511 comments (chronological order) on the Halloween Blog in 2007
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United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alison" from wrote at 2007_09_01_00:05:00.000:
Its 12.05am on Sept 1st 2007 in the UK. I'd love to be the first on your Halloween blog
Thanks ALison - a lurker from last Christmas
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_01_11:11:11.111:
As promised, the blog is open for comments on September 1st ... and congrats Alison for the first post ... UK time! ;-) I won't be setting up the halloween decorations for a couple of weeks ... and expect the halloween decorations webcam online around October 1st. Read about what is new for halloween 2007 (and there are already plans for halloween 2008! ;-) So here is what the display looked like in 2006 - chime in with any suggestions/ideas for 2007.
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-36-22.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_01_13:01:32.245:
And so it begins. The start of another spooktacular season! Time for Mr Grassoween to get busy and keep us entertained through the Holidays. This is gonna be FUN!!!
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-116-192.opaltelecom.net.116.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_09_01_13:41:27.859:
Im so excited I can not believe a year has passed since your last Halloween spectacular.........bring it on
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United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison" from (user139.resC134.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_01_15:47:46.021:
Alek your a star, thanks for that. Cant wait for all the activities. Bring it on. YEH!!!! :-)
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United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_01_17:21:24.616:
Woohoo! I love Halloween!
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United States - San Pedro California 33.737°N 118.305°W "eso" from (66-214-5-122.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_09_01_18:10:18.049:
Our little guy is too young to get into Halloween this year, but that does not stop me from carving crazy pumpkins!
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United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_01_22:25:07.023:
i can't wait....halloween lights are great!!!! ___
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United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Gary" from (cpc1-ldry1-0-0-cust504.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_09_02_12:17:24.381:
Im looking forward to this year. I cant wait for the halloween decorations. Bring it on. Gary from Ireland.
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Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_09_02_16:16:42.266:
can't wait either. last year was fab, hope you can top it this year
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United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-144-93.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_03_09:10:55.517:
Hey, how does Mr Gary rate with an Irish flag by his name? I want a California flag by mine. Could be your next project Mr Grassoween.
Alek replies at 11:02 - I was fiddling with the code to auto-add country flags (sorry, State flags not available ... but rollover the flag image for that info) to each post - it's now enabled on all of them using my IP Geolocation script.
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United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_03_12:35:35.684:
Nice touch Alek!
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_03_16:55:03.911:
My neighbor has already put out some Halloween Decorations as can be seen in the webcam close-up below ... guess I better get with the program! ;-)
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_04_12:22:03.780:
Hey Alex love the flags....nice touch
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United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_09_04_15:22:23.101:
Hey Alek aka Mr. G aka Mr. Paint, etc. What about a pumpkin that inflates and lights up?
Alek replies at 18:46 - Had one of those last year - here's a video of "Jack" in action - rest assured he'll will be out on the front lawn again
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United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_09_04_15:32:02.750:
I'm a dork, I just saw that you already have a pumpkin and a cool green skull. Love it and can't wait. Later!!
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United States - Plano Texas 33.034°N 96.813°W "Watasavedus" from ( wrote at 2007_09_04_16:17:13.312:
ORANJESTAD, Aruba - Felix rapidly strengthened into a dangerous Category 5 hurricane and churned through the Caribbean Sea on a path toward Central America, where forecasters said it could make landfall as ___potentially catastrophic___ storm. Felix was packing winds of up to 165 mph as it headed west, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. It was projected to skirt Honduras___ coastline on Tuesday before slamming into Belize on Wednesday. ___As it stands, we___re still thinking that it will be a potentially catastrophic system in the early portions of this week, Tuesday evening, possibly affecting Honduras and then toward the coast of Belize,___ said Dave Roberts, a hurricane specialist at the center in Miami.
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United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_04_21:52:05.567:
hmmmm, was that a little script magic on post 17?
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United Kingdom - Grays Thurrock 51.483°N 0.333°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_05_17:20:52.801:
If I find a pic of my own country flag, is is possible to use it instead of the England one? Us little islanders maybe in the UK, but were mighty touchy when claased as part of England. lol.
Alek replies at 18:49 - The geo-location software that selects the flag is 3rd party ... so you get what you get ... that's the best I can do.
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Darren uk" from (ACBC7113.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_09_06_17:35:27.428:
hey alex loved the christmas lights last year so cant wait to see your halloweeen ones :D
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_06_18:38:56.395:
Still no activity around here. Not one single skinkin' decoration up yet. Guess Mr Grassoween is to busy playing with that fancy new camera of his. Smile everyone!
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user71.resC128.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_07_15:35:36.074:
Oh well Alek, it was worth a try. I'll put up with my Brit flag. :-)
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United States - Detroit Michigan 42.366°N 83.101°W "Nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_07_17:42:43.331:
Can't wait to see what new technology you have this year.
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_08_21:19:17.500:
Believe it or not, I just picked up The Biggest Balls at a garage sale for $45 - they were actually commissioned/used by the Colorado Rockies professional baseball team. I tossed a strand of lights in one of 'em and looks pretty decent at night. And with 2.3 Amp commercial blower motors, they inflate pretty darn quick. While they aren't holiday-themed, it might be fun to toss 'em out on the front lawn and let Internet surfers inflate/deflate 'em - what 'ya think?!? ;-)
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_08_21:43:44.793:
Kinda reminds me of an old AC/DC tune!
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United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "Anonymous" from (74-60-76-73.rcc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_09_08_22:14:57.493:
cant wait intill hallween
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United Kingdom - Bracknell Bracknell Forest 51.416°N 0.750°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_09_16:27:25.020:
Yeh Alek leave them on the lawn for us to mess with while we wait for the Halloween decs. Anyone else agree?
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United States - Mission Viejo California 33.605°N 117.655°W "SunnySoCal" from (ip68-109-64-113.oc.oc.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_10_20:16:21.597:
Alek, are you planning any changes because of the extra hour of daylight now that we are on the modified Daylight Savings Time?
Alek replies at 20:34 - Excellent question. Yea, when I saw that was changed last year, I was bummed ... since it won't get dark for another hour ... even on Halloween. So no major changes - just means the light controls won't start up quite as early since we won't switch off of Daylight Savings Time until after the 31st.
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_11_06:57:10.340:
50 days until Halloween!
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-182-207-231.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_12_00:33:37.150:
Great site- I am looking for a halloween projection light of a jack-o- lantern or something to project on one side of my house.I have seen X-Mas projections like this (ugh) but no halloweens. any sugg?Thx-cyanidesilly
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United States - Bellevue Nebraska 41.143°N 95.928°W "Becky" from (ip68-13-94-19.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_12_21:18:28.208:
Yea for Holloween decorations!!!! Time is going by so fast, next thing you know it will be Christmas.
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "alyson" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_13_05:08:04.415:
realy cant wait to see the halloween christmas 06 was cool loved it . we all will be joining you this year and it has gone so quick
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United Kingdom - Elmers End Kent 51.400°N 0.050°W "Alison" from (user77.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_13_12:37:51.933:
Spent part of the evening so far, looking for new Xmas lights. Its getting closer yeah!
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United States - Oklahoma City Oklahoma 35.471°N 97.519°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_13_13:38:37.601:
I love the hulk
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ac09.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_09_14_17:20:05.765:
Type in your spooky comment here ...
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_14_18:01:13.830:
Just tweaked the Perl code so that blog commenters are .... uhhhh ... "reminded" to remove the "Type in your spooky comment here" ... ;-)
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_15_14:50:17.058:
It's halfway through the month of September, so thought I'd show everyone a new addition to this year. Picked it up last year at the post Halloween 50-75% off sales - say "Hello" to "Mr. Giant Inflatable Skull" ... and yes, you'll be able to inflate/deflate him! ;-)
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_15_16:28:40.933:
Very cool Alek!
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United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "Anonymous" from (74-60-76-73.rcc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_09_16_14:38:38.281:
Was just woundering if ur doing new cams this year?
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United States - Saint Joseph Missouri 39.754°N 94.815°W "molly" from (cm-24-121-67-22.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com) wrote at 2007_09_16_21:05:53.987:
like that and my wish some day to do this to becooues like to go all out for hollween
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United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_16_22:43:49.229:
Love that skull Alek, huh Mr. G. Oh yeah, and keep the big Colorado ball idea too. Great!
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United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_16_22:47:22.688:
BTW, thanks for being ecologically minded. I and Al Gore appreciate the extra effort.
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United States - San Lorenzo California 37.681°N 122.134°W "Jessica Dal" from (c-71-202-84-237.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_09_17_12:56:08.591:
Nice picture of the giant Rockies b*** ! Maybe I should have some Rockies costumes on my costumes site ___a no HTML links=
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ac09.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_09_17_22:00:05.244:
You could make the the baseballs a pair of eyes or is the Rockies logo on both sides of the b*** ?
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-159-14.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_18_17:25:29.085:
Come on, come on, come on Mr Grassoween. This waiting around is killing me. Get off of your grass and let's get this party started!!
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United States - Moorpark California 34.310°N 118.878°W "random 5 yrd old" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_18_17:33:08.287:
if it was halloween everyday then i would dress like h****r, everyday. and i would be in heaven.
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_18_18:35:45.316:
Doubtful that ol' Adolph is anywhere near heaven.
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United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_18_19:25:27.444:
Ditto Mr. Piper. Mr. H, I am with you and can't wait to see the decorations being put up.
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United States - Vidalia Georgia 32.220°N 82.433°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_19_16:57:32.627:
Yes, I must vent about this !!! Daylight savings time will have kids trick or treating in daylight hours now because it starts in November . Now it will be 7pm before it get dark in the East . Why did they change it. Now some kids won't come at dark because on school night it will be 8 or 9pm getting through .
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-150-106.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_19_17:31:33.891:
Well, look at the bright side. Now you can eat all that candy yourself!!
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_19_21:08:23.818:
Oddly enough, it will be 7:00pm before it gets dark in the West as well. Hmmmm, there must be some sort of pattern here.
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_19_22:16:05.804:
I agree with everyone else that it is a real bummer that the switchover to Standard Time has been pushed back to November - much better when it gets darker earlier on Halloween. And speaking of being ecologically minded, I again (as in 2006) made a donation to cover the CO2 emissions for the holiday displays. So not only are the lights wind-powered for the last several years, but they are also Carbon-Neutral ... so yes, #42, Al Gore would be proud!
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United States - Basking Ridge New Jersey 40.676°N 74.573°W "Al Gore" from (c-71-225-179-153.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_09_20_15:39:12.137:
My name is Al Gore and I approve of this Halloween Display!!!
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-514fbf74.l2.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_09_21_11:44:54.059:
You yanks are crazy - can't wait for the Spooky American.
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United States - Salem Ohio 40.907°N 80.861°W "Anonymous" from (c-75-75-174-248.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_09_21_12:21:32.314:
40 days until Halloween, so bring onthe scary stuff!!!!!!!!
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United Kingdom - Manchester Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Luke.UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_09_21_14:09:14.144:
ok Alek, where are they???????????? I can't see them yet.
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_21_15:07:13.647:
Haven't put anything outside yet Luke ... but the boys had no school today, so we started taking stuff outa the basement crawlspace. I had forgotten about some of the stuff we picked up at the post-Halloween sales.
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United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_21_15:48:07.972:
Oooo new goodies. :-) I like the look of the cauldron, and the spirit ball. Never seen anything like them here.
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-10.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_21_17:05:20.142:
The G Boyz are getting BIG!! Wow!
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-10.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_21_18:03:04.743:
Hey Sir Luke. Got any Halloween jokes?
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_22_14:15:01.998:
Hey Luke nice to hear from you again hope your are feeling well. Hi also to Alison Uk oh and MR G of course or is it MR H on this blog. Love the Head in the Ball is this and inflatable???
