States - Buffalo Grove Illinois 42.169°N 87.958°W Shadow@kiyu.com from (AC5-Webproxy21.direcpc.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_14:01:59.245:
Great Job Alex! Hello from KIYU radio in Galena Alaska!
Alek replies at 14:36 - I have seen Galena mentioned in the IM Chat Room ... bet you guys have a lotta snow as you are wayyyy up North. And while we don't quite have the Aurora Borealis like you do, here's a nice sunset over the Christmas Lights.
460 -
United States - Orlando Florida 28.503°N 81.330°W "Anonymous" from (user-142h6vs.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_14:49:03.043:
Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!
461 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_11_14:53:50.838:
the spider thing was me testing out wget t o see what it does sorry
462 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_11_15:37:18.877:
just recognized: 'Welcome back'. how do you do that? that's what my friends call me. :)
463 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5accebe2.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_15:56:21.382:
is the big red guy broken cos hes the only inflatable not on
464 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:07:54.128:
YIKES, another 6 inches of snow...stay warm.
465 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (ausisaw2k3pc103-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:11:52.201:
Looks like Alex had enough with Santa! He took him down hard!! :) way to go Alex!
466 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:14:12.888:
darn missed the takedown
467 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_11_16:17:50.795:
Wife is due home any minute ... so moving Big Santa outa the way so she can get the MiniVan into the garage ... IF she can make it up the driveway!
468 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:20:56.933:
I think you need some hot chocolate, Alex or some Baileys'
469 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (ausisaw2k3pc103-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:22:42.764:
hehe.. taking him away! Bad Bad Santa! hehe
470 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:27:17.488:
YEAH, Santa is back up:)
471 -
United States - Woodstock Valley Connecticut 41.936°N 72.085°W "J.G." from (ip70-188-177-57.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_16:58:08.286:
No one turn on the snowmen please the will freeze to the ground
472 -
United Kingdom - Bristol Bristol 51.450°N 2.583°W "Anonymous" from (82-32-0-10.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_11_17:09:21.080:
Merry Christmas to you and a big thank you for a wonderful display. Best wish___s from Brian in Bristol UK
473 -
United Kingdom - Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire 51.916°N 0.650°W "Anonymous" from (i-195-137-58-250.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_17:12:32.510:
love the tip-toeing santa, i find it so amusing. Keep up the good work Alek and family.
474 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_11_17:36:45.328:
In the IM Chat Room, it was pointed out that the reindeer appears to have some ... uhhhh ... GAS! Maybe he ate a bad burrito. While perhaps it it just the reflection from the snow and the red polar bear next to it, I did go outside and light a match - BOOM!
475 -
United States - Spring Texas 30.114°N 95.472°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_18:15:38.051:
If snow can have a fire on it, what do you extinguish it with?
476 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_11_19:30:21.847:
your eyebrows ok?
477 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_11_21:42:15.421:
478 -
India - New Delhi Delhi 28.600°N 77.200°E "zionads" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_12_02:04:52.481:
Great Christmas offers at Dragon Rewards. For great holiday deals, cash back awards and fun surveys visit LINK DELETED
479 -
India - New Delhi Delhi 28.600°N 77.200°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_12_02:12:41.219:
Great Christmas offers at Dragon Rewards. For great holiday deals, cash back awards and fun surveys visit LINK DELETED
480 -
United States - Santa Ana California 33.763°N 117.794°W "lyryzhijchertua" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_12_08:26:04.291:
Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
481 -
United States - Tulare California 36.181°N 119.362°W "Nate" from (adsl-64-173-211-13.cubix.com) wrote at 2007_12_12_09:57:42.603:
Thanks for your dedication to Celiac. My 18 year old son went through 2 years of tests and pain at age 14 before they stumbled on Celiac. He does well now, but still finds it hard when going to gatherings where nothing but pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs are served. Party Hosts - make sure to include celiac friendly items in your menu! Merry Christmas All!!! Carson City, NV
482 -
United States - East Lansing Michigan 42.745°N 84.460°W "Shadow Steel" from (b12webproxy04.direcpc.com) wrote at 2007_12_12_10:15:27.095:
Alex How can we donate by check? Take care, your friend Shadow in Galena Alaska.
Alek replies at 10:23 - Here is the main donation page at the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Disease. This includes info on sending a check if you'd rather not use the online credit card form. And say something like "I enjoyed the Christmas Lights" on the check! ;-)
483 -
United States - Dayton Ohio 39.740°N 84.178°W "Summer" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_12_10:18:04.422:
I think what you are doing is wonderful! I have Celiac Disease and I think that anything that can be done to raise awareness is great. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
484 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Russ - Edmonton AB Ca" from (ausisaw2k3pc111-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_12_11:59:49.771:
If Alex will go out tonight and Do a Dance with his Wife in all the lights for 3 minutes. I will Donate $20 dollars towards the Charity! it has to be done at 7pm MST. (cause that's when I can see it)
Alek replies at 12:11 - I've lost track of how many "offers" pop up in the IM chat room from people who say they will donate if I do XYZ. And then the folks at UofM says zippo/nada shows up. I.e. so far, a lotta talk, no walk. So I'd suggest donating that $20 to charity from your heart and because it is a good thing to do. Now if you donate a $1,000 (tax deductible BTW) then maybe we can do something fun/zany on the webcam. But lets not also clutter up the blog with this type of stuff - do the donation, and Email me the receipt.
485 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_12_14:06:04.724:
Believe it or not, even Frosty the Snowman struggles a bit when there is a foot of snow on the ground as can be seen in the first two pictures - note the pile of snow on his back. The third picture shows the "Frosty Mom" with her two "little Frosties" ... trying to bust out of the latest snowfall. But a quick sweep with a broom and they are ready for action! ;-)
486 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (ausisaw2k3pc111-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_12_16:31:59.988:
Curious, but what is so big about the 12th?
487 -
Japan - Tokyo Tokyo 35.685°N 139.751°E "Anonymous" from (KD124208104252.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) wrote at 2007_12_12_16:45:14.002:
WARNING: Deer on Fire again.
488 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_12_17:54:10.281:
wow you must say "Neighbors think it is a hoot ... and the kids love it!" everynight... (in the IM Chat)
should make it so i can say that and it would appear red! ;-) just kidding. or am I? you will never know... and HAPPY 12 12 EVERYONE!! -Brandon
Alek replies at 19:03 - Yea, people seem to think the neighbors don't like the Christmas Lights. In actual fact, I've been doing this for almost 10 years and live in a family neighborhood, so people enjoy the Christmas Display/Spirit. And HEY, the fact that since webcam1 is across the street at the neighbors house (who have some darn nice Christmas Decorations of their own) speaks for itself! ;-)
489 -
United States - Leesburg Georgia 31.751°N 84.135°W "Paul" from (adsl-217-210-75.aby.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_12_22:04:44.934:
hey alek i just wanted to say this is great. im legally blind and cant get out to look at the christmas lights around town and even if i could i cant get close enough to see them. and most static images just dont catch the feeling. thanks to you this is the first year ive really been able to enjoy some one elses display. and see what snow actually looks like :) thanks!
490 -
United States - East Lansing Michigan 42.745°N 84.460°W "shadow@kiyu.com" from (dpc691914033.direcpc.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_01:35:43.908:
Alex We raised around $800.00 in 30 minutes for your cause. We want to underwrite the reindeer. I will send the check next week. Your friend Shadow steel.
491 -
United States - East Lansing Michigan 42.745°N 84.460°W "shadow" from (dpc691914033.direcpc.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_01:45:56.230:
I will set mine this weekend
492 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "James" from (c-71-228-26-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_06:41:43.663:
woooooo, thought lights were only on at night, they just went on this morning
Alek replies at 08:07 - Yea, I woke up early this morning and shot a sunrise picture with the glow on the left (East) rather than on the right. I had already moved Big Santa (so my wife can get out of the driveway) so he's not in the shot. My neighbors Paul and Kerry were walking their dog as can be seen below. They commented that "our daughter Emily loves your christmas lights and will have this childhood memory for the rest of her life" - nice stuff!
493 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_13_10:57:59.758:
I love that shot, hope you dont mind but I've saved it as my background.
494 -
United States - Santa Ana California 33.763°N 117.794°W "sjryzhijchertrb" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_13_12:23:26.503:
Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
495 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_13_13:59:11.600:
Now here is a great Christmas Story! A radio station in Galena, Alaska raised a $1,000 for Celiac Disease Research - awesome job by Station Manager Shadow Steel ... and isn't it cool how technology can bring some Christmas Cheer to the remote places of the Earth. Read the whole story (with pictures and video) about the KIYU Burrito Reindeer! ;-)
496 -
United States - New York New York 40.761°N 73.976°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-58-254.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_14:34:12.161:
497 -
United States - Moraga California 37.838°N 122.102°W "Dana Ardave, California" from (c-24-4-123-135.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_14:45:04.938:
What a wonderful thing you are doing for your children and the rest of us that suffer with Celiac! This is just awesome. My daughter was diagnosed 8 years ago at Childrens Hospital, Oakland, CA. and Stanford, Palo Alto, Ca. She is now 14 and doing very, very well. We almost lost her,so much damage to the small intestine, not knowing what she had, we were even told it was it her head......because she threw up every day. Enough, my hat is off to you and your family and the wonderful work you are doing for all. I just happened to fall upon this website when looking for clip-art for a school project. I will be sure to keep up with you and your journey. Bless you and your happy healthy children. We have some great recipes, and products we use if you are every in need. Happy Holidays!!!!
498 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.115°N 117.287°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-147-228.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_15:27:00.529:
Great job Mr Shadow. Many thanks to you and your listeners at KIYU for the generous contribution to Mr Grassmas's worthy cause. Anyone who wants to sponsor a reindeer with gas is alright in my book!
499 -
United States - Spring Texas 30.114°N 95.472°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_15:28:22.933:
Way to go KIYU. Sure was nice.
500 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (austin-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_15:43:05.820:
that's great! I love the fact how this occurred so fast! nice going guys up in Alaska!!:)
501 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_13_15:48:55.622:
Congrats on post #500 Austin, Texas and yes, awesome that KIYU and the listeners in Galena, Alaska did this. HEY, any chance you can check in with Michael Dell and see if he'll donate for Celiac Charity?
502 -
United States - Austin Texas 30.303°N 97.769°W "Anonymous" from (austin-dmz.aus.amer.dell.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_15:59:13.830:
I would if I were in Austin Texas... my IP shows there, but I'm really up in Canada..Edmonton to be exact.
Alek replies at 16:03 - Your Internet traffic is routed through the Corporate Gateway ... so that is the IP that shows up which is in Austin, Texas.
503 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_13_16:07:52.207:
Hey Alek how did you set up your im on your laptop?
504 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_13_17:59:50.786:
So I was picked as a finalist in the Old House Christmas Lights Contest - would be great if you guys would wander over there and consider casting a vote for the Hulk's House in the "Best Use of Figures" Category - should be 3rd row down, 3rd one across. Don't think it matters much what you put in for your Email address.
505 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_18:03:53.294:
AWWWW i was trying to vote but i dont have an email..... but still, good luck
506 -
United States - Warner Robins Georgia 32.618°N 83.619°W "Ron" from (ip68-99-149-158.mc.at.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_18:04:05.118:
Have a very Merry Christmas! Nice site.
