1 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/10/26 07:07:07
It is less than 2 months to Christmas and I have been having fun with my halloween decorations - should have hundreds of trick-or-treaters on October 31st. But that is just a warmup for Christmas 2008, so I have re-enabled commenting on the Christmas Blog. Once again, there will be lots of Christmas Lights along with the zany christmas webcam which should be online by December 1st and maybe Thanksgiving.
And yes, Homer Simpson will be baacckk - D'OH! ;-)
2 -
United Kingdom - Ashfield York 52.216°N 1.233°E "James" from (5ac89afb.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/10/26 07:59:57
Merry Christmas!!!
3 -
United States - Forest Hills New York 40.722°N 73.842°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-246-216-154.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/10/26 08:01:47
I cant wait to see this christmas. This will be my 2nd year watching.
4 -
United States - Marina Del Rey California 33.977°N 118.435°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/26 10:24:47
Twas the night before Christmas and Santa he found the weather was terrible he could not see the ground. Now Rudolph with his nose so bright was like high beams on a foggy foggy night. Santa he strained and looked thru the night for a landmark or any familiar site. Santa he knew just what to do, I will control the lights thanks to Alek the Christmas Guru. So Santa with his magic you see was able to use the correct IP. Now Rudolph was the first to see Santa inflating Frostee. Now Alek was waving and pointing the way. Santa yelled out you saved Christmas Day
5 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Anonymous" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/10/26 11:16:18
Won't be long!! it's a fun time! :)
6 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-207-206.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/10/26 11:32:03
I cant wait to see this christmas. This will be my 2nd year watching Less than two moths till cirstmass
7 -
United States - San Antonio Texas 29.471°N 98.514°W "Mr. Spock" from (ppp-70-245-222-219.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/10/26 11:57:08
WOOHOO! The blog is on! It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...
8 -
United Kingdom - Port Glasgow Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.700°W "Komar's #1 Fan" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/10/26 16:48:59
Yes Christmas Blog !! Renabled !:-) So Happy
9 -
India - Calcutta West Bengal 22.569°N 88.369°E "LINK DELETED" from (ABTS-NCR-Static- wrote at 2008/10/27 03:31:52
It___s Christmas again!! A time to cherish the beautiful white snow, smiling snowman, brightness of the Christmas d___cor and the yummy candies and cakes! From November onwards it becomes impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Well to be honest I personally wait for it so that I can return home to meet my parents and girlfriend of course61514______! With the passage of time lots of things about the celebration of Christmas has changed. I still remember when I was a kid, mom use to wait near the phone so that she becomes the first one to pick my brother call. We all use to have a fight as who is gonna be first to talk to him. Then I use to visit my relatives and friends with my parents who stayed near by.But now the net world has changed everything, especially the ecard trend. It___s so easy now to connect with our loved ones especially when you have so many ecard sites! One of my favorite website is LINK DELETED
10 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Mr H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/27 19:58:01
Christmas already? Man oh man. I just got my Mastercard paid off from last year. Deck the malls with piles of money, falalalalalalalala.
11 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.172°N 115.209°W "Chris" from (ip70-173-138-204.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2008/10/28 15:24:30
WOO-HOO! Can't wait till alek decorates for christmas!
12 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/29 15:47:22
omg with the way the creedit crunchthertecwill be no xmas sort it out gorden brown
13 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/29 16:42:03
Bring it on!
14 -
United Kingdom - Port Glasgow Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.700°W "komars '1 fan" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/10/30 14:48:59
xmas 2008 !!! cant wait =___
15 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/30 17:11:29
I'm about to go out and prepare to decorate November 1st. :D
16 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke UK" from (cpc2-derb3-0-0-cust596.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/10/31 20:31:24
We have already got some xmas lights up :-) Luke UK. Merry Christmas.
17 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "christmasglenn" from (customer14727.pool1.Manchester-GMN0901-BAS0001.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2008/11/01 03:29:31
well its november now so just 4 wks till the start of christmas woo hoo
18 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/01 08:14:18
I love christmas my 2nd year watching
19 -
United Kingdom - Walkden Lancashire 53.516°N 2.400°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/01 11:51:56
Well Halloweens over next stop Christmas....Woohooo
Alek replies at 23:50 - YEP - I just shut down the Halloween Webcam. It was a ton of fun (especially with the voting for Obama, McCain, or HULK!) and below are pictures of what things looked like from webcam 1, 2, & 3 - be nice to get my office cleaned up. A good warmup for Christmas ... but (yikes!) Thanksgiving is just over three weeks away - time to start setting up!
20 -
United States - Milford Ohio 39.165°N 84.229°W "Thomas" from (NW-ESR1-72-49-197-114.fuse.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 15:17:22
well i cant wait for this years display. you always do a great job.
21 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Daniel" from (adsl-69-109-41-138.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 15:56:11
my comment night not be cheerfull because this is the truth for all you christmas adicts out there. Christmas will not be the same because of the failing economy so there wont be any gifts or decorations bought this year so dont get your hopes up. Im sure not! I know, so Im not expecting anything from anyone.
22 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Anonymous" from (.) wrote at 2008/11/02 16:21:45
:( we got a scrouge in our midsts! :o
23 -
United States - Skokie Illinois 42.034°N 87.761°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-31-235-239.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 16:24:38
Dear 21: Christmas will be the same because I will have my family and all of the love and memories that always accompany Christmas. We will have our traditional cookies and chili on Christmas Eve and we will sit together on Christmas morning and read the story from the Bible as a family. Christmas will not only be the same, it will be better as I reunite with family I have not seen in quite some time. It's not about the material things. It never has been.
24 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Anonymous" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 21:04:20
woo hoo! can't wait! I sure hope you can find a way to add that 4th webcam! i'm sure you'll think of something.
25 -
United States - Rego Park New York 40.723°N 73.861°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-52-63.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/04 19:59:45
alek is there any thing new this year??
26 -
United Kingdom - Wickford Essex 51.600°N 0.516°E "Crimbo_Spirit" from (customer120.pool1.unallocated-107-0.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2008/11/05 06:05:46
Go Obama ! Sorry I was all for the Hulk to become president, but obama was a great second choice. Happy Holidays.
27 -
United States - Rego Park New York 40.723°N 73.861°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-52-63.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 06:46:32
So Obama is our new president. woot woot!!!!!!!!!!
28 -
United States - Copperas Cove Texas 31.200°N 97.992°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 08:06:37
I have always wondered, how come you use skeleton homer for Christmas? Is it just because you like homer and don't have a Christmas one?
Alek replies at 09:09 - Yep. I actually do have a Chistmas Homer (look above SpongeBob SquarePants in post #1), but he is only 4 feet tall. If Santa sent me a big Christmas Homer inflatable, I'd put him up!
29 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.176°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 14:05:39
well well well... alek's poll predicted the presidential election!!!!
Alek replies at 14:55 - Yea, the presidential voting on the Halloween Decorations Webcam resulted in 21,996 votes for Obama, 21,821 for McCain, and 21,692 for the Hulk - complete data here. Better luck for the Green party candidate in 2012! ;-)
30 -
United States - Royal Oak Michigan 42.505°N 83.152°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/06 15:40:39
Really wanted Hulk to win
31 -
United States - Copperas Cove Texas 31.200°N 97.992°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/06 17:19:54
So, you changed your message to say Entertain as opposed to annoy now eh?
32 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-75-55-36-203.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/06 18:05:33
Yep, we got a new Prez (sorry Hulk, I voted for you!). I'm excited! Hopefully better times are ahead for this crazy ol' World of ours. AND Christmas is just around the corner! Tis the season to be jolly. Life is good!
33 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/07 12:03:45
Mr. G, have you ever investigated controlling your lights with the Light O' Rama system (ref: Carson Williams) ? Just curious..... This question may have already been asked...
Alek replies at 15:01 - Yea, I've been asked that just a few times! It would be cool to do Light O' Rama or similar systems, but those cost quite a few dollars and my X10 stuff is paid for. Plus syncing up video/audio across the web would be difficult and require a lot more bandwidth for the Christmas traffic I get. He put together a nifty show at a nearby mall - see more Carson Williams picture here.
34 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/07 17:50:27
Im getting in the festive spirit, been out tonight and picked up the kids christmas gifts all for half what it cost us last year!!!! my Son and Daughter cant wait to get the tree up
35 -
United States - Forest Hills New York 40.722°N 73.842°W "PARTY CITY A.K.A SANTA MAN" from (pool-96-246-222-30.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/08 07:33:22
I own a party store in Queens NY, called Party City & we put up 7 trees in the window, 8 trees in the store its self, lights O.M.G. all you can find from rope lights to led lights, all the christmas inflatables including 8ft homer simpson its ___90 if u come to me store ill give it to you for 1/2 price lol!! ALEK SEND ME A E-MAIL & ILL SEND YOU SOME PICS IF YOU CAN PUT IT UP ON THE SITE THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!!HOHO
36 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-mtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/11/08 11:46:36
hello santa how are you today??
37 -
United States - Greensboro North Carolina 35.989°N 79.698°W "Mike" from (cpe-075-191-151-115.triad.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/08 21:10:23
Does anyway know of a good site to go to to buy santa clause letters.... I saw several but not sure
38 -
United Kingdom - Gloucester Gloucestershire 51.833°N 2.250°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/09 01:30:36
mike from north carolina ur reply to santa letter is type in santa clause live on web vcam its in lapland i done that last yr very good
39 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Josh" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/09 12:23:45
Can't wait until the decorations are up. It's refreshing to see such enthusiasm still when concerning Christmas.
Alek replies at 18:34 - Thanks Josh - it's a ton of fun ... and while the kids' don't light up for me quite as much as they do for Santa, it's a real pleasure to see the 'em smile when they see my Christmas Display.
40 -
Netherlands - Amsterdam Noord-Holland 52.350°N 4.916°E "mebmasters" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/10 09:13:32
jqpKus hi mebmasters
41 -
Anonymous Proxy - 0.000°N 0.000°E "Mr. Red Cross" from (mail189.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/11/10 10:04:57
Merry Christmas all With the Holiday almost opon us I would like to Thank you for considering a Red Cross donation today. Every dollar fuels our mission of doing whatever it takes to relieve and prevent people from suffering - through lifesaving programs and services in your local community, across the country, and around the world.
42 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Anonymous" from (.) wrote at 2008/11/10 10:34:27
I just saw on the news where because drumsticks are everyone's Thanksgiving favorite, a farmer succeded in breeding a six legged turkey. They asked him how it tasted and he said, "I don't know, I can't catch the darn thing"!
43 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.787°N 96.800°W "Anonymous" from (211-125-162-69.static.reverse.lstn.net) wrote at 2008/11/10 10:55:51
As it turns out,not only is the hulk green, but the Grinch is green also. He folds and fits in your wallet. And with the way things are looking right now, he's already threatening this year's Christmas season. As a matter of fact, China has already cancelled the holiday. It's frightening to hear people who normally go all out for the holidays count how many pay periods they have between now and then. Not to be a downer, but the nativity scene might be the only thing under the tree in some households on Christmas morning this year. So Alek leave your lights on Christmas morning So some kids will have something to play with
Alek replies at 08:01 - I've had a number of people express similar sentiments in these troubled times - even with the down economy, they want something to smile about ... so you betcha the lights will be on at komar.org!
44 -
United States - Whitsett North Carolina 36.041°N 79.606°W "Mike" from (cpe-075-191-151-115.triad.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/10 13:03:56
I'm just saw a great place to buy santa clause letters, at LINK DELETED Great deal, when I compared to other sites.
45 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/11 11:22:52
Is it too early to be listening to christmas music? Alek says nope! ;-)
46 -
United States - Leavenworth Kansas 39.295°N 94.980°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-65-28-111-52.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/11 12:16:54
Hmmm... can't think of anything. Oh, that much closer to spring again, yeah! Oh, I know - hot chocolate with big fat marshmallows, and pecan pie,... and sweet potatoe pie,... and peppermint eggnog... Ok. that's it! Happy Holiday :-)
47 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/11 20:59:57
Today was Veteran's Day, so I salute/appreciate the men & women in uniform that have kept our country free. On a lighter note, there was no school ... so the kids helped me put away the Halloween Decorations and pull out the Christmas Lights from my basement crawlspace.
48 -
China - Baotou Hainan 18.325°N 109.528°E "ggg" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/12 00:30:38
Marry Christmas !!!
49 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/13 05:41:35
hi alek its me curtis i was wondering do u live near the stanley hotel cos i was watching an episode of most haunted the other day and i saw the rocky mountains i thought they looked familiar and i saw they were in colarado
Alek replies at 10:06 - Yep - about 50 miles from the Stanley Hotel - here's a nice view of the setting Moon over those Colorado Rockies.
50 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/14 15:16:51
ALEK have your pumpkins rotted yet?
51 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/14 16:17:42
Going out to decorate! xmas soon___
52 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-207-206.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/15 18:52:52
will You be puting up a forth wedcam this yaer
53 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's mum UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/16 03:27:59
Hi Alek,I'm I right in saying that Thanksgiving day is 27th November. You don't have much planning time left, do you see any parades? I wished we celebrated it, it's good excuse to have two christmas dinners, we really enjoy christmas.Luke is having an operation this Tuesday, could you wish him well.Thank you.
54 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/11/16 11:53:59
Alek, I do believe that last year on the 16th you put some lights up acording to the 2007 blog.... your running late!!!!!!!!
Alek replies at 21:21 - Thanksgiving is a bit later this year ... but yea, you'll see some action pretty soon.
55 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "simon uk" from (user-5af09c3f.wfd104.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008/11/17 07:02:46
merry christmas alek , i hope your family are all well!
56 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/17 07:15:54
alek do u have a PS3
57 -
United States - Lawrenceville Georgia 33.954°N 84.010°W "MSLORIGA" from (adsl-074-184-237-013.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/11/17 08:18:07
We are impatiently waiting.... :)
Alek replies at 10:40 - Yea, I gotta get with the program - my neighbor already has some of their Christmas stuff out - D'OH! ;-)
58 -
United Kingdom - Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "Laura" from (host-92-0-124-114.as43234.net) wrote at 2008/11/17 10:31:33
when is thanksgiving?
59 -
United States - Southlake Texas 32.951°N 97.151°W "Anonymous" from (66-190-75-23.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/17 17:44:24
Make a special Christmas memory with a letter from Santa! Visit LINK DELETED for details.
60 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/17 18:33:49
Laura, Thanksgiving is on November 27th
61 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/17 18:52:49
I have not started on my xmas list yet
62 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/18 03:32:18
63 -
United States - Danville Kentucky 37.645°N 84.817°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/18 08:50:45
My parents died on Christmas day you inconsiderate bastard!!!
64 -
Belgium - Yvoir Namur 50.333°N 4.883°E "Anonymous" from (74.42-247-81.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) wrote at 2008/11/18 09:16:05
Another day and no Christmas decorations. Add me to the impatiently waiting list. Looking forward to another great show Alex.
65 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "parent killer" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/18 10:25:07
Post 63 calm down nobody insulted u MR A.R.D
66 -
United Kingdom - Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "Laura" from (host-92-0-124-114.as43234.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 10:58:22
Thanks for tellin me :) ill be keepin a watch on nov 27th now :)
67 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Gloria" from (ppp-69-233-2-64.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 11:55:22
Twas 34 days before Christmas and I've discovered the most interesting Christmas music. It is so different that I wanted to share it with you. WOW WEEEE! LINK DELETED
68 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Gloria" from (ppp-69-233-2-64.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 12:00:22
I apologize for the link. They are called Kasio Kristmas. You can google them for more info
69 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-207-206.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/18 13:22:04
Watching Grass Grow ... plus Growing Penguin Cam! AT Watching Grass Grow . Com
70 -
United States - Elk Grove Village Illinois 42.015°N 87.990°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-162-60-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 14:43:05
CAnt wait to see your fun lights again this year!
71 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 18:54:58
My town already has a nativity scene up. I saw it last Sunday. I could not believe it. Pretty soon we probably will see christmas decor in late september. I even saw some after 9/11.
72 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-91-165-159.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 19:00:17
Anonymous: did you call me,Ed an inconsiderate bastard if so please say your sorry. You should not call anybody hurtful names.
73 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/19 10:54:30
While the house doesn't look that different yet, there's been a lot of work behind the scenes as the Christmas setup has been ongoing. A bunch of stuff has been tested (the train has some burnt out wheels) and is now staged in the backyard - another picture. I plan to do a lot of the setup this weekend with the balmy weather and still hoping to have the webcams and X10 controls online by Thanksgiving.
74 -
United States - Portland Oregon 45.547°N 122.501°W "trojans" from (c-24-22-109-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/20 01:35:31
Hey Alek thanks for taking the time to set everything up! We all appreciate it!
75 -
India - Pune Maharashtra 18.533°N 73.866°E "Merry Xmas Gift" from ( wrote at 2008/11/20 04:08:57
you can also visit for good morning cards and music,font download for Christmas and also view videos and animated photos and send it to friends from LINK DELETED
76 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-93-218.opaltelecom.net.93.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/20 13:30:11
Hi All, Not Long now....Hope you get better soon Luke, you need to be fit enought to open your pressies....