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United Kingdom - Aldershot Hampshire 51.250°N 0.766°W "Alison" from (user45.resC153.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_22_17:20:10.534:
That ball thing looks good doesn't it Dave. Wish Uk would catch on with decent decorations. Mind you I guess it could just be this little Island that is behind the times.
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_23_05:01:41.036:
Hi Alison, Im looking for some good halloween stuff as we are having a party at our house. I managed to get a projector in the sale last year which was good, but as you say not much other stuff available here. :0(
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United States - Houston Texas 29.752°N 95.367°W "Slim" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_23_09:09:42.357:
hope your halloween decorations are as big as the Great State of Texas.
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_24_14:46:59.517:
Big change in weather today - instead of high's in the 80's, it topped out at 55 ... and lotsa rain this morning. It is supposed to warm back up .. so the first Colorado Snow (which happened on October 18th last year) won't occur this week ... but shouldn't be long before the White Stuff comes down!
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_24_15:05:46.070:
Snow this soon. WOW!! I'm still trying to convince myself were still in Summer. Albeit a very wet one for the Uk this year.
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_25_12:49:09.967:
The Hulk has one bad case of Dandruff....Hey but im not telling him Ill leave that to Mr G..
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United States - Apex North Carolina 35.722°N 78.874°W "Anonymous" from (nc-76-0-147-8.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_09_25_17:42:00.685:
hello from holly springs north carolina
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United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_09_25_20:46:20.894:
Freezing level is dropping to 4,000 feet here in the great Pacific North Wet! Leaves are all changing. I just got back from two days working on a project in the Hoh Rain Forest. I love this time of year!
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United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.724°N 111.878°W "Ben" from (c-71-195-218-107.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_09_25_21:36:24.109:
Hello from Salt Lake City, Utah! I'm looking forward to this year's Halloween decorations as well___! ___o___
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United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_25_21:45:05.408:
Mr. G aka Mr. H, love the decorations but, keep the "s" word out of this. ITS TOO EARLY!!!!
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United Kingdom - Elkstone Gloucestershire 51.800°N 2.050°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_26_05:58:14.842:
i have some thing spooky for you
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_27_09:10:57.533:
While I didn't get a picture of the full moon last night, here's what it looked like this morning to the West over the Colorado Rockies with one of the Spooky Halloween Props in the foreground. That's a flash reflection from the window pane in the lower right corner.
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Australia - Ashfield New South Wales 33.883°S 151.116°E "kdjfbguy" from (civ-cache1-1.cache.telstra.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_09:40:59.742:
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-160-7.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_15:27:39.007:
Cool picture Mr Grassoween. I've got a feeling in my BONES that you're gonna start setting up this weekend. Can't wait for the festivities!
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United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_16:07:01.423:
neeto bandito
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user88.resC130.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_17:39:23.283:
Thats a suitably spooky pic. Glad to see the count down has begun, oh yeh :-)
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United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_17:42:19.324:
hey, what's up
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user88.resC130.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_17:42:24.879:
Wow the cams are online woo hoo. Hi Alec. Nice biew on cam 1.
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user88.resC130.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_17:44:19.228:
Thats a very superman like pose cam 1 has you frozen in :-)
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United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user88.resC130.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_17:53:28.040:
As much as I'd like to stay and watch the rest of the days activities, its bed time here on my little island. Night all.
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United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_27_18:19:22.153:
the neighbors are out to get a look
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United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_27_22:57:12.173:
Yea, I fired up the webcams as I installed the initial lights on the upper roof - here's the first 2007 halloween movie. At the beginning, I do the so-called "superman pose" and at the end, I'm checking how things look on the laptop. Expect more halloween deocrations to go up in the next couple of days and I'll be sporadically turning on the webcams.
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Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "ldfnkdbuye" from (wel-cache1-1.cache.telstra.net) wrote at 2007_09_28_02:32:48.485:
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United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-250.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_09_28_15:18:54.575:
You're very nimble up on that roof Mr Grassoween, but be careful, don't scratch that new paint job.
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United Kingdom - Guildford Surrey 51.216°N 0.566°W "Alison" from (user120.resC154.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_28_15:32:14.453:
cool video, but wrong "superman" pose, thats definately hulkish :-) The shot i saw you were walking up a few steps to the front door im guessing. :-)
Alek replies at 16:34 - Just before taking the webcam outside, I had it just inside the front door for a few minutes - this is probably the "Superman in Action" picture you saw(?)
87 -
United States - Clarksville Tennessee 36.509°N 87.339°W "Anonymous" from (68-185-136-30.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) wrote at 2007_09_29_14:59:39.635:
Hulk is up on the balcony and live on webcam1
88 -
United Kingdom - London Greater London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alison" from (user194.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_15:09:01.268:
Yep thats the shot :-)
89 -
United Kingdom - London Greater London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alison" from (user194.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_15:14:28.235:
Hive of activity on cam 1 today. Hey Alek when your done fixing your lights fancy a vacation to my little island to help do mine :-)
90 -
United Kingdom - London Greater London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alison" from (user194.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_16:00:01.834:
Was that new decs in the boxes Alek?
91 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_16:11:16.114:
what did I miss?
92 -
United Kingdom - London Greater London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alison" from (user194.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_18:03:44.476:
Hulk up on the balcony Tammie and at least 2 lots of lights going up.
93 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_18:11:40.191:
i need to be more aware!!! thanks alison. LOVE this time of year!
94 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_29_18:25:52.119:
Alison in #92 nails it - here's the video for those that missed it - also see my wife showing up after Costco shoppping! BTW, putting up lights can be dangerous ... as seen in the picture below ... ;-)
95 -
United States - San Diego California 32.901°N 117.207°W "kjgfvs" from (69-64-64-190.dedicated.abac.net) wrote at 2007_09_29_18:42:47.372:
96 -
United States - Monterey Park California 34.052°N 118.129°W "Trojans" from (66-214-169-179.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_09_29_22:37:02.372:
Nice jorb with the decorations. How about that upset of Oklahoma!!
97 -
United Kingdom - Royal Leamington Spa Warwickshire 52.300°N 1.533°W "Alison" from (user90.resC133.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_09_30_08:50:48.526:
Ahhhhh yuck wasps. Those shots give me the shivers. IMHO you get several bravery awards for tangling with those little horrid black and yellow buzzy creatures!
98 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "ldfjbud" from (lon-cache2-1.cache.telstra.net) wrote at 2007_09_30_11:07:12.500:
99 -
United States - Detroit Michigan 42.366°N 83.101°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_09_30_11:58:11.357:
wow alek you are really fast putting up the lights i think you made a record. :-)
100 -
United States - Odessa Florida 28.176°N 82.595°W "Anonymous" from (57-88.207-68.panhandle.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_09_30_13:39:06.552:
Like the live coverage of the game, but can you please add audio? Go Rockies!
101 -
United States - Kennedale Texas 32.643°N 97.210°W "Anonymous" from (71-8-124-42.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) wrote at 2007_09_30_14:10:39.439:
Why doesn't the hi def view work?
Alek replies at 14:30 - Ooops ... coding error ... should work now! After 5 innings, it's a scoreless 0-0 ballgame between Arizona and the Rockies. The Rockies need San Diego to lose ... and they are currently down 6-4 in the 6th inning. Sorry, no audio available in the live coverage on webcam3 which is just pointed at the TV! ;-)
102 -
United States - Bellflower California 33.888°N 118.130°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-69-235-215-147.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2007_09_30_15:59:01.974:
Rockies are going to win this one!
103 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_09_30_16:10:02.039:
Rockies win 4-3 and San Diego loses 11-6 ... setting up a playoff game tomorrow between 'em for the wild-card spot!!!!
104 -
United States - Saint Louis Missouri 38.614°N 90.444°W "Faith" from (75-143-88-181.dhcp.aubn.al.charter.com) wrote at 2007_09_30_20:49:25.038:
Trying to plan something scary this year,my family and i are first timers!..ANY SUGGESTIONS?...EMAIL ME!!!
105 -
United States - Creston Ohio 40.952°N 81.904°W "Jessica Ryan" from (aolclient-24-29-224-141.neo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_12:41:08.250:
106 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-87-46-153.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_17:30:41.263:
Wow - live coverage on webcam3 just before the opening pitch - but now showing a soap opera - turn it back to Rockies/Padres.
107 -
United States - Louisville Kentucky 38.208°N 85.691°W "Anonymous" from (74-133-174-197.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_18:50:00.155:
Action looks great on all webcams - Skull and Spider are out there now - are they wearing Rally Caps?
108 -
United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_19:58:48.474:
Woohoo! October is here!
109 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_01_20:19:49.903:
110 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_01_20:21:32.945:
who is out there at the skull at this hour?
111 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_01_20:23:04.239:
Bunch of crazies!!!!.
112 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_01_20:24:29.232:
batch of nuts!!!!
113 -
United States - Kennedale Texas 32.643°N 97.210°W "Anonymous" from (71-8-124-42.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_22:03:35.595:
hi def doesn't refresh :(
114 -
United States - Kennedale Texas 32.643°N 97.210°W "Anonymous" from (71-8-124-42.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_22:19:33.551:
ROCKIES WIN!!!!!!!!!!!
115 -
United States - Freeland Washington 48.017°N 122.470°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_01_22:28:42.039:
Congrats to the Rockies! But, seriously, I don't think Holliday hit the base.
116 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_01_23:40:44.176:
Rockies win in the bottom of the 13th in a WILD game. Yea, Picobaireachd, Holliday might not have touched home base - hard to tell in the replays. And yes, that was me adjusting the skull.
117 -
United States - Decatur Georgia 33.750°N 84.261°W "DavidS" from (adsl-219-222-119.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_10_02_16:55:03.034:
Alek, just as an FYI... Cam #2 (Grass Cam) shows up in Hi-Def mode, but is listed as Off-Line in Normal mode.
Alek replies at 17:27 - Good Spot David. I'm getting real close to going live, so most of the production code is in place ... and I got tired of flipping that HTML file back-n-forth when I have been turning on the cams ... so I just left that one LIVE. Appreciate the feedback.
118 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_02_19:32:17.841:
Hey all been awhile. Mr. G congrats on the game. Guess who kicked San Diego's rear in football?? KANSAS CITY CHIEFS!!!! :)
119 -
United Kingdom - Bracknell Bracknell Forest 51.416°N 0.750°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_03_14:00:45.118:
Oooo I think I spy Homer :-)
120 -
United Kingdom - Bracknell Bracknell Forest 51.416°N 0.750°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_03_14:07:18.496:
See your a Croc footwear fan Mr G :-)
121 -
United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Gary" from (cpc1-ldry1-0-0-cust504.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_14:29:09.020:
122 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Craig" from (user-514d8fc9.l3.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_10_03_14:56:33.583:
Hey ! love the hallowe'en and christmas cams , keep up the good work , and ive jus seen tht homer and frankie are alive and kicking lol ... And pumpkin ___)
123 -
United States - San Luis Obispo California 35.267°N 120.659°W "Heather - CA, USA" from (24-205-236-107.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_17:25:07.595:
Check out LINK DELETED - the first internet advent calendar counting down to Halloween.
124 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_17:31:56.731:
Love the pumpkin below Hulk. Very Cool stuff this year Mr. G. Can't wait to see the final product. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
125 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_17:43:12.419:
this is great have you got any idea when the x10 control will be working? this will be so awsome!
Alek replies at 18:05 - Maybe tomorrow - Friday for sure.
126 -
United States - Louisville Kentucky 38.208°N 85.691°W "Anonymous" from (74-130-114-123.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_17:53:53.569:
OOoOOOooooooOOOooo from kentucky
127 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_17:57:23.091:
what from kentucky?
128 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "TAMMIE" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_03_18:07:03.078:
X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10X10 CONTROLS
129 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_18:15:16.029:
im boredd mr. g not doing much that i can see on cams :(
130 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_18:23:21.532:
what happened to cam 3? need to put were mr g is working
131 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_18:24:58.745:
what happened to cam 3? need to put were mr g is working so we can see what he is doing
132 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_03_18:41:35.274:
its tweny to 2 in the morning here in the uk, im going bed now i will be watching tomorrow night( ur day time) good night
133 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_03_21:31:17.373:
hey alek where is the people counter?