507 -
United States - Sandy Utah 40.575°N 111.823°W "Scott" from (71-38-244-32.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_13_18:34:00.557:
Voted for you. Hope you win.
508 -
United States - East Lansing Michigan 42.745°N 84.460°W "Shadow" from (dpc691914042.direcpc.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_18:47:27.504:
Voted for you!
509 -
United States - Marysville Washington 48.074°N 122.195°W "Anonymous" from (24-113-155-215.wavecable.com) wrote at 2007_12_13_19:05:45.051:
Homer's all like "D'oh!" and santa's tip toeing, it's funny!
510 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_13_19:20:10.120:
Hi Alek. How long does it take you to switch all the lights on a night, is it just one plug that controls all the other X10 units or do they each use there own socket on the wall so that you have to go round switiching each one on separatly.
Alek replies at 20:10 - The system is fully automatic and can (and has) started itself up and shut down by itself. There are dozens of outlets (with X10 SR227 Super Sockets) and Appliance & Lamp Modules which are all in eight zones. Read more in the Christmas FAQ.
511 -
United States - San Angelo Texas 31.449°N 100.430°W "Jack" from (blackhawk.goodfellow.af.mil) wrote at 2007_12_13_22:55:27.625:
I love your site! Does the message display not work with firefox? I can't seem to get it to work. Happy Holidays!
Alek replies at 22:58 - I use FF 99% of the time (as do many of the folks on the site) and works fine ... you do need to have Javascript enabled on the remote chance you are one of the few that disable that.
512 -
United States - Dayton Ohio 39.744°N 84.178°W "Anonymous" from (user-12l2ilc.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_12_14_11:10:32.586:
I don't think it's very fair to pick on the radio station Alice for not donating... after all they apparently haven't said no yet... and you didn't take them up on their offer LAST year, so why make a big deal about it THIS year? I think 10k is more than generous and you didn't take it when it was offered, so to be hateful about it this year isn't cool.
Alek replies at 11:43 - Actually, you are a bit off on your years/details - would suggest reading the Alice 105.9 saga for more info. Bottom line is they "talked" a big story on-the-air about donating for charity ... but didn't walk-the-talk afterwards. Compare that to how a radio station in (remote) Galena, Alaska stepped up to the plate for Celiac Disease. And no "hateful" feelings toward Alice - just a Bah Humbug to 'em! ;-)
513 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb32.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_14_11:43:30.040:
alek wat are the features of fire fox cos i was going to get it thanks
514 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_14_12:12:03.176:
Nice one KIYU. Good on ya! Voted for you Alek. Hope your a winner!
515 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Alice s****" from (c-76-16-44-105.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_14_14:14:00.664:
user-12l2ilc should listen to the audio of the Alice 105.9 DJ's. It is odvious that they are j****** Alek around. He was being nice to just say Bah Humbug.
516 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Laura meier" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_14_14:40:51.110:
thanks for the chrismas lights! really love them. we are expecting about a foot of snow ourselves today in missouri. biggest snowfall in 19 years (if it happens)
517 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_14_15:14:41.286:
The sky looks rather dark than normal are you expecting more snow?
Alek replies at 15:34 - Have gotten an inch or two so far today, but tapering off tonight with some sun coming out this weekend. Since it's pretty cloudy (and therefore the lights are easier to see), I've set the X10 controls to fire up an hour early at 4:00PM.
518 -
Canada - Scarborough Ontario 43.750°N 79.200°W "Anonymous" from (CPE001346f97a73-CM0014f8c1594c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2007_12_14_16:42:49.049:
Wow. What a sight. My kids will love to see this later. Mark Symmes, Toronto, Canada. We will donate!
519 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_14_18:35:54.160:
Hello Alek, MERRY CHRISTMAS. I think you should have a local landscaping company plow your driveway since you get all this snow and I'm sure you get tired of shoveling your driveway! Everybody could anticipate when the snow plow guy might show up and it would provide much entertainment to all of us! Just a thought! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!
520 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (pawilk-apx1-116-100.du.uplink.net) wrote at 2007_12_14_19:27:01.175:
521 -
Canada - Edmonton Alberta 53.550°N 113.500°W "Anonymous" from (px1ar.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_12_14_22:03:29.734:
Alek, please make sure that guy is banned. no need for him at all.
522 -
Australia - Melbourne Region N/A 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (c220-239-129-217.dandn1.vic.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2007_12_14_23:15:44.129:
Web cam numbber 2 is spooky at night after the lights go out. Great setup Mate.
523 -
Ireland - Athlone Westmeath 53.422°N 7.937°W "Steve" from (86-42-35-206.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_12_15_01:01:28.830:
Seasons greeting from all here in Tullyarb, Carndonagh Steve - Carndonagh Webcams
524 -
United States - Saint Louis Missouri 38.638°N 90.302°W "Idetrorce" from (24-217-125-37.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_15_06:49:55.375:
very interesting, but I don't agree with you Idetrorce
525 -
United States - Santa Ana California 33.763°N 117.794°W "axryzhijchertlg" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_15_08:48:37.054:
Thanks to Oprah, Obama camp claims biggest crowd yet
526 -
United Kingdom - Liverpool Liverpool 53.416°N 3.000°W "Anonymous" from (host86-154-104-172.range86-154.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_15_09:44:11.665:
hiyyya is en1 eya ? ___
527 -
United States - Abingdon Maryland 39.473°N 76.289°W "Janice" from (c-69-140-194-114.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_15_13:52:15.119:
Please tell Hulk I voted for your Christmasy display at the This Old House site.
528 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR HOLIDAY" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_15_15:58:25.338:
529 -
United States - San Diego California 32.821°N 117.084°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-66-75-130-55.san.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_15_16:16:34.202:
I sent this site to everyone i know and they have logged on.. Hope it helps the cause! :)
530 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.751°N 104.997°W "Randy" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_15_16:41:50.084:
I listen to Alice105.9 and am ashamed they would not donate to charity. Your web site is great fun and for a great cause - Bless you!
531 -
Canada - Toronto British Columbia 43.666°N 79.416°W "Kristian" from (bas2-barrie18-1279301422.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2007_12_15_18:30:11.375:
I Donated again this year Alek! I really support this cause! Thanks Kristian in Canada
532 -
Canada - Ottawa Ontario 45.416°N 75.700°W "Anonymous" from (bas2-ottawa23-1128731901.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2007_12_15_20:35:11.168:
I think you should make the IP addresses private, but props on the setup!
533 -
United States - Lemont Illinois 41.681°N 87.970°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-75-58-61-81.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_00:18:27.753:
hello world
534 -
United States - Canon City Colorado 38.477°N 105.455°W "Anonymous" from (host-72-174-134-23.cac-co.client.bresnan.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_05:36:52.035:
Hello from Canon City, Colorado. I Have Celiac disease Googled on my computer (I also have this, 2 yrs. diagnosed), and your article from the Denver Post came up. I can't wait to play with the lights!!
Alek replies at 07:39 - Thanks for the nice comment and yes, have fun with the lights tonight. For those interested, here is the Denver Post article by Claire Martin who was a pleasure to work with. The photo shoot by Glenn Asakawa (who totally rolled with the idea of doing something zany) from earlier in the week was captured on webcam
2, &
And hey, how often do you see a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer take
a picture of a Gorilla, The Hulk (with a light saber even), and Spiderman in
front of 17,000 Christmas lights! ;-)
535 -
Italy - Asola Lombardia 45.216°N 10.400°E "Luca" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_16_12:25:18.712:
Marry Christmas from Bergamo (Italy). I would like to control your Christmas Lights...but I'is very hard for me! Control time (for Italy) is from 1 to 6 AM: too early!! Buon Natale!
536 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_14:27:26.896:
Welcome back from Alpena Michigan United States (45.065___N 83.455___W
537 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_15:32:24.993:
hi from alpena
538 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "sher from the uk" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust121.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_16:22:18.146:
i wish you and your family a very happy christmas and a happy new year
539 -
United States - Annville Pennsylvania 40.344°N 76.551°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-254-240-245.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_17:21:05.777:
yo every one
540 -
United States - Annville Pennsylvania 40.344°N 76.551°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-254-240-245.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_17:32:31.246:
hall is hitting my house right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
541 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_16_18:00:09.464:
Wife's Book Club was over last night and I made some rasberry/lime/mint Mojito's - figure the red & green was appropriate for the season. They were a bit hit - I lined up some of the cups and here's what it looked like at Midnight! ;-)
542 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_16_18:20:04.084:
So back in early September, we picked up a couple of monster inflatable Colorado Rockies Baseballs at a garage sale nearby - good story that is worth a click. So these same nice people mentioned at the time that have a twenty foot inflatable Santa they put out for Christmas. So Dirk-n-Kyle and I checked it out today - it's GNORMOUS!!! Since my Santa is "only" twelve feet tall, I'm not only envious, but also feeling ... uhhh ... inadequate!
Size Matters when it comes to Santa's! ;-)
543 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_18:45:29.199:
you. need. that. santa. period.
544 -
United States - El Paso Texas 31.796°N 106.387°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-92-105-241.elp.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_18:53:05.868:
MERY X-MAS!!!!!!!!!
545 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "The Murphy's" from (adsl-068-209-248-046.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_19:52:35.364:
My inlaws are from Colorado Springs and we absolutely love it there. Merry Christmas from our home to yours which by the way is in Georgia. We NEVER see snow so this is nice!
546 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_20:08:56.526:
that Santa is awesome! Except it looks as though it could use a bath! LOL
547 -
United States - Middleburg Florida 30.083°N 81.863°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-229-219-009.sip.jax.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_20:20:22.778:
Merry Christmas to everyone from Florida
548 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Renate Uhl" from (71-212-179-194.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_16_21:49:27.127:
Very nice Christmas lights-they really come out and love the flatable Santa Clause-HO HO HOOO!!! :)
549 -
United States - Urbana Illinois 40.114°N 88.183°W "John" from (74-136-204-168.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_12_16_22:44:38.628:
Can I get that recipe for the Mojito's? Thanks for a great display!!!!
Alek replies at 23:03 - The super-nice folks at Ling & Louie's Asian Bar & Grill in Northfield Stapleton in Denver, Colorado (who have a great Gluten-Free menu) were nice enough to share the recipe.
You can do in a martini shaker, but for this larger crowd, I muddled a bunch of rasberries, freshly squeezed lime juice, and simple syrup in a pitcher. Fiddle with the proportions until you think there is a reasonable balance of flavors.
Add mint - the stuff I had was lame, so had to add what I had - Peppermint Snapps - mint extract would have probably been better ... but I'll try again in the summer when the Mint is more fresh. Again, add enough to balance the flavors. Then add an equivelent amount of Bacardi Razz to the pitcher. You can do all of this beforehand. One boo-boo was the Mint we added turned a limp green, so we had to strain it out - not easy with the rasberry bits there, so had to use a fork!