77 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/20 15:41:49
Hi All. Only 1 week now. Yeah.
78 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/21 13:47:14
I've turned webcam #2 on as I'll be doing some christmas setup in the front yard this afternoon. I'll be doing a lot more work this weekend and fortunately we have some nice weather ... so I'll be turning the webcams on sporadically for those interested in following the progress.
79 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Anonymous" from (host-84-13-142-65.opaltelecom.net.142.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/21 16:12:19
i cant belive christmas is soon , happy thanks givin alex wendy and the 2 lovely boys. i will checking ur progess on the lights, in the uk it is cold and bitter we had a spot of snow this afternoon nothing special, but it had to happen on our way back from picking my daughter up from her primary school, all sje said can we build a snowman , mm i did explain not enough snow.. oh well checking put nite all or in ur case afternoon . alison
80 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/21 16:14:09
well its the start of the biggest internet festive display ever! and it was really good to see all your little helpers out front with you Alek, nice work!!
Alek replies at 20:24 - Thanks Ian ... and HO-HO-HO! ;-)
81 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Anonymous" from (host-84-13-142-65.opaltelecom.net.142.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/21 16:17:37
Hi alex alison here again i hope u dont mind but i have posted ur web page on face book.. i have had a huge respose from them saying it is realy cool what u do for ur family..... Maybe an idea for u is to set up ur page on face book thank you for reading this hope to see u on face book very soon alison
82 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/21 18:25:10
Alex really doesn't need face book for publicity, just type in Christmas lights web cam, almost everything that comes up is his page, or a page linking his page, or a page talking about the hoax, then linking to the page... ha ha
83 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/21 19:54:23
Hey Alex, Why does it say offline on the High Def page??? jw?
Alek replies at 20:28 - Ooops - I forgot to enable the online status of webcam2 in the hidef code - thanks for pointing out - fixed!
P.S. Every little bit helps, so thanks Alison for the mention on Facebook.
84 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/21 20:43:43
Thanks Alex for turning on the high def cam
85 -
United States - Forest Hills New York 40.722°N 73.842°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-57-11.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 07:27:17
alex whats the 3 things in the front of the driveway??
Alek replies at 08:02 - Those are the newspapers. Weather will be nice this weekend, so expect a lot of setup action. For those that missed the last few days, there are some time-lapse movies on the christmas video page including putting the Santa Plane on the roof and initial front yard setup. I have also turned on the "number of viewers" feature.
86 -
United Kingdom - Stratford-upon-avon Warwickshire 52.183°N 1.700°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/22 08:52:59
Not even got the lights on yet at Komar.org and I'm addicted already - Christmas really starts once Alek says so!!
87 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.214°N 115.213°W "Chris"tmas"" from (ip70-173-138-204.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 11:15:52
The yard is looking good!!! Can't wait till the X10 Controls come on!!!!!!!!
88 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-68-255-99-4.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 12:35:47
Seeing the decorations go up makes me ridiculously happy. Alek, you and your lights are becoming a Christmas tradition for me! This is my third year with you and I am looking forward to every On/Off moment! Thank you for doing this each year!
89 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/22 13:49:31
My two sons Dirk-n-Kyle were a big help in this year's design. We decided to bring back the HO-HO-HO (in White, Green, and Red) and here's a video of that setup - we'll see how straight it is when it is lit up. I also made some adjustments to the Santa Plane on top of the house and you can see my shadow in the video.
90 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/22 15:24:14
Prolly in the next couple of years, you can turn them boys loose on setting up the lights and you can kick back in the recliner having a cold one! heh
91 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/22 16:13:19
I've been out decorating all day... right now I'm working on santa and the reindeer. My back hates me ):
92 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-68-255-99-4.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 17:37:27
I hope you bring back the Burrito Reindeer!
Alek replies at 06:48 - Rest assured the infamous Burrito Reindeer will be back ... plus radio statio KIYU from Galena, Alaska donated another $1,000 for Celiac Disease - hats off to them!
93 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Riley" from (24-52-134-150.ip.casscomm.com) wrote at 2008/11/22 18:37:45
lovin Christmas with santa!!
94 -
United States - Forest Hills New York 40.722°N 73.842°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-139-67.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 19:44:58
alek i think you have to fix the the im thing for the christmas page u can type something like it shows up on the laptop. you konw what i mean??
95 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/23 02:57:03
96 -
Germany - Buxtehude Niedersachsen 53.450°N 9.700°E "Anonymous" from (p4FDDD5A7.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 04:06:24
In Germany is northern germany is snow, too :D
97 -
Germany - Buxtehude Niedersachsen 53.450°N 9.700°E "Anonymous" from (p4FDDD5A7.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 04:11:29
In north germany is snow :)
98 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "James" from (5ac89a1a.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/23 04:18:03
We have a bit of snow, but it's melting fast :(
99 -
Estonia - Tallinn Harjumaa 59.433°N 24.728°E "Uku" from (87-119-185-56.tll.elisa.ee) wrote at 2008/11/23 05:46:54
Help! We are having a snowstorm in Estonia! There is 5 feet of snow everywhere and the temperature is 24,8°F. But that is warm. Our usual temperature is -4°F. Our house is one of the few, what has still got power and there are trees falling down. It is terrible!
100 -
United States - Seymour Connecticut 41.384°N 73.094°W "brian" from (66-159-152-88.adsl.snet.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 08:06:17
here in ct everyhing is ice an freezing with big winds we get flurrys every nite and it looks like its gonna be a bad 1. YAY!!!
101 -
United States - Columbia Tennessee 35.648°N 86.995°W "Dave" from (adsl-1-120-239.bna.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 10:50:15
Hello Alek! Looking forward to your display this year. Looks like a beautiful day out on the front lawn. Good luck and God Bless!
102 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "James" from (5ac89a1a.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/23 10:54:58
Jack's back (pumpkin) !! Maybe a Santa hat on him?
103 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/23 10:57:32
The Snowman family makes an appearance!
104 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/23 11:05:19
Dang, Alek! You must be hot-natured! 49 degrees and you got shorts on!
105 -
United Kingdom - Wokingham 51.416°N 0.833°W "Anonymous" from (host86-147-99-197.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/23 11:09:54
Hi new to the site love it so much looks great and cant wait to have ago at controlling it not sure about the pumking tho lol keep up the good work m8
106 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Anonymous" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 12:00:02
haha, there's a pumpkin peaking behind the snowmen!!
107 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 14:07:16
Alek you rock!!!!!!!!!!!
108 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 16:29:50
Alek when will the webcams be on for christmas?
109 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (host-84-13-20-43.opaltelecom.net.20.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/23 16:31:32
AND THEN THERE WAS LIGHT!!! just called in for an update before bed to catch you testing the lights!! as the song goes.... Its begining to look a lot like Christmas!!!
110 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/11/23 16:59:49
How about the snowman kit you bought last year and put on the snowman in the bath for the ropelight snowman??
111 -
Ireland - Limerick 52.664°N 8.623°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/23 17:14:12
meeuws. meeuws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
112 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/23 18:51:27
I got a fair amount of work today in this warm and sunny weather ... but one disadvantage of that is the wasps are still out ... so you gotta be careful when hanging icicle lights as they like to hang out in the rain gutters - YIKES!
113 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.760°N 73.827°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-8-28.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 06:31:49
alek whats the orange thing in cam 2 on the left next to the snowman?
114 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-68-255-99-4.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 07:07:17
The pumpkin!!!
115 -
United States - Royal Oak Michigan 42.505°N 83.152°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/24 13:56:10
They really don't like people getting so close
116 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/24 15:10:47
alek when did you get the inflatable snoopy??
117 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-68-255-99-4.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 17:29:32
So, whichever inflatable has the really pointy hat is blocking the view of the Burrito Reindeer's trademark gaseous light (in other words, you can't really see the polar bear)
118 -
United States - Ozone Park New York 40.685°N 73.850°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/24 19:04:25
alex you should have put cam1 online!!! while you test the lights
119 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/24 19:10:38
#118: OK - webcam1 turned on - still a LOT of dark areas from that viewpoint - more coming!
#117/Grace: Yea, that would be Homer Simpson's hat blocking the "gaseous" view - he'll have to be moved - D'OH!
#116: Inflatable Snoopy is new for Christmas 2008.
120 -
United States - Ozone Park New York 40.685°N 73.850°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/24 19:14:19
woooo the front needs a lot more to be done. cool snoopys new this year. also what the thing inbetween santa hommer & snoopy?
121 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 19:19:27
alek on the christmas updates i think you put the wrong years
122 -
United States - Lavaca Arkansas 35.357°N 94.188°W "n10citieis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/24 19:23:27
Lights are looking good Alek! Like the snowman out on the grass and the HO HO HO looks neat! Also like the train over the garage!
123 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 19:24:33
ahh... christmas' come early at komar.org :)
124 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/24 19:50:27
Thanks for the feedback and glad everyone likes it so far ... and yea, more to come. I fixed the wrong year on the updates (thanks!) and between the Santa Homer and Snoopy is an inflatable that needs a bigger fan! Lights going out shortly for tonight.
125 -
Portugal - Viseu 40.650°N 7.916°W "cesar" from (a81-84-149-52.cpe.netcabo.pt) wrote at 2008/11/24 20:38:30
feliz natal
126 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/24 21:06:29
is cam1 supposed to "time out"?
127 -
United States - Indianapolis Indiana 39.806°N 86.140°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-75-2-37-143.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 13:19:01
We read a Christmas story to our kids three nights a week. This year we are reading A Child's Life at Christmas time. We watch Christmas movies twice a week. We take pictures and keep a family Christmas album. We really try to encourage and be thankful during this time of year.
128 -
United States - Schenectady New York 42.805°N 74.056°W "The Virtual Christmas Elf" from (cpe-69-204-142-126.nycap.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/25 15:21:18
Hey everyone! The Virtual Christmas Elf is here! Trying to keep the Holiday Magic alive and affordable! LINK DELETED
129 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 15:29:19
Hey Alex turn on Webcam 1 Please.
130 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/25 15:52:56
alek what time does school finish were you stay?? as i always see your kids in at like 2.00pm as school doesnt finish till 3.30pm in the uk.
131 -
United States - Massapequa New York 40.682°N 73.467°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 16:09:55
Alex Why is the Pumpkin from Halloween Still Out!!!!
132 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 16:16:56
can you turn on the office cam too? please
133 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 19:45:46
was that just me or was the office cam on?
134 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 19:56:15
so my eyes didn't deceive me you do have it on
135 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/25 20:51:30
Yea, I was doing some testing tonight of the X10 controls and other misc. - everything seems to work after I worked out a few bugs. While there is a lot more christmas setup to do (especially in Santa's workshop), I'm going to turn on all of the webcams and X10 controls Wednesday night so people on the Internet can see and control the lights! ;-)
136 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 04:52:35
Thanks Alex for turning the lights and the X10 on early
137 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "Kat" from (cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust347.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 05:53:43
I'm so excited waiting to see your lights, think im probably more excited than my sons :) xx
138 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 06:04:11
Alek, has the city installed a new street light to the west of your house (or replaced a burnt out light?) I don't remember that bright area to the west of your yard....
Alek replies at 07:07 - That streetlight has always been there, but yea, now that you mention it, I don't think it was working last year - good spot!
139 -
United States - Bryan Ohio 41.461°N 84.553°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-65-25-154-186.columbus.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 07:03:30
goo goo go go
140 -
Germany - Buxtehude Niedersachsen 53.450°N 9.700°E "Anonymous" from (p4FDDD706.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 07:49:40
Your garden looks nice :D
141 -
United States - Findlay Ohio 41.022°N 83.678°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-98-30-41-80.woh.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 07:52:11
happy christmas!!!
142 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:19:51
alek do u av a PS3
143 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:21:01
I almost screamed when i saw that the controls will start tonight. I was expecting friday night.
144 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:27:20
HEY ed its curtis from the UK Alek doesn't exactly stick schedule though does he also have a good thanks giving AND ALSO DO U HAVE A PS3
145 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:31:11
i do not have a ps3. Also everyone have a happy thanksgiving! Anyone shopping on black friday?
146 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:33:54
wots black friday mr ed
147 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:38:51
I may. Depends if I want to woke up @ 4am... lol
148 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:40:46
wot is black friday
149 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:48:07
I can't wait for Tonight! Only 8 hours and 14 Minutes to X10 are on. Yea!
150 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:51:26
HEY Alek could you PLZ PLZ PLZ turn the X10 controls on at 4 PM your time because then it will only be 11 PM here and plus it gets dark at about 4 now anyway
151 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:54:48
It gets dark around 5 ish
152 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:55:51
To .171, Google is your friend....look it up.....it's an American thing.. ___wink___
153 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:59:44
154 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 09:06:34
What every if you put a hand on me you will be going to Jail.
155 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 09:06:46
who r u on the phone to Alek
156 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 09:11:55
Well Bye all.. Nice job on the Lights Alex.
157 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 09:22:34
trust me i wont go to jail cos i have hitmen
158 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 11:10:31
uhm... Alek, I think I have more decorations than you.... Does that mean I win? I just don't have inflatables... Anyways, how is everyone?
159 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's mum UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 11:24:27
Are you all ready for Thanks givigng day tomorrow? Do you all have the day off work over there? or do you have more than one day off. Alek could you show a picture of your Thanks giving table, full of nice yummy food.
160 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-141-96-166.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 14:09:28
Can't wait alex whooop
161 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 14:14:45
Alek, You da man!
162 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Ian UK" from (host-84-13-20-43.opaltelecom.net.20.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/26 14:54:16
Have a happy Thanks Giving all, I will be thinking of you all tomorrow eating your turkey while Im at work!
163 -
United States - Simms Texas 33.335°N 94.556°W "Dan C" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 15:12:23
One of the things I like best about Christmas is the way my kids anticipate Santa's annual visit. I found a site the other day that lets me add to the anticipation. LINK DELETED offers personalized letters from Santa and Santa calls.
164 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-37.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 15:29:23
1 hour, 32 minutes until X10 CONTROLS ON at 5:00 PM MST
165 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "Anonymous" from (host86-141-96-166.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 15:56:41
we have some movment the iceicles were on now off
166 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.762°N 73.912°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-12-182.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:01:55
alek what you get from the UPS?
Alek replies at 08:06 - I got an early Christmas present - a Canon 50D!
167 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:20:59
Alek there is still lots missing like the big inflatable santa and the inflatable tree :O
168 -
United Kingdom - Leeds 53.800°N 1.583°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:26:15
Happy Thanksgiving to all our american grass fans from the other side of the pond....Have a great day
169 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:27:45
alek what wrong with the other snowman beside the inflatable ???
170 -
United Kingdom - High Wycombe Buckinghamshire 51.633°N 0.766°W "joshy my boy" from (host86-141-96-166.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:28:22
great display from england
171 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:31:21
ruroh just got a internal server error on the page... but it seems to be gone
172 -
United States - Desert Hot Springs California 33.928°N 116.488°W "Desert hot springs california" from (cpe-75-80-254-57.dc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:52:14
just found your webiste from youtibe great site for the kids cant wait to use the controls
173 -
United States - Mobile Alabama 30.631°N 88.281°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-63-74-83.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 19:22:13
tryed to email you direct but it didn't work. what is the script you use to show the IP address and location on the web page? Thanks Alan
174 -
Netherlands - Tilburg Noord-Brabant 51.550°N 5.116°E "Anonymous" from (cp1215951-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl) wrote at 2008/11/26 20:15:52
Best . Christmas . Display . . . EVAR!
175 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-69-233-2-64.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 21:44:15
That Kasio Kristmas CD is Amazing!!!! Thanks 4 the recomendation!
176 -
United Kingdom - Purley Surrey 51.316°N 0.100°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/27 03:12:20
HEY Alek u could use the fourth webcam to put by the xmas tree on christmas eve and christmas day so we can see the "special delivery" and your kids enjoyment when they open their pressies so then u can keep cam3 on the workshop cos last year you put that cam by the xmas tree PLZ REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?
177 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/27 07:47:03
I forgot to look at the x10 lights. I'm on the east coast could someone tell me eastern time when the controls come on?
178 -
United Kingdom - Purley Surrey 51.316°N 0.100°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/27 07:53:14
HAPPY THANKS GIVING btw THANKS GIVING created in Canterbury england
179 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/27 08:46:40
180 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-37.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 09:25:23
Give Thanks
181 -
United States - Queens Village New York 40.730°N 73.748°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-246-220-125.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/27 09:55:35
Somebodys a early turkey today. LOL!! You almost done with the front of the house?? Also why did you put the snowman made with the rop lights faceing the view of the street not the cam?? Any way HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! REMBER DON'T EAT TOO MUCH TURKEY!!!!=)
182 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 11:00:29
Alek cant you please,please,please,please leave the main hiuse cam on instead of turning it off please :-(
Alek replies at 11:10 - Webcam1 is a pretty boring view when the lights aren't up - heck, not even passing cars. So I take it offline and just toss an image of what it looks like lit up when the christmas stuff is off.
183 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's Mum" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 11:15:12
Don't forget Alek, it would be nice to see a picture of the yummy food you had for Thanksgiving day.Luke went back to school today after his operation:-)
Alek replies at 11:22 - Good for Luke. I'm not sure I'll get a picture this year since I'm in charge of the turkey carving - Tyler (who does an amazing job - see below) won't be there this year.