Alek replies at 21:45 - OK - I turned that on ... plus set the X10 controls to go live at 8:00 Thursday night - will put some "pressure" on me to get everything working ... although not all the lights/inflatables/etc. will be up.
134 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_04_10:09:56.906:
Have updated the Halloween Movies page with footage from putting up the inflatables yesterday as seen in a picture below from webcam2. SpongeBob's blower fan is kinda weak, so I'm going to hang him from the garage where he will be visible on webcam1 along with the Hulk, clawing Spider, rotating pumpkin, Frankenstein, and Homer Simpson - lots more to come in the next few days - D'OH! ;-)
135 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Trojans" from (pub-216-205-224-10.foxinc.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_12:25:19.046:
Hey I just saw the videos. It's going to look great! You can tell it took you awhile! Thanks for all the hardwork! :)
136 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_04_13:02:09.958:
when are all the webcams coming online?
137 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke.UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_13:26:26.592:
Hey Alek, Original Luke here.I like what you have done so far. Time to get the rest up now, can't wait!. Hi H2000, I will try think of Halloween jokes.
138 -
United States - Redwood City California 37.474°N 122.249°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_10_04_13:31:22.502:
ew! there's a fly on the camera!!
139 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_13:39:30.222:
Hey, I got some jokes! Why didnt the skeleton go to the party? Because he had no body to go with! what happend when the skeletons rode pogo sticks? They had a rattling good time! How did the skeleton know it was going to rain? He could feel it in his bones! What do you call a skeleton that wont get up out of bed? Lazy bones!
140 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke.UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_13:41:53.694:
Sorry, that was me below, i forgot to put my name. Hope you like those jokes, i have another if you want one. I Like your spongebob inflatable alek!
141 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-158.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_04_15:16:26.497:
Good ones Sir Luke, but I'm a little upset. I'm supposed to be the funny one around here! Looks like I've got some competition. Say Hi to that beautiful Mum of yours for me.
142 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_04_15:33:46.271:
Hey folks i just found a really cool program called maxivista it allows you to use a spare pc as a secondary or third monitor.
143 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_16:10:37.605:
cantt wait till x10 is on !!!! why arnt cam 1 and 3 on??
144 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_17:47:03.046:
heyy alek can u please put on cams 1 and 3 pleaseee
145 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-158.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:02:02.674:
Well, looks like in a couple of hours things are gonna kick off (and on) around here. Wow, this year has gone fast! Seems like just yesterday that Mr Grassoween took Homer and Hulk down. Tonight...it's on again. I, for one, am looking forward to spending the Holidays here, hanging out with some old and new friends thanks to our good host. Thank you for all your hard work Alek. Happy Holidays everyone!
146 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:43:11.313:
whoo!! skull phumpkin and witch blowups are on!!! all we need are cam 1 and 3 to be working hehe
147 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:49:05.824:
whooo cam 3 on !!! hows about cam 1? :P
148 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:52:41.111:
yayyy it all looks soo great :D:D
149 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:54:01.422:
how u make the blow ups move??
150 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:55:31.618:
151 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_04_18:57:08.310:
happy holidays H2000
152 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_04_19:03:34.127:
OK, there is a LOT more lights to go up along with some other stuff, but figured I'd turn things on for a test run ... so the X10 controls are active (i.e. you can turn stuff on & off) and send IM's for all to see on webcam3.
153 -
Argentina - Buenos Aires Distrito Federal 34.587°S 58.672°W "Tincho" from (201-213-47-54.net.prima.net.ar) wrote at 2007_10_04_19:14:54.296:
Hi Alek!! this site is great, but I wonder why did you change the angle form cam 1, because now it doesn't look very nice... well, congratulations for all this!! continue like this
Alek replies at 19:19 - I thought this angle would provide a better view of the inflatables ... plus I can get more of the house in the view. As noted below, more lights are going up ... so we'll see how it goes. My son Kyle likes the new rotating pumpkin as silhouetted below ... but you guys keep turning it off on him! ;-)
154 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_04_20:25:28.766:
Well done Alek!
155 -
Romania - Bucharest Bucuresti 44.433°N 26.100°E "Ady" from (gate.dds.gov.ro) wrote at 2007_10_05_01:46:52.080:
Hi Alek! I just foud you web site and I think it is great what you are doing! Very good job!
156 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_04:51:22.432:
Shoot mr.g i missed all the fun. all well always tonight. :-)
157 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_05_11:38:55.951:
want cam 1 and 3 on!!!! hehe
158 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-254.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_10_05_12:12:31.931:
Wow alek looking good. Im begining to get excited now. Were having an Halloween party on the 31st and Im leaving the computer on this page so the guests can have a look at your excellent display...
159 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_14:02:18.433:
Hey alek not to be a burden or anything but i just found this program called webcam 123 and i may help you stream.
160 -
United States - Ingleside Texas 27.865°N 97.200°W "kathy" from (adsl-75-49-115-125.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_05_15:08:04.522:
you will sufer and die . I will be wating you I now your name I know what you are whering I know what you are doing I will scary you and I will be under your bed and invisable you can not see me die!!!!! Diiiieeee!!!!!!!
161 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-153-162.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_05_15:21:15.393:
Ms Kathy, did you forget to take your medicine again?
162 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-254.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_10_05_16:15:45.220:
I think Ms Kathy has already had too much medication by the look of things but all in one go H2000.......
163 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_17:01:23.709:
ok well that was not very family friendly. Go h2000
164 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_17:24:22.980:
Anyone know how to open ports. I really need help in this topic 5 failed attemps. thanx in advance.
165 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_05_19:39:42.307:
who is the shadow lurking?
166 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_19:48:36.284:
what happened to webcam from 2003
167 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_05_22:16:15.423:
As expected, a couple of misc. teething issues the first few days. The X10 Super Socket on Zone-4 blew out ... so I'll have to replace that. Looks like the Fan Blower on the Skull isn't working - will check tomorrow. Coding error wiped out the IM logs for the last two days - added better error checking along with several other very minor coding fixes. Overall, this is by far the smoothest start to the holiday season I've had. And oh yeah, I still need to put up more lights before the cold, rainy weather comes on Sunday.
168 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_05_23:20:29.181:
I know this is way far away still but is stepping santa working yet?
Alek replies at 06:34 - Stepping Santa shows up at Christmas ...
169 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_10_06_07:28:28.994:
this is one of my favorite sites
170 -
United Kingdom - Aldershot Hampshire 51.250°N 0.766°W "Alison" from (user156.resC153.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_10_06_14:07:25.653:
Wow I dont log on for a couple of days and I miss all the excitement :-)
171 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_10_06_16:39:36.333:
when do you start putting up the x mas lights
172 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_06_18:48:05.432:
Hi everyone,Luke here.Just watching Pink Panther with Steve Martin,very funny.Very late here. In bed here with laptop.Will think of more Hallowen jokes.
173 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_06_19:08:24.909:
Hello Luke!
174 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_06_19:52:55.219:
Gusty winds tonight - two light-up witches on the balcony are down ... and pumpkin inflatable in the front yard has stopped working ....
19:58 Update: Coors Field just lost power where Game 3 of the Major League Baseball playoffs between the Colorado Rockies and San Diego Padres is in the 2nd inning!
20:05 Update Pumpkin fixed - blown fuse - stuff happens - power still out at Coors Field!
175 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_06_20:00:08.980:
the motors in the inflatables cant take the power on an off the fuses will blow because they cant take the power surge
176 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_06_20:03:12.254:
the motors in side the inflatables cant take the switching on and off they over load with surge the fuses will blow and the bulbs will blow,
177 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_06_20:12:08.348:
Computer glitch a coors field delays game 15 minutes. LOl
178 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_06_21:07:45.701:
Someone sent in this picture of a HUGE pumpkin. Yea, that would be fun to have in the front yard ... except on a windy day like tonight, it would end up in Kansas!
179 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_06_23:13:28.026:
Another well done to the Rockies!
180 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-18.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_10_07_04:19:24.779:
Nuclear power plant denies any leakage escaped into nearby pumpkin field......lol
181 -
United Kingdom - Hayling Hampshire 50.783°N 0.966°W "C2000" from (spc1-hava1-0-0-cust608.cosh.broadband.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_04:52:27.781:
Hello All! It's C2000 from last year :) Good to see it all back on.
182 -
United Kingdom - Elmers End Greater London 51.400°N 0.050°W "Alison" from (user121.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_10_07_06:53:57.853:
Morning USA. Afternoon UK.
183 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-18.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_10_07_08:59:38.674:
Good Afternoon Alison
184 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-13-12-205.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_07_09:24:17.655:
The Skull is BAACCKK!!
Alek replies at 09:46 - The Skull's Fan Motor died and was unfixable. However, Christmas Elmo stepped up to the plate as a fan donor ... and after some "Open-Fan Transplant Surgery", the Skull is back in action ... and it's a stronger fan too! ;-)
185 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_09:54:16.938:
Hey Alek go ahead and send that huge pumpkin to Kansas. I would put it up in my front yard then. :)
186 -
United Kingdom - Elmers End Greater London 51.400°N 0.050°W "Alison" from (user121.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_10_07_15:15:48.300:
Thank you for your sacrifice Elmo. We love you. lol
187 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Crimbo_Nut" from (user-54451301.lns3-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_10_07_16:10:42.280:
Hey Alek , Im glad skull is back and rooting for the team lol but i hope elmo returns for crimbo lol
188 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Mike" from (ppp-70-244-128-132.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_10_07_16:32:04.620:
Hey Alek! Glad it's time for more holiday fun! Best of luck to you and your cause in 2007!
Alek replies at 17:10 - Thanks Mike - hoping we can not only have a ton of fun, but also raise a few $$$ (via voluntary donations) for the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research - over $17,000 so far, but would be nice to make it more - read more/donate directly here.
189 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_16:58:59.369:
what are those white lines supost to be on the front lawn
Alek replies at 17:12 - You'll find out tonight ... when you turn 'em ON & OFF! ;-)
190 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "big b" from ( wrote at 2007_10_07_17:36:12.945:
hi just wanted to say that cant wait til Christmas
191 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_17:39:18.173:
wohooo the skull is back, and its working !!! :D :D
192 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Peter" from (ACC87DC8.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_17:39:37.074:
Hay Alek one of the skuls head lid is comeing Off
193 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_07_17:56:58.187:
whats wrong with big pumpkin, its blowing up very slow,
Alek replies at 18:20 - For reasons unknown, the fan motor in the pumpkin is running at about half-speed ... will look at it tomorrow ... for now, assume it is ... pumpkin pie! ;-)
194 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_07_19:21:16.118:
Here's a picture from Friday night before the windy weather moved in ...
195 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_07_19:31:38.782:
how come cam2 refreshes slower then other cams
196 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_07_20:14:10.909:
197 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_07_23:18:08.969:
so does this mean elmo is dead and we can play some sad tunes?
198 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_08_10:01:07.235:
Looking good alex.........RIP Elmo your passing has left us all feeling deflated.....
199 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-148-154.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_10:15:32.234:
I hear Elmo is now waiting on the "Fan Donor" list. Anybody got a spare fan laying out in the garage or something? SAVE ELMO!!
200 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_08_13:29:25.430:
there is always ebay :-)
201 -
United States - Fort Worth Texas 32.758°N 97.332°W "Anonymous" from (ip12-197-249-12.networkusa.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_13:53:05.824:
hello from Natchitchoes Louisiana Was Leeds UK remember me Alex the creator of your animated icons! Good luck with this years Halloween Lights!!!
Alek replies at 14:06 - Yep ... and Franken-Homer is looking might fine - thanks!