For the party, add anywhere between 10-25% (depending on how that person likes it) of that mix to soda water - use 7UP if you want super-sweet. Add ice and garnish with fresh mint and a couple more rasberries for that red/green look. Optionally "Razz" it with a float on top if they want it fortified! Since it's basically a spritzer, it's more a summer drink ... but we liked the color and wanted people to be able to drink w/o getting hammered as cocktails can be a bit strong. Be sure to serve in a clear glass - was a real winner for us and I thought they were darn good if I don't mind saying so myself! ;-)
550 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_17_07:28:13.500:
A major snowstorm hit michigan starting at saturday evening and going into all day sunday so i have no school yeah... Snow is starting to come down again
551 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_17_08:34:04.259:
no shcool in alpena
552 -
Italy - Milanese Sicilia 38.200°N 15.733°E "Anonymous" from (81-174-5-177.dynamic.ngi.it) wrote at 2007_12_17_10:25:05.143:
merry christmas
553 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky from Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_17_12:32:04.850:
Wow can't believe christmas is one week away. I hope everyone is done with their christmas shopping. I've been bad once again this year and will be doing a lot of last minute shopping. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone.
554 -
Austria - Vienna Wien 48.200°N 16.366°E "Freddy" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_17_16:34:18.032:
Merry Christmas! from Vienna (Austria)
555 -
United States - Oviedo Florida 28.667°N 81.141°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-229-201-015.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_17_16:50:07.697:
This website is awesome!!!! Don't you??!!
556 -
United States - Oviedo Florida 28.667°N 81.141°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-229-201-015.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_17_16:56:47.914:
It's only 30 degrees here in FL. Man do i feel bad!!!
557 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison s" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_17_17:00:12.437:
Just been sitting here discussing our plans for Xmas lunch this year, which got me to thinking. What are you having for Xmas lunch Alek?
558 -
United States - Littleton Colorado 39.559°N 105.005°W "Dorey" from (proxy1a.external.lmco.com) wrote at 2007_12_17_17:37:36.504:
Hey Alec! I've been telling all the Huntington Beach Boeing transplants about your lights and site. You are amazing, and so is your family.
559 -
United States - Middleburg Florida 30.083°N 81.863°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-229-219-009.sip.jax.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_17_20:01:56.704:
Merry Christmas From Middleburg Florida
560 -
United States - Salem Oregon 44.950°N 123.019°W "Palma" from (71-34-66-131.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_01:03:33.541:
I am not sure where to ask this so I will start here. Where can I find the poem about Stocking Stuffer" gift ideas? It sort of goes like ..."something to wear, something to eat, something to read and ....ya da ya da?
561 -
United States - Spring Texas 30.114°N 95.472°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_07:38:16.676:
"Something you want / something you need / something to wear / something to read."
562 -
United States - Panama City Florida 30.152°N 85.726°W "Tom Najjar" from (c-68-59-92-166.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_08:15:43.474:
I host and produce a "LIVE" local morning television show in Panama City, Fl. I would like to have a video about you and your effort to show in a segment on my show. I would be willing to make a donation and pay for overnight delivery, if you have a video. My segments are about 4-5 min. I can accomodate 2 segments if you have them. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Alek replies at 08:20 - You are welcome to use any of the Christmas Videos that I have online - the "Why I Do It" is probably what you want - thanks in advance for your donation to charity.
563 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Zahra" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_08:31:22.078:
merry christmas && a happy new year !!!
564 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb51.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_18_09:54:28.108:
wat channel is the show on
565 -
United States - Indianapolis Indiana 39.806°N 86.140°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-69-208-145-64.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_12:08:21.909:
Merry Christmas from Snowy Indiana!
566 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_12:16:47.102:
Merry christmas from Peterborough in England
567 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Becky" from (host86-164-59-112.range86-164.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_18_12:47:48.271:
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Natasha Stokes is on the naughty list this year! Just kidding, she is a very good girl! Merry christmas!
568 -
United Kingdom - Louth Lincolnshire 53.366°N 0.016°W "Yvette - Nottingham UK" from (host86-129-37-67.range86-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_18_15:33:07.325:
Amazing, and so pretty. Merry Christmas to you all, over the pond, Yvette, Nottingham, England xx
569 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "alyson" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_16:20:19.084:
oh turn the light on early for us in england it is 11:15 pm please santa im tired
Alek replies at 16:30 - OK - turned the X10 Controls on early for folks across the Pond! ;-)
570 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison s" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_16:45:00.334:
Thank you
571 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_17:23:38.286:
Thanks for turning them on early. I can show my daughter.
572 -
United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.449°N 79.988°W "Stashia" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_18_17:24:01.045:
HEY ALEK! It was great interviewing you and the website is fantastic. I'm actually editing it right now so that it can be out by next week. It's lookin like next thursday or friday is the air date so ... have a very merry christmas ... a happy new year ... and I will be sure to get the audio of the interview to you before the end the week. Oh! And I hope to help donate too! lol. take care.
573 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_17:26:53.538:
I cast my vote.....Merry Christmas!!!!!
574 -
United States - Tyler Texas 32.350°N 95.285°W "SABRINA" from (r74-192-244-226.tyrdcmta02.tylrtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2007_12_18_19:07:36.314:
575 -
United States - Wadsworth Ohio 41.062°N 81.745°W "Anonymous" from (external.shearers.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_01:21:44.605:
hi happy ho ho ho!!!
576 -
United States - Kalamazoo Michigan 42.289°N 85.588°W "Anonymous" from (24-176-59-206.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_06:36:24.811:
Merry Christmas to all...sorry about your Rockies losing, but they beat up on my Cubbies this year, so.....
577 -
Greece - Athens Attiki 37.983°N 23.733°E "Anonymous" from (static062038244051.dsl.hol.gr) wrote at 2007_12_19_07:50:35.047:
Help a child to take a Christmas present this year with only 2 clicks...go there
578 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (5accebe3.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_09:04:34.228:
alek do u have to use water proof conectors on the inflatables to the extention wires cos i noticed they have short cables
579 -
United States - Quincy Massachusetts 42.265°N 71.018°W "Nina" from (c-24-62-48-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_19_10:11:57.278:
I have Celiac disease too, I think its great what your doing!!!! Thanks!! and Merry Christmas!!
580 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "ricky" from (75-121-195-15.dyn.centurytel.net) wrote at 2007_12_19_14:22:57.836:
BURL IVES s**** TRUTH It's odd but years ago it was found out that with his maid that he had a room with voodoo creature and phalic tiki sculptures. The maid was on a news station out of Burbank. The maid never saw him worshiping but heard sounds drums and groaning. I'll never watch the rudolph red nose reindeer shows the same again.
581 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_19_16:02:13.334:
lights and webcams are not on
Alek replies at 16:03 - Yes, it's not dark yet ... but I'll probably turn things on around 4:30'ish ...
582 -
United Kingdom - Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire 51.916°N 0.650°W "Vectra" from (i-195-137-58-250.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2007_12_19_16:12:30.559:
Alek and family, Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Keep up the good work Alek, your webcams and lights are a real sign that christmas is coming.
583 -
United States - Homosassa Florida 28.780°N 82.589°W "Anonymous" from (83-117.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_16:15:22.091:
584 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_19_16:29:09.376:
I don't know what's going to happen with all the voting that's going on around here now. I just heard that the Colorado secretary of state has declared that the states voting machines are unreliable and has decertified them. But, now if we don't come in first place, we can demand a recount by hand.
585 -
United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Anthony" from (cpc2-ldry1-0-0-cust985.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_16:52:39.031:
Merry Christmas from Northern Ireland. Great camera, and thanks for putting it on that little bit early, I got to show it to my girlfriend before she went home to bed. I'm gonna put up a blog post about your this on our webcam software site on friday. Hopefully it'll get some extra traffic and donations for you. Not that you need the extra traffic. 167 people viewing the camera. WOW!
586 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Anonymous" from (70-57-55-159.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_19_19:40:08.653:
Merry Christmas from Loveland Colorado. God Bless our Military personnel! Keep them in your prayers.
587 -
Vietnam - Hanoi Dac Lac 21.033°N 105.850°E "Anonymous" from (58-186-25-xxx-dynamic.hcm.fpt.vn) wrote at 2007_12_19_21:37:20.848:
Happy Merry Christmas To All You
588 -
United States - Honolulu Hawaii 21.313°N 157.824°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-66-8-251-64.hawaii.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_21:44:04.227:
Mele Kaliki Maka (Merry Christmas--Hawaiian style) from Hilo, on the island of Hawaii, the one with the volcano.
589 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "Jerry & Nancy Ackerman" from (cpe-65-25-146-29.columbus.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_22:17:40.177:
Alek - Merry Christmas from Orlando, Florida - We need to get together some day and catch up on old times
590 -
United States - Brooklyn New York 40.652°N 73.955°W "Walter Benjamin" from (user-387ggeo.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_12_19_22:25:27.474:
I love your light pictures. i was google searching christmas lights!!
591 -
United States - Parker Colorado 39.489°N 104.767°W "Jan" from (c-75-71-151-163.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_08:54:14.882:
Heard you on KOSI this morning with Murphy and Denise. I caught the word Celiac so stopped what I was doing and listened closer as I have had Celiac for about a year and a half. I will definitely tune back in this evening when the lights are on. What a great thing you are doing for your kids and to make others aware of this disease.
592 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Anonymous" from (proxyw.tiaa-cref.org) wrote at 2007_12_20_09:06:08.590:
I heard you on the radio this morning and was very interested in what you are doing for Celiac research. My daughter also has this issue and it has been quite frustrating for her. You have to be so careful all of the time, and it is almost impossible to visit for dinner with friends unless you bring your own. People do not really understand how severe these "allergies" can be. I will get with my family this weekend and we will determine how much we can put together to help in this effort. I am looking forward to playing with your lights this evening. I hope your Christmas is filled with family, warmth, and love.
593 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_20_11:01:18.874:
"Crazy Guy"..."Wild Man"...boy, do they have you pegged.
Alek replies at 11:13 - I'm actually a conservative middle-aged suburbanite father of two kids ... so when Murphy & Denise at KOSI-101 said that, I suggested "Clark Griswold might be a better term" ... ;-)
594 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dean" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_20_13:42:50.554:
It's nearly here 5 more days. Have a very merry christmas and loving the lights
595 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_15:05:14.359:
hey can i have the code to the cursor to remove it. tiny so on
Alek replies at 15:09 - Someone else wrote the original Javascript, but I did tweak a few things. View the source of the page to see my attribution and other misc. - it's not a lotta code.
596 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-125.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_15:25:52.762:
Conservative eh? OK let's see...17 THOUSAND controlable Christmas lights...giant Hulk up on the deck...Homer inflating/deflating in the driveway...reindeer with gas on the front lawn. Conservative? And don't get me started on the whole Watching Grass Grow and Watching Paint Dry thing. Not to mention the worlds largest BBQ and longest convertable. Not sure conservative is the right choice of words Mr Grassmas.
597 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb0c.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_20_15:54:45.233:
wish i could do this alek ,your a genius
598 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-125.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_15:58:17.197:
He's a genius alright. Guess that makes him a smart Alek.
599 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb0c.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_20_16:00:49.106:
is it all dificult and complex to set up (the website part)
600 -
United States - Ludlow Massachusetts 42.192°N 72.459°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-0-249-28.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_16:22:27.205:
THe 600th comment! Great site and lights! Keep up the good work.