UPDATE: Here's a picture of yours truly about to carve up the turkey - it was yummy!
184 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user95.resC114.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/11/27 11:56:59
Happy Turkey Day everyone.
185 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's mum" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 12:20:29
Happy Turkey carving then Alek, hope you and your family have a wonderful day.Hi Alison.
186 -
United Kingdom - Beccles Suffolk 52.466°N 1.566°E "darren from uk" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/27 12:46:22
happy thanks giving alek and family
187 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 12:57:38
Hi Snoopy, I can see you!
Alek replies at 13:19 - Yea, I was working on the four and six foot inflatables on top of the balcony - adding some poles to help 'em stand up straight when inflated. Sure wish the fans were just a little more powerful so Homer's pointy hat would stand up straight and be more visible on webcam2.
188 -
United Kingdom - Tiverton Devon 50.900°N 3.483°W "Anonymous" from (host86-131-34-130.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 14:08:04
hi alek's is there any way u can turn controlls on a bit earlyer even if its just inflatbles as us in the uk have to wait tilll midnight please loving the display
189 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 15:05:07
The lights look GREAT, Alek! Sitting at work today...grrrr.... gonna catch up on feasting 2nite while I watch (and control) some of your lights!
190 -
United Kingdom - Tiverton Devon 50.900°N 3.483°W "Anonymous" from (host86-131-34-130.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 16:17:56
hi is there any chance you can switch them on early for us in the uk as we have to wait till midnight love ure displays 10 /10
Alek replies at 16:21 - OK - just turned things on ... even though it's not that dark yet.
191 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "Kat" from (cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust347.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 16:34:37
awwww I want them on later so it's still dark but so I can show my sons :) guess I'll just have to keep them up till super late at the weekend :) xx
192 -
United States - Sequim Washington 48.065°N 123.061°W "Anonymous" from (24-113-213-13.wavecable.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 21:37:02
hi santa welcom see gerry home 42june pl now sequim wa com by with randeer can be back my big roof need fixs up from gerry kellly need santa help gerry see this for my heart bad now santa com over gerry room now santa from gerry
193 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 08:51:08
194 -
United States - Gardnerville Nevada 38.915°N 119.797°W "Anonymous" from (75-141-235-157.dhcp.nv.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/28 15:19:24
Hope ur thanks giving was good. now bring on the Chrismas. :)
195 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "xmas.-#1" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/28 15:39:08
ho ho hooooooooooooooooooooo :-)
196 -
United States - Meridian Idaho 43.599°N 116.423°W "Josh" from (75-92-10-205.boi.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 15:40:15
i cant wit for the lights tonight
197 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 16:32:14
Alek replies at 17:07 - I recall dozens of these PS3 posts last year ... and I think we've had enough already for 2008 ... so lets please refrain from any more posts about PS3's - thanks.
198 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:11:03
HEY Alek if u hav more stuff 2 put up in santas workshop do u think u could turn cam3 on wen u put it up
199 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:22:35
200 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:39:04
201 -
United States - Irvine California 33.708°N 117.759°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-4-253-70.oc.oc.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:46:26
How is it up there in the north pole!
202 -
United Kingdom - Portsmouth 50.796°N 1.083°W "Anonymous" from (spc2-cosh6-0-0-cust686.cosh.broadband.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:56:10
happy xmas to you all from tony and katy in the uk x
203 -
United States - Naples Florida 26.185°N 81.763°W "Santa" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 18:48:11
Personalized Santa letters ___2.00 Also Visit Santa At MySpace LINK DELETED Santa's private e-mail LINK DELETED
204 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 18:50:48
Anonymus stop asking people if they have a PS3 it's annoying
205 -
United States - Ozone Park New York 40.685°N 73.850°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/28 18:53:07
alek what is the Jack is Back thing on the x10 #5 thing?
206 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 18:56:38
ALEK, sorry about my post #204 i saw your order afteer i had written it. I will always follow your rules.
207 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 19:04:59
Anonymous I happened to be with family yesterday. I don't log on to komar.org everyday. Black friday is the day the stores have bargain deals like at 4AM. Any more questions?
Alek replies at 13:16 - Yep - it can be pretty crazy ... and for reasons unknown, I went Black Friday Shopping this year. Didn't really get much but always an experience.
208 -
United States - Meridian Idaho 43.599°N 116.423°W "Anonymous" from (75-92-10-205.boi.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 20:51:03
this is so cool
209 -
Canada - Kingston Ontario 44.233°N 76.483°W "Anonymous" from (d193-146-183.home3.cgocable.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 21:26:44
Peace on earth what a crock...we are destined to fail. Commercialism the way the truth and the light..we all have tv..lets bring the guilt down gracefully. f*** the media..christmas is togatherness. FAMILY FRIENDS AND HOPE!!Screw the gifts..because the best gifts in this life, if fortunate enough to express them is Thank You , thankyou for being my family and to friends THANK YOU most of all. All I have to give this Chrismas season is Love...I give it freely and it costs Nothing...why because ..I'm maxed on my credit cards and i am BROKE!! LET's say VIVA CHRISTOS!..the gift Im giving this year is LOVE!!!!
210 -
United States - North Tonawanda New York 43.070°N 78.820°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-69-207-97-127.buffalo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/28 22:35:37
Thar be snow on that yard
211 -
Germany - Stade Niedersachsen 53.600°N 9.483°E "Germany :)" from (p4FDDE245.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 01:12:22
Hey Alek....how long is the x10 Thing controlable ? 17:00 till ... ?
212 -
United Kingdom - Sale Cheshire 53.416°N 2.300°W "joe" from (spc1-bagu7-0-0-cust494.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 02:00:50
great site!!!!
213 -
Germany - Bielefeld Nordrhein-Westfalen 52.033°N 8.533°E "European" from (i577AD32E.versanet.de) wrote at 2008/11/29 02:46:25
It's cool here ___P
214 -
United Kingdom - Cardiff 51.500°N 3.200°W "manicmc" from (client-86-29-136-118.cdif.adsl.tesco.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 04:29:04
This is cool, a great way to spread Christmas cheer
215 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 06:38:01
nice dusting of snow ya' got there
216 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Jack" from (host86-152-218-114.range86-152.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 07:32:29
Hi Alek! I discovered your site last year and I can't wait to see it all lit up tonight! Wish we had all that snow back in the UK!
217 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/29 08:23:00
Got a couple inches of white stuff overnight. While it adds to the Christmas spirit, it adds a bit of weight to the inflatables, especially the giant Santa. But the Frosty family is liking it!
218 -
United States - Hanford California 36.276°N 119.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-20-72-95.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 08:52:54
I Hope you had a great thanksgiving and now it is time for christmas
219 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 09:00:50
8 more hours till x10 controls!
220 -
Italy - Bergamo Lombardia 45.683°N 9.716°E "Luca from Bergamo (Italy)" from (host85-77-dynamic.11-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2008/11/29 09:41:14
Buon Natale! Very beautiful site! One day I'll stay awake and I'll control your decorations!
221 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Russ - Edmonton AB." from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 10:20:37
Nice, Snow! up here in Edmonton Alberta Canada, we have nothing! it's warm and dry.. and it may stay this way for a while! imagine huh?
222 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/29 10:20:38
The snow shovel was gathering dust in the back corner of the garage, but I finally found it and then cleared the driveway this morning for my wife. For those that missed the action, I've uploaded a short time-lapse movie on the christmas videos page - some exercise is good for 'ya!
Update: I then swept the front yard ... so the HO-HO-HO and Gianted lighted Frosty are visible.
223 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 10:58:12
Can you add a time lapsed video of the snow falling and landing ??? Thanks !!!
Alek replies at 11:33 - Lets wait until we get a daytime snowfall - that shows it a lot better and looks pretty cool.
224 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user97.resC133.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 12:38:11
Woow white fluffy stuff, Christmas really is just around the corner. :-) Shame the south UK doesn't see much of it anymore. Love the frosty family pic Alek, would make a great Xmas card.
225 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 12:38:34
Has anbody besides alek put up christmas decorations yet? I did yesterday.
226 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/11/29 12:47:28
Great display Alek. BTW, I don't think the "How It Works" link on the video page is working?
Alek replies at 13:06 - Well darn ... that external link stopped working ... so I changed it to a local copy I have - thanks for pointing this out!
227 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 13:00:01
Alek sorry just need to ask as i see in the comments below poeple talking about it what is so special about The Burrito Reindeer as you have got pages dedicated to it and people menchin it all the time just wondering thanks !
(Alek says see the link to the explanation! ;-)
228 -
United Kingdom - Tiverton Devon 50.900°N 3.483°W "aza" from (host86-131-34-130.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 13:04:55
yay it snowed lol on your weather forcast u put 3 inches of rain lol
229 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "---Komar's So KoOl =-x" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 16:02:21
alek y lights on at 6pm and not 5pm :-( 1 whole extra less hour :-(!!!!!!
Alek replies at 16:08 - Oooops ... fixed that - they'll fire up at 5:00 on schedule tonight - less than an hour - thanks!
230 -
United States - Orlando Florida 28.495°N 81.238°W "sandra" from ( wrote at 2008/11/29 16:31:56
HEllo and mary christmas to everyone from sunny Florida
231 -
United Kingdom - Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taff 51.601°N 3.344°W "Anonymous" from (5ad5e9a3.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 16:36:10
hi komar derek from robinroyd xmas lights our switch on one week tomorrow the best we have ever done keep up the good work my friend regards derek
232 -
United States - Boulder Colorado 40.049°N 105.276°W "bob" from (c-24-8-144-167.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 16:44:42
Happy Holidays! What is you address, I would love to drive to see your display
233 -
United Kingdom - Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taff 51.601°N 3.344°W "derek uk" from (5ad5e9a3.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 16:57:12
hi to the world komar is the best its cold tonight here in england -3 please take a look at our site - merry xmas to you all
234 -
United States - Canton Michigan 42.307°N 83.486°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-76-226-139-151.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 18:10:59
I really enjoy the Christmas display.
235 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-37.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/11/29 18:25:41
alek Sould it Be( What will be new for Christmas 2009 and for Halloween 2009) insted of (What will be new for Christmas 2008 and for Halloween 2008)
236 -
United States - Shippensburg Pennsylvania 40.045°N 77.480°W "Sue" from (c-68-32-197-81.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 19:13:49
Hey Alek you really need a snowblower
237 -
United States - Ozone Park New York 40.685°N 73.850°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/29 19:58:06
alek why is the hallowenn pumpkin in the chrisemas stuff for???
238 -
United Kingdom - Rochdale 53.616°N 2.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/30 03:55:52
239 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (79-71-135-160.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 05:10:54
why do the x10 controls not work when im awake :-(
240 -
United States - Tampa Florida 27.943°N 82.524°W "Anonymous" from (235-184.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 07:24:00
Love the lights and decorations! Christmas is my all time favorite holiday because it really brings everything that is good about life together. Family, friends, good will to all and peace on earth. We have a Christmas blog where we are asking people to tell us their favorite Christmas memory involving their tree. LINK DELETED
241 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 09:13:50
w w w. komar. org rocks #1!!
242 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (99-9-161-208.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/30 10:19:14
We had our first snow in CT last night!!!
243 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/11/30 11:00:42
I took a few pictures last night of the Christmas Display - here's another one of the Frosty Family lit up at night.
244 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.753°N 73.820°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-167-88-152.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/30 11:11:17
i see in the back of the picture that the house with the big tree on the side has a santa but not as big as yours. (I THINK)LOL.
Alek replies at 11:14 - WOW - sharp eyes - you are correct ... that Santa is next to the inflatable penguin in blog post #57.
245 -
United Kingdom - Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "aza" from (host86-165-177-152.range86-165.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 11:37:48
r u gunna have any more snow ?/?
246 -
United Kingdom - Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "Anonymous" from (host86-165-177-152.range86-165.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 11:43:49
r u forcast for any more snow
247 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.753°N 73.820°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-167-88-152.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/30 13:22:45
Alek what happened to the 26,000 lights u used in 2005??
248 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/30 13:25:42
Alek.... is there any chance u cud put the lights on early tonight... its jkust that the kids would love to see the lights ! x thanks
249 -
United States - Meridian Idaho 43.599°N 116.423°W "Josh" from (75-92-10-205.boi.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/11/30 15:13:48
hey alek just asking but what are those things in the snow mans hand those red things
250 -
United Kingdom - Leeds 53.800°N 1.583°W "jimmy" from (87-194-144-71.bethere.co.uk) wrote at 2008/11/30 15:42:23
hiya alek but cant you put the webcam online now .
251 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "KOmar___s GReat Fun !!" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 16:02:41
Alek can you also put in pictures of your neighbours decorations?? as well because i would like to see what you are up against Thanks !!
252 -
United States - Aurora Colorado 39.691°N 104.772°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/30 17:54:03
Looks Great! Like to take a drive by..where are you at? Happy Holidays!
253 -
United States - Quarryville Pennsylvania 39.863°N 76.152°W "Brad" from (hrbg-216-37-228-77-pppoe.dsl.hrbg.epix.net) wrote at 2008/11/30 21:25:03
Hey Alek! Your display is awesome! What software do you use to make the messages appear on the laptop? Thanks, Brad
Alek replies at 23:52 - See the Christmas FAQ for more info, but in a nutshell, hand-written Perl code running under Apache/Linux.
254 -
United Kingdom - Weston-super-mare North Somerset 51.345°N 2.967°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/01 04:45:10
HEY Alek i hope my little bro didn't annoy u 2 much the other night when he was asking bout PS3s ITS THE FIRST DAY OF ADVENT HOPE EVERYONE HAS THEY'RE CALENDERS ALSO Alek you must have a lot of plug sockets in your home how many exactly
255 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/01 05:50:16
alek do you use any php on the site or is it all perl
256 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/01 08:43:19
A nearby Shopping Mall has a couple of hundred thousand christmas lights synced to christmas music as put together by Carson Williams. It's pretty nifty ... although I bet the mall workers get tired of hearing the music fire up every hour at night.
257 -
United States - Santa Barbara California 34.432°N 119.837°W "Becky" from (skylark.admin.physics.ucsb.edu) wrote at 2008/12/01 12:38:50
Hooray! Thanks for the shout-out welcome message for my advent calendar viewers, Alek! We love your site! Happy holidays, and may your Giant Inflatables Re-inflate into eternity. Becky Haycox
258 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Jack" from (host86-148-109-102.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 13:29:54
Hey alek! love all the lights, iv just got in from putting ours up, Merry Christmas!
259 -
United States - Trabuco Canyon California 33.611°N 117.549°W "Christopher Marino" from (72-34-97-90.race.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 14:02:44
Merry Christmas I love what you are doing
260 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.029°N 118.399°W "Noah Katz" from (cpe-76-94-161-223.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 14:13:12
Merry Christmas! I am so happy that the remote control lights are back! :) Keep up the great work! May this new year bring us health and happiness and a cure for Celiac disease and all other diseases. Thanks again, -Noah
261 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/01 14:51:48
alek what are you doing ?
262 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.729°N 73.825°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-167-75-94.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/01 16:37:25
alek did you put up the christmas tree in ur house yet?
263 -
United States - Lake Wales Florida 27.829°N 81.370°W "Dick Connolly, Fla" from (c-68-56-6-25.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/01 17:03:25
Alek awesome sight, I also have approx 20,000 lights up and have daugher who suffers from autism
264 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 17:15:15
I'm thinking of putting a box out infront of your house for donations....
265 -
United Kingdom - Cardiff 51.500°N 3.200°W "Robert Cronshaw" from (cpc1-stme1-0-0-cust969.cdif.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 17:39:32
Christmas I will never forget one Christmas When snow was on the ground Happy children's faces Could everywhere be found But let us all remember Of a Christmas long ago In a land so far away With not a lot of snow In a stable all forlorn Baby Jesus here was born In a manger he did lay In amongst the cattle's hay He came to save the world from sin Hallelujah to the king!!!!!!
266 -
United States - Cabot Arkansas 34.946°N 92.085°W "Anonymous" from (75-121-46-143.dyn.centurytel.net) wrote at 2008/12/01 19:53:28
267 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/01 20:24:03
So I wandered over to the neighbor's house this evening and shot some pictures from where webcam1 is located - what a glorious Colorado Sunset! The pictures don't do it justice ... even the ones with the Canon 50D DSLR - bummer the D-Link DCS-6620 webcam doesn't have that level of image quality - mouse over picture #2 to see a comparision.
Note Aspen Tree that obscures the view of the front lawn
Mouse-Over to compare Canon 50D versus D-Link DCS-6620G Webcam
Closeup of the Santa Hulk keeping an eye on the Christmas Display
268 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 05:16:54
actually becky it was me
269 -
Pakistan - Rawalpindi Punjab 33.600°N 73.066°E "Imran" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 06:56:23
Christmas Message A Christmas message to remind you of the importance of purity of Love and quality of Love Merry Christmas in your hearts
270 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 09:00:21
HEY Alek do u think u could leave cam3 on PLZ
271 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 09:05:24
like the poses Alek nice thumbs up U DA MAN but y did u have 2 shut the cam off
Alek replies at 10:06 - I turned on cam3 while I (re)setup Santa's workshop -
here's a time-lapse video of that.