In response to concerns about Elmo: He should be back for Christmas - have over a month to find another fan for him ...
202 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_08_14:26:04.226:
Hey thanx for using my idea alek. Hope you find that one special fan.
203 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (user97.resC134.jtibs.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_16:31:06.499:
Great pic. Hate this time difference, means I have til stay up til early hours to get to play inflate/deflate. Display definately looking good though.
204 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:27:15.633:
i have to wait till 1 oclock in the morning in england till x10 is activated :(:( its saddd BUT I ALWAYS KEEP AWAKE TO WATCH!!! :D :D
205 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:35:57.122:
I fell sorry for you luke
206 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:37:24.913:
thanks lol im only 14 aswell :P:P
207 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:39:24.990:
wounder were big pumpkin is? or is alek looking at it??
208 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:46:09.894:
wohoo the big pumpkin is back, but is still blowing up slow !!!???
209 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:49:16.943:
wicked mr alek, you got the big pumpkin working :D:D:D
210 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:54:13.033:
Still wish it would inflate faster though
211 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_08_17:55:34.324:
Yea, Big Pumpkin is doing better - I gave 'em some fertilizer so he'll pump up big and strong!
212 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_08_17:56:15.201:
hehehe:P that a good one! :)
213 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_18:58:57.950:
hey alek as you may or may not know i live in mesa az. the diamondbacks and the rockies are going head to head on thursday. i'm pulling for the DBs but a gal up at work, her husband is or used to be a pitching coach for the rockies. i think his name is ESPY. don't know the first name. goodluck:)
214 -
United States - Camden New Jersey 39.939°N 75.106°W "Chris" from (c-76-99-71-154.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_19:07:12.696:
What happened to the light in Frankenstein?
215 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_19:23:16.421:
hey alek just checked on that pitching caoch. it's apdoaca now. still pulling for the DBs.
216 -
United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.685°N 77.537°W "Alec" from (c-71-62-3-43.hsd1.va.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_20:18:52.645:
I have a tip that might keep the blowers from blowing out on your inflatables. Seperate the power for the blower and the lights. Put the lighrs on the X10 control, so they will go on and off, and the blowers will always be on.
Alek replies at 20:28 - Yea, but then you can't "kill" Frankenstein, Homer, etc. I always blow a couple of fuses (on the inflatables) over the holiday season, so maybe I got 'em outa the way early.
217 -
United States - Norcross Georgia 33.939°N 84.207°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-224-161-152.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_20:52:00.588:
dosent the on and off burn up the motors in the inflateables?
218 -
Canada - Winnipeg Manitoba 49.883°N 97.166°W "Chris Penney" from (S01060016cbc3422a.wp.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_10_08_20:58:32.079:
Hey Aleks! Every year, I post the site for people awareness. Don't have a blog anymore but I "shared this link" on facebook. Always love your creations, keep it up!
219 -
Panama - City N/A Region N/A 9.000°N 80.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_09_11:08:19.600:
hollowen it's here
220 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_09_13:17:55.082:
hey nice convertable alek
221 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Trojans" from (pub-216-205-224-10.foxinc.com) wrote at 2007_10_09_14:53:49.369:
99 viewers and the X10 is not even on! Happy Halloween!
222 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_09_15:01:53.870:
where the heck did all these people come from
223 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_09_15:22:37.098:
Hey alek in the offline photo for cam 3 your son looks like the pilsbary dough doy to me.
224 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_09_16:29:37.337:
hey, well its just gone half for there and here were i am (england) its now half past 11 at night
225 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_09_17:23:48.340:
Lots more traffic to the website today, so figured I should tidy things up a bit. Several of the light bulbs inside of Frankenstein were burnt out ... so I replaced those along with a couple in Homer. And then I tossed a strand of 50 mini-lights in each ... so they should light up really well tonight. Also, on the rotating pumpkin, I removed the "blocker plate" (for snow I assume) so those of you complaining that it has been inflating too slow should be pleased. Finally, the "cauldron witch" is back up on the garage roof after falling down in the gusty weather this weekend.
226 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_10_09_17:42:23.708:
turn it on now!!!
227 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc3-clif1-0-0-cust697.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_09_17:45:09.768:
were is he big pumpkin ??
Alek replies at 17:58 - My wife is due home any minute ... so pumpkin will go up after she goes into garage.
228 -
United States - Smithfield North Carolina 35.481°N 78.351°W "Anonymous" from (nc-76-0-147-8.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_10_09_19:51:41.784:
i'm not sure that was very nice
229 -
United States - College Park Maryland 39.001°N 76.931°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-33-103-214.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_09_20:16:00.140:
Wow. more characters for filler...
230 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_09_22:05:15.016:
hey alek what is that light in the distant is that someone elses Halloween lights?
231 -
United States - Milwaukee Wisconsin 43.052°N 87.965°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-69-210-99-133.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) wrote at 2007_10_09_22:13:36.978:
Have tried to use the cntrols on the site, but keep getting same messages. Are ther hours of operation? Would like to show the kids, but seems a little boring. By the way, your cahrity is worthwhile and we have decided to contribute. Fox and Dana
Alek replies at 22:22 - Hours of Operation are typically 6:00-10:00PM MDT ... and thank YOU for your donation - info here for anyone else interested.
232 -
Taiwan - Taipei T'ai-pei 25.039°N 121.525°E "Anonymous" from (61-57-40-31.HINET-IP.hinet.net) wrote at 2007_10_10_05:42:01.153:
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! bbkmwsyytqwm
233 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_10_12:55:13.158:
The Halloween Movies page has been updated with time-lapse footage from last night - there were a lotta people online per screenshot 1 and 2. And here's what things look like the "morning after."
234 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-147-250.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_10_19:40:44.471:
Is everyone having fun??
235 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_10_23:14:05.293:
So here is the "Haunted Office" for 2007 - what 'ya think?!? ;-)
236 -
United Kingdom - Newtyle Angus 56.550°N 3.133°W "Anonymous" from (host81-156-233-197.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2007_10_11_06:31:59.589:
Wooh! Spooky...
237 -
United States - Spokane Washington 47.677°N 117.379°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-185-133-6.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_11_09:45:51.463:
238 -
United States - Chico California 39.731°N 121.801°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_11_10:42:16.715:
rod zombie is so awesome he rocks ...
239 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_11_12:43:41.962:
Looking good could do with a bit more body.........
240 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_11_15:10:44.909:
I've tossed the Monster Colorado Rockies Baseballs out on the front yard - please note they are not controllable - i.e. no turning them on & off. Hopefully it will bring them good luck in the first game of the NL Championship Series tonight! ;-)
241 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_11_16:34:12.932:
alek you kno the cameras that go straight to the internet, can you record a video and save it?
242 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_11_17:40:06.512:
No trash talk, Alek?
Alek replies at 17:59 - I'm not much of a trash talker ... but I would welcome some "dialogue" in the Instant Message on Webcam3 tonight! ;-)
243 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc1-clif1-0-0-cust200.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_11_17:44:14.972:
hey alek why dont you have a halloween countdown?? on this website??
244 -
United States - Scranton Arkansas 35.356°N 93.545°W "Anonymous" from (75-105-128-56.cust.wildblue.net) wrote at 2007_10_11_18:42:48.935:
you need to have a live chat area so everyone can mingle
245 -
United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.102°N 94.550°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_06:57:28.126:
Great Job Alek. Happy Halloween Everyone. Spooktacular!!! :)
246 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_12_16:39:22.489:
Evening all.
247 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Emma" from (customer8664.pool1.unallocated-110-0.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2007_10_12_17:13:09.191:
first time on this site for halloween this year! :) i'm away for halloween though which sucks! :___ lights looking good though! going to have to stay up late to control them though!
248 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-82.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_17:39:25.825:
Sup Ms Emma? Welcome back. And Ms Allison, Ms Tammie and Ms Kina in KC (they got some crazy little women there) are all here. Wow, this place is just teaming with Hotties! Guess that's why I hang out here.
249 -
United States - Pompano Beach Florida 26.260°N 80.191°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-074-166-218-015.sip.bct.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_18:00:10.094:
Hello everyone. I found Komar early this year, so this is the first holiday season I've seen this. Very cool!
250 -
United States - Castle Rock Colorado 39.378°N 104.858°W "Anonymous" from (71-33-222-46.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_22:10:00.619:
very spookie. thanks Renate Grand Junction Co.
251 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_12_22:41:00.593:
Hey Mr. H. Long time no write. I've been forbidden to write at work :( . Anyway, thanks for the nice words and isn't Mr. G aka Alek outdoing himself this year. Very Cool!! Heading for sunny Florida for a week so have fun and think of me wasting away in the sunshine :). Later kids.
252 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_23:12:52.962:
thank you H2000 happy hollidays
253 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_12_23:15:27.936:
sorry for spelling
254 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ac09.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_01:33:45.537:
Halloween vs. Purim Halloween: Today's practice of children ringing doorbells and yelling
255 -
United Kingdom - Grays Thurrock 51.483°N 0.333°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_13_11:17:11.795:
Yey its the weekend. Hope to stay awake long enough to join the fun tonight.
256 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_16:26:40.843:
what's wrong with the webcam?
Alek replies at 16:51 - Webcam1 "burped" early this morning and doesn't seem to be working well - haven't had much time to look at it, but if it doesn't recover, I may need to hook it up via direct-connect Ethernet and reload firmware.
257 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_17:44:43.358:
you should just do that anyway so we can have some fun with the lights.
258 -
United States - Glen Allen Virginia 37.685°N 77.537°W "Alec" from (c-71-62-3-43.hsd1.va.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_13_19:34:51.005:
Hey... are some of the things in the office controlled by channel 4?
259 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_19:39:58.499:
it seems like it doesnt it
260 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_19:42:48.443:
they are controlled it is the skull and the darth vader thing isnt it!
Alek replies at 17:55 -
Thanks Maxwell for answering blog #258 - yes, X10 zone 4 controls the large Skull and Darth Vader in the Haunted Office - complete list at the bottom half of webcam page ...
261 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_13_21:25:02.834:
ok last thing, can you take some pictures of the controller for the lights and where the switches are i would like to see how that all works.
262 -
United States - Waltham Massachusetts 42.389°N 71.237°W "mckeephoto" from (209-6-177-145.c3-0.ded-ubr1.sbo-ded.ma.cable.rcn.com) wrote at 2007_10_14_08:30:17.718:
Very cool stuff! We went the handmade route last year and did some lighting too. We did a video of it up on youtube. Do a search for mckeephoto on youtube. I also have some halloween stuff up on my blog LINK DELETED Happy Halloween everyone!
263 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_14_14:26:55.004:
Have a Happy Hollowen From Alpena Micagan
264 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_14_15:19:22.274:
For those interested, tons of info on the FAQ about how it all works. Also, webcam #1 is working again and I've turned it on early for this rainy day - have turned on the inflatables so they can air-dry a bit. Colorado Rockies still scheduled to play game #3 of the NLCS starting at 6:30 MDT and if it goes, will probably toss the monster baseballs on the front yard again.
265 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_14_18:32:02.545:
i didnt see pics there though. what does the actual unit look like?
Alek replies at 18:35 - I have some pictures somewhere that I took last year - will upload them sometime and reference in the FAQ - may be a little while before I get to it though. All standard X10 stuff - not too exciting.
266 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_14_18:58:16.988:
Speaking of pictures, here's what the front yard looks like from webcam2 ...
267 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_14_19:01:21.762:
did you do it when the truck went by on purpose?
268 -
Argentina - Buenos Aires Distrito Federal 34.587°S 58.672°W "Tincho" from (200-122-98-110.cab.prima.net.ar) wrote at 2007_10_14_19:38:26.071:
Hi alek! my name is Martin, i'm 16 years old and I'm form Argentina, I just wanna tell you that I did a live Streaming using Windows Media Encoder, with a cheap genius webcam, a Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz with 1 Gb ram ddr2, and only with a bandwidth of 1 Mbps of downstreaming and 256 Kbps of Upstreaming. I don't know if you can do it that way. Your site is great and continue like that !!!