601 -
Germany - Paderborn Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.716°N 8.766°E "Yannick" from (p4FC490EA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) wrote at 2007_12_20_17:00:31.208:
Merry Xmas from NRW in Germany!
602 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_18:18:50.784:
hey alex how did you get this christmas blog page. how did you get the code to update the html and what does the cgi-bin mean im trying to make a website like this one and i want to have a blog.
Alek replies at 18:24 - Welllll ... there's just a wheee bit of technology involved in setting it all up ... but you might start with the Christmas FAQ ...
603 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-211-202-129.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_18:31:56.395:
the faq doesnt really help but thanks anyway
604 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Karen" from (cache-mtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_20_19:12:39.940:
Hey H2000 & all. Merry Christmas
605 -
United States - Brunswick Maine 43.898°N 69.972°W "Anonymous" from (199-157.suscom-maine.net) wrote at 2007_12_20_19:24:49.416:
Hi Alek! Visiting your site and controlling the lights has become a Christmas tradition for me. I look forward to it every year. Merry Christmas from the Pine Tree State!
606 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alisha" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_21_06:50:05.217:
hi happy christmas
607 -
United States - Elizabeth New Jersey 40.663°N 74.199°W "Anonymous" from (74-92-98-73-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_09:30:30.959:
608 -
Canada - Edmonton Alberta 53.550°N 113.500°W "Anonymous" from (iphost-64-56-135-200.wpg.wiband.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_10:30:20.527:
This is so cool!!
609 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Dennis & Sue Weatherman, Westminster, CO" from (168-103-70-204.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_15:20:24.444:
A very Merry Christmas to the Komarnitsky family and all those who visit the site and contribute.
610 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.115°N 117.287°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-154-33.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_15:40:37.270:
Happy Holidays to you too Ms Karen and all the rest of the regulars. Hope Santa spoils you all rotten this year.
611 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Dennis Weatherman" from (168-103-70-204.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_15:41:42.199:
We have off and on snow this afternoon here, and blowing quite strong. More coming tonight, or so I hear. Wife is hoping for a white Christmas, but the daughters are hoping for warm weather (Can't get the California out of them)
Alek replies at 15:53 - Westminster, CO (where DW lives) is about 10-15 miles SE of my house ... so ditto what he is saying about the weather - a fast moving front blew in early this afternoon. Winds are slightly less strong than earlier ... that's good, because while the inflatables are pretty tough, it's not good for them to get bounced around too much. We should get a few inches of snow - here's a picture from last week of what it looks like.
612 -
United States - Wagram North Carolina 34.923°N 79.404°W "Anonymous" from (h239.90.213.151.ip.alltel.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_15:53:17.684:
Merry Christmas. Love your sight.
613 -
United States - Covina California 34.087°N 117.881°W "LINK DELETED" from (pool-71-109-56-80.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_16:17:20.495:
dear Santa and ms Santa Claus for Christmas i want: . cute husky baby .kitten .tv .pink shoes how are the raindeers? how are you and mrs santa clause? how old are you?
614 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Dennis Weatherman" from (168-103-70-204.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_16:36:34.328:
Yes, Alek, last year our inflatables were buried for a c ouple months, had to turn them off. So far this winter has been milder.......so far
615 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.115°N 117.287°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-154-33.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_17:07:54.479:
Best get used to it Mr Weatherman cuz from what I've learned from living in SoCal all my life is, once a California girl, always a California girl. But you know what, I been all around this great big world. And I seen all kinds of girls Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get back in the states, back to the cutest girls in the world. I wish they all could be California girls.
616 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_21_18:30:08.248:
Im a California girl at heart, and I only get to go there on vacation. Hey H2000 take a trip to Disney and Knotts for me soak up the atmosphere and mail it to me. lol
617 -
United States - Sandown New Hampshire 42.931°N 71.185°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-62-182-245.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_19:29:41.998:
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family... may your blessings be many
618 -
United States - Bascom Ohio 41.133°N 83.284°W "LINK DELETED" from (cable-216-227-50-18.q1.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_20:37:16.262:
This a really neat thing you have going on. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully they will find a cure for the disease. Soon
619 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.752°N 104.999°W "John, Sherri, Emily, Andrew, Molly the cat and Bubbles the fish" from (71-212-215-102.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_21_20:53:50.074:
The Lindemanns from Louisville say, WOW this is WAY COOL. Good for you raising donations for charity too. My daughter wants to know, what's up with the Santa Homer??
Alek replies at 21:38 - The Santa/Homer Cursor just adds to the D'OH of the whole thing ... HO-HO-HO! ;-)
620 -
United States - Eaton Ohio 39.748°N 84.672°W "Aaron" from (cpe-24-209-103-20.woh.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_21_21:28:14.620:
I wish you and your family the best! Everyone enjoys your website, keep it up buddy!
621 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_21_22:53:38.036:
I would like to say hello to my aunt connie and uncle dave. Merry Christmas
622 -
United States - Aurora Colorado 39.691°N 104.772°W "LaLana & Gabby" from (c-67-165-251-129.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_07:10:47.540:
A true Griswold at heart! I love it. Both my daughter and I have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease - keep up the great work! Merry Christmas!
623 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR HOLIDAY" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_22_07:47:34.598:
Mary Cristmass Have and a Happy New Year
624 -
Germany - Paderborn Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.716°N 8.766°E "Anonymous" from (p4FC4EA73.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_08:21:30.470:
Looking foward to Christmas, the children are excited, just wish it would snow, it's our fourth Christmas in Germany the Christmas markets are fantastic and the atmosphere is brilliant, all the best for the New Year, HO HO HO.
625 -
India - Sanwer Madhya Pradesh 22.983°N 75.833°E "Anonymous" from (ABTS-mp-dynamic- wrote at 2007_12_22_08:31:30.125:
ruby n wasim
626 -
Canada - Surrey British Columbia 49.136°N 122.821°W "Anonymous" from (S0106000461654217.vs.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_10:07:15.783:
merry christmas and may you all have a beautiful and peaceful christmas..this is beautiful, thankyou
627 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_22_15:58:28.968:
Hey everybody. Sorry for not being around much. Alot happening at my house these days but that's for another time. Merry Christmas to the WWG Clan and the Christmas Groupies and the wonderful family that is bringing us all together, Mr. and Mrs. G aka Wendy and Alek and boys. Have a Very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
628 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_22_16:04:47.812:
I'm a dork. WGG Clan is what I meant to say. Oh well, you know who you are. :)
629 -
United Kingdom - Bath Bath and North East Somerset 51.379°N 2.365°W "Anonymous" from (85-211-32-96.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_22_16:13:16.372:
Merry Christmas everyone
630 -
United States - Lady Lake Florida 28.923°N 81.918°W "belinda" from (fl-71-55-196-247.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_16:40:09.473:
Merry Chiristmas! I feel for you and your children. I have a cousin who had Celiac disease. We almost lost him a few times. He still has some problems but he is doing well for the most part. I am not in the position to donate but I will lift all of you in prayer.
631 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-209.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_16:58:13.596:
Merry Christmas to you too Ms Kina. Where ya been? We were all worried maybe you were in jail again. Happy you got paroled in time for Christmas. And Ms Alison, I went to Disneyland last week. It's beautiful this time of year. Zillions of lights, and the castle was amazing this year. Mickey and Minnie said to tell you Hi and to come visit them anytime. OK, gotta go to the mall now. Typical male, I waited til the last minute. Deck the malls with piles of money falalalalalalalala!
632 -
United States - Gettysburg Pennsylvania 39.841°N 77.229°W "Anonymous" from (oh-76-5-228-83.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_17:33:54.983:
hi from tristan and merry chritmas
633 -
United States - Reno Nevada 39.554°N 119.806°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-142-132-178.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_17:41:02.304:
Merry Chrismas from Nevada
634 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_22_18:33:13.341:
Alek, I was wondering couldn't you use UstreamTv for the webcams? h t t p : / / u s t r e a m . t v / just remove the spaces. I think that would be a good way to give us live video instead of refreshed JPEG's. So what do you think?
Alek replies at 17:02 - In my interview with Chris Pirillo, we chatted about that ... so I may look into it for Christmas 2008.
635 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_22_18:43:00.600:
In addition to Santa (who I expect to show up in a couple of days), there are sometimes "other" visitors - here's Darth Vader ... who's actually a nice guy in person once you get to know him! ;-)
636 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_22_19:07:18.771:
So it's been suggested numerous times that I should require people to donate to charity so they can control the lights. I'm don't agree with that as I want the website to remain totally free and totally fun ... with any donations to Celiac charity to be completely optional. However, I'm debating doing something like if you donate a $100 to Celiac Disease Research, you (and only you) get dedicated control of the entire Christmas Display for 10 minutes - note that the webcams would still be live for everyone in the world to watch ... but only you could control the lights & inflatables. And the rest of the time, anyone in the world can continue to control the lights for free. I don't know if that is a good idea ... or maybe just dumb. So drop me a note and let me know what you think ... and for sure if you'd be willing to do it.
637 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_22_20:10:37.869:
I think that would be a horrible idea. pople would donate and others would never get to controll stuff. P.S. what do you think of my previous post?
638 -
United States - Webster Texas 29.548°N 95.139°W "Anonymous" from (70-139-50-41.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_22_20:18:47.485:
Alek-found out my little grandbaby has the marker for celiac disease-I know with God she'll be alright,and your children will be to.MERRY CHRISTMAS!
639 -
United Kingdom - Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne 54.988°N 1.619°W "S" from (host81-132-8-35.range81-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_04:17:02.948:
Will you be putting the lights on early on christmas eve this year Alek? for us in the UK?
Alek replies at 06:47 - Yea, I'll turn them on at 4:00 ... but doesn't make sense to do much earlier since you can't see the lights unless it is very cloudy/stormy. I'll probably relocate webcam3 to keep an eye on the Chrismas Tree as part of the Santa Tracker! ;-)
640 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "katie" from (5ac577ee.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_09:34:03.455:
i think what you do is amzing and is really fun. merry christmas and a happy new year
641 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR. CRISTMASSLIGTHS" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_10:24:10.452:
Do not make make use pay to tarn your ligths on and off
Alek replies at 10:50 - Perhaps I didn't make it clear in blog post #636, but there are ZERO plans to "require" people to donate to charity to control the lights. I'm just floating the idea of giving those that do want to donate for Celiac Disease dedicated control for a short time ... otherwise, it would still be a free free-for-all!
642 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Craig" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_23_10:57:23.348:
Alek- If you move webcam 3 on Christmas Eve, would you move the laptop too. Also would there be any plan to release the code for the laptop display, It seems so cool that I want to have a go! (I can understand if you wouldn't want to!)
Alek replies at 11:04 - Assuming I move webcam3 downstairs to where the Christmas Tree is, I almost certainly will move the laptop. Just realized I haven't taken a picture of our tree - will try to take one tonight. On the IM/laptop stuff, the code is in various pieces, but the overall concept is actually quite simple. Web Surfers enter text on the web site via an HTML form which the back-end CGI handler writes to a file. Then the laptop simply refreshes that file every couple of seconds for everyone to see on the webcam.