272 -
United Kingdom - Rochdale 53.616°N 2.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 14:34:32
HEY Alek nice workshop very nifty can i av ur e-mail address PLZ
273 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 16:24:53
Merry Christmas Mr. G and LOVE THE DECORATIONS. You have outdone yourself this year. I love everything. Hope your family has a wonderful, "green" Christmas.
274 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 16:34:01
Alex hi alison here from the uk peterborough can i ask what u may be doing in ur lovely christmas groto of a garden!! :-)
275 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.760°N 73.827°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-3-221.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 16:41:39
Alek that was you who drove away in the toyota sienna minivan, i got the same car as you mine is a 2008 but its red. i was gonna buy the blue but it did not have it with all the stuff i wanted in it. Its a cool car rite??
Alek replies at 23:25 - Good eyes - you are correct - our Toyota Sienna XLE Minivan is still going strong after 5 years.
276 -
United States - Earlington Pennsylvania 40.323°N 75.377°W "Christmasy in PA" from (pool-72-81-61-27.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 16:51:53
Santa and the Gift box are hysterical in that time lapse! Hehehehe! Looks like you have tons of lights this year! Go Alek! Wooooo!
277 -
United States - Halifax Pennsylvania 40.480°N 76.792°W "Anonymous" from (hrbg-216-37-228-77-pppoe.dsl.hrbg.epix.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 17:07:38
i found a typo: 73 people viewing Christmas Lights - OUTA CONTROL! outta should have 2 t's....
Alek replies at 17:09 - Good spot - fixed - thanks!
278 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "es" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 17:25:32
22 days left!!!!!!!!!! HO HO HO
279 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "kat" from (cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust347.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/02 18:11:09
why does the green scrolling thing at the top that says where i'm from ask me if my name is griswald? xx
280 -
United States - Pooler Georgia 32.095°N 81.253°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-51-145-213.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 18:27:53
281 -
United States - Fremont California 37.535°N 121.979°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 21:51:40
Nicely done! Merry Christmas from San Francisco!!!
282 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/02 22:55:38
Last year, I did a short presentation on the Controllable Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease at the Boulder Tech Meetup - see post #354.
I wasn't presenting this year, but I brought along my friend Frosty to
add some holiday festivity - always fun to see web site on a big screen.
283 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 04:45:18
webcam is more zoomed in then your camera was :p
284 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 04:52:53
sorry for double post but i see you have ubuntu 8.04 on your laptop. Thats what i have eithier in copying your or vice versa
285 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 06:04:09
HEY Alek as its december now do u think u could leave all of the webcams on all night and day PLZ PLZ PLZ
286 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.760°N 73.827°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-1-66.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 08:29:17
Alek in post#282 the people on the laptops are on your site? It looks like it from the picture.
287 -
United States - New York 40.761°N 73.976°W "Whitney Duncan" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 09:03:32
All I Want For Christmas Is You!!!
288 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/03 10:16:56
I took a few pictures from the webcam2 vantage point - bummer the D-Link DCS-6620G webcam doesn't have the image quality of a Canon 50D DSLR.
Mouse-Over to compare Canon 50D versus D-Link DCS-6620G Webcam
289 -
United States - Elmhurst New York 40.742°N 73.884°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-89-200-188.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 10:48:11
alek how come you always take a picture with a car passing by????
290 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 12:56:32
289: in a previous post from idk when he said it made it look nicer :)
291 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 14:17:33
Hey alek...hows it all going___.... any chance of puttin them on early tonight ?? kids would love a go !!
Alek replies at 14:37 - I'll probably turn things on early tonight since it's a cloudy day and the lights will be easier to see before it gets dark.
292 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 14:31:18
How come cam one isnt on :S ??
293 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 14:40:10
THats fantastic thanks alek !
294 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-514f7762.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/03 14:57:11
Hi from the U.K....cant wait to come and play...Merry Christmas from the Short family xxxx
295 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 15:38:01
HEY Alek wen u r sitting at ur computer(s) wot r u actually looking at
296 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/03 15:40:06
Cannot wait 20 to 30cm of snow tomorrow in the uk also blizzards as well yahhs !
297 -
United States - Ft Mitchell Kentucky 39.024°N 84.562°W "Anonymous" from (CN-ESR1-69-61-212-210.fuse.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 18:35:56
flippin sweet!
298 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 19:00:18
Let the Season Begin, Alek's lights are up. So I missed the opportunity to see National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation one day last week at 4:32 a.m. I've learned the Season can begin without Clark Griswold. Aunt Bethany: Is your house on fire, Clark? Clark: No, Aunt Bethany, those are the Komarnitsky Christmas lights. Janice
299 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Anonymous" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 19:52:36
Be gentle with the IM comments. There are children viewing this that can read.
300 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Diana" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 20:02:19
Alek, you need the leg lamp from A Christmas Story!
301 -
United States - Greenwood Indiana 39.617°N 86.177°W "Anonymous" from (99-7-31-253.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 20:24:57
Hey Alek! Thanks for the photos last year! We'll see you on the web this season! TackyChristmasYards
302 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "tori" from (cache-ntc-ad02.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/12/03 20:45:42
303 -
United States - Manchester Township New Jersey 39.974°N 74.345°W "Dan Charles" from (c-68-36-54-59.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 20:57:40
God Bless the little ones. DanCharles from JustinTV has asked his whole room to come to this site every day and every night. He has spread the news about your channel.
304 -
United States - Cumming Georgia 34.188°N 84.159°W "Dylan" from (adsl-224-208-33.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 21:49:56
You should make your website iPhone friendly. If you need help I know a guy.
305 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/03 22:17:53
As you can imagine from looking at my (just slightly) cluttered Christmas Display, I pick up all sorts of odds-n-ends at Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, etc. One nifty prop was a giant Coor Light Bottle ... I think web surfers like it! ;-)
306 -
United States - Dexter Missouri 36.780°N 89.999°W "Rick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 22:32:10
Hey Alek when you get a chance check out my light display.. LINK DELETED
307 -
United States - Dexter Missouri 36.780°N 89.999°W "Rick" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 22:38:03
Look under zztopmo at youtube for my Christmas lightshow. It is not as cool as yours but took me 4 weekends to get it done.
308 -
United States - Bothell Washington 47.754°N 122.216°W "Anonymous" from (75-92-255-152.sea.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/03 22:49:20
Awesome Alek! Merry Christmas from Trish in Kenmore, WA (Mary's sister.)
309 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Jack" from (host86-148-109-102.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 01:23:55
WOW you got more snow! That's so lucky, we have none in the UK yet!
310 -
Ireland - Waterford 52.258°N 7.111°W "Anonymous" from (86-46-83-224-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 03:53:45
putting up the christmastree is a part i really liike
311 -
United States - Fairfax Virginia 38.849°N 77.316°W "LJ" from (pool-70-17-85-197.res.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 06:50:12
word up alek, enjoyin' the show this year, lots of comedic action going on! that's great stuff to laugh, best medication in the world except for korbel champagne! ___D i must show you my new inflatable for my small but very warm and overpriced display this year. his name's seymour, he's really, really cute, hehehehehe! stay tuned, hope you'll take the moment to take a gander at his mightiness in email. (what seymour needs is a giant beer like what you have, hint, hint, if you ever see any bottles emptying mysteriously while they're still unopened, wasn't me, and i tried to tell seymour to be nice about it and replace them.
312 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 07:15:55
HEY Alek all of your decorations have mysteriously disappeared i wonder where and also wot time do the kids leave 4 school and thnx 4 turning cam1 on u get a better look at the snow
313 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 07:32:06
314 -
United States - Oakland California 37.811°N 122.242°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-4-103-194.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 08:48:25
Merry, Merry Christmas!!! Great Site!!! WP64 from SVT Performance
315 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac0056c.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 08:50:01
walking in a winter wonder land
316 -
United States - Harrison Township Michigan 42.585°N 82.823°W "Mark" from (d149-67-148-7.clv.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 09:50:37
Can you dig yourself out?
317 -
United Kingdom - Huddersfield Kirklees 53.650°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 11:58:47
is there gonna b a time lapse video of thd snowfall
318 -
United States - San Francisco California 37.764°N 122.429°W "Amber" from (adsl-76-254-27-107.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 13:11:40
Are you planning to have a Santa Cam again this year? Also, it just occurred to me that in all the years I've been following your cams, I've never seen a pet. I think you all need a kitten for Christmas!
319 -
United Kingdom - Huddersfield Kirklees 53.650°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 14:35:23
oh dear its snowing again
320 -
United States - Brookfield Missouri 39.805°N 93.042°W "Anonymous" from (llile.como.socket.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 14:39:53
I really like Christmas. I like all the preparations, I like the songs (even if I'm Not Christian). I like the focus and family and hearth. And I think its kinda nostaligic maudlin sentimentalism - a longing for a time that never existed in my life - for the good old days, even for the years where my life was pretty pathetic (junior high). And yet every year I'm drawn into it - the Christmas season - once again. Do I ever obtain what I'm longing for - family the way it used to be - which was a mixture of parental fighting of, of parental favorites, and yet I had my whole life ahead of me, and I had security. I suspect I must get some small token of what I'm longing for, or would I spend so much time & effort pursuing this.
321 -
United Kingdom - Huddersfield Kirklees 53.650°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 14:49:55
#320 just F****** spit it out u dont even need 2 b christian 4 christmas songs
322 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:01:47
Thats real classy #321 Swear on a family site. I hope Alex deals with you.
323 -
United States - Henderson Nevada 36.032°N 115.024°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:02:32
woo! wish we had snow in Las Vegas. Only comes every three or four years
324 -
United Kingdom - Lewknor Oxfordshire 51.666°N 0.966°W "Anonymous" from (host86-131-38-175.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:39:08
wish we had snow we never get it wen we do it just melts england. were do u live?
325 -
Canada - Milton Ontario 43.516°N 79.883°W "Anonymous" from (bas10-montreal02-1177588831.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:39:55
Merry Christmas from a Mom of one celiac child from Ontario Canada...Nice job on site and kudos to you and yoursfor your support on this often overlooked health issue!
326 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.762°N 73.912°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-89-207-221.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:43:52
Its fun watching the kids Also alek i put 700 lights on my roof last night it took nice!!!
327 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Shane" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 16:00:46
Congrats on spreading the Christmas cheer to so many around the world. Your site is fantastic! Wish we had a white Christmas in Australia, unfortunately it's summer over here.
328 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (mail.mtrk.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 16:28:30
Great job!! Merry X-Mas from metro Trucking!
329 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 16:38:14
I must say, I am jealous of your snow thaaar... We got like two inches a week ago
330 -
United States - San Francisco California 37.790°N 122.401°W "andy" from (mnwp13-o.wellsfargo.com) wrote at 2008/12/04 18:22:49
Why doesn't the IM board have AJAX? Then there will be no need to refresh. When the message board refreshes the controls refresh too. Please at least fix that
331 -
United States - Wheeling Illinois 42.128°N 87.923°W "Zam" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 18:36:52
I must say, this is a great idea to raise awareness, I dont have much, but I am definatly going to donate something! ps Don't deflate Homer! he rocks!
332 -
United States - Marysville Washington 48.074°N 122.195°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-113-2-183.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 19:24:22
love it thank you this is great Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
333 -
United Kingdom - Abingdon Oxfordshire 51.666°N 1.283°W "Anonymous" from (host86-131-36-155.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 03:58:15
I wish people would just stop leaving stupid meassages on here if u wanna argue do it somewere else
334 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 06:25:35
Alek, looks like you are in full Boogie Christmas mode, snow and all!
335 -
Ireland - Wexford 52.334°N 6.457°W "Eva cashin" from (86-46-103-30-dynamic.b-ras1.wtd.waterford.eircom.net) wrote at 2008/12/05 08:51:30
It is nerley chistmas
336 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Essemosmoog" from (ns.km22659-05.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/12/05 10:34:53
337 -
Canada - Oakville Ontario 43.433°N 79.666°W "Jennifer" from (d150-251-103.home.cgocable.net) wrote at 2008/12/05 11:33:37
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from Canada
338 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/05 13:29:31
In case you are wondering how the HULK is holding up with all this snow ... welllllll ... he doesn't look too happy about the cold weather - here's a real closeup
339 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 13:39:27
Brrrrr......Hulk no like snow on his shoulders....Hulk could use a warm jacket or sweater right now....Hulk teeth chchchcchchchchattering!!
340 -
United Kingdom - Sunbury Greater London 51.400°N 0.400°W "Anonymous" from (host-84-13-195-232.opaltelecom.net.195.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/12/05 13:59:09
surely u can put the lights on now cos it seems quite dark outside
341 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 14:01:49
342 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 14:06:23
They do have a point....would be dark enough to see right now....see you already have the Snowman family and the pumpkin turned on......although they aren't paying your electric bill (heh)...
343 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/05 14:09:06
It's not that dark outside ... I assure you the lights won't be visible ... yet. Should I turn webcam1 on so Hulk, Elmo, SpongeBob, and Hulk are visible? In the meantime, the fine folks have Earthcam have added my display to their nice list of
holidays cams ...
so how 'bout you guys
surf over to Earthcam and rate my christmas display ... and if
enough of 'ya give me five stars, I'll turn the X10 controls on early - fair 'nuff?
344 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac0054a.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 14:10:10
even if you just swich them on an hour earlier i would be abole to do the lights
345 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac0054a.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 14:15:33
okay then i'll go vote
346 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 14:19:38
i hav e just voted are u going to put rm on early please
347 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/05 15:01:48
OK - I just turned on webcam1 early and inflated Elmo, SpongeBob, and Homer ... keep stuffing the ballot (HO-HO-HO) and I'll probably turn things on an hour early. Plus I just uploaded some time-lapse footage from last night to the christmas videos page ... holy-blinking-christmas-lights-Batman! ;-)
348 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/05 15:56:29
Seeing a neat sunset behind the house!
349 -
United States - Lake Saint Louis Missouri 38.785°N 90.786°W "Marty" from (d23-12.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net) wrote at 2008/12/05 16:27:48
Great site. Merry Christmas.
350 -
United Kingdom - Liverpool 53.416°N 3.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 16:33:48
merry xmas from john and jackie . liverpool uk. have a great holiday
351 -
United States - Acushnet Massachusetts 41.713°N 70.899°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-118-106-46.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/05 16:58:11
Merry Christmas from Fairhaven Massachusetts!!!
352 -
United States - Hamilton Alabama 34.161°N 87.996°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 18:59:10
hi any one their merry xmas from hamilton al
353 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/06 06:47:50
A pre-dawn car drives by the Christmas Display.
354 -
Poland - Pabianice Lodz 51.666°N 19.366°E "Anonymous" from (acnc215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) wrote at 2008/12/06 10:13:10
Merry Christmas everyone! Visit LINK DELETED and find useful tips on choosing best xmas presents! :)
355 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Diana K" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 11:03:38
Merry Christmas from Tucson, Az! We are very jealous of your snow, but at least we don't have to shovel our heat in the summer.
356 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Anonymous" from (host86-132-130-26.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 11:11:34
Merry Christmas! Got all my lights up now b****e squirrels in our garden keep chewing the cables!
357 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Anonymous" from (host86-132-130-26.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 12:04:29
Why has my last comment put b____________e? That was only the word but.?
358 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/06 13:12:18
Merry Christmas everyone!
359 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-68-255-99-4.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 13:22:03
Alek, this has been bothering me for a month now - on your front page, the link to the page about the pesky squirrel, "peaches" is spelled wrong. It's missing the 'e'. I blame my parents for making me be grammatically correct throughout school.
Alek replies at 13:48 - That Pesky Peach Squirrel must have eaten the 'e' also - fixed - thanks!
360 -
United Kingdom - Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire 53.116°N 1.266°W "Anonymous" from (87-194-140-249.bethere.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/06 14:42:26
crackin' shot alek you must have a good zoom on your camera!!
361 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 15:56:10
Those trees look pretty still for 26-30 mph winds:)
362 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 16:02:40
For 59 degrees, your snow sure sticks around a long time! Someone behind your house has some big stars on their roof (Cam 1)....
363 -
United States - Jamaica New York 40.717°N 73.793°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-8-54.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 16:42:25
Alek i felt like you today. I am a manger of a store called party city in ny, which is near some store call nlw cheap store that sells lots of thing. But today they were selling all the christmas stuff 50%off. So i spent over $200 on all kinds a thing for christmas lights. 35 blue led lights $2.99. Cool so now im doing the last things to my house.
364 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 17:09:58
Hi Alek, How are you?
365 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 17:34:48
Alek, when do the webcams turn off after christmas?
366 -
United States - New Albany Indiana 38.281°N 85.840°W "Bryce" from (74-129-214-224.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 17:57:47
merry christmas to all and to all a good night
367 -
United States - New Albany Indiana 38.281°N 85.840°W "Bryce" from (74-129-214-224.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 18:07:33
368 -
United States - New Albany Indiana 38.281°N 85.840°W "New Albany" from (74-129-214-224.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2008/12/06 19:11:08
"Happy Holidays", From Indiana
369 -
United States - O Fallon Missouri 38.816°N 90.753°W "Anonymous" from (d2-154.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 21:02:38
Merry Christmas and World pease to all. BMAC
370 -
United States - Hopewell Junction New York 41.545°N 73.781°W "Anonymous" from (ool-45799b69.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 21:15:24
world PEAS???