Alek replies at 11:02 - Thanks for the thought, but rest assured that would be no where close to adequate bandwidth for the amount of traffic this site gets.
269 -
Bahamas - Freeport Freeport 26.533°N 78.700°W "chantel" from (BATELNET-NAT.batelnet.bs) wrote at 2007_10_14_19:47:40.143:
once a upon a time i see a big bad wolf who came into my house an clap everyone of us............hooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a ha ha ha ha
270 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_15_09:54:57.544:
People keep asking me about X10 Zone #1 - this used to be the house lights, but that is no longer the case ... so I changed the numbering from 2-7 to 1-6. Also, as noted on the IM log, the steady drizzle caused the main garage GFI to trip several times, plus Homer was too wet/heavy to fully stand up - all OK now. And how 'bout those Colorado Rockies - they went up 3-0 in the NLCS with a 4-1 win against Arizona. It was too rainy to put 'em out last night, but the Monster Baseballs were out earlier for good luck - watch webcam2 time-lapse footage.
271 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "Trojans" from (66-214-169-179.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_14:21:22.224:
Hi Alek, for halloween you should definitely be Chevy Chase! All you need is a bear's hat right? lol
272 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "Trojans" from (66-214-169-179.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_14:22:58.919:
correction: Chevy from Xmas vacation! Considering the lights and decorations and all, its only fitting. OH and you can get two electric plugs and stand in front of the house while striking them together. Brilliant!
273 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_16:47:32.737:
why is the office cam on?
274 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_17:15:17.963:
nevermind they are all on
275 -
United States - Norcross Georgia 33.939°N 84.207°W "Anonymous" from (12-214-188-126.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_17:15:22.452:
Hello please dont leave......
276 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Tiomothy" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_17:25:59.687:
ALpena MI Rules
277 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_15_17:48:57.979:
hey alek what was wrong with the yard pumpkin yesterday?
278 -
Philippines - Makati Rizal 14.556°N 121.029°E "Anonymous" from (365_acl1.gw.smartbro.net) wrote at 2007_10_16_04:18:15.725:
halloween rocks out loud!!!
279 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_16_06:13:06.527:
280 -
United States - Anaheim California 33.832°N 117.880°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-169-103-169.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_16_06:52:12.199:
Type in your own spooky message here...
281 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_16_06:58:46.637:
More Everyone. Its a lovely bright sunny day here today. Almost nice enough to be summer, so its seems strange Halloween is just days away.
282 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5accebef.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_10_16_11:57:02.463:
hi alek you should consider putting a fogg machine on your garden for halloween i do it at my house and its realy effective and spoooky get back to me on wat u think. thanks
Alek replies at 13:39 - I actually do have a fog machine ... and thought about hooking it up to X10 control ... but since these are heating units, they take a long time to warm-up ... so would not work too well for web surfers popping it on & off all the time ... although I may put it out for Halloween night. Along those lines, I have to plug the Lava Lamp in for an hour or so beforehand to get it warmed up.
283 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_16_13:36:56.323:
Added a new spooky skull to the haunted office last night with help from my kids. The Coors Light can was out there to cheer on the Colorado Rockies who go to the World Series after winning last night.
284 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_16_14:47:15.512:
HULK'in SURPRISE later this week - stay tuned. Also, I have updated the halloween maps page with data from the first half of the month - web surfers from 78 countries have come by ... so far! ;-)
285 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_16_18:29:00.033:
hey alek is there a suggestion thing here because i have a few
Alek replies at 22:03 - You are welcome to use the contact page to send in suggestions.
286 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (ACCE695D.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_16_21:54:22.027:
hello from the uk
287 -
United States - Laguna Niguel California 33.535°N 117.705°W "Robert" from (pool-72-67-5-84.lsanca.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_10_16_23:10:39.065:
Hoo Hoo! My wife got a really s* y costume on LINK DELETED. She also got some cute ones for the kids. nice... LINK DELETED.
288 -
United States - Williamstown New Jersey 39.639°N 74.973°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-45-114-166.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_17_11:06:31.609:
What day is the HULK'in SURPRISE going to show up, where will it be, and any other hints you can provide about it?
289 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_17_12:22:25.160:
In post #233, I showed what the front yard looked like "the morning after" - here's what Frankenstain and Homer look like after an evening of being inflated/deflated a buncha times - note the inflatables are mounted on playwood plus the pavers to minimize movement. Either they were trying to stay warm ... or maybe they just like each other! ;-)
290 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_17_16:52:58.902:
Poor old Homer definately looks like he's had a hard night.
291 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-208.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_17_17:36:24.663:
Looks like he had one to many Duffs.
292 -
United Kingdom - Sunderland Sunderland 54.911°N 1.383°W "Anonymous" from (cpc2-wear3-0-0-cust666.midd.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_17_17:48:52.971:
All webcams went crazy for a few minutes - then fixed - what up?
Alek replies at 18:05 - Wife is getting a new oven, so I had to yank the old one out. With 240 Volts, you can't be too careful ... so I not only pulled the oven fuse, but the main breaker on the house while I unwired things.
293 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (AC865FF4.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_17_18:42:07.402:
I'm having trouble viewing the webcams this year. I have dial up so that might be my probably but if you could help me be able to figure out what to do besides getting a broadband connection I'd greatly appreciate it.
294 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-240-4.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2007_10_17_19:09:48.600:
Get broadband mate - works great here - down under!
295 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_17_19:41:36.324:
My youngest son Kyle had a drawing project at school - can you guess what he drew?!? ;-)
296 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_17_19:54:26.943:
your house with the lights on it? post 285: i cant find where im supposed to do this at. and if it takes email i dont have it.
Alek replies at 20:47 - Contact info is there ... but go ahead and leave it on the "IM on Webcam" rather than clutter up the blog here.
297 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (ip-58-28-145-230.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz) wrote at 2007_10_17_21:05:52.075:
Cute Kid with cute picture of your house.
298 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_17_22:27:26.731:
Needless to say, the Halloween Decorations are a big hit with the neighborhood kids who insist their parents drive by the "crazy house."
One family that comes by every day called themselves "stalkers" ... and Heather was nice enough to allow me to take some pictures of her two buys Jakob and Zakary who look pretty darn cute in their stroller. In the second picture, Zakary is playing with the X10 Remote Control - his favorite decorations is The Hulk and Jakob's is (by far) SpongeBob SquarePants. I look forward to seeing 'em come by Halloween Night for trick-or-treat.
299 -
United States - Portland Maine 43.672°N 70.284°W "Anonymous" from (rrcs-24-97-251-29.nys.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_00:23:11.037:
Way to Go! Keep up that great spirit!!!
300 -
United States - Bowmansdale Pennsylvania 40.166°N 76.976°W "Steve" from (c-24-127-144-115.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_18_07:54:31.678:
Homer and Frank's little buddies!
301 -
United States - Valley Stream New York 40.664°N 73.709°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-80-168-50.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_10_18_09:06:56.113:
Where is the HULK'in SURPRISE you promised back in post 284?
302 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5accebbf.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_09:20:31.041:
alek wayt do u think of my fog machine on your garden idea
303 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_18_09:39:14.261:
Tom: Please see my answer in post #282. UPS says HULK'in SURPRISE should be delivered today. Speaking of big green things, Frankenstein needed some fixing. And per post #94, the wasps are still hanging around - here's one on an X10 Lamp Module that's next to the Hulk (who didn't smash it) on the 2nd floor balcony.
304 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5accebbf.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_09:59:08.305:
thanks for that anser i must hav missit it earlyer wat i do is hav the remote in the garden for the trick or treaters to press see wat u think love your display by the way
305 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5accebbf.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_10:20:25.433:
alek i whatched a video hosted by you which shows how the x10 and webcams work but cant seem to find it could you show me please cos im realy intrested to no the tecnical info thanks
See the Christmas Videos.
306 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "adam" from (cpc1-mfld9-0-0-cust46.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_10:51:05.866:
hi halloween lights r da best
307 -
United States - Camden New Jersey 39.952°N 75.118°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_18_13:06:57.627:
308 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_18_13:30:39.150:
now what did you get alek?
Alek replies at 14:19 - Damn - lotta sharp eyes out there - yes, UPS did deliver the HULK'in SURPRISE today. It needs a bit of work, but I'd say good chance it will be ready for tonight.
309 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_18_16:30:57.065:
The Earthcam Folks have this website listed on their notable Halloween/2007 webcams - please consider voting for it here.
310 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_18_16:51:57.769:
whats looking pretty solid buddy?
311 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc3-clif1-0-0-cust697.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:09:25.963:
hey alek is the suprise gonna be out tonight to be seen on webcam?
Alek replies at 18:32 - I'm going to toss it up there in a few minutes - watch webcam1 to Hulk's right ... and look for something Big & Green! ;-)
312 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:41:45.774:
THe hulk has an evil clone...
313 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc3-clif1-0-0-cust697.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:43:04.610:
are the hulks egzactly the same?
314 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-los-ae07.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:49:14.699:
where did you get him from
315 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-36-4.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:49:42.830:
What a special day this is! The separated-at-birth Hulk twins are reunited after all these years!!! It could only happen here!
316 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc3-clif1-0-0-cust697.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_17:50:49.458:
maybe you should have fog machine between two hulks so its covers middle roof and have the fog on a timer!!
317 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_18_18:05:08.977:
Yep - the HULK's long-lost twin brother has returned. Actually, JimB from Franklin, TN had him and was going to sell on eBay ... but after seeing Hulk #1 here, we agreed that Hulk #2 should join him. Here's a quick picture of the Hulk brothers - sorry about the flash lighting - I'll try to shoot a better one in the next few days.
318 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "luke" from (cpc3-clif1-0-0-cust697.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_18_18:06:17.893:
maybe you should have fog machine between two hulks so its covers middle roof and have the fog on a timer!! yes or no?
319 -
United States - Decatur Georgia 33.750°N 84.261°W "dylan" from (adsl-211-126-224.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2007_10_18_18:07:12.266:
how can i put a webcam on my page i have aa program but no code can you help alex?
320 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_18_18:09:31.697:
Note new feature for IM on Webcam per suggestion from Maxwell last night. On the main page is a "popup last 20" - mouseover that and you'll the last 20 IM's. I'd like to have this on the top-left of the screen, not the iframe ... so if you happen to be a CSS guru, send me a note how you would do it. Yes, I've tried "position:absolute; left:0px;" ... but that positions it on the left side of the iframe, not the browser. I have also tried various permutations (such as "position:fixed;") but no difference. If I do a "left: -200px" the rollover is clipped ... even if I play around with z-index. So ... is there a way to use CSS on content inside of an iframe so that it ends up being positioned outside of the iframe? Please only send me a note if you really know what you are talking about and can include a simple example - thanks!
Alek updates at 11:14 - Turns out you can't use CSS to change the contents of the parent document from an iframe ... but you can use Javascript ... so I've fiddled the code to use that approach instead.
321 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "danny" from (cpc1-mfld9-0-0-cust633.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_10:14:26.975:
halloween is gr8
322 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_19_11:55:51.039:
Weather guys say chance we may get our first snow on Sunday.
323 -
Macedonia - Skopje Karpos 42.000°N 21.433°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_19_12:07:48.514:
Your friends and family will howl with delight when they see their faces pasted on dancing Toonables with the Halloween Parody Player - LINK DELETED
324 -
Macedonia - Skopje Karpos 42.000°N 21.433°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_19_12:09:37.368:
Your friends and family will howl with delight when they see their faces pasted on dancing Toonables with the Halloween Parody Player - LINK DELETED
325 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_16:22:55.579:
hey the hulk looks happy with company are you going to put another hulk controll on the controller thing?