643 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Sabrina" from (cache-dtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_12:40:01.354:
i wish to get everything on my list..i havent been the best of girls this year but none is perfect so santa with all my might please try to get me everything.
644 -
United States - Powell Ohio 40.176°N 83.079°W "emma" from (cpe-24-210-89-224.columbus.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_14:42:46.576:
How do u do this when santa isn't real?
645 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_23_15:33:44.160:
i was passing by a gas station yesterday and they had the exact same inflatable santa outside the shop. i was gonna go in to tell them but then i figured they'd maybe call the white-coat guys.
646 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_16:52:00.302:
647 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_23_17:00:44.778:
Wave at camera
648 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_23_17:06:11.858:
u said u would put camera near xmas tree
649 -
United States - Spring Texas 30.114°N 95.472°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_23_17:15:19.571:
camera goes by the tree on Christmas Eve I think he said so that we can "watch" for Santa so we'll have to wait till Christmas Eve for camera viewing.
650 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "tom" from (5ac89aab.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_17:23:58.498:
alek do you have to have your computer on 24/7 to keep the grass grow cam working and does having it recording all the time use alot of space on your hard drive
651 -
United States - Alpharetta Georgia 34.081°N 84.255°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-219-214-2.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_23_17:46:05.357:
to tom i think he is useing the ftp uploader in the camrea not the computer ant it overites the images on the server to give a new image but he might be saving the imageson his computer but i have one of those camreas and the jg comming from it are not that much space but thats what i think .Alex is this right?
Alek replies at 18:48 - That's basically it ... I do save the images to create time-lapse videos, etc. Each JPEG is about 30 KBytes or so ... so while that isn't much, a snapshot every 3 seconds adds up!
652 -
United Kingdom - Bellshill North Lanarkshire 55.816°N 4.016°W "Marky's Barmy Army" from (82-40-142-173.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_23_18:40:43.025:
Just discovered your website there. The controllable lights are awesome. Merry Christmas from a bunch of slightly tipsy students in Scotland :)
653 -
China - Changchun Jilin 43.880°N 125.322°E "David" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_23_20:16:36.583:
Merry CHRISTmas to all from Yanji, China!! May your family and all who visit your lights this holiday season rejoice at the real reason we celebrate.
654 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_23_20:23:47.662:
OK, as promised, here's a picture of our Christmas Tree with Dirk, Kyle, and some of their friends who were over this evening.
655 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_22:19:44.740:
HEY you said the cams would be on all night!!!!! they are off!!!!!!!
656 -
United States - Port Charlotte Florida 26.976°N 82.139°W "Anonymous" from (fl-71-3-223-36.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_12_23_22:26:06.239:
To the person who commented on christmas lights being on all night long. He said they would be on all night chrsitmas eve! I must say I just came across this site...this is awesome! Happy Holidays to you and your children!!!
657 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "Anonymous" from (68-190-234-105.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_23_22:50:46.988:
Happy Christmas from Los Angeles! Cheers to everyone!
658 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-69-209-49-171.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_01:40:14.015:
Alek, In the Kiwi Martini cocktail - TASTY! portion of your website, who might the hot redhead in the middle be? She is gorgeous!!!!! Thanks, Steve
659 -
United States - Louisville Kentucky 38.208°N 85.691°W "joyfullhillbillie from Ky. USA" from (74-130-55-43.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_06:21:32.050:
Merry Christmas Ya'll from Ky! Hope your family is doing well! Yee-Haw-Ya'll!
660 -
Ireland - Sligo Sligo 54.266°N 8.483°W "Steve Homer" from (86-42-41-79.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_06:27:05.021:
Seasons Greetings from all here at Carndonagh Webcams - Live Santa Tracker on soon ! Steve
661 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_08:12:31.372:
Hey all i have done something like this too but who cares... Good job alek can't wait to watch them all come down thats really fun to watch :-)
662 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_08:45:25.923:
Sorry for the double post but i just found a stream on ustream.tv in parker colorodo wow!
663 -
United States - Arlington Texas 32.698°N 97.123°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-70-253-37-112.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_09:27:35.566:
christmas is here! christmas is here! everybody cheer because chrismas is here! jacob + kaylee
664 -
United States - Providence Rhode Island 41.822°N 71.421°W "Anonymous" from (pool-70-20-15-90.prov.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_10:15:15.198:
heyy yall i just wanted to say merry Christmas and have a very happy new you !!!!!!!!!
665 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-145.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_12_24_10:47:31.537:
Merry Christmas and and a Happy New Year to Alek and family and all veiwers. Hope Santa brings you what you want...
666 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.115°N 117.287°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-147-241.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_11:14:42.092:
It's Christmas Eve!! Santa Claus is coming to town!! He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad...you know what, if you think about it, that's kinda creepy. Anyway, hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
667 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_11:31:40.102:
the tree looks fantastic cant wait til i see it tonite and the big red guy making his delivery.
668 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_12:33:21.801:
669 -
Ireland - Sligo Sligo 54.266°N 8.483°W "Anonymous" from (86-42-41-79.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_12:35:45.616:
Sants is nearly hear ! Happy Christmas Steve
670 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_13:25:12.845:
@656: oops sorry my bad I thought Christmas was the 24th.... Merry Christmas.
671 -
United States - Newark Ohio 40.124°N 82.382°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_14:05:52.927:
672 -
United Kingdom - Basildon Essex 51.566°N 0.466°E "Anonymous" from (host86-154-48-2.range86-154.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_14:14:27.095:
Happy Xmas Doing a great job! Love from Everone in Chelmsford and Maldon UK
673 -
United Kingdom - Sheffield Sheffield 53.366°N 1.500°W "Anonymous" from (client-82-3-84-198.manc.adsl.virgin.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_15:10:44.564:
Brilliant site, love the work, it is a bit strange but i have put some devices from my X10 network in my house on my website, unfortunatly i cant be bothered to set up i website so i moastly use the site myself, like a remote control.
674 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Chelmsford Boy" from (user-5443df68.lns6-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_24_15:35:59.324:
Hey alek , Are we actaully going to see the big guy this year , cos last year we didn't ? Great work , Merry christmas Pal , Please Reply
675 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_24_15:45:53.992:
where is the webcam near tree
676 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_16:45:53.595:
677 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_17:11:45.525:
678 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_24_17:15:02.215:
Got back from some snow skiing with the family just now ... and WOW ... what an Internet crowd watching the lights. I do plan to leave the webcams online all night long looking for Santa. And will leave the lights/X10 Controls on until Midnight.
679 -
United States - Johnstown Pennsylvania 40.337°N 78.901°W "Anonymous" from (207-255-46-117-dhcp.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_17:19:38.855:
Awesome site, and awesome light display!Merry Christmas, and Semper Fi!!!! Cpl. Mathias United States Marine Corps
680 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "Gill UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_17:40:10.068:
Happy achristmas Alek and family, also to H2000 and Dave in UK.Hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Don't eat and drink too much. Gill(Lukes mum).
681 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_18:23:38.246:
Well Alek it looks as though we have caused a web cam to shutdown. We better get that fixed so we can watch for Santa tonight!
Alek replies at 19:08 - Given the TON of web traffic tonight, surprised how well everything is holding togather - all three webcams are working well now ... and watching for Santa!
682 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "LINK DELETED" from (cpe-65-185-46-244.columbus.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_18:43:36.584:
683 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user127.resC89.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_19:36:10.975:
Merry Christmas everyone, especially Alek and family, H2000 and Kina. From Alison & Family in the Channel Islands UK. Shhh is that Santa I hear. :-)
684 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky from Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_21:28:29.056:
Merry Christmas to all the WGG group. I hope everyone has a happy and safe day. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
685 -
United States - Thibodaux Louisiana 29.802°N 90.797°W "lauren" from (adsl-157-34-205.msy.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_21:55:39.121:
Merry Christmas guys =___ Well...Christmas Eve for me. But you get my point.
686 -
United States - Plympton Massachusetts 41.970°N 70.810°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-93-9-240.bstnma.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_21:59:02.012:
Merry Christmas. Hope Santa is good to everyone.
687 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_24_22:27:33.783:
this is so cool. i went to bed after the lights went on. just got up and the burrito deer still has gas. best xmas ever.
688 -
United States - New Berlin Wisconsin 42.972°N 88.130°W "Anonymous" from (19.west-allis-07rh15rt.wi.dial-access.att.net) wrote at 2007_12_24_22:49:22.445:
mery christmas George christmas
689 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Tom" from (ACCB98E7.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_24_23:54:56.471:
690 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_25_00:37:31.270:
While the webcams are all online seeing if they will catch a glimpse of Santa, the lights and X10 controls are off. So here's a just-after-midnight picture of what that looks like ... 1/2 second hand-held shot at F/2.0 & ISO 1600.
691 -
United States - Hiawatha Iowa 42.048°N 91.687°W "Grace" from (71-32-68-87.cdrr.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_00:42:23.617:
Just after midnight is pretty bright...
692 -
United States - Enterprise Alabama 31.307°N 85.880°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-76-177-196-94.natsoe.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_01:13:30.114:
Merry Christmas...bless your family. From one dad to another...peace.
693 -
United States - Enterprise Alabama 31.307°N 85.880°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-76-177-196-94.natsoe.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_01:20:20.617:
Oh...im the guy from Enterprise,AL BTW. Great cams...two thumbs,way,way up. Merry Christmas again.
694 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_25_03:24:50.353:
what time did santa come
695 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_25_03:30:26.759:
i am 6 years old could you tell me if santa is real or not.
696 -
United States - Hedgesville West Virginia 39.523°N 78.070°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-176-181-52.hgrtmd.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_04:45:45.250:
To Everyone in our World: Merry Christmas and I pray that the Christ spirit (or however you celebrate this holiday season) dwell in your heart! I wish to send these special Christmas greetings of love to everyone on our world this beautiful Chistmas morning! Love, am Frederick, MD___ USA
697 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (5acceb73.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_05:13:00.922:
hes real or right we saw him come down the chimney to drop aleks, wendys, dirk and klyes pressies then went back again
698 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_25_07:15:07.302:
Merry christmas everybody!!!
699 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_25_07:35:05.020:
Are u going to turn the lighs back on???
700 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb73.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_07:47:31.064:
merry christmas ps im happy too have post 700
701 -
United States - Fairview Tennessee 35.980°N 87.131°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-1-197-163.bna.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_07:58:17.322:
What a great thing, Alek. . .God's blessings on you and your family at this time of year. . .beautiful snowy day out on Colorado, I see. . .Merry Christmas!
702 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_08:19:42.548:
Merry Christmas to Dirk and Kyle. Hope Santa brought everything you asked for. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas to mom and dad too. We have a white christmas too.