371 -
United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.650°N 112.015°W "preslee" from (71-213-18-56.slkc.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/06 21:46:13
you are the best you are my favorite.
372 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 06:59:24
ur snow melted fast
373 -
Spain - Madrid 40.400°N 3.683°W "Anonymous" from (245.Red-81-44-149.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 09:37:39
WOW! That web page REALLY SUCKS!!! I mean... A santa-homer following the cursor? Background music? A blinking title? Animated GIFs everywhere? It looks like it was made in 1995 by a 12 year-old.
374 -
United States - Massapequa New York 40.682°N 73.467°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 09:44:23
375 -
United Kingdom - Peterborough 52.583°N 0.250°W "Simon UK" from (host81-153-100-172.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 10:35:59
WOW! what an idiot! not much christmas spirit there. I love the website Alek. nice to see someone making an effort to make everybodies lifes a little more fun!
376 -
United States - Aurora Oregon 45.239°N 122.808°W "santa believer" from (pool-71-111-166-90.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 10:58:05
have a very merry christmas
377 -
United Kingdom - Droitwich Worcestershire 52.266°N 2.150°W "Luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 11:10:48
#373 I Think That Your COmment Is Completely Outragous... If you dont like the website then dont go on it, clearly it doesnt need your imput so just leave!
378 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 11:34:37
379 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 11:43:26
post #373 why comment like that on a website for charity if you dont like it so what it isnt going to effect us look how many poeple have already commented on it so one idiot like you isnt going to make a difference!!!
380 -
United Kingdom - Droitwich Worcestershire 52.266°N 2.150°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 12:10:35
im okay thanks x
381 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/07 12:13:28
Hey guys, I appreciate the support, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I'd just let it go. I think what #372 didn't realize is that the concept of controlling someone's Christmas Lights over the Internet is over-the-top ... so the web design is also - D'OH!
Speaking of stuff that stirs people up, some people complain about how the Christmas Display uses soooo much electricity. They must not scroll down below the webcam images where I provide a complete Cicuit Layout and Electrical Analysis. It ends up being a couple of bucks a day ... and even better for the Al Gore's of the world, I use Wind Power plus did a Carbon Offsets ... so we're talking Wind-Powered, Carbon Neutral Christmas Lights - Double D'OH! ;-)
382 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-158-21.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 12:35:36
Whoa, drama! C'mon guys, tis the season to be jolly for goodness sake!
Alek replies at 13:00 - I agree ... and speaking of that, here's something I picked up at a garage sale for 25 cents. It has some nice Christmas Decorations "tricks" ... but no mention of Elmo, SpongeBob, or Homer Simpson - D'OH! ;-)
383 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Ian UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:00:21
WOW Alek, is there a branch on that tree without a glass ball on it?? you really are a very festive person arnt you!
384 -
United Kingdom - Droitwich Worcestershire 52.266°N 2.150°W "Luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:03:07
That looks like a lovely tree alek !
385 -
United States - Bonita California 32.677°N 117.012°W "Matthew" from (ip68-7-120-3.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:05:13
Alex where is the frosty family
386 -
United States - Bonita California 32.677°N 117.012°W "Matthew" from (ip68-7-120-3.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:10:33
Sorry Alek I meant to put a k at the end of your name
387 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-158-21.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:40:32
Good garage sale score Mr Grassmas. But I always thought YOU wrote the book on Christmas decorating. Nice tree BTW. Cool shirt too.
388 -
United Kingdom - Droitwich Worcestershire 52.266°N 2.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:58:04
Wooo! .. Its lookin pretty windy out there at the moment !!.... webcam is blowing about a bit !
389 -
United States - Saginaw Michigan 43.431°N 83.978°W "Mitch" from (71-10-22-249.static.bycy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 15:29:30
is it windy becuase your web cam its moving around???????????
390 -
Canada - Markham Ontario 43.866°N 79.266°W "Anonymous" from (CPE000ce555165e-CM001ade852c24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 16:21:56
what a great idea.
391 -
United States - Saginaw Michigan 43.431°N 83.978°W "Mitch" from (71-10-22-249.static.bycy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 16:23:29
you just made it so we cant control the lights till 5:00
392 -
Canada - Markham Ontario 43.866°N 79.266°W "Maureen" from (CPE000ce555165e-CM001ade852c24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 16:42:44
Merry Christmas to everyone all the way from Canada.
393 -
United States - Elmhurst New York 40.735°N 73.878°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/07 16:52:58
Alek is that the hulk car out front??
394 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 18:39:19
Why is there a pumpkin in the christmas display?
395 -
United States - Arlington Virginia 38.860°N 77.098°W "LJ" from (pool-70-17-120-213.res.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 19:31:30
pumpkins are very xmasy, why don't you like 'jack'? why not ask about hallow-homer? can't hallo-homer have a friend? #394?
396 -
United States - New Albany Indiana 38.281°N 85.840°W "Dililaugh" from (74-129-214-224.dhcp.insightbb.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 19:37:13
"Happy Holidays"From Lite 106.9!
397 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/07 19:52:00
Our neighborhood has an annual lighting ceremony ... complete with horse-drawn sleigh that makes laps around the neighborhood. While hard to see, here's what it looked like in webcam2. And yes, good spot #393 as the Hulk Car was pressed into service at the Santa Wagon so
so the Big Red Guy could visit the kids.
Some reflections from the window as I fire the remote shutter release
Yep - that's Frosty the Snowman riding Shotgun in the Santa Wagon!
398 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "Anonymous" from (cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust347.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/07 20:35:50
I was googling to see if there was anything else like this anywhere because this really does amaze me as you can see by all my visits :) and I came across an old news article, is this real now? or still providing some holiday cheer to folks? xx
399 -
United States - Tacoma Washington 47.260°N 122.510°W "James" from (c-76-28-140-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 22:39:21
Hey i think it is great what you are doing. Been coming to this site for 2 years around chirtmas time to play with the lights keep it up
400 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/08 00:14:56
In an attempt to make up for the poor image quality of the horse-drawn sleigh, here's a picture of Santa's Workshop ... complete with the chief Christmas Lights Elf! ;-)
401 -
Anonymous Proxy - 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail24.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/12/08 13:12:54
Your yard and decorations reminds me of cheap trailer trash . I bet none of the neighbors try to sell their property during Halloween or Christmas LOL
402 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/08 14:11:28
#401 - You are really rude. So Give some blinkin respect for his children !!!
403 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/08 14:15:11
calm down both of use i love the lights but everyones has there own view.!!!!!!
404 -
Italy - Aurisina Friuli-Venezia Giulia 45.747°N 13.678°E "Simo from Italy." from (adsl-ull-252-52.47-151.net24.it) wrote at 2008/12/08 14:36:05
Love your lights...!! :)
405 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/08 17:20:05
Tremendous pictures of the ___Peach caper___ peach birds and all the peaches no matter how you spell it. Thanks.
406 -
United States - State College Pennsylvania 40.791°N 77.874°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-58-117-105.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/08 19:08:43
Thanks for the awesome website! It's fun to freak my daughters out when they see their names on your light board a thousand miles away! My nephew lives only about 30 miles away from you and also has Celiac Disease. What a fun and wonderful service you provide! Thank you, Alek!!
407 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Ariana-midwest..." from (173-24-103-148.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2008/12/08 22:37:17
Merry Christmas :) Wonderful and beautiful set of lights :) I love to visit this website every Christmas :) keep up the great work! :)
408 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (no-reverse.redstone-isp.net) wrote at 2008/12/09 03:56:53
hi snowwww
409 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 08:05:44
HEY LUKE where in the uk r u from im from kent
410 -
United States - Woodhaven New York 40.693°N 73.857°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 08:10:43
Alek the snow wayed down the snowman family in the moring. You sholda took some pics!!!
Alek replies at 14:13 - Yea, that would have been a good idea - I just got into the "zone" of shoveling snow as you can see in the time-lapse movie footage from
webcam1 and
webcam2 -
wanted to have it done before the school car pool showed up for my kids.
411 -
United States - Pea Ridge Arkansas 36.451°N 94.123°W "Connie Shultz 903-681-3791" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 08:41:00
Merry Christmas to all from New York, Texas ZipLine Adventures located just outside Athens, Tx. LINK DELETED
412 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "LUKE" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 10:14:01
im in plymouth
413 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 15:57:52
looks like your having trouble with the snowman there alek !!
414 -
United States - Montgomery Alabama 32.357°N 86.272°W "Allie" from (static.unknown.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/09 16:54:42
Oh man! SNOW! You're so lucky. Here in Alabama we had a strange, unseasonable WARM day. It was about 70 degrees and humid/muggy outside. Very blah feeling.
415 -
United States - Henderson Nevada 36.032°N 115.024°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/09 18:51:52
well Merry Christmas alek!! hey alek are you gonna do another video of Santa putting the presents under the christmas tree?
Alek replies at 19:47 - We'll have to see ... with the economic downturn, Santa isn't going to be dropping off too many presents here, but yea, would be nifty to get some footage of the Big Red Guy and add to the Santa Tracker page.
416 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Diana" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/09 19:07:42
Hi Heather!!!
417 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/09 19:44:19
While most web surfers focus on the totally free & fun aspect of the Controllable Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease, it also raises awareness and funds for research to find a cure. The fine folks at ChristmasLightsEtc made a generous donation today to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research. Needless to say, they sell Christmas Lights plus I got a chuckle out of some of the funny Halloween Costumes on their sister site. Thanks you CLE for helping out Celiac Disease.
418 -
United States - Elmhurst New York 40.735°N 73.878°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 19:47:56
419 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/09 20:59:05
One nifty toy I picked up for cheap on eBay is a Canon wireless remote trigger.. It actually works pretty darn well and has a range of a couple of hundred feet ... so I took a self-portrait here with the remote in my right hand and a flashlight in my left providing some poor-man's flash to illuminate me a bit.
Some Cub Scouts from our local Pack came by to check out the Christmas Lights
Seeing kids (and adults) smile when they see the display makes all the work worth it
420 -
Singapore - Singapore 1.293°N 103.855°E "Yaya" from (adsl190.dyn203.pacific.net.sg) wrote at 2008/12/10 01:58:49
Merry Christmas!! =D
421 -
United Kingdom - Rugby Warwickshire 52.366°N 1.250°W "Anonymous" from (host-84-13-144-192.opaltelecom.net.144.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/12/10 03:35:16
wow, lights r lookin amazing !!!
422 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (no-reverse.redstone-isp.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 05:21:36
hi matt ...
423 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "brian mmcallister" from (host86-142-181-218.range86-142.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/10 09:30:28
hi great to see your lights again keep up the good work from brian in barnet england
424 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "James" from (5ac89a77.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/10 09:50:15
Great display Alek, does any one know if the lights in Clowne, Derbyshire are on yet??
425 -
United Kingdom - Middlesbrough 54.572°N 1.162°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-midd12-0-0-cust39.midd.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/10 13:19:00
426 -
Germany - Wuppertal Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.266°N 7.183°E "Anonymous" from (i577BAD51.versanet.de) wrote at 2008/12/10 13:24:44
Really nice :) Respect! :)
427 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 14:15:09
I've seen too much negativity this year between the text messeging and some of the posts on here. Can we be happy it's the holiday season.
428 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-146-117.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 16:56:59
Speaking of happy, yeaterday I went to the "Happiest Place on Earth". Talk about your Christmas Decorations. WOW!! That place is all lit up this time of year. Maybe even as many lights as there are here. Mickey and Minnie said to tell you all Merry Christmas.
429 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 18:02:52
Just figured out that in the blog, you can float the mouse over the flag and see the name of the country, state, and city. Neat Now I know Alek is located in Hulkville, ROBC.
430 -
Canada - Calgary Alberta 51.083°N 114.083°W "Wil H" from (S0106001195759c13.cg.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 19:08:07
This is quite the amazing site - I have passed it on to a few friends and as we get closer to Christmas I am going to start a thread about it @ Canada Kicks A___s to hopefully raise some awareness. Awesome Job!
431 -
United States - Oakland California 37.795°N 122.219°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-68-126-183-237.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 20:29:02
Thank you for contributing to Celiac Disease Research. I will tell our local R.O.C.K. group and our celiac Yahoo groups about your site. Merry Christmas! from The Mira's SF Bay Area
432 -
United States - Orlando Florida 28.503°N 81.330°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/10 21:18:45
happy holidays. i love your website. thanks Jay ___a no HTML links=
433 -
United States - Hindman Kentucky 37.335°N 82.956°W "Anonymous" from (dynamic-65-161-138-105.tvscable.com) wrote at 2008/12/10 21:36:32
Merry Christmas everyone. I'm so glad I found this. This is a nice job with all these lights & etc. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Shorty
434 -
United States - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 40.546°N 80.052°W "Judy" from (c-71-60-56-202.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 21:37:27
Thanks so much for the lights. I have Celiacs too, so this was a great way to raise awareness in a fun way. I also found some great items on Univ. of MD's website. So thanks for a lot of things and have a great holiday! Hope you find some great GF cookies!!!
435 -
United States - Shippensburg Pennsylvania 40.045°N 77.480°W "Sue" from (c-68-32-197-81.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 05:38:32
The Sweetest Place on Earth is Christmas in Hershey, Pa. Oh and Aleks Controllable Lights :)
436 -
United States - Morrisville Pennsylvania 40.195°N 74.812°W "Christmasy in PA" from (pool-72-81-21-101.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 06:39:19
Wow! Your lights were on in the morning this time! Special occasion or was this a treat for our friends overseas?
Alek replies at 09:31 - I happened to wake up early this morning and decided to get a quick sunrise picture - pretty unusual to see the glow coming from the left/East.
437 -
United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.972°N 83.959°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-122-222-131.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 08:55:52
I was just surfing the net looking for Christmas things when I found this.I cant donate money but I do have a myspace that I have set up with nothing but Christmas on it.I'm going to put a link on it to take people here in hopes that they can help as well as enjoy your Christmas display.Have a very Merry Christmas____________The Wizard____________
438 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/11 11:51:45
Lights Are Looking Fantastic!!! Well Done ALek, It All Goes To A Great Cause - Dirk & Kyle Should Be Proud To Have Such A Fantastic Dad! A Merry Christmas To The Komarnitsky Family ! P.S Wendy Does Well To Put Up With You ;)
439 -
United Kingdom - Belfast 54.583°N 5.933°W "Darren" from (5ad04a34.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/11 12:42:23
Love the lights ,my wife and son also have celiacs
440 -
United States - Marietta Georgia 34.024°N 84.503°W "Charles" from (c-67-191-178-152.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 15:15:05
For me the best gift I have ever given has been a live call from Santa Claus. It is amazing to see the face of a child light up at the mere mention of Santa. I came across a holiday website that plays 24 hour a day Christmas music and has a live broadcast every night of Santa Claus reading a Christmas story. My son and I watch every night to hear such incredible bedtime stories from the super hero himself. When I browsed the site I realized they also offer Live Santa calls. The price was amazingly low and the attention Santa gave my son was unmatched. Santa took his time talking to Bret and even emailed me a mp3 recording of the call. I filled out the order form and Santa spoke with Bret like he had known him for years. My son has not stopped talking about the call and many of his friends parents have requested info because of Bret's experience. Thank you HiSantaClaus ,you have given my entire family a Christmas gift. Charles M.
441 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 16:10:21
Hey Alek why is Webcam one Offline??
442 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "MJW" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 16:29:48
Hey alex, why is there a white light on your face it.. It is the webcam or something elase. Also why did my IP address change on your site it use to be .99 and now it is .003?? Please write back to me.. Thanks
443 -
United States - Henderson Nevada 36.032°N 115.024°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/11 17:48:57
hey alek when you replied to post 436 you typed runrise instead of sunrise...also where it says people have commented where they are must be wrong because im in Las Vegas not Henderson
444 -
United Kingdom - Slough 51.500°N 0.583°W "jools" from (nat74.mia.three.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/11 19:18:25
What wonderful decorations! Thank you. I've recorded a Christmas Concert for everyone to listen around the festive season. I hope you like it. Happy Christmas! search for joolsscott on youtube
445 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/11 20:40:44
I toss some misc. props on the Santa Workshop Webcam (especially later in the evening) and people leave some pretty funny Christmas Messages on the laptop. In this case, it is Megatron who wants that beer!
446 -
United States - Daytona Beach Florida 29.187°N 81.053°W "x-mas in florida" from (gp1.dbcc.edu) wrote at 2008/12/12 07:50:15
I've been coming to this site since you started doing it and it gets better every year. Thank you!
447 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "Anonymous" from (cpc2-cmbg3-0-0-cust347.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/12 13:21:55
woah what happened to web cam 2? :)xx
448 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-149-126.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 14:19:39
Don't forget to check out the full moon tonight. It will be the biggest one of the year as the moon reaches its closest point to our planet. It will be 14 percent bigger in our sky and 30 percent brighter than some other full moons. So let's all go outside and howl!