326 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_19_17:21:22.624:
Now sears is here wow is it like get new stuff weak at the komar.org... I looked around the site and found a few pictures of you with a beard kinda creepy looking.
Alek replies at 22:43 - Our oven died (see post #292) ... so we got a new one - wifeee is quite pleased!
327 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:08:02.100:
Hi there! it's luke. Has anyone found any good Halloween jokes yet? I must do some more for H2000. Me on holiday for one week now, my mum always dresses up house for Halloween. She got Winnie The Pooh as Witch and Eeyore too!Shadow my black cat is practising too. LukeX
328 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:11:32.868:
Alek, is it possible for you to put a picture of my black cat on your web site? She's really cute, and very Halloween. Plz. Luke :-)
329 -
United States - Whippany New Jersey 40.822°N 74.419°W "ANDREW HATYS" from (pool-71-187-148-118.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:12:21.853:
330 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:14:43.554:
I don't think so, me from UK.
331 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:20:35.789:
Nite Nite everyone,Luke going. See you 2morrow.
332 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_19:29:20.476:
alek i must know what the name of the song on your watching grass grow page is!! please tell!
333 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_20:25:17.578:
ok nevermind about the song, i got it: Bond - Live & Let Die. however i do need some help: i have halloween lights out and they mist have shorted out from rain, can you tell me of a reliable way to "water proof" all the connections?
334 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_19_20:34:16.360:
I am no alek but i can help. Put black tape on all connections back plugs not used and if you want the actual connection.
335 -
United States - Louisville Colorado 39.955°N 105.168°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-8-170-45.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_19_20:49:18.199:
336 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "MAxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_20:52:49.111:
334: i have all the unused (2) plugs taped im talking about the used
337 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_19_20:54:49.808:
Tape em off too
338 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_21:04:24.345:
hmmm ok thanks ill go try that tomorrow
339 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_19_23:07:31.061:
but what kind of tape should i use? will plumbers tape work?
340 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_20_05:57:28.641:
Uh not sure i would use electircal as it held up for us.
341 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwelll" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_20_13:50:10.698:
well i just plugged them back in and i have to wait for the sensor to come on then im going to take a spray bottle and spray each connection until it trips the GFCI. do you think thats a good idea? and i am going to use black tape but should i replace the masking tape that i have on the unused plugs with black tape also? how about you aleck, what do you think i should do?
342 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_20_17:39:44.633:
In answer to tripping GFI's ... there is no easy solution. Try to close off any unused outlets, and if you can, elevate the plugs. Otherwise, you just gotta hope for the best - the GFI is there for a reason, so if they keep tripping and I can't fix the root cause, I just wait a day for it to dry out. BTW, I can see the big front coming from the West - expect the temperature to drop tonight and may have snow on the ground tomorrow.
343 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "Maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_20_18:18:28.109:
ok ill put something under them thanks
344 -
United States - Auburn Maine 44.086°N 70.243°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-198-46-19.buffalo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_20_18:29:36.883:
345 -
United States - Johnstown Colorado 40.315°N 104.919°W "Anonymous" from (24-56-173-150.co.warpdriveonline.com) wrote at 2007_10_20_20:21:30.620:
Go Sabers? Where's the Avalanche love? Oh, and BOO! (Spooky comment)
346 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (ACC933DB.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2007_10_21_04:24:30.641:
hey alex love the lights cant wait till the christmas ones :)
347 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "BillyB" from (ppp-70-243-188-141.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_10_21_07:48:42.539:
Snow on the ground?
348 -
United States - Kirkland Washington 47.672°N 122.187°W "Shaun" from (74-60-76-73.rcc.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2007_10_21_08:02:07.951:
Snow already its not Chrismas yet!!!
349 -
United Kingdom - Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire 53.116°N 1.266°W "josh" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_21_08:11:32.195:
i love halloween and theses lights r the best
350 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_21_08:22:35.109:
As predicted, big change in weather overnight and steady drizzle/freezing rain/snow this morning with some sticking on the grass and tops of the skulls. Pretty breezy with solid clouds that are whipping across the sky. Should clear out in a day or so with no major accumulations.
351 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_21_08:46:02.699:
nice to see a bit of snow makes halloween realy spooky. in the uk it is cold but the sun is shining please can we have ur snow.
352 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_21_09:56:43.642:
Here's an updated picture of the Halloween Decorations with the twin Hulk's before the snow hit. I've also updated the one in post #317.
353 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_21_10:15:10.862:
cool i love the hulk, he has a house mate finally lets hope they dont fight to much lol
354 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_21_11:40:22.664:
Got an Email from JohnH in Los Angeles that brought a tear to my eye and thought I'd share it after getting his permission.
I just wanted to thank you for putting your decorations on the web. My three year old son Noah has leukemia and as his immune system is compromised he cannot go outside. We found your web site today and he played with it for a real long time. He then told his mom... "Mommy, mommy, Daddy and I went out an looked at Christmas lights!" (He calls everything Christmas lights). Thanks for the joy you gave my son!
355 -
United States - Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania 41.202°N 75.902°W "Anonymous" from (UNUSED-64-111-133-88.UNUSED.epix.net) wrote at 2007_10_21_12:03:44.833:
Hello from a much warmer PA
356 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_21_14:34:31.974:
Hey Everyone. I see you are having fun and I have been missing it. Just got back from sunny Florida, Mickey says hi to everyone. I will be taking hold of the controls in a few hours. Love this years decorations Alek, you have outdone yourself.
357 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_21_19:58:32.015:
hey, john h and son, i love Christmas lights, too!!!
358 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "Anonymous" from (cpc2-mfld10-0-0-cust730.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_22_05:59:02.458:
happy halloween
359 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_22_14:05:40.505:
What a lovely message from John H. And so nice to know the lights bring his son so much joy. :-)
360 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_22_14:38:21.921:
I have always wondered why you have them off at 10.
Alek replies at 22:29 - Don't want to annoy the neighbors too much ... ;-)
361 -
United States - Mattoon Illinois 39.488°N 88.359°W "Anonymous" from (katy-dsl-dhcp-64-92-49-249.consolidated.net) wrote at 2007_10_22_16:51:38.690:
362 -
United States - Auburn Michigan 43.639°N 84.088°W "nick" from (24-231-205-208.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_22_19:47:36.296:
This site rocks
363 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_22_20:49:24.232:
for all who care i will start posting by the name of nicholas to stop confusion between me and the other nick
364 -
United States - Dunnigan California 38.883°N 122.002°W "wildhorse jeanie" from (dialup- wrote at 2007_10_23_09:36:01.119:
Wow What a great Blog...I paint holiday windows and draw picks of the ol guys Frankenstien,drac,Mummy ect..I am ,you know , ol' Bella and Lon, getting older now and dont do as many as I did when I was younger..So this is so fun to see all the imgination you show on your blog..I dont know how to do much computer but e mail and surf, so thanks!!! love your cursor's.thanks jeanie
365 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_23_14:07:29.342:
re you ready for anymore Halloween jokes yet? Why couldn't the skeleton stop laughing? because he had a funny bone. He He! Luke :-)
366 -
United States - Frisco Texas 33.149°N 96.855°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2007_10_23_14:55:48.657:
It is said that in Mexico there is a ghost of a woman who drowned her kids. They call her the ___"Cry Baby___" because she cries a lot. She is a wandering spirit, looking for her kids. If you misbehave with your parents she will visit you. She will come out if you are near a pile of water and scream ___"oh, my children!___" It is not safe to look in her face! If you do, death will follow. IF I WERE YOU I WOULD BE NICE TO YOUR PARENTS! The part about the woman drowning her kids is real. I think that the other part about her coming out of the water is true. If you encounter her, I would recommend putting on some ear plugs and running away from her
367 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_23_16:51:55.893:
looks like mr.halloween had company.
368 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_23_17:33:58.668:
wow yes alot of company...
369 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_23_18:13:07.151:
Mark Frauenfelder from the wonderful BoingBoing site has a nice writeup about the site.
370 -
United States - Brooklyn New York 40.652°N 73.955°W "John from Long Island" from (ool-182d1aef.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2007_10_23_20:36:35.330:
Fantastic work and dedication. We wish for a cure of your sons and all who are sick.
371 -
United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.724°N 111.878°W "Mark" from (71-37-97-229.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2007_10_23_20:55:56.697:
I love Cheese!
372 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Lydia" from (C-59-101-60-221.hay.connect.net.au) wrote at 2007_10_23_23:04:33.030:
Add Me Plz Or I Will s*** Ur Blood
373 -
Germany - Kiel Schleswig-Holstein 54.333°N 10.133°E "Christopher" from (150-207-dsl.kielnet.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_05:16:29.235:
Really crazy! ... the poor neighbours :-)
374 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_24_11:50:13.560:
WOW wat a cool fanily !!!!!! when im older my house is gonna b like urs !
375 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_24_12:22:18.710:
Remember that Halloween is just the warmup for Christmas which has a similar webcam/control setup - see picture below. So figured I'd enable commenting on the Christmas Blog a bit early in case people want to comment over there.
376 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_24_13:49:30.738:
Hi there Alek, just been on your Christmas blog and left a message. Thank you for starting the blog nice and early, i'm sure everyone is really happy. At the moment i'm just going to sit here and enjoy those Halloween lights, off school this week.:-)Luke.
377 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-151-150.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_15:32:59.425:
Another good one Sir Luke. I think YOU'RE the one with the funny bone!
378 -
United States - Arlington Texas 32.698°N 97.123°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-186-175-62.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_24_17:19:48.047:
Hello, My Xbox live gamer tag MikeyHP, I want to do this at my house!
379 -
United States - Winder Georgia 33.984°N 83.697°W "Anonymous" from (h183.10.29.71.ip.alltel.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_17:39:38.406:
Is this man's wife long-suffering or what?...
380 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-151-150.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_24_18:39:16.970:
She's an Angel.
381 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_25_05:49:10.179:
Your family are total ledgands !!!!! i want to do that 2 mi house when im older ! i already do that 2 mi bedroom though lol !
382 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_25_09:55:20.976:
The Colorado Rockies lost game 1 of the World Series to the Red Sox last night ... 13-1! :-( Here is webcam2 video coverage of me deflating the monster baseballs and below is what they looked like in the morning - that's how I felt last night. Game 2 is tonight - so lets hope for a better outcome!
383 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_25_16:11:24.885:
i hope we win tonight!!! go rockies!!!!
384 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_25_17:31:42.798:
Go rockies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
385 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_25_18:24:29.044:
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SWEEP!!!!!!!!!
386 -
United States - San Marcos Texas 29.872°N 98.014°W "Mr. Spock" from (rrcs-71-42-153-6.sw.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_25_20:01:27.350:
Hey Alek, if you , your kids, or your wife carve a pumpkin, please put it in a webcam. I wanna see it!
387 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_25_22:26:57.457:
Rockies lose again tonight - dang! At least it was a close 2-1 game. Series moves to Colorado for game #3 on Saturday. BTW, full moon on a clear sky tonight ... so quite a bit of light on the front yard even with all the lights off as can be seen on webcam2 as I unplug the baseballs.
388 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_26_00:26:41.733:
i liv in england and ther is a big time difference so this morin i got up extra early - 5am to controll the lights but i missed them !!!!!!!!!!!! now i am annoted (any way they cud stay on 4 longer?)
389 -
Australia - Brisbane Queensland 27.500°S 153.016°E "James" from (CPE-121-208-29-73.qld.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2007_10_26_00:42:15.028:
This is ___b___Awesome!!___/b___
390 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_26_08:17:10.668:
Halloween wouldn't be complete with out a black cat ... so here's one courtesy of Luke from the UK named shadow. I got a chuckle out of him saying "rethink rubish" ... and loved the fish bone collar! ;-)
391 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.752°N 104.999°W "Anonymous" from (206-124-7-129.denver.dsl.forethought.net) wrote at 2007_10_26_09:54:02.703:
That black cat is bringing the Rockies bad luck!!!!!!!!