703 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-76-212-100-163.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_08:55:48.740:
Merry Christmas to all the happy families. It's Christmas morning and I feel sad. I am blesed with a very caring and beautiful wife.... but my kids are grown and gone and my folks are on the other side.... my friends are enjoying their vacations away from home, and I'm feeling a bit like christ has been so far removed from this holiday that everyone has forgotten the real meaning of Christmas. Off to work tomorow..... back to reality :(
704 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (ACD86E54.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_09:08:35.192:
merry christmas to you and your family alex
705 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-78.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_09:13:36.169:
Merry Christmas to you Ms Kina, Ms Becky, Ms Gill, Sir Luke, Ms Alison and all the rest of the WGG gals and guys. Especially to you Mr Grassmas. Thank you for all your hard work. It's been a great time. Hope Santa didn't bring you coal again this year. As you all gather around your Christmas feast this year, remember our troops in your prayers. Peace and love.....H2000
706 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_25_09:27:11.933:
Santa came by last night and left a pile of presents and note for the kids. Unfortunately, the Big Red Guy was moving so fast that the webcams didn't catch him like they did a few years ago. And I scored some shoes for Christmas ... camouflage Airwalks! ;-)
707 -
India - Madras Tamil Nadu 13.083°N 80.283°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_12_25_10:31:07.283:
Merry Christmas ______
708 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_12:24:18.531:
Hey alek how much snow are you going to be getting today? and Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Hope everyone got what they wanted!
709 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-72-128-16-237.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_12:28:40.639:
Merry Christmas Mr. H and so glad you are here with us. God bless all of us for still surviving alot of weather issues and fires this year. God Bless Everyone Reading This Today Also.
710 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb53.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_12:32:03.664:
having a good day alek? also i have an idea what about a snow machine on your garden
711 -
United States - Barberville Florida 29.188°N 81.418°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_25_13:08:05.947:
Merry Christmas Alek and Family!!!From Jax Beach,FL
712 -
Ireland - Sligo Sligo 54.266°N 8.483°W "Carnsonagh Webcams" from (86-42-41-79.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2007_12_25_14:13:22.659:
Happy Christmas to you ALL & thanks Alek for the great webpage ! Steve
713 -
United Kingdom - Wallasey Wirral 53.433°N 3.066°W "kerry" from (host86-139-197-121.range86-139.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_15:10:17.904:
what a beautiful site. merry christmas everty one from liverpool uk xx
714 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_15:10:44.883:
Merry Christmas everyone!
715 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb53.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_15:45:08.810:
santa on the garage roof is abit snowed under alek
716 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_25_16:36:51.623:
Weather forecast was for a dusting of snow ... but we've gotten about six inches so far and still coming down lightly. Just got back from sledding with the boys on a nearby hill - what a White Christmas!
717 -
Canada - Montreal Quebec 45.500°N 73.583°W "Anonymous" from (bas1-calgaryqa-1242361142.region2.highspeedunplugged.bell.ca) wrote at 2007_12_25_16:39:43.836:
718 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_25_18:47:55.957:
happy new year
719 -
Nepal - Kathmandu Region N/A 27.716°N 85.316°E "Anonymous" from (munal.ntc.net.np) wrote at 2007_12_25_19:36:44.284:
hi i m anita today i m so happy that coz christmas day i would like to give happy christmasto all the people of world
720 -
Nepal - Kathmandu Region N/A 27.716°N 85.316°E "kiran koirala" from (munal.ntc.net.np) wrote at 2007_12_25_19:53:41.788:
hi i m kiran i want to give happy christmas to all the people of world
721 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_25_19:55:28.809:
alek, and this is a serious question, do they keep informed you about the research? i'd really love to know
Alek replies at 20:00 - I'm assuming you mean the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research which I've helped raised over $20,000 for. I do chat with them from time-to-time (more around the holidays) and hear about various events, but nothing super detailed. I was actually in Baltimore when they had their 10th anniversary shin-dig ... and here's a picture of me with Operations Director Pam King and Medical Director Dr. Alessio Fasano - look closely and you'll see some Christmas Lights on their bulletin board! ;-)
722 -
United States - Liberty West Virginia 38.621°N 81.758°W "ZACHARY" from (cdm-75-108-95-207.asbnva.dhcp.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2007_12_26_00:25:06.864:
723 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Richard" from (cpc3-warw8-0-0-cust893.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_26_05:08:11.546:
Cheers Alek, Loved the all night live Santa watch webcam - great fun was had with the live texts to the laptop. Your website has been a real hit this Christmas. This morning I've made a donation in thanks for the fun and entertainment you have provided. The real snow makes Christmas look all the more special. Enjoy the rest of Christmas and have a great new year.
724 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_12_26_10:58:57.146:
i just checked out the christmas maps menu. it placed me on a gas station :)
725 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_26_11:52:48.865:
726 -
United States - Alpharetta Georgia 34.081°N 84.255°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-219-214-137.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_26_13:04:11.155:
alex why do you upload a differnt picture for the webcam instead of using width and hight demensions to say how big? why use the half image when you have deeminsons
Alek replies at 21:58 - Not sure I understand the question, but for the "three-webcam view", half-size (352x240) size images are shown ... versus full-size (704x480) for when you just look at one cam. This not only saves bandwidth on my server, but also on your browser/Internet connection ... win-win all around!
727 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_26_14:21:17.349:
Hey, nice camy shoes Mr Grassmas. And how did you influence Santa to throw in the "listen to your mom and dad" line? I bet you bribed him with some cookies.
Alek replies at 16:06 - No Comment ... ;-)
728 -
Canada - Simcoe Ontario 42.833°N 80.300°W "amy from Port Dover, On Canada" from (adsl-207-176-246-153.kwic.com) wrote at 2007_12_26_21:20:12.570:
great job!! Thanks for going to all that work for everyone to enjoy.
729 -
United Kingdom - Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire 51.916°N 0.650°W "Vectra" from (i-195-137-58-250.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2007_12_27_05:50:54.543:
Alek, Thanks for the xmas light show over xmas. It's gotten to the point that it wouldn't be xmas without your lights. All the best for the new year.
730 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_27_07:42:33.245:
what lights can we control after christmas
731 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_27_07:48:18.186:
where in the usa do u live cos im moving there if you get white xmas's and to see the lights for real.
732 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_27_12:37:42.563:
Oh boy!! Watching snow melt is ALMOST as exciting as Watching Grass Grow!
733 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_27_12:51:27.821:
How deep is the snow...
734 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "we343r32e" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_27_12:56:35.160:
regreaeqerw rfweddfewrfqrweeeeeff fffdddsssssssse dfaaaaa aaawwwwwwassolef*** erzxsadqs dcxxd
735 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_27_13:22:54.935:
736 -
United Kingdom - Chesterfield Derbyshire 53.250°N 1.416°W "Anonymous" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_27_14:09:55.888:
alek how much did you pay for inflatable frank
Alek replies at 14:26 - I forget, but they are commonly available around Halloween for about $50 ... and often 50% off the day after! ;-)
737 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (ACD84742.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_27_14:30:56.952:
i see the snows coming down again alek, also love the lights!!
738 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "tom" from (5ac89a83.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_27_16:00:43.976:
have you been out to the sales for lights 50& off yet alek, i have got 100 red leds for 1.50___ each ps i with the inflatables where that cheap here or even on ebay! great display by the way.
739 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_27_16:08:13.695:
Thanks for all the compliments from everyone and hope all had a Merry Christmas. I DID go out the morning of the 26th and pick up some stuff for Christmas 2008 at the post-holiday 50-75% off sales. Come back then to see it (heh, heh!), but it wasn't much ... but then again, I already have a lot of stuff!
740 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "tom" from (5ac89a83.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_27_16:19:00.598:
did the inflatables need a bit of help to come out the snow!
Alek replies at 17:38 - Yep - although once I dust 'em off, they do fine ... even with the accumulation of snow we are getting this month per the yardstick picture below!
741 -
United States - Toledo Ohio 41.673°N 83.604°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-70-226-6-197.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_27_20:07:11.111:
i was tryen to talk on your intent message and i could not type in gla**** with out being the last few letters gone? i would like to know why. just asken. thanks
742 -
United States - Toledo Ohio 41.673°N 83.604°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-70-226-6-197.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_12_27_20:12:28.450:
I was tryen to talk on your instant message and i could not type in G l a s a s e s with out the last coulpe of letter bleaped out I would like to know why. Thnaks Happy hoidays Alek
Alek replies at 20:26 - The profanity filter (unfortunately needed for a few Grinches) is kicking in ...
743 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_27_22:17:57.546:
With all this snow, the boys decided they wanted to build a snowman ... in the bathtub! They filled a big bucket full of snow and I would dump it in the bath. Repeat that process a bunch of times, add a "snowman kit" (picked up yesterday at 50% off), and you have Frosty in your bathtub! And even 8 hours later, there was still a lot of white stuff left.
744 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_02:10:28.070:
your kids r weird
745 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_04:44:36.875:
yeh your kids need a hair cut
746 -
United States - Salem New Hampshire 42.795°N 71.225°W "Anonymous" from (c-66-31-17-176.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_08:01:15.749:
That's an awesome picture of your kids having some winter fun. How is Frosty doing this morning after an overnight in the bath?
747 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_08:04:57.996:
no its not they need a hair cut
748 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_08:12:55.585:
what do your neighbours think of the lights cos if they don't like em they are nuts cos they are awesome. and also im sorry about what i said about your kids that was my annoying little brother. this was written to alek please reply.
749 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_28_08:25:51.706:
Actually, the neighbors think it's a hoot, especially the kids (gotcha covered Mr Grassmas). And personally, I like the boys long hair.
750 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_08:53:12.117:
so do i. im sorry that my bro wrote that
751 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_09:02:31.415:
my bro is nasty no wonder santa didn't get him anything. HA HA HA.
752 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_09:12:00.040:
hey H2000 do u live nearby then and what are the lights like in real life. please reply tonight.
753 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_28_14:42:15.859:
Hi every one
754 -
United Kingdom - Swindon Swindon 51.516°N 1.783°W "tom" from (5acceb79.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_28_14:56:37.298:
hi alek i got 3 more sets of blue leds today for 2 pounds each and are in the process of making a webcam encloser for my wireless cam and just wondered if you put the transformer goes in there too thanks
Alek replies at 17:26 - Congrats on scoring some cheap lights. I actually do have the transformer inside the webcam enclosure - provides a bit of heat in the Winter months - not sure I'd recommend in the Summer though.
755 -
United States - Cleveland Ohio 41.478°N 81.647°W "David" from (adsl-76-205-74-7.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_15:23:19.798:
The decoration's are great, even though a million people already told you that ___) PS:Have a Happy New Year!
756 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.809°N 96.799°W "JOn" from (ppp-70-254-84-88.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_15:31:38.404:
This is awesome, glad you are doing it for a cause!
757 -
United States - Cleveland Ohio 41.478°N 81.647°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-76-205-74-7.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_16:17:05.811:
Happy New Years! =)
758 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_16:41:41.141:
Mr Grassmas is outside right now working on the burrito reindeer. Sure hope he doens't light a match!
Alek replies at 16:46 - Burrito Reindeer is lighting up again - plug had fallen out ... under the almost two feet of snow ... so it took some work to undig it!
759 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_28_16:50:03.001:
mary cristmas fom alpena Mi
760 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_28_17:22:56.290:
Thanks for the compliment #746, H2000 (thanx for the cover), and others. In answer to your question about how Frosty is doing in the bathtub, here's what he looked like this evening after 30 hours - compare to picture in post #743 - D'OH!