Alek replies at 14:29 - Yep - here's one frame from a nifty time-lapse of a Moonset over the Colorado Rockies.
449 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/12 14:22:32
One of my wife's co-worker's egg'ed me on to enter the Kool/Mix/Willie/Wolf holiday lights contest - please consider voting for the bottom left one.
And a BIG announcement coming Monday Morning ... HO-HO-HO! ;-)
450 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/12 16:17:36
alek i have voted for you 15 times already more to come HoHoHo!!!!
451 -
Germany - Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.216°N 6.766°E "Andrea" from (dslb-092-072-040-118.pools.arcor-ip.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 16:31:48
I just love your webcams. They are great. I wish you and your family a great christmastime.
452 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 16:38:08
You were egged on to enter the contest. Hope you don___t have egg on your face and happy you did not chicken out. I am sure you will not lay an egg. Good luck.
453 -
United States - Forest Hills New York 40.722°N 73.842°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-74-64-63-16.nyc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/12 16:38:26
Merry Christmas!!! First time at the site this year... look forward to this every winter! Thanks!
454 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Jack" from (host86-132-130-235.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/12 16:53:12
Are you having problems with your laptop alek?
Alek replies at 19:45 - I got a new wireless router, but that's doing some strange things ... so I switched to the backup laptop.
455 -
United States - Pensacola Florida 30.424°N 87.223°W "Anonymous" from (ip98-162-179-118.pn.at.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 17:42:08
Is it fake this year or real? I like it better when it's a big joke.
Alek replies at 19:47 - There was some good comedy when it was a fun little hoax/simulation ... but it's been a 100% real since 2005. Ditto the over $30,000 raised for Celiac Disease.
456 -
United States - San Diego California 32.965°N 117.127°W "Anonymous" from (user-10cmc5h.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2008/12/12 18:38:56
Merry Christmas one and all from San Diego, California!
457 -
United States - Elmhurst New York 40.735°N 73.878°W "BRUCE" from (pool-71-190-10-129.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 21:14:43
Alek did you see the moon tonight. Yha it was pretty cool rite. So I would like to know if you can put the picture i took on the blog. ok e-mail me
458 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Jamie" from (79-72-72-159.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/13 02:27:54
What is the new wireless router alek? Early Christmas present is it!
Alek replies at 06:36 - Just an el-cheapo D-Link wireless router - another thing I picked up on Black Friday.
459 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Jamie" from (79-72-72-159.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/13 07:35:59
Isn't a DSL-2740B? I would recommend that for Wireless N usage if you plan to upgrade to N in the future?
Alek replies at 13:34 - It was an el-cheapo WBR-2310 ... no "N" capability, since those cost more, plus the D-Link DCS-6620G Webcams (as implied by the "G") don't support the 802.11N standard. Ironically, the older D-Link DI-524 wireless router seems to be more reliable ... so I switched back to it.
460 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "luke" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/13 16:43:12
why does the 'hohoho' say 'kfc' ???
461 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/13 16:54:50
462 -
United Kingdom - Royal Leamington Spa Warwickshire 52.300°N 1.533°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/13 17:02:29
why does it say kfc.. mmmmm
Alek replies at 18:20 - Check back Monday for more on the K-F-C ... finger-lick'in good ... HO-HO-HO! ;-)
463 -
United States - East Lansing Michigan 42.762°N 84.442°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-206-105-133.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/13 18:16:43
I hope your kids get better!
464 -
United States - Webster New York 43.218°N 77.449°W "isabella" from (cpe-74-69-105-186.rochester.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/13 18:25:57
merry christmas Santa rox!!!
465 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 07:19:37
K-F-C Komars-Fourth-Cam
466 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/14 08:17:14
ur snow melts then u get more
467 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/14 08:37:27
on the first page it says about black friday shopping but y is spelt shoppping
468 -
Germany - Oberhausen Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.466°N 6.850°E "Anonymous" from (dslb-084-060-124-151.pools.arcor-ip.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 08:52:37
coole website.
469 -
United States - Lavaca Arkansas 35.357°N 94.188°W "n10cities" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/14 09:18:55
Looks like you got more shoveling to do! They are calling for ice/snow down here in Arkansas tonight and Monday! I HATE to go to work on ICE!!
470 -
United States - Farmington New Mexico 36.643°N 108.207°W "Cat" from (71-37-151-99.albq.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 09:59:50
Merry Christmas from Las Cruces...windy city today!
471 -
United States - Carrboro North Carolina 35.910°N 79.082°W "Anonymous" from (rrcs-24-106-177-227.se.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 10:41:28
A flask is a great gift idea this Christmas season. Forget the traditional engraved stainless steel flask.....check out these super cool decorated flasks! At uFlask,there is a large variety of designed flasks, perfect for anyone and any occasion. LINK DELETED
472 -
United Kingdom - Rugby Warwickshire 52.366°N 1.250°W "luke" from (host-84-13-144-184.opaltelecom.net.144.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/12/14 13:15:35
ooooo!. im excited now - 'BIG' news tomorrow !!!!
473 -
United States - Laramie Wyoming 41.382°N 105.687°W "Anonymous" from (71-220-248-115.chyn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 14:12:49
Merry Christmas to All.. X10 is awsome, I use it myself!
474 -
United States - Lavaca Arkansas 35.357°N 94.188°W "n10cities" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/14 14:18:34
3 degrees at Mr. G's...Brrr!!! Cold front is in OKC and headed our way by tonight!
475 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 14:46:41
3 degrees Fahrenheit. That's minus 16 degrees Celsius. Blimey that's cold. It was only a few weeks ago Alek was out putting up the decorations wearing shorts! Your snow might look nice but I think I'll stick with our wet UK winter weather.
Alek replies at 17:08 - Yea, after sunny skies and 60°F yesterday, we have sub-zero weather today ... along with another 6-8" of snow. Inflatables had to "bust out" of the snow as seen below.
476 -
United States - Kentland Indiana 40.799°N 87.430°W "Anonymous" from (oh-65-41-203-145.sta.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 14:52:00
First visit this year so far. I'll be back many times. Love the site and look forward to it every year.
477 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "KFC" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 15:11:00
alek have you bought over or have started working in kfc? what is the low down here???
478 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "VR" from (pool-98-116-154-43.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 16:41:53
Check out the
479 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 17:11:47
Alek Could you please be a little more specific about the time MONDAY MORNING. I still have HO HO HO shopping to do Monday. Thanks Griswold Jr
480 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 18:28:26
I agree with post# 479. I have to got to work around 8am eastern time and i'd liketo find out before i have to leave.
481 -
United States - Lubbock Texas 33.548°N 101.922°W "Mike" from (adsl-64-216-47-53.dsl.lbcktx.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 18:48:13
Merry Christmas to all! Looking forward to the big announcement Alek. Hopefully it's positive! :) I'll be at work doing server upgrades tomorrow, so I'll be looking forward to it in between disc swapping. ___)
482 -
United States - Massapequa New York 40.682°N 73.467°W "Anonymous" from (ool-44c2f455.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2008/12/14 19:05:13
483 -
United States - Tipp City Ohio 39.940°N 84.172°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-65-27-212-165.cinci.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 19:14:22
Hi from Sam
484 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-mtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 19:36:57
im enjoying this too
485 -
United States - Bakersfield California 35.383°N 119.227°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-75-85-229-227.bak.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 20:52:51
My Christmas cheer is in the form of this song, my biggest Christmas*** of all times. Don't be fooled by the title. There's nothing obscene in the song. In fact*** a story with a moral to it, written from my perspective as a psychologist: You're Not the Kinda Ho (That Santa had in Mind) Dr BLT words and music by Dr BLT ___ 2008 LINK DELETED
486 -
United States - Lima Ohio 40.733°N 84.144°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-98-31-18-199.woh.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 20:53:01
Thanks for the wonderful site and the fun. Anxiously awaiting the message in the AM. However, won't be able to see it till much later in the day due to work. :-(
487 -
United Kingdom - Newcastle Upon Tyne 54.988°N 1.619°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 06:33:29
hi santa i wood like some mix ing decks
488 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 08:25:01
k if i vote do u promise 2 give me sum of that KFC
Alek replies at 08:30 - WOW - you noticed that fast ... I just put up a notice on the website about the KFC Holiday Traditions Contest.
Kentucky Fried Chicken is running a nationwide Holiday Traditions Contest and Colonel Sanders has selected the Controllable Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease as a semi-finalist.
The winner receives an entire year of finger-lickin' good KFC chicken; Original, BBQ, or (my favorite) Extra Crispy - that's a lot of 15 piece buckets!
The winner also receives a $1,000 and while I'm tempted to use that to buy even more Christmas Lights, I will have KFC donate the entire amount directly to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research which my (crazy) holiday lights have already raised over $30,000 for to help find a cure.
The contest winner is determined by Internet voting through December 21st, 2008 so please consider voting for my site and help win a $1,000 for Celiac Disease.
So surf on by, tell your friends, blog about it, spread the word, etc.
And I can't eat that much KFC, so for sure I'll be sharing some chicken
made with a secret receipe of 11 herbs and spices - D'OH!
Merry Christmas and HO-HO-HO! ;-)
P.S. Here's the link with with more info and then cast your vote to win $1,000 for Celiac Disease
489 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (79-74-49-12.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 09:10:16
hi santa,how are you
490 -
United States - Glendale California 34.169°N 118.266°W "Shelli Droe" from (adsl-75-47-244-29.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 09:11:29
Merry Christmas from Glendale, CA, too! At 47F it's still 'shorts' weather compared to you guys, but it's still cold! haha
491 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 09:55:53
HEY Alek i just voted 4 u i hope tht $1000 will help find a cure celiac disease thts if u win
492 -
United States - Waltham Massachusetts 42.369°N 71.235°W "LINK DELETED" from (c-24-34-221-242.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 10:03:19
It is really sad to read the plights of a lot of people due to the economic situation and their struggle to try and get presents fror their children. Nothing is more heart-wrenching than not being able to meet your childrens' expectations. I wish we can use this situation to give them the biggest gift we can give! Let us take this opportunity to teach them what is real important in life___ it is not the material things, it is your pride and dignity. Do not let them see you borrowing so they can have a new toy. Instead show thm that it is not important to keep up with the Joneses but to act responsibly with dignity. Do not get into a debt to see those little faces lit up. Explain to them why this year they cannot have new toys so they and their parents can live with dignity. These lessons are more important than anything you can teach them. GIVE THM THE GIFT OF TOUGH LOVE THAT WILL GUIDE THEM THE REST OF THEIR LIFE.
493 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 10:17:14
Man! You and your neighbors are fastidious with your driveway shoveling! Is that an HOA requirement? I always leave it on the driveway so the kids can slide down....they just gotta watch for traffic...___I kid___...
494 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Simon UK" from (user-544106b4.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/15 10:56:49
Ok Alek, Thats my vote in can u ship me some hot wings if ya win????
495 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 11:09:37
HEY simon uk hes already promised me sum KFC LOL.....
496 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/15 11:11:05
KFC for everyone in Santa's Workshop on webcam3 tonight - D'OH! ;-)
497 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke and Mum" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 13:19:35
Hi Alek,Me and Luke watched 'Deck The Halls' the other day, have you seen it? They decorate their house with lots of lights so that it can be seen from outer space, do you think your house can be seen from outer space?????????? Luke and his Mum.
498 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 14:22:10
Alek, save me some Honey BBQ Boneless Wings!! My Fav-or-ite!!! Good on a cold day like today!
499 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 40.009°N 82.981°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-65-24-82-32.columbus.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 15:02:08
mmmmm, wings sound good.
500 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 16:34:11
Hey Alek, I just looked up the KFC voting page and I can't se you on it. You're not no.8 - that says "Entry 8 - Bonnie S. (Marysville, WA)" - what happened to your entry?
501 -
United States - Granite City Illinois 38.732°N 90.107°W "Anonymous" from (98.sub-70-194-105.myvzw.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 17:25:09
Absolutely fantastic. recovering from the flu. if I wasn't, i might have missed this. almost makes it worthwhile.
502 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Anonymous" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 17:45:20
Alek, I can't see where on the link above the web cams where to cast a vote. Do I need to go to KFC, or is there a link from your page? Thanks.
503 -
United States - Granite City Illinois 38.732°N 90.107°W "Anonymous" from (98.sub-70-194-105.myvzw.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 18:19:58
Ashley Lynn, wherever you are. I love you.
504 -
United States - Brighton Colorado 39.961°N 104.816°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-176-49-68.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 18:22:06
Can you tell me where this house is I would like to visit in person!
505 -
United States - Lavaca Arkansas 35.357°N 94.188°W "n10cities" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 18:48:46
.068, read the FAQ's...no visitors...house is in a gated community..
506 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 19:05:22
Geez Alek don___t you get lonely...no visitors...house is in a gated community
507 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 19:22:28
500 and 502 KFC site is having problems. Look at Alek's note after you click on Read more and cast your vote.
508 -
United States - Springfield Virginia 38.743°N 77.233°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-255-202-12.washdc.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 19:25:33
This website is so beyond my understanding, it has me inspired.
509 -
United States - Saint Peters Missouri 38.802°N 90.627°W "Anonymous" from (71-85-199-103.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 19:32:12
ho hoh dohhhhhh
510 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-dtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/12/15 20:08:25
the lights look great love all the colors
511 -
Pakistan - Lahore Punjab 31.549°N 74.343°E "Christmas SMS" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 21:26:00
In this X-mas, In the daytime if sun shine so shall Ur expectations come true, At night when moon comes out so shall U receive blesses, then if rain fall so shall it going to carry all your problem away from U! Happy Merry Christmas
512 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Anonymous" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/12/15 23:03:04
Wow, Monday sure was a big night hey?
513 -
India - Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 17.375°N 78.474°E "aartha" from (ABTS-AP-dynamic- wrote at 2008/12/16 05:14:23
this christmas i need to do lot of shopping and i wish the same to d rest. regards aartha LINK DELETED
514 -
United States - Mundelein Illinois 42.266°N 88.050°W "Steve" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/16 06:13:13
Wishing all a safe and wonderous New Year. Merry Christmas. From Northbrook, IL
515 -
United States - Meridian Idaho 43.599°N 116.423°W "josh" from (75-92-10-205.boi.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 06:38:47
alek how did you mak your webcams connect to your website becouse i wont to have lights that you can watch and at night the music would play so you can watch iton the internet and please explane it easy im only 13
516 -
United States - Madison Alabama 34.713°N 86.742°W "Anonymous" from (dynamic-76-73-168-76.knology.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 07:30:42
Alek I went to the KFC voting page but your not listed
Alek replies at 11:38 - The contest/voting was messed up, but should all be resolved later this afternoon per my KFC Christmas page
517 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.761°N 73.931°W "bruce" from (pool-96-224-135-84.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 08:12:52
josh go to camstreams DOT . c o m (ONE WORD) sign up & i think u can add it to ur wed site also give me a e-mail @ rulehummers @ yahoo DOT C O M
518 -
United Kingdom - Ipswich Suffolk 52.083°N 1.166°E "Mark" from (cpc1-ipsw3-0-0-cust553.colc.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/16 11:00:47
Yes you can add it to your website but one thing you forgot to mention is you need to be 18 or over to register on that site.
519 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/16 12:23:49
Do you know I very nearly had to buy myself some KFC crispy chicken today. All this KFC talk on here had me salivating. When I passed a KFC today the great smell was nearly too much!! I resisted the urge, guess I'll be waiting for UPS to deliver a crispy chicken bucket from Colorado when Alek wins!
520 -
United States - Montgomery Alabama 32.357°N 86.272°W "Jason" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/16 13:11:55
Wow 19.0°F! It really warmed up today.
521 -
United States - Allentown Pennsylvania 40.567°N 75.482°W "Frank" from (pool-71-175-206-164.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 14:32:18
You do a great job each year with your Christmas lights
522 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/16 14:56:56
There were some minor issues with the KFC contest/voting page, but those are now resolved. So please consider voting for the
Controllable Christmas Lights for Celiac Disease - full info and voting links on my KFC Christmas Page - lets fill these buckets with Extra Crispy! ;-)
523 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 15:31:39
we already beat the number of posts from 2005! Congratulations everyone!
524 -
United Kingdom - Worcester Worcestershire 52.200°N 2.200°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/16 15:58:25
father xmas has fallen over ! :O
525 -
United States - Saint Peters Missouri 38.802°N 90.627°W "Anonymous" from (71-85-199-103.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/16 16:02:25
They killed kenny
526 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/16 17:38:25
I happened to see this fly across on the IM Laptop - thanks whoever posted this in the IM Chat ... and sorry my thumb is blocking the Colonel! ;-)
527 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "Tammie" from (80-45-46-13.static.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/17 04:47:36
I vo-ho-ho-ted for you!