392 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_11:05:32.660:
Thank you Alek for putting Shadows picture on here for me, I have been quite poorly the last few days, it cheered me up. Sorry about the Rockies! Luke.
393 -
United States - Palmdale California 34.557°N 118.039°W "MarkCaUSA (The Planet Forums)" from (cpe-76-83-18-110.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_11:41:31.749:
Thanks for setting up this website! It's entertaining and a brilliant way to raise money for Celiac Disease. Take care!
394 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_10_26_12:35:01.901:
Sorry you're not feeling well Sir Luke. You'd better start feeling better in the next few days because you've got a lot of Halloween Candy to eat soon. Shadow is a cool cat with a great name.
395 -
United States - Newnan Georgia 33.396°N 84.782°W "Anonymous" from (24-181-40-117.dhcp.wspn.ga.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_12:38:42.781:
396 -
United States - Pendleton Kentucky 38.516°N 85.346°W "joyfullhillbillie from Ky. USA" from (74-130-55-43.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_13:19:13.473:
Have a great Halloween Ya'll.
397 -
United States - Buffalo New York 42.909°N 78.829°W "Janelle from buffalo new york" from (pool-129-44-145-86.buff.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2007_10_26_16:47:36.934:
Oh my AWSOME JOB!!!! Keep up with all youre doing great idea never seen anything like this website!!! My heart go's out to you and your family,I understand how the feeling of no cure My brother and ___I brother and I both have Multiply Sclerosis. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
398 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_16:55:47.289:
why is there a bunch of people running by aleks house?
399 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_17:39:34.878:
does the new hulk have a leak or something? or is he depressed?
Alek replies at 18:13 - He was a bit low on air - just needed to be PUMPED UP!!!
400 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_26_20:36:52.505:
One new addition this year that is very popular with the kids is SpongeBob SquarePants. It was a bit of work to hack up some stuff to hang him from the garage, but he looks just dandy there as seen in this closeup! -)
401 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Shelby" from (tx-76-0-87-71.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2007_10_26_22:30:48.871:
Why have the office and house with all the lights on it been offline Alek?
Alek replies at 22:58 - Because the lights are only controllable from 1800-2200 MDT ...
402 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_26_23:05:49.739:
the controlls were still active though
403 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_27_07:37:42.028:
Hey H2000, your in So Cal right? Hope your safe from those awful fires.
404 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_10:41:36.366:
Yeah Mr. H are you doing alright. We are worried and everyone of our friends in CA.
405 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-162.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_27_11:14:59.236:
Thank you for your concern Ms Allison and Ms Kina, my "Halloween Honeys". I'm doing OK. The fires were to the north and south of me within a few miles. We were preparing to evecuate, but fortunately the wind changed direction and we were spared. The fires are still burning, but are under control. The air quality is awful and San Diego is covered in ash. It burned to the edge of the Wild Animal Park and we lost two rare California Condors. I'm proud of how the citizens have pulled together here and are helping each other. It's been wild week! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
406 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "tom" from (cpc1-mfld9-0-0-cust46.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_12:06:04.493:
alek i hav a good idea you should put a countdown till halloween webcams go live on the 31october eg 3days 6hours 12seconds until live
407 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5ac89ad7.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_12:10:49.934:
wat time do the webcams go live on 31st october by the way the tom with the countdown idea is me
408 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_27_14:07:49.293:
Webcams will probably go live at same time on Halloween. Unfortunately, DayLight Savings Time doesn't kick in until after the 31st ... so it won't get dark much before 6:00. In terms of a countdown timer, there already is one for that day ... so just add up to 31! ;-)
409 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_27_14:10:58.609:
Colorado Rockies play game #3 tonight in the World Series. Unfortunately, the monster baseballs won't be out on the front yard since a neighbor is having a party and has requested them ... but here's what they looked like during game #2.
410 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_14:14:23.960:
alek how come you always seem to take a picture when a car drives by?
Alek replies at 16:06 - I just wait for a car to drive by as I think it makes for a more interesting background in the picture and illustrates the slow shutter speed.
411 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_16:43:45.449:
oh i figured it was something like that. but thats cool i enjow watching the cars go by.
412 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "Vectra" from (i-195-137-58-250.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2007_10_27_17:05:17.495:
Hi from the UK Alek. Keep up the good work. Am looking forward to seeing this years xmas light extravaganza.
413 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_27_17:47:00.805:
Daylight savings is this weekend in the UK. Glad your doing Ok H2000, I cant imagine what it must be like to be in the midst of all that. I saw first hand the devistation that the fires did in San Bernardino in 2003. Awful!!!
414 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_27_17:49:16.951:
what has happen to the hulks twin brother he looks like is is upset have u told him off
415 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_27_20:39:19.666:
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!! SWEEP TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!
416 -
United States - Keller Texas 32.934°N 97.251°W "Mr. Spock" from (ppp-70-245-207-101.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) wrote at 2007_10_27_21:19:10.679:
Hi Alek! I noticed that when I "posted" earlier, the little flagy thing up in the corner said that I live "somewhere else" then where I truly reside. Why is that? Just a question from a friendly Vulcan, Happy Halloween!!!
417 -
United States - San Francisco California 37.764°N 122.429°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-5-142-118.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_27_23:05:25.092:
Hey. Red Sox are gonna sweep the Rockies. BOSTON 4 LIFE.
418 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_27_23:41:46.670:
416, mine does that too it says yuma arizona, WHERE IS THAT??? im in idaho
419 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_28_08:31:38.118:
As noted at the top-right of the blog, the "flag data" comes from this geo-location script, and while it is surprisingly accurate most of the time, sometimes it's a bit off.
420 -
Taiwan - Taichung T'ai-wan 24.143°N 120.681°E "CyArena" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_09:53:53.778:
Get free halloween comments for MySpace Halloween Comments @ LINK DELETED
421 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_10:56:49.939:
Actually stayed awake long enough last night to play with the controls. Brilliant fun!
422 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_16:59:40.478:
Why do you have the adams family playing only why do you not have any of the other great songs you have listed?
Alek replies at 17:50 - Figure that song goes best with the zany halloween display! ;-)
423 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_28_18:09:01.861:
just want to say....go Rockies, you can make a comeback!!!!!
424 -
United States - San Francisco California 37.764°N 122.429°W "Bob" from (c-24-5-142-118.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_28_19:11:56.885:
No. Not to be mean but Red Sox are gonna sweep Rockies.
425 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_28_19:21:48.776:
yes, Bob
426 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_22:04:46.201:
alek is there a quarter moon today?
427 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_28_22:06:17.012:
red sox win the world series!!!!!!!!!
428 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_28_22:39:58.522:
Yep ... Boston Red Sox win the World Series against the Colorado Rockies ... in a sweep - ouch! The SOX certainly did play darn well, and while there was two one-run ballgames, unfortunately, the ROX just could not get a win - darn! But they did make it to the World Series for the first time which is awesome.
429 -
United States - Seattle Washington 47.595°N 122.332°W "Patti" from (c-24-18-252-66.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_28_23:16:13.970:
Well, dang it. But the Rockies did really well. It's awesome that they made it to the World Series, such a young team! :)
430 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_29_09:28:27.064:
OK - enough about baseball - back to Halloween - here's a few closeups of the pumpkins and skull.
431 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-175-132-242.hsd1.in.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_29_17:30:49.632:
my hallowen will yours not if i k*** you
432 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_29_17:40:33.991:
Hi Alek. Perfect timing, you turned on Cam 1 just as I arrived. :-)
433 -
United States - Pendleton Kentucky 38.516°N 85.346°W "joyfullhillbillie from Ky. USA" from (74-130-55-43.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_10_29_17:48:04.286:
Hey Alek! Just stop by again to play a little while. Halloween is my favorite holiday and this is one of my favorite sites. I hope everything is great with Ya'll. Happy Halloween to the youngins'!
434 -
United States - Newnan Georgia 33.396°N 84.782°W "Anonymous" from (24-181-40-117.dhcp.wspn.ga.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_29_18:00:16.357:
hi whats up ?
435 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_29_18:30:41.886:
wow alek your famous i just typed controllable christams in google and came up with 107,000 results wow!
Alek replies at 18:34 - I guess so ... but just think how cool would it be if each of those was a $1 for Celiac Disease! ;-)
436 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_29_21:08:48.265:
alek what exactly is infront of the word boo? can you take a picture maybe?
Alek replies at 22:54 - The "grass stalks" from Bugville, Winnie-the-Pooh lights, rope-light ghost head, and a few other assorted misc. that are easier to see here
437 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_29_23:08:38.898:
For those interested in seeing what the house looks like after all the lights go out, here's a 30 second exposure shot with a Canon 40D at ISO 3200, F/3.5 using a 10-22 wide-angle lens. Believe it or not, this picture was taken at 2:19AM (yes, those are stars in the sky) and the glow in the back-left is the lights from Denver ~20 miles away! ;-)
438 -
Spain - Barcelona Cataluna 41.383°N 2.183°E "Albert" from (193.Red-83-41-68.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2007_10_30_05:04:40.359:
wow, nice pic of halloween house. Couldn't you upload it in high resolution so we can set it up as a wallpaper?
Alek replies at 08:15 - OK - here's the 10 mega-pixel original - enjoy! ;-)
439 -
United Kingdom - Belfast Belfast 54.583°N 5.933°W "Gary" from (cpc2-blfs1-0-0-cust78.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_30_10:35:05.964:
Hi Alek, any chance of switching the lights on earlier tommorow for those overseas.
Alek replies at 10:56 - Problem is that it doesn't get dark until after 6:00. Having said that, things probably will start up a bit early on Halloween and I expect quite a few trick-or-treaters due to the decent weather we should have. I'll also have a floodlight on webcam1 for them to ham it up as they usually do.
440 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Adcuz" from (user-5af11e79.wfd103.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2007_10_30_12:50:19.162:
Alek, in that pic you were using ISO 3200, that is highly un necessary and the noise makes that picture un-usable! If you haven't got one I suggest you get a remote shutter release so you can use the 40D on BULB mode and keep it at ISO 100 and do a longer exposure (2-3mins probably). That way you can have some nice start trails behind the house as well as a nice noise-free image! If you want to learn more about long exposures have a look at my site at adcuz dot co dot uk :)
Alek replies at 13:31 - I was shooting on a tripod ... so yea, could have easily done at lower ISO ... but to get same exposure at 100 would require 32x as long though - i.e. 16 minutes! I was tired and ready to hit the sack ... but would have been nice to get a higher quality image as you correctly state along with some star trails. Per your blog, I see that you have done some awesome light painting - so thought you might like the picture below from Christmas/2006. And you also have the 10-22mm lens ... it's a fun one, 'eh?!? ;-)
441 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_30_13:06:56.754:
what does your wife think of all this, I have really been enjoying it, and can't wait til tomorrow night. thanks for doing this.
442 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_30_13:44:34.804:
hey alek i just sent u some money cus i think that wat ur doin is amazin ! hope it helps !
443 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_30_16:25:55.228:
where did the top of the skull in cam 2 go?
444 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "nicholas" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_30_17:04:59.480:
The shull lost his brain!
445 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_30_17:28:35.407:
Kinda windy today, so the skull head flipped over - I'll fix in a bit. Thanks for the donation toward Celiac Disease Luke and anyone else that chips in. Wife thinks I'm outa-control ... she's right! As noted last night, I was carving a pumpkin with Dirk-n-Kyle ... we had a great time and they are pretty happy with how "Happy Hal" turned out.
446 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_30_17:53:38.919:
Thought we were done with World Series stuff, but today everyone in America got a free Taco from Taco Bell since a base was stolen - a pretty zany promotion. So my lovely wife picked up some for me on the way home with the kids! ;-)
447 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_30_18:30:33.795:
Love the pic of the house, it really does look kinda spooky.