761 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "tom" from (5ac89a20.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_28_17:45:18.158:
thanks for that alek i also wondered i do have a couple of wired usb webcams but not a wireless one but i do have a wiress cammera with a s-video connector and a video card on my pc but i dont no how to make programs such as skype no its a camera not a tv in sourse any ideas thanks again
762 -
United States - Richland Washington 46.328°N 119.322°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_28_19:17:25.657:
get er done!!!!
763 -
United States - Gresham Oregon 45.490°N 122.404°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-171-240-221.hsd1.or.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_20:29:17.149:
Thanks for your Christmas spirit. I am wondering if your readers can help me with my Christmas project for 2008. I am creating an anthology of Christmas letters. If you have received a special letter that touched your heart, made you laugh, or impressed you with its creativity, please share this letter with me. Thank you, Jane
764 -
United States - Dunbar West Virginia 38.376°N 81.747°W "AOA" from (cdm-75-109-31-209.asbnva.dh.suddenlink.net) wrote at 2007_12_28_21:12:28.563:
" First of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological. The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which, on December 24th, aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion's Belt. These 3 bright stars are called today what they were called in ancient times: The Three Kings. The Three Kings and the brightest star, Sirius, all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th. This is why the Three Kings "follow" the star in the east, in order to locate the sunrise -- the birth of the sun. For more answers and truth go here: zeitgeistmovie -dot- com Man created god in his image.
765 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_29_06:45:35.149:
did my big brother apologise how stupid. i dont know why your backing alek up H2000 coz my big bro is too. and thats just your opinion
766 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-58.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_29_11:11:17.935:
Aren't little brothers wonderful. I just love 'em.
767 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_29_11:26:36.964:
Buenas tardes Means in spanish Good afternoon/evening
768 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_29_15:35:33.146:
why dont u turn the lights on now and why r u defending me H2000 your meant to be defending by bro
769 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "tom" from (5ac89a75.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_29_16:58:52.607:
alek is the lighted solder near red/green led tree broken?
Alek replies at 17:41 - Nice spot ... yes, something is amiss with that. I have a feeling something is unplugged ... under the almost two feet of snow.
770 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_29_17:37:21.652:
In addition to building a snowman in the bathtub (see posts 743 and 760), sledding is a ton of fun in the snow! ;-)
771 -
United States - Newark Ohio 40.124°N 82.382°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_29_19:18:59.204:
Homer isn't working. Boohoo!!
Alek replies at 19:36 - Homer fell behind Elmo and got stuck - he's back up now!
772 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_30_06:09:52.740:
Now H2000 u dont want to mess with me coz i know were u live. and Alek likes me more than u. Mwa Ha ha ha
773 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_30_12:52:36.532:
alek do you still use your 'lighting FX'
774 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_30_14:46:01.416:
Hey H2000 r u scared coz i know where u live u live Carlsbad California. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
775 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_30_15:02:59.884:
That last one was from me Curtis the annoying little brother.
776 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_30_15:37:22.195:
hi alek iv tryed to send you an email with a photo but it failed. are you suposed to remove REMOVETHIS because if you are i couldent
Alek replies at 16:30- Ummmmm ... yes, the REMOVETHIS should be removed - not sure why your Email program won't allow you to do that. And I did not use the Lighting FX kit this year - all X10.
777 -
United Kingdom - Pershore Worcestershire 52.116°N 2.066°W "Anonymous" from (host86-132-132-208.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_30_17:03:38.544:
This is amazing!
778 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_30_17:03:44.431:
While I normally have webcam1 zoomed in for maximum inflatable action, here's what it looks like zoomed out.
779 -
United States - Bradford New Hampshire 43.241°N 71.956°W "Anonymous" from (cntcnhbas01pool0-a196.cntcnh.tds.net) wrote at 2007_12_30_17:17:27.464:
Jordan was on your website !!! happy new year nice site
780 -
United States - Bradford New Hampshire 43.241°N 71.956°W "Anonymous" from (cntcnhbas01pool0-a196.cntcnh.tds.net) wrote at 2007_12_30_17:24:37.611:
nice site your a great man!!!!!!! like the lights! Jordan Ford
781 -
United States - Bradford New Hampshire 43.241°N 71.956°W "Anonymous" from (cntcnhbas01pool0-a196.cntcnh.tds.net) wrote at 2007_12_30_17:31:37.244:
nice lights!!! new year 2008 Jordan
782 -
United States - Bradford New Hampshire 43.241°N 71.956°W "Anonymous" from (cntcnhbas01pool0-a196.cntcnh.tds.net) wrote at 2007_12_30_17:36:38.071:
Happy New Year hot springs, virginia
783 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_30_17:55:04.278:
Christmas Lights Fan "tom" (that's James' nickname) from the UK sent me a picture of his inflatable Hulk and Santa. While not quite as big as my nine foot Hulk and twelve foot Santa, they look awesome.
784 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Denise" from (cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_12_30_18:19:18.188:
Mele Kalikimaka e Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
785 -
United States - Greenville South Carolina 34.847°N 82.379°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-182-106-016.sip.chs.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_12_31_00:03:04.911:
How late will the lights be on for New Years Eve?
Alek replies at 00:13 - Gotta see the ball drop in New York City so at least until Midnight ... East Coast Time! ;-)
786 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "Gill UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_05:19:21.686:
Something new for 2008 Alek???please! We all need something to keep us smiling. I dont think you realise what effect it has when those webcams get switched off.I'm sure people will agree. Thank you to you and your family for a lovely diplay, have a good New Year. All the best for 2008.Gill(Lukes mum)
787 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_05:53:37.142:
what lights are controlable after the new year
788 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_31_06:27:06.073:
I agree with you Ms Gill. I think he should leave the lights on year round. That way everyday could be Christmas. Hope you, Sir Luke, the WGG Crew, Mr Grassmas and clan, and all of our old and new friends who have visited here this year have a safe and Happy New Year. Please don't drink and drive.
789 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_07:12:08.264:
Ms Gill Ms Gill Ha dont make laugh u r also a goody 2 shoes aren't u H2000 and u do live in Carlsbad California.
790 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_12_31_08:39:49.520:
You're so cute and sooo smart. Yes, I do live near Carlsbad CA. Gosh, how did you ever figure that out? You and your brother are welcome to come visit me anytime. We can go to Legoland and Disneyland all the other fun spots near here. Then maybe go to the beach and surf and check out the California girls. Sound like fun?
791 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "katie" from (5ac005a3.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_10:39:58.027:
hey alek do you still keep the web cams up though out the year ( so we can still watch) ?
792 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_11:13:21.933:
I have my sources and i have also been to disneyland and legoland so your out of luck.
793 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_12:25:54.610:
r u goin 2 put the lights on early
794 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_15:59:39.267:
happy new year everyone! I will miss this soooo much :( i guess i will have to be satisfied with WGG untill Halloween.. see you all next year! -Brandon
795 -
United Kingdom - Cwmbran Monmouthshire 51.653°N 3.026°W "Harry Potter ______" from (host86-148-129-242.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_16:34:26.539:
Happy New years eve!! This is 4 eloise =___ lyl xx
796 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Theresa in WA" from (pool-71-164-13-192.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_12_31_16:41:01.367:
Alek--it has been a ton of fun visiting your site daily. Thanks so much! Wishing you, your family and all humanity a blessed & joyous 2008!!!!
797 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:00:10.011:
Happy new year its new year in england.
798 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "KATIE" from (5ac00584.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:04:25.430:
799 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "Anonymous" from (user-54448c62.lns5-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:16:36.542:
happy new year
800 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR. CRISTMASSLIGTHS" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:19:17.776:
Happy New Year
801 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_12_31_17:25:08.759:
Happy New Year to folks in the UK and east of there!
802 -
United Kingdom - Stockport Stockport 53.400°N 2.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:36:39.124:
Thanks for this Years display Alek. A Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family. I will watch grass grow during the summer and see you again for Halloween and Christmas 2008.
803 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR HOLIDAY" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_17:45:24.290:
Alek whut is Celiac Disease
804 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.115°N 117.287°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-147-191.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_12_31_18:00:12.398:
Everyone keeps saying have a Happy New Year, but how can I? I know that in a few days the Christmas lights will be going dark, the Christmas Blog will be shutting down and it will all be over. There's gonna be tears on my pillow tonight.
805 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_19:14:19.286:
Happy New Year from N.Ireland!!! :-)
806 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-224-40.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_31_20:51:38.978:
807 -
United States - Hightstown New Jersey 40.248°N 74.531°W "Sue" from (c-68-36-56-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_12_31_21:04:30.112:
Happy New Year Alek I hope you and your family have a blessed year full of family memories. Sue from Camp Hill, Pa
808 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "MR. CRISTMASSLIGTHS" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_12_31_22:48:03.429:
Happy New Year Alek I hope you and your family have a blessed year full of family memories.Have a Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family
809 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_12_31_23:51:06.452:
Hey webcam 3 is offline.
810 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_03:59:05.391:
happy new year alex and family its been a great one again with the halloween lites and the xmas ones. what in store this year i cant wait. love ya guys keep well alison from peterborough U.K
811 -
United Kingdom - Bristol Bristol 51.450°N 2.583°W "luke" from (77-99-248-106.cable.ubr12.newt.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2008_01_01_07:06:29.551:
Hey alek , its luke ! lights are lookin amazin ! anmi moor videos cumin on to the site soon ? i know the lights are cumuin dwn 2moro :( but its been a good seaseon ? ! :) happy hollidays !
Alek replies at 08:06 - Yea, I should put up a few more time-lapse videos - at least Christmas Eve - will do in the next few days.
812 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "james" from (5ac89af6.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_08:33:02.918:
it does'ent look an easy task to get thoose lights out the snow
813 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_08:37:06.372:
when u take the lights down could u at least put all of the webcams on.
814 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_01_08:43:57.804:
Webcam2 will remain online for a couple of days, so you should be able to see the exciting takedown of the Christmas Lights! ;-) And yes, James, it is not to get the lights out of the snow. Fortunately, some warmer weather is coming on tomorrow.
815 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_08:47:25.924:
can u put webcam 1 on too so we can see from the front
Alek replies at 08:54 - Webcam1 is in a neighbor's house, so I like to remove that as soon as possible. As noted below, the warm weather doesn't show up until tomorrow and it will take several days for the snow to melt. I may have turned off the blog by then anyway as the holiday season is over.
816 -
United States - Anaheim California 33.832°N 117.880°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_09:21:57.479:
Happy New Year Alex! Thanks You for all that you do your greet! Cant wait intill Thanks Giving 2008
817 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_09:40:48.379:
Happy New Year Alek same time next year. The countdown to Halloween 2008 begins.
818 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_10:15:06.131:
can u leave santas workshop webcam on throughout the year and are u goin 2 leave webcam 2 on during the year
819 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_10:20:48.018:
when are u goin 2 start the work on putting the decorations away.
820 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_12:14:22.459:
I am extremely sad now....
821 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "JAMES" from (5ac89af6.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_12:14:33.201:
822 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_12:31:47.027:
Hi Alek I got caried away last nignt I am vary sory! I hope you will aecpt my appologe. I realy mean it from the dbotom of my hart. I promice that next new year I will not get so caried away whith the IM's.Im vary sory will you acept my appologie. Happy New Year To you and your family.