528 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Alek says at 2008/12/17 05:23:27" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/17 05:24:16
thank you very much
529 -
New Zealand - Wellington 41.300°S 174.783°E "jayme love" from (125-238-251-49.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz) wrote at 2008/12/17 07:42:23
merry xmas and hapi nw yr hhooho
530 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/17 14:06:21
Since I've added a few "embellishments" for the KFC Christmas Contest, I thought it might be nifty to see some time-lapse animation of them in action ... so check out the December 16th Christmas Videos - Holy Flashing K-F-C Lights Batman! ;-)
Senior Citizens checking out the flashing Christmas Lights
Alek Up on the ladder getting a closeup picture
531 -
United States - Campobello South Carolina 35.114°N 82.128°W "lilly" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/17 14:56:19
christmas christmas always fun always cool christmas christmas
532 -
United Kingdom - Mirfield York 53.666°N 1.683°W "Anonymous" from (5acc7b99.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/17 16:04:26
hi alek just voted for you on kfc say hello to your family our xmas lights switch on a week last sunday went great there was hundreds of people we have been on telly as well regards derek robinroyd xmas lights
533 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/17 22:26:55
Here's a couple of pictures I took last night ... and yes, that is "Pumpkin Jack" leftover from Halloween.
534 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke and his mum" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/18 13:17:37
Well Alek, you have our vote. Do you think that your house could be seen from outerspace like in the film 'Deck The Halls'????????? Luke and his mum.
535 -
Turkey - Ankara 39.927°N 32.864°E "Anonymous" from (dsl85-104-27801.ttnet.net.tr) wrote at 2008/12/18 14:51:36
Snow is falling strong
536 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/18 15:00:04
do you get a white christmas every year??
537 -
United States - Edison New Jersey 40.537°N 74.371°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-239-227-76.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/18 15:41:36
I voted for you. I hope you win!
538 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/18 15:43:33
Alek, do you get tons of traffic going past your house to see the lights? You have an awesome display. We voted for you on the KFC site. Thanks for providing good, clean family fun!
539 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/18 16:12:54
Alek, did you get more snow? The street is covered again...
540 -
United States - Jacksonville Beach Florida 30.280°N 81.405°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-80-247-9.jax.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/12/18 16:16:05
Happy HOlidays! Good luck on the KFC thing! I voted, but thought it was ironic to try to get money from a place your kid can't eat at. Trust me...I know your pain. My daughter has Celiac's, I miss my gluten!
541 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/18 17:03:23
Alek your neighbours dont seem very festive can really see any lights or decorations on there houses is it only you in your street that does this kind of thing as in a picture you took before you said your neighbours had their decorations up before you and you were in the pic with and inflatable pengiun sort of thing but i cant even see that?? Can you help thanks and before i finish going on and on great display love the lights and hope you win.
542 -
Japan - 36.000°N 138.000°E "Anonymous" from (dnat.aasa.ac.jp) wrote at 2008/12/18 17:55:24
Hi______ your house' lightning is very cute and fantastic!! I never seen that decoresion(: I fell very very happyXD Good chrestmas will come to you(:
543 -
United States - Aberdeen Maryland 39.498°N 76.196°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-55-196-126.hsd1.md.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/18 18:18:27
Went to New York yesterday saw the wonderful Radio City Rockettes Christmas show and visited Rockefeller center tree and lights - fantastic. The NY residents were very friendly and nice. Makes you fell Chrissmasy.
544 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/18 21:18:10
In answer to various questions below: Someone should ask the ISS astronauts if they can see my house as they pass over. Yes, we got a dusting of snow today with cold weather next week ... so probably will have a White Christmas this year. The neighbors have some great looking displays (although not as tacky) and there a fair number of drive-by's since it is a public road. I appreciate the "know your pain" comment since yes, going gluten free is a pain-in-the-butt. Thanks everyone that has voted in the KFC Contest.
545 -
United States - Dexter Missouri 36.780°N 89.999°W "Rcik (ZZSanta)" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/18 21:27:57
It wasn't much but we just donated to your cause. I love the way you have the lights set up. Gives me some ideas for mine next year. Thanks again for the show. Rick and Chrisie Murray
546 -
United States - Dexter Missouri 36.780°N 89.999°W "Rick Murray" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/18 21:39:56
I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas. We kinda do the same thing here for our local rescue mission. We ask for canned goods to be donated as folks drive by. Go to YouTube and put in ZZtopmo for my videos of our display.
547 -
United States - Dexter Missouri 36.780°N 89.999°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/18 21:58:37
KFC is good.....
548 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-1-45.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/19 01:14:20
Hello everyone.... we are buried under a few feet of snow.... its so awesome!
549 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/19 05:55:46
Vince Darcangelo
writes a nice piece in the local Boulder Daily camera with some great pictures from Cliff Grassmick. Here's some pictures of us hamming it up for the photo shoot ... and yes, it was a pretty wild sunset.
550 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac5774e.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/19 10:18:48
About 3-5 minutes ago the webcam went black and white then nack to normal
551 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina in KCK" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/19 12:58:25
Mr. Murray from Dexter, Mo. How far is that from Kansas City. I am in Kansas City, Kansas but I love Missouri.
552 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Kay Bell" from (user-5444c736.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/19 16:25:42
Merry xmas everyone, have a god one :)
553 -
United Kingdom - Liverpool 53.416°N 3.000°W "john & jackie" from (82-42-104-97.cable.ubr05.live.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/19 17:54:56
hello all in the world. have a great holiday and an even better christmas. from liverpool uk. home of the beatles
554 -
United Kingdom - Dundee Dundee City 56.500°N 2.966°W "Anonymous" from (host86-145-42-72.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/19 19:58:24
Merry xmas from Craig Scotland (L) hope sata is good to you :)
555 -
United States - Birmingham Alabama 33.466°N 86.806°W "Nicloe" from (static.unknown.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 08:21:41
I love Christmas!! It is my favorite time of year! But this year I have started to think that Santa isnt real.
556 -
United States - Willacoochee Georgia 31.360°N 83.000°W "Mike McMillan" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/20 08:22:13
Your kids will not be able to eat the KFC with you. Extra Crispy is like crispy death for them. My wife has Celiacs disease and I have had to change my diet also. I still can't believe all the things made with wheat gluten.
557 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 08:37:43
Merry Christmas everyone!
558 -
United States - Tappahannock Virginia 37.908°N 76.964°W "computerman1323" from (pool-72-82-111-218.nrflva.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 09:39:13
I was here last year!
559 -
United States - Escondido California 33.134°N 117.041°W "Mr H" from (adsl-75-55-38-196.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 11:33:08
A word of warning Mr Murray, don't tell "Crazy Kina" where you live. I won't go into details, but I've had to take out a restraining order on her. And Mr Grassmas, The Boulder Daily article published your street address, so now she knows how to find you. Luckily the cameras will warn you when she's coming, but still, best lock up your valuables.
560 -
United Kingdom - Rawtenstall Lancashire 53.700°N 2.283°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/20 12:10:12
561 -
United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.800°N 0.366°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-138-102-204.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 12:41:38
Will you be doing "Santa Cam" this year?
562 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 15:37:09
Hello all! We're supposed to get a big winter blast. It just started to snow.
563 -
United States - Montgomery Alabama 32.393°N 86.322°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-157-148-218.mgm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 15:43:56
Merry Christmas From Montgomery,AL 75 degrees here, Thanks for sharing your snow and lights!
564 -
Canada - Calgary Alberta 51.083°N 114.083°W "Anonymous" from (S010600212964ce60.cg.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 15:52:43
santa is a big fake... People who don't believe in Santa are lame ...
565 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 16:01:46
So the Grinch is in Canada at the moment. Merry Christmas Grinch! Santa, and the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny are all alive and well, omnipresent, and live within all who believe in them - I think the fake one you saw was just a drunk in a red suit celebrating the end of work for the Christmas holidays.
566 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-mtc-ad08.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 17:51:15
hi it is maddie "how you doing everyone"
567 -
United States - Bountiful Utah 40.880°N 111.823°W "Scott" from (c-76-27-38-253.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 19:13:36
Hey Alek, Where is the second hulk? Town wasn't big enough for two?
568 -
United States - Collierville Tennessee 35.091°N 89.651°W "willy-nilly" from (c-75-66-169-76.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 19:57:13
cant wait till X-mas what about u????
569 -
United Kingdom - Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "Tony and Shaz" from (cpc3-leic1-0-0-cust730.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/20 20:21:38
All them lights on your roof, where will santa park?.. Real nice though, bet your kids are well proud. Merry xmas :-)
570 -
United States - Aurora Indiana 39.083°N 84.976°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-46-219-29.hsd1.in.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/21 03:16:53
Merry Christmas to all
571 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/21 05:12:06
Dang! I'm ready for a White Christmas in my area! It is colder here than at Mr. G's (18 deg F in AR vs 23 deg F in CO), but he gets the snow. Waaaaa......
572 -
Canada - Markham Ontario 43.866°N 79.266°W "Anonymous" from (CPE00508b01c123-CM001cea3746b0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/12/21 10:24:01
sweat mama
573 -
United States - Bonita California 32.677°N 117.012°W "Matthew" from (ip68-7-120-3.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/21 13:28:07
Im so happy there is 4 days till christmas and i cant wait for christmas
574 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/21 16:06:00
It's the longest day night of the year ... and also the last day to vote in the KFC Contest - I appreciate people considering my entry. Also, I took some pictures of the Friday newspaper (see blog post #549) - my Mom isn't too keen about me climbing on roofs, so probably good thing she didn't see this! Funniest back-story is my wife was out of the house, so I didn't tell her about the photo shoot earlier in the week ... and amazingly, my kids didn't spill the beans (so I owe 'em something "really special" now). So we were able to surprise Wendy at the breakfast table Friday morning when she opened up the paper to see me on the front page - would have been even better if the picture locations had been switched and she had seen me and the boys on the cover! ;-)
575 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/21 16:15:54
Ummmmm....you mean the SHORTEST day....lol
Alek replies at 16:19 - Ooops - I actually meant to say longest night - thanks.
576 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/21 16:21:06
I'll bet that was cool to see the look on her face when you showed her the article...
577 -
United States - Pasadena Texas 29.644°N 95.137°W "Me" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/21 19:04:12
A box of peppermint, a bowl of chilli, cup of hot choco and away we gooooooooooooooooooo.
578 -
United States - Gwynedd Pennsylvania 40.200°N 75.245°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-81-22-217.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/21 20:04:16
Awwwww, That's So Cool! Congratulations Alek!!!
579 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Anonymous" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/12/21 20:26:32
So, have you felt the real cold snap yet?
580 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.117°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/21 20:53:48
Search Corey Roberts Oh Holy night on youtube, I tried to post the link but it was disabled. Found this on youtube! amazing kid singing oh holy night, skip the boring intro!
581 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Gill, Luke's mum" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 06:05:47
Well, not long now until we find out if Mr Alek has won the KFC competition.I'm sure we are all on the edge of our seats waiting and looking at that KFC website. It's a bit like watching grass grow, only the red background on their website keeps making my eyes go funny, very festive though.Gill, Luke's mum.
582 -
United States - Tucson Arizona 32.236°N 110.955°W "Diana Knoepfle in Tucson, Az" from (ip70-176-57-153.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 12:25:22
Congratulations Alek!!!!
583 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 12:26:55
If you like what Alek has done here then make sure you check out the Schwippy Christmas Tree - it's in Alek's links to other stuff or just do a search for a controllable Christmas tree in someones house - and it was inspired by Alek's lights too. Go and have a look, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
584 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Richard" from (cpc1-warw8-0-0-cust120.sol2.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 12:32:11
Congratulations Alek on your KFC win - great to see the money going to a good cause. Extra chrispy chicken buckets in in the mail to all Komar fans soon???!!!
585 -
United States - Murfreesboro Tennessee 35.889°N 86.316°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-211-28-58.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 12:38:36
Congratulations on your win Alek! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2009. (I was entry # 5 in the KFC contest) Best Regards, Gail Henry, Murfreesboro TN
Alek replies at 12:49 - Thanks for stopping by Gail - your video was great and KFC should use it in their TV commercials! ;-)
586 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/22 12:40:55
WOW - you guys noticed fast as this was just announced and I'm still updating my website. Here's a screenshot from KFC.Com with full details on my KFC Christmas Page. As noted there, I have asked the KFC Folks to send the $1,000 directly to the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research and they have confirmed the donation has been received - WOOT! ;-)
587 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 12:45:55
crispy chicken all round then !!! lol
588 -
United States - Spokane Washington 47.653°N 117.431°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-185-64-250.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 13:06:31
I"M A BIG FAN OF SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
589 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-137-158-8.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 13:16:09
Congratulations, I knew you could do it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
590 -
Germany - Gelsenkirchen Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.516°N 7.050°E "Anonymous" from (dslb-084-061-223-133.pools.arcor-ip.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 14:50:39
Congratulations on your win Alek! greetings from germany ;)
591 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:11:40
Congratulations, Alek and Family!
592 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "kate" from (5ac5774e.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:14:16
well done enjoy you chicken(s)
593 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-1-45.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:17:20
Congrats Alek!
594 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-244-163-101.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:31:34
I knew you were going to win the contest Mr Grassmas because you are the "Original Bucket" of fun. Congratulations!!
595 -
United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Gary" from (cpc1-ldry1-0-0-cust808.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:33:56
Congratulations Alek. Merry Christmas from Ireland.
596 -
United States - Durand Michigan 42.894°N 84.009°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:37:49
contrats Alek
597 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's mum." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 16:34:19
Congratulations Alek, enjoy that KFC.I told Luke you had won, he couldn't believe it, he was really pleased :-) Luke's mum.
598 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Jonathan Hager" from (machine77.Level3.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 18:56:38
wow - you won the KFC motherload - excellent!!!
599 -
United States - Broomfield Colorado 39.935°N 105.047°W "Todd "Extra Crispy" Bradley" from (c-76-120-42-85.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 19:24:31
Congratulations on winning the contest. That's un-freaking-believable!
600 -
United States - San Diego California 32.965°N 117.127°W "Anonymous" from (user-10cmc5h.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 19:51:48
Merry Christmas from rainy San Diego
601 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-12-4.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/12/22 23:38:22
does any one know how I can download a dvd with snow falling and lovely scenes to put on the tv for christmas Merry Christmas Every one
602 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/23 00:36:09
I appreciate all the congrats on the KFC contest. Along those lines, I thought it might be fun to take a few pictures of the Christmas display with everything turned OFF ... and then "draw" a KFC using an LED light. I took a few more shots with my ultra-wide Canon 10-22mm lens. As noted, the moon has not risen yet, so it's pretty darn dark outside. These are pretty much straight out of the camera with just white balance adjustment.
603 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Jack" from (host81-156-153-93.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/23 06:11:20
Weldone on winning Alek! and that picture with the KFC and all the lights of is really cool! :)
604 -
United States - Miami Florida 25.558°N 80.458°W "Anonymous" from (ff1b.fiu.edu) wrote at 2008/12/23 09:37:58
605 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/23 12:07:00
I've uploaded some time-lapse videos of the webcams in action after the KFC win to the Christmas Videos Page - lots of congrats on the IM Chat in Santa's Office - thanks! The local TV station is coming by tonight around 4:30 - probably be on the front lawn visible in webcam2.
606 -
United States - Onalaska Washington 46.602°N 122.678°W "Alex" from (h75-100-155-149.olndca.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 13:20:13
Want to send your cards on time next year? I use
607 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina in KCK" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 14:05:12
Congratulations Alek aka Mr. G for winning. Thanks for the lights and the fun, as always. You're the best.
608 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/23 14:58:08
A couple of local TV stations are coming up this afternoon - look for us on the webcams after 4:00.
609 -
United States - Greenwich New York 43.089°N 73.500°W "Karleigh" from (cpe-74-76-213-110.nycap.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/23 15:44:30
Waiting for your webcams to come up..:P this was a great idea. KFC4life.
610 -
United States - Greenwood Arkansas 35.201°N 94.193°W "n10cities" from (wsip-98-175-205-143.fv.ks.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 16:32:38
Channel 4 in the house! Congrats, Alek!!
611 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 17:15:35
oh god something stinks
612 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/23 17:22:58
Fox 31 is still here - having fun with 'em.
613 -
United Kingdom - Blackburn Blackburn with Darwen 53.750°N 2.483°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/23 17:24:52
Alek will you post the video once it has been aired on TV so us UK fans get to see it...
614 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 18:05:57
khjsacfcda s***
615 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Matthew" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 18:41:16
Hey Alek, are you going to keep the lights on all night Tomorrow???
616 -
United States - Rehoboth Massachusetts 41.842°N 71.245°W "Viewer from Ma**achusetts" from (c-76-118-207-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 19:22:11
Alek, Thanks for doing these lights! I have never seen anything like it before! I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas! Happy 2009
617 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:02:21
Alek, I spend Christmas alone, and your web site always brightens my holiday. Thank you!
Alek replies at 23:44 - WOW ... what a nice note ... glad I could provide some Christmas Cheer for you.
618 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-137-158-8.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:10:18
Do tou know how many votes you got?
619 -
United States - Mead Colorado 40.237°N 105.002°W "Ed, Chris, Alex and Shelby" from (65-100-143-137.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:22:57
Merry Christmas from Lakewood!