448 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_30_18:36:42.142:
Hey Dirk and Kyle, love your pumpkin, and it was nice of you to let Dad help. ___-)
449 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_30_21:22:27.912:
We have a ton of candy and treats since there will be a LOT of little trick-or-treaters tomorrow ... and for the "big kids", I've got shots of Port or Bailey's ... the later is (left to right) Mint Chocolate, Caramel, or Original ... all served in little dixie cups! ;-)
450 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_30_21:25:20.952:
Bailey's....yummy, my favorite
451 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_30_21:47:27.945:
where did you second monitor go alek?
452 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Faripiess" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_30_21:48:21.684:
Where I can find good quality films? Can anyone help me?
453 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_30_21:51:11.606:
454 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_03:55:22.589:
Good night all happy hloween Every on
455 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.213°N 77.009°W "H2000" from (san1sd01001.ddc.dla.mil) wrote at 2007_10_31_09:48:59.302:
Taco Bell and Baileys..what a combo! Gives me a headache just thinking about it. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!
456 -
United States - Hallsville Texas 32.515°N 94.562°W "Anonymous" from (66-211-39-160.hisd.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_10:30:16.469:
what up
457 -
United States - Toledo Ohio 41.665°N 83.581°W "Anonymous" from (cblmdm72-240-163-245.buckeyecom.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_10:52:55.180:
458 -
United States - Binghamton New York 42.139°N 75.879°W "Anonymous" from (user-0cemjc8.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_11:02:30.337:
459 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_31_11:40:21.186:
There will be a LOT of trick-or-treaters coming up the driveway and here is what it will look like once it gets dark about 7 hours from now.
460 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Jamie - UK" from (79-64-112-74.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_11:54:04.080:
Shame is in the UK won't be able to control your lights Alek. Still think its a great idea and cannot wait till xmas!
Alek replies at 12:01 - Wellllll ... it's hard for me to make it dark here while the sun is still out ... so yea, you would need to stay up another 6 hours or so.
461 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_12:31:43.162:
just donated 20 in 2 the acount wat ur doin is amazin HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!!!1
462 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_12:53:14.401:
Happy Halloween from a chilly Great Britain. Trick n treaters in full swing here. Alek can you make mine an original with a touch of ice please. Baileys mmmmmm!
463 -
United States - Franklin Michigan 42.518°N 83.263°W "Jon" from (d192-24-37-12.try.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_15:26:26.182:
Happy Halloween. Almost ready for the trick or treaters here in Eastern time.
464 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky" from (ip72-213-0-67.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_15:30:34.526:
Happy Halloween everyone. Have a safe night!!!
465 -
United Kingdom - Ilkeston Derbyshire 52.966°N 1.300°W "Luke,UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust760.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:00:03.846:
We had lots of really good Trick n Treaters here in UK,great costumes. Can't wait to see your pictures Alek, got to go to bed now. Night everyone, have a good Halloween. Luke UK.
466 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "tom" from (cpc1-mfld9-0-0-cust46.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:24:36.237:
i hope your inflatables work better thet mine my inflaterble pumpking moterfan stoped on tonight of all nights
467 -
Spain - Madrid Madrid 40.400°N 3.683°W "Anonymous" from (0.Red-83-54-206.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:30:33.248:
I'm from spain, happy halloween. sorry for my english!
468 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_17:36:21.963:
Thanks for the Baileys ___-)
469 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_31_17:44:55.049:
Just got back from neighborhood chili-fest ... was yummy!
470 -
United States - Manitowoc Wisconsin 44.109°N 87.710°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:05:39.920:
Nice site, I like the decorations. Happy Halloween everybody
471 -
United States - Fort Worth Texas 32.755°N 97.333°W "Anonymous" from (66-169-150-21.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:10:47.513:
anonny from spain. You used correct english. No problems found in structure.
472 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:11:21.917:
Great minds think alike, I had chilli for my dinner tonight.
473 -
United States - Valley Center California 33.258°N 116.982°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-144-228.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:32:23.168:
Taco Bell...chili...PBR. That's quite a diet you're on there Mr Grassoween. The wife is gonna be cussin' you out later cuz you're hogging the bathroom. Great job this year. It's been fun.
474 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:48:46.180:
Happy Halloween....please, I take my Baileys Original.....straight up, thank you very much:).
475 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "ALison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_10_31_18:49:55.674:
Yes this has been great, In fact I think its better than Christmas, almost like taking part because of all the people interacting.
476 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_31_19:29:57.802:
I'd guess about 150 trick-or-treaters so far tonight ... they've had a lotta fun hamming it up for the webcams. I'll be putting time-lapse footage up tomorrow in case you missed it.
477 -
United States - Loveland Ohio 39.254°N 84.239°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-166-247-96.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_20:29:29.900:
Hey Alek, how much longer are you going to keep the lights up??
Alek replies at 23:56 - They will be up for one last "extra" day on November 1st and then come down. I hope to have the Christmas lights up by the end of November.
478 -
United States - Gulfport Mississippi 30.421°N 89.098°W "Anonymous" from (37-26.72-24-cpe.cableone.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_20:57:50.694:
Anyone watching Ghost Hunters Live at the Waverly Sanitarium
479 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_21:19:49.762:
480 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_21:45:01.859:
Well done Alek! Happy Halloween!
481 -
Canada - Vancouver Ontario 49.250°N 123.133°W "Thomas" from (S01060013d42008be.vc.shawcable.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_21:46:05.675:
Thanks for a Great Halloween website! Happy Halloween!
482 -
United States - Pendleton Kentucky 38.516°N 85.346°W "joyfullhillbillie from Ky. USA" from (74-130-55-43.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2007_10_31_21:52:56.993:
Hey Alek,I loved your site and will return on Christmas. I hope and pray for you and your family. Your one heck of a man, and I don't say that much.
483 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_10_31_22:21:39.604:
In addition to candy, we were giving away little containers of play-dough. There were 10 packs of 20 each ... and I sometimes forgot to tell kids to take one - i.e. there were easily over 200 trick-or-treaters, plus a buncha adults. They seemed to come in waves and I'm working on the time-lapse video footage - here's two quick snapshots - it was quite a crowd and a total blast! ;-)
484 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_10_31_22:24:06.215:
we cooked hotdogs over a fire pit in our front yard while giving out candy. we had my sister and her family and my mom over. it was great.
485 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_01_01:13:31.737:
Halloween Movies from tonight's action are up if you want to re-live the action and/or missed it. Tons of people and tons of fun!
486 -
United States - Lansing Michigan 42.728°N 84.566°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-11-154-137.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_01_08:11:37.037:
awessome job again Alex - love the movies - can't wait for xmas.
487 -
United States - Mcallen Texas 26.219°N 98.239°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_01_08:57:08.206:
Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat!
488 -
United States - Mcallen Texas 26.219°N 98.239°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_01_08:58:20.449:
I smell flesh'n blood
489 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_01_09:37:15.210:
I've updated the Halloween Maps page to show the 109 countries that came by in October/2007. Still have a few snapshots to upload from last night's caraziness ... and reminder that tonight will be your last chance to control the Halloween decorations for 2007 as they'll come down after that - time to get ready for Christmas! Finally, it's the day after Halloween ... so time to make a trip to the various stores to see if anything good for Halloween 2008 is available at 50-75% off ... ;-)
490 -
United States - San Marcos Texas 29.872°N 98.014°W "Mr. Spock" from (rrcs-71-42-153-6.sw.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_01_10:03:21.206:
Well, Halloween is ___sobs___ OVER! I miss it already!!! Thank you for letting me have a wonderful time this Halloween, Your awesome!Can't wait 'till X-mas!
491 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "tom" from (5acceb22.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2007_11_01_12:29:09.140:
hi alek what date do the christmad lights go up
492 -
United States - Franklin Michigan 42.518°N 83.263°W "Jon" from (d192-24-37-12.try.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2007_11_01_13:04:00.935:
I miss Halloween already as well. Can't wait to see the Christmas lights up!
493 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_01_14:41:24.865:
Some pictures of the trick or treaters from last night.
494 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-120-71.opaltelecom.net.120.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2007_11_01_15:06:51.931:
Hi Alek, Didnt have time to drop on last night as I had a halloween party myself, lots of great costumes. But congratulations on another great display for Halloween and bring on those Christmas Lights.....
495 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2007_11_01_15:07:55.966:
had to go to a stupid b-day party and completely missed the trick or treaters. ___in tears___
496 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-152.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_11_01_16:31:49.823:
Ahhhhhhh, good times, good times. Thanks for a fun Halloween Mr Grassoween. By the way, I saw you hitting that Baileys a couple of times last night. How's your head today?
497 -
United Kingdom - Iver Buckinghamshire 51.500°N 0.500°W "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_01_17:16:00.616:
Thanks for a funtastic Halloween. Roll on Christmas.
498 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_01_20:18:10.839:
alek, here's to a wonderful start to the holiday season. Halloween has always been the gateway to this time of year. You make it special. Have a quiet break before Christmas. Goodnight.
499 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwelll" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_01_22:16:28.226:
well, il be bored untill thanksgiving. thank you alek for the fun you gave me this halloween!
500 -
United States - Seattle Washington 47.595°N 122.332°W "Patti and Noah" from (c-24-18-252-66.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_01_23:13:06.735:
Heh, Noah was all, oh, no, it's over? and I was all, but Christmas is bigger! and showed him a picture, and he was all OMG!!! ___g___ Thanks, Alek, this is great fun.
501 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_01_23:33:38.914:
I'll leave the Halloween Blog online for a few more days, so chime in with any last thoughts here before I shut it down and start gearing up for Christmas - that blog is open for comments. Thanks again for all the nice words ... and good job Patti & Noah getting Blog post #500! ;-)
502 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_02_10:12:07.811:
since cam 2 is offline is watching grass grow offline too?
503 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_02_10:14:09.317:
nevermind i went and lokked and wow you weree almost done taking it down you were messing with the skull when i looked (sorry for posting so much on here)
504 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-61.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2007_11_02_14:15:10.298:
OK, can I have all of your attention please. Let's all gather around here. Ms Kina, turn off that darn cell phone. Ms Alison and Ms Tammie, will you two stop giggling please. Sir Luke, stop joking around. How 'bout a nice round of applause for our host here, Mr Alek. Or as I like to call him, Mr Grassoween. I think he outdid himself this year. OK, let's all sing now...For he's a jolly good fellow...for he's a jolly good fellow. Hip hip harraaaaa...hip hip harraaaaa!!!
505 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_02_15:33:52.102:
hip hip harraaaaa!!!!
506 -
United States - Chevy Chase Maryland 38.984°N 77.084°W "HELEN" from (c-69-251-241-229.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2007_11_02_17:42:46.387:
I miss the site already:(.
507 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2007_11_02_18:41:37.094:
Yes a good British cheer for Mr G. Hip hip hooray!!!
508 -
United States - El Cajon California 32.805°N 116.902°W "MIKE" from (ip68-7-115-235.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2007_11_02_23:10:20.997:
How do I store my larger, more complex monster mud props for next year??
Alek replies at 11:52 - I store mine in the basement crawlspace ... although the Hulk would be a tight fit and isn't too keen about being stuffed in there! ;-)
509 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2007_11_03_12:30:10.429:
I love you wedsite
510 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.700°N 114.522°W "maxwell" from (CPE-76-178-104-146.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2007_11_04_09:57:01.048:
how would you cram the other hulk in that small space??
Alek replies at 13:36 - Yea, the original Big Green Guy doesn't like being stuffed in there, so I'd have some angry HULK's if I put two of 'em in there ... and you don't want to make them angry! ;-)
511 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2007_11_07_14:28:52.104:
Halloween 2007 was a ton of fun, but all good things come to an end, so I'm turning off blog comments until next September ... come back for halloween 2008. The christmas blog is open for comments and the christmas decorations will go up in a few weeks - expect the christmas lights webcam to go LIVE after Thanksgiving.