823 -
France - Lille Nord-Pas-de-Calais 50.633°N 3.066°E "Anonymous" from (ALille-253-1-153-140.w90-34.abo.wanadoo.fr) wrote at 2008_01_01_15:13:03.930:
Sad that lights are no more - will be bak next year.
824 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_16:10:15.161:
dear alek im sorry what i said about your kids they look cool in the sledging pictures. and H2000 im sorry can we be friends
825 -
United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user152.resC134.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_01_16:59:32.562:
Happy 2008 everyone. It is a happy time for fresh beginnings but a sad time also as no more lights to watch. I guess its back to "watching Grass Grow" until later this year. Alek have you every considered doing anything for July 4th? Take care everyone
826 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_17:07:15.739:
thanks for all the great fun this year alek and i look forward to next year. Now its time to go over to watching grass grow! GREAT FUN!! LOL
827 -
United Kingdom - Pershore Worcestershire 52.116°N 2.066°W "Jack" from (host86-132-132-208.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_18:02:27.035:
Hiya! I think what you do with the lights is fantastic. Keep up the good work, i look foward to seeing the next time. Happy New Year!
828 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "Gill UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_18:13:13.468:
Thank you Alek for leaving lights on tonight, they cannot be swithched on/off, but its nice to see them. We all feel a little deflated now, so pick us all up with something we can watch. How about Valentines countdown!Gill Lukes mum.
829 -
United States - Norcross Georgia 33.939°N 84.207°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-224-161-45.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008_01_01_20:31:34.974:
what is the glowing thing in the yard
830 -
United States - Troy Ohio 40.035°N 84.177°W "john" from (cpe-71-72-149-142.woh.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_20:33:02.896:
yea what is that glowing mass in the center?
831 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_01_20:58:52.753:
Thanks for all the compliments and glad you guys enjoyed the display. I picked up some "mini-lighted Christmas Trees" for 75% off and wanted to see what those looked like in the front yard. Since the webcam is in low-lux mode, it exaggerates the brightness (especially with the snow) and looks like a glowing mass.
832 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "daz" from (ACD84742.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2008_01_02_03:19:23.366:
great job with the lights alek really enjoyed viewing them from all the way over in the UK and i am already looking forward to the next ones. thanks again alek and hope you've raised a load of cash for celiac disease research!!!
833 -
Australia - Frankston Victoria 38.133°S 145.116°E "Peter-listerofsmeg" from (c211-28-48-231.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008_01_02_04:31:54.163:
Come Back Lights
834 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_12:25:15.188:
great news alek from the uk we could get some snow tonite.
835 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_13:49:52.443:
Lets Hope Snow Curtis.
836 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_13:56:58.770:
thanks dave where in the uk do u live coz i live in kent.
837 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_15:50:55.388:
alek when r u goin 2 start work on the front yard decorations.
838 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-160-60.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_16:10:31.144:
Wow, I can't believe it's over. Thanks Mr Grassmas for all your hard work. As always, you outdid yourself again. I had a blast. We'll be counting the days until the Halloween Decorations go up again. In the meantime, lets all meet over at Watching Grass Grow for some truely mezmorizing fun and entertainment.
839 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_16:12:47.367:
hey H2000 im sorry for what i have said.
840 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-160-60.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_16:16:40.119:
No problemo Mr Curtis. We're cool. I always knew that we'd end up being buds.
841 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (host-84-13-7-124.opaltelecom.net.7.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008_01_02_16:28:18.973:
Anyone else suffering post Christmas Blues? started takin the dorations down tonight and boy does it look bare! cant belive its a whole year away again :(
842 -
United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user43.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_17:15:12.819:
Your not alone Ian we took our indoor tree down today and some of the outdoor stuff. Very bare and dark. :(
843 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_03_04:53:20.963:
Hey Dave i dont know if your watching but kent has some snow but unfortunately its not laying yet.
844 -
United States - Fairless Hills Pennsylvania 40.174°N 74.845°W "CL In Pennsylvania" from (pool-72-81-87-6.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008_01_03_07:14:52.809:
Heya Ian and All, I always leave my lights up until the Eppiphany (around Jan 6th). I'm always find it so sad when the neighborhood goes dark. Why rush it? Winter is long and dark enough as it is. Happy New Year Everyone! Thanks Alek for all of your efforts and Christmas cheer!
845 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_03_08:58:28.553:
when r u goin 2 put the videos on the site.
846 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_03_13:19:13.874:
yes we have snow at last the weather man got it right for once. but it is not seetled yet love ya all alison from peterborough UK
847 -
United States - Urbana Illinois 40.114°N 88.183°W "Anonymous" from (74-136-222-40.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2008_01_03_23:46:17.913:
Thank you for another year of awesome lights Alek! Me and my family look forward to next year!!!! Thanks again and my you and your family be blessed!
848 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_03:20:25.837:
hey alek how come u haven't taken outside decorations down.
Alek replies at 07:56 - Have been waiting for the snow to melt! ;-)
849 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_08:46:40.866:
oh right i see that it is starting to get warmer and r u goin 2 take down the webcam after u have taken down decorations and when do the kids go back to school.
850 -
United States - La Canada Flintridge California 34.231°N 118.148°W "Shelli Droe" from (adsl-75-47-228-201.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_04_09:01:54.856:
No limeade stand cam this year?
851 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_04_11:55:31.487:
Since several people have asked, and per coment #848, you may see some "action" on webcam2 as I hope to take most of the display down later this afternoon and tomorrow before the next cold front comes in. And don't know if we'll do a live webcam broadcast of our limeade stand again, but won't be until the summer.
852 -
United States - Buffalo New York 42.768°N 78.887°W "Anonymous" from (ubps-cpn201-w05.pubsites.buffalo.edu) wrote at 2008_01_04_13:22:44.472:
Komar is taking stuff down now - looks like extension cords on driveway.
853 -
United States - Marion Texas 29.550°N 98.111°W "Mr. Spock" from (ppp-70-248-24-201.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_01_04_13:58:26.744:
I think I saw Alek in the driveway! I can't believe it's over. :(
854 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_04_14:57:47.481:
Here's a picture of yours truly with just a few (!) of the christmas decorations ... just before I store 'em away in the basement
855 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_15:16:18.451:
alek could u turn webcam 2 on for the 4th of july parade if it goes past.
856 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_15:53:34.288:
Down they come. It's over. Bummer. I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure had fun here this year. Thanks again Mr Grassmas for keeping us entertained through the holidays. It's a great thing that you're doing here. BIG pat on the back for ya. And so my friends, see you all next year, same time, same place, same network. Peace.
857 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_04_23:33:02.178:
My son Dirk took the picture in post #854 with my Canon camera. Here's a still image from the webcam footage - watch the christmas decorations disappear ... and also captured on webcam1.
858 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_05_13:38:48.480:
hey hope ur not cold diging the snow out alex happy new yr
859 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_05_13:48:41.422:
Hi Alek, Took my outside lights down today in a gale. It took me a couple of hours and I have no where near as many as you. So good look packing them away especially in the snowy cold conditions over there.
860 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Thomas" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_05_14:04:27.939:
looks like your working hard today alek!! stay warm! happy new years
861 -
Germany - Bottrop Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.516°N 6.916°E "Anonymous" from (i5387EBCA.versanet.de) wrote at 2008_01_05_14:52:59.282:
Hello I'm from Germany and me would interest where you hate then your Christmas lighting here. Am a big fan =)
862 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_05_16:19:35.118:
Yea, pretty much all the christmas decorations have been taken down ... although probably a few extension cords buried underneath the snow that will surface in the next few days. I've added some time-lapse movies of the entire holiday season to the Christmas Videos. The Christmas Maps have been updated - web surfers from 154 countries came by in 2007. I'll disable blog commenting in a couple of days, so please toss in your last two cents.
863 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_05_16:52:27.661:
___tosses in his last two cents___ goodbye everyone.... se you next halloween... :( :( :( :(
864 -
United States - New York New York 40.761°N 73.976°W "Emandalolotot" from (cpe-66-65-47-104.nyc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_05_18:52:22.386:
Hi, Is everything fine? How are you?
865 -
Ireland - Athlone Westmeath 53.422°N 7.937°W "Steve Homer" from (86-42-59-169.b-ras1.mvw.galway.eircom.net) wrote at 2008_01_06_02:05:17.188:
Happy New years to you all from al of us here in Ireland at Carndonagh Webcams !
866 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_06_08:59:08.711:
Really gr8 season this year alek well done from england ! Speak to you next xmas of 2008 ! Happy holidays !
867 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_06_12:06:29.776:
Hi Alek, What a wonderful site! I came across it on a link from a 'mod_perl success stories' site and just came back again and again. It really added to the Christmas season! One question - Does it always snow there at Christmas or was this a one off? Have a great New Year
868 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "james" from (5ac89a28.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_06_14:42:11.727:
found some more lights in the snow alek?
869 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_06_22:07:43.653:
Appreciate the compliments/farewells. Colorado is known for snow #867, so not uncommon to have a White Christmas. And yes James, you must have spotted me pulling a few last things from the snow in the front yard. But most of it is now packed away in the basement ... Halloween stuff on the left, Christmas decorations on the right! ;-)
870 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_07_04:34:21.782:
hi are you ok love from cheri
871 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_07_13:12:29.924:
IT IS RAINING IN ALPENA MICAGAN Took ligths Down yesterday
872 -
United States - Toledo Ohio 41.665°N 83.581°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-69-214-158-238.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net) wrote at 2008_01_07_13:29:59.265:
it is 70 degress at 3:30 in ohio right now....
873 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_08_15:26:39.294:
if it is 70 degress how come the snow hasnt melted yet..... are you sure alex it is real snow??? or did you make it out of cotton wool.. :-)
Alek replies at 16:31 - While it may be 70° in Ohio, the high temperatures here in Colorado have been ~40°.
874 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_08_16:33:33.084:
In addition to the basement crawlspace being packed with christmas stuff (see post #869), some of the larger items are simply stored free-standing in the unfinished basement itself ... even the Hulk Brothers hang out down there! I will probably turn the blog off tomorrow since almost everything is put away.
875 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_08_18:14:25.692:
Quote alek: I will probably turn the blog off tomorrow. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
876 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_08_18:40:50.593:
good bye blog see you later
877 -
United States - Reno Nevada 39.554°N 119.806°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-142-130-68.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008_01_08_20:12:07.503:
have a good year everyone
878 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_01_09_13:27:50.163:
Bye everyone,until about 340 days. But until then switch over to the grass blog,its exciting,and awsome.When you have been there once,you will be hooked all year long.
879 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_09_13:55:53.006:
See u same place next year Luke UK
880 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-176.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_09_17:01:28.803:
Happy trails to you, until we meet again........
881 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008_01_09_17:53:16.769:
A LOT of Internet surfers worldwide (154 countries) enjoyed watching & controlling the Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease. I very much appreciate all the nice blog comments - glad everyone enjoyed the show. But all good things must some to an end ... and Christmas/2007 is over with more than $25,000 raised for Charity. Surf on back for Christmas 2008 and Merry Christmas from www.komar.org! ;-)