620 -
United States - San Diego California 32.901°N 117.207°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:25:37
Merry Christmas From Shannon Hogan in Aurora
621 -
United States - Greeley Colorado 40.399°N 104.800°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-25-218-183.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:26:44
Congratulations and merry christmas from the Columbos family in Greeley Co
622 -
United States - Brush Colorado 40.167°N 103.536°W "Noaa" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:27:19
This is really cool !! I seen your site on FOX News. Mary Christmas
623 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-137-158-8.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:27:39
Do tou know how many votes you got? Wish I could spell. Do you know how many votes you got? Thanks
624 -
United States - Gig Harbor Washington 47.343°N 122.647°W "Z" from (d20-137.rb.gh.centurytel.net) wrote at 2008/12/23 21:30:50
Happy Holidays everyone, from Gig Harbor, Wa! Love the site.
625 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/23 23:30:25
Here's a link to John Romero's FOX TV segment that they did tonight - they also plan to send their helicopter over the house at O-dark-30 tomorrow morning, so I'll turn the lights on for them.
Channel 2 was also out and here is Laura Main's report
plus you can watch footage from webcams
2 and
My main contribution was being the paparazzi mentioned at the end of the that piece (ooops) as my kids totally steal the show! So I got my 15 minutes of fame Tuesday night ... but tomorrow is Wednesday - trash day - guess who takes that out! ;-)
Kyle being interviewed by FOX (there was only one Santa Hat, so the boys had to share)
Channel 2 does a closeup of Kyle and Dirk - later with hat and X10 Remote Control Unit
Kyle talking about his favorite Christmas Decorations for Channel 2
Kyle "did" his own hair - my media "coaching" was simply "just be yourself and have fun"
Alek explaining Celiac Disease to Channel 2 in the (very messy) Santa's Workshop
626 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "mz" from (c220-239-51-213.rivrw2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/12/23 23:41:41
falla la la la las la la la
627 -
United States - Littleton Colorado 39.541°N 104.921°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-56-233-186.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 01:23:37
Mario : Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic eh luigi? Luigi: I HOPE THEY MADE LOTSA SPAGHITTI!! Mario : LUIGI LOOK! ___points over there --___ Mario : Its from BOWSER "Dear pesky plumers the koopa lings an i have taken over the mushroom kingdom the princess is now a preminent guest at one of my seven koopa hotels i dare you to find her if you can!" Mario : WE GOTTA FIND THE PRINCESS! Luigi : And you gotta help us! ___points at all of you
628 -
United States - Littleton Colorado 39.541°N 104.921°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-56-233-186.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 01:41:23
nice house :P (wish i could do some thing like this
629 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/24 06:01:11
Sky Fox Helicopter plans to do a flyover this morning. Originally was 5:45, but they are checking out a warehouse fire so now expected over target around 6:15 - tune in to Denver Channel 13 for live view from a 1,000 feet up! Update: here's a picture from the middle of my yard - best I could do in the pitch black - 300mm telephoto, 1/30s handheld, F/5.6, and ISO 6400! I also shot some video of the TV screen of what the heli view looked like but this is a poor quality video and overly large.
630 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "Anonymous" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 07:22:33
Wow its christmas eve
631 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 07:38:03
I watched the video segments you linked to and must say your sons did a wonderful job telling viewers about your cause. Very mature and professional. ___grin___.
632 -
United States - Osceola Indiana 41.642°N 86.075°W "Anonymous" from (debian.homes2see.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 07:40:31
I can't believe I'm almost 40 and this site as well as Norad's Santa Tracker excite me every year!! Keep up the good work Alek :)
633 -
United States - Golden Colorado 39.714°N 105.243°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-8-216-8.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 11:32:20
Congrats Alek!!!We enjoyed being able to vote for the BEST decoration in the compition. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year The Rusts
634 -
Germany - Wunstorf Niedersachsen 52.433°N 9.416°E "Monika" from (p4FC3DFDB.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 12:07:14
Merry Xmas and a fast new year 2009 wishes you Monika from Germany-Fa___berg
635 -
United States - Marina Del Rey California 33.977°N 118.435°W "Anonymous" from (c-63-249-49-2.orchardpark.ca.cssbb.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 14:19:27
merry christmas
636 -
United States - Huson Montana 47.132°N 114.534°W "Justin "montana"" from (216-47-63-91.static.blackfoot.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 14:19:28
Yo alek Something i never noticed but is bugging me now that i have. Is why are your clocks backwards? Like in the inside cam your wall clocks are backwards like 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 instead of 123.... Weird huh? But nothing else is backwards lol Merry christmas man and ill see this site again next year ( thanks for waving to me the other night :) even though im 22 it made me happy lol )
Alek replies at 15:10 - Yep, that actually is a backwards clock in the top right corner of Santa's Workshop - it does mess with your brain doesn't it!
637 -
United States - Broomfield Colorado 39.914°N 105.080°W "Jim" from (70-57-4-71.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 14:23:25
Love your display & website. My wife and I live less than 10 miles from Lafayette. Can you divulge the address so we can drive by?
638 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 14:42:23
.071, Google is your friend.... heh
639 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Anonymous" from (67-41-136-137.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 15:09:58
Hi Alek and Family, This is Tom the guy that installed your tile on Sep. 11th. I saw that you won the National prize, WOW. Merry Xmas
Alek replies at 15:11 - Thanks for stopping by "Tom the Tile Man" - people still compliment the tile job you did in our kitchen and fireplace - thanks for the great work and Merry Christmas.
640 -
Germany - Wuppertal Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.266°N 7.183°E "Anonymous" from (i577AD5BB.versanet.de) wrote at 2008/12/24 15:11:39
Merry Christmas from Germany :)
641 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 15:13:34
Will there be a Santa Cam tonight? ___-)
Alek replies at 15:18 - I may move webcam3 from Santa's Workshop downstairs by the Christmas Tree to keep an eye out for the Big Red Guy ... but if not, some archival footage of the Santa Tracker is here. However, I just extended the X10 controls two extra hours to Midnight since it is Christmas Eve.
642 -
United States - Bethesda Maryland 39.003°N 77.160°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-66-69-20.washdc.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 15:59:27
643 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/24 16:12:00
HEY Alek wen will cam3 b moving 2 the xmas tree
644 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 16:31:07
30mins till xmas in the uk!!!!!!!!!
645 -
United Kingdom - Bolton 53.583°N 2.433°W "John Coles" from (host86-148-245-74.range86-148.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 16:50:31
10 Mins Until Christmas In The UK!
646 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:04:12
merry xmas now in the uk !!!!!!!
647 -
United Kingdom - Basildon Essex 51.566°N 0.466°E "Anonymous" from (host81-153-92-138.range81-153.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:04:35
its chrismas in the uk xxxx
648 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's Mum UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:21:03
Happy Christmas Alek and family. Our table is set, and were off to bed.Happy Christmas to everyone :-) From Luke and his Mum and Dad.
649 -
United States - Red Hill Pennsylvania 40.372°N 75.481°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-94-117-150.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:27:21
I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
650 -
United States - Broomfield Colorado 39.914°N 105.080°W "Joe" from (67-40-134-241.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:43:23
You are a very special person for taking the time to make so many feel your cheer and spirit. I am just down the road in Broomfield and would be happy to bring you a egg-nog or brandy for all your hard uncaring work. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, may peace be with you, and a very Happy New Year.
Alek replies at 18:22 - Thanks for the kind words and nice offer Joe ... Egg-Nog with Brandy is darn good ... but maybe consider a donation to Celiac Disease. BTW, there is an awesome display in your neck of the woods on TinCup off of Telluride. I have chatted with the owner - nice guy - heir display is incredible!
651 -
United States - Jamaica New York 40.722°N 73.790°W "bruce" from (pool-71-190-4-241.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 17:44:22
wow alek thats cool i saw the clips on the website of the new (both) it wa** cool, u should get the link & put it up on the site. also u got a very big workshop. &&&& MERRY CHRISTMAS TO U!!! yha u putting cam 3 down by the tree to night to see santa???
652 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KCK" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/24 20:43:58
653 -
Anonymous Proxy - 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail29.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/12/24 20:55:55
Nothing cures celiac disease like a bucket of Colonel Sanders
654 -
United States - Buena Vista Colorado 38.875°N 106.253°W "Anonymous" from (host-72-174-245-36.bnv-co.client.bresnan.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 21:01:18
peace on earth,goodwell to men..
655 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.743°N 104.979°W "Anonymous" from (97-118-233-158.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 23:13:16
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house...
656 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Jack" from (host81-156-153-93.range81-156.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/25 03:41:43
Its Christmas day here in the UK! Merry Christmas everyone and have a wonderful day!
657 -
Anonymous Proxy - 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail26.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/12/25 04:24:32
Hey I found a dead rat in my bucket of KFC. Rats rampage at Boulder KFC Rats the city's newest celebrities after a television news crew spotted over a dozen of them using the KFC restaurant Check it out on Youtube
658 -
United States - Frederick Maryland 39.462°N 77.275°W "Allen" from (pool-71-176-150-195.hgrtmd.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 05:36:31
Dear World, It's Christmas morning in Maryland. I'm filled with much gratitude today. I am thinking about those folks who are struggling this Christmas: with money problems, health, sadness or depression. My heart goes out to everyone who is hurting today. Find a good friend to be with. I want to wish Merry Christmas to our world and a prayer for peace, especially with our new adminstatration coming into the White House. -Allen
659 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Jamie" from (79-72-70-237.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/25 08:21:08
Happy Christmas to you and your Family Alek! Hope you have a good day:D
660 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 08:40:45
Merry Christmas everyone
661 -
United States - Henderson Nevada 36.032°N 115.024°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 10:53:37
and god bless us everyone
662 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/25 13:00:42
no light on and its xmas :-(
663 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/25 14:20:31
what did the kids get for xmas not to mention use 2 ?? Have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!x
664 -
United States - Norman Oklahoma 35.233°N 97.412°W "Lori R." from (ip72-200-200-64.ok.ok.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 15:02:49
Thinking of Daniel K. knowing he is watching us from Heaven today, I miss you buddy boy. Much love to everyone, Merry Christmas, special wishes to by brother in law Adam, who is serving in the Army and just returned to Iraq
665 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/25 16:27:45
I had a nice Christmas with family ... and the "giant double hoop basketball machine" is a huge hit with my kids - noise level just quadrupled in the house! I hope everyone else also had a Merry Christmas. And since it is Christmas Day, I have switched back to HO-HO-HO in the front yard instead of the giant rope light KFC. There were thousands of people watching and controlling the lights yesterday (Christmas Eve is usually the busiest night), but traffic will tail off quickly now ... so less Internet surfers to battle for control of the Christmas Lights! ;-)
666 -
United Kingdom - Saint Lawrence Isle of Wight 50.583°N 1.233°W "Alison S" from (user82.resC134.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 16:33:38
Merry Christmas everyone. x
667 -
United States - Latham New York 42.752°N 73.780°W "jordan" from (pool-71-164-85-107.albyny.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 17:21:41
hbhg jgfjlghkljjnjglb gklgkgl jhglbgf
668 -
United States - Cape Coral Florida 26.633°N 81.982°W "renie" from (fl-71-3-104-48.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/12/25 20:29:24
Hope all had a merry christmas. i've been playing with the lights for a few years now and think it's great. every year it makes me happy to see them again. i hope you keep this up for a long time to come. Happy new year everyone. let's hope it's better than the last
669 -
United States - West Des Moines Iowa 41.566°N 93.740°W "Jay in West Des Moines" from (12-216-111-130.client.mchsi.com) wrote at 2008/12/25 22:11:06
Just wanted to wish you and your family a merry christmas Alek. Hope you all had a great time! and Thanks for the great lights! Happy Holidays
670 -
United Kingdom - Halesowen Staffordshire 52.450°N 2.050°W "Brenna" from (88-106-101-188.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 00:23:27
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas from an American living in the UK. I never seem to be around the computer when you are online. :( Anyway, best of luck to you and happy new year!
671 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 02:20:58
672 -
United Kingdom - Larkhall South Lanarkshire 55.733°N 3.966°W "Anonymous" from (host86-147-41-72.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 06:16:43
Why do you turn the workshop cam off? Why not leave it on with Will you be leaving the cameras on when you take down all the christmas lights down? If so, Can you tell us when
673 -
United States - Corona New York 40.749°N 73.853°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-11-5.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 08:33:57
so christmas is over but new years is next.
674 -
United States - Meridian Idaho 43.599°N 116.423°W "Josh" from (75-92-10-205.boi.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 10:41:29
hey alek i pt your link on my myspace page
675 -
Germany - Dortmund Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.516°N 7.450°E "Anonymous" from (dslb-084-061-246-128.pools.arcor-ip.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 13:44:56
der schnee wird auch immer weniger :(
676 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 14:07:55
alek just incase you dont know the guy below said " the snow is getting less and less as i translated it for you" Have a great new year and happy boxing day!
677 -
United States - Warm Springs Virginia 38.127°N 79.808°W "Jordan Ford" from (h69-128-224-203.htspva.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 14:14:32
Were do u live I whould love to see your lights inperson! me and my dad put up over 20,ooo lights each year!!!!!! Great is what u r helping u and other kids with that disorder!
678 -
Germany - Bochum Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.483°N 7.216°E "Anonymous" from (i577B997E.versanet.de) wrote at 2008/12/26 15:00:25
Bei mir liegt leider ___berhaupt kein schnee :D
679 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 15:33:45
Alek replies at 15:46 - Nope ... but I left him a note to bring you a new CAPS LOCK KEY since yours appears to be broken ... ;-)
680 -
United States - Corpus Christi Texas 27.702°N 97.342°W "Mary Ellen" from (dialup- wrote at 2008/12/26 15:52:28
Glad to read that you won the KFC $1000! Wouldn't it be cool if that particular thousand dollars resulted in the cure for Celiac disease? I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Love from your Celiac buddy in Lakehills, Texas!
681 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 15:55:44
682 -
United Kingdom - Larkhall South Lanarkshire 55.733°N 3.966°W "Anonymous" from (host86-147-41-72.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 16:30:08
Why do you turn the workshop cam off? Why not leave it on,, Will you be leaving the cameras on when you take down all the christmas lights down? If so, Can you tell us when
683 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:09:01
alek when do your decs come down???? and can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee watch you at work thanks ever so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.x
684 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:09:48
how was your christmas Jordan Ford?
685 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "pie" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:12:41
hey alek looking at older post i see you have a di-524 thats the same kind of router i used to use. That is till we updated to stabler linksys wrt-54g ___)
686 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:13:06
Did you get any new Christmas-display stuff at today's after-Christmas sales?
687 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.053°N 118.264°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:28:53
Alex, it is generally considered impolite to display IP's. I recommend that you hash the IPs. (ex. 67.86.140._________) Also you should really use a look up system that displays the standard IP format. (ex. 67.86.140._________ instead of 067.086.140._________)
688 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.053°N 118.264°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 17:33:53
___ 's are asterisks btw. (your blog system dosent handle some characters too well...) imo your whole site needs a good makeover.
Alek replies at 17:47 - There is a full money-back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with the free komar.org website.
689 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/26 20:27:08
As noted on the main page, the christmas display runs until New Years - I'll take it down when we have a warm dry spell. Front yard cam #2 is 7x24 - others are when the display is on. And yes, I did pick up some stuff at the post-Christmas sales at up to 70% off ... but you'll have to wait until next year to see it. Finally, here's a picture of the monster double hoop basketball game that has quadrupled the sound level in my house - it's a ton of fun! ;-)
690 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's Mum." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/27 02:58:36
Hi Alek, Hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas, the boy's certainly look as though they have had fun. Maybe you should get some earplugs for the new year. I was expecting to see your tree on the cam this year, so that we can spot the red guy. Could we see a picture of your tree anyway, that would be nice. Luke's Mum, UK.
691 -
United States - Eatontown New Jersey 40.303°N 74.070°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-187-31-13.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/27 10:42:28
692 -
Australia - Narre Warren Victoria 38.033°S 145.300°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/12/27 16:46:58
i like santa.
693 -
Canada - Sault Sainte Marie Ontario 46.500°N 84.333°W "TALLIE" from (bas15-ottawa23-1176147640.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008/12/27 20:36:50
I love you SANTA
694 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/27 21:25:38
Jean from Wisconsin sent me a nice note this evening along with a cool banner that I have put on the main Christmas page
"Keep up the good work with your displays. Your kids are lucky to have you as a dad. You're making very special memories for them that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives. I've been in the 'kid' business for 30 years as a writer/editor in children's publishing (20 years at Golden Books and the past 10 as a freelance writer). Prior to that, I was an elementary school teacher for a couple of years. It's always great to see parents involved creatively with their kids. I'm looking forward to checking back next year."
- thanks Jean!
695 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/28 09:51:21
Great Site---...x
696 -
United States - Littleton Colorado 39.559°N 105.005°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/28 10:46:21
Saw your Christmas Cheer on CNN last week. You are located only a few blocks from my parents home at Delta Drive. Enjoyed your efforts. Bob Rowland
697 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/28 14:08:21
when is too late to take down my Christmas Decoration? help......please?
698 -
United States - Killeen Texas 31.093°N 97.749°W "Anonymous" from (96-24-78-200.klt.clearwire-dns.net) wrote at 2008/12/28 15:43:29
they are your decorations, take them down when you feel like it. or don't take them down. haha
699 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/28 15:45:14
I officially stopped listening to christmas music yesterday Dec.27. I also took down some garland 10 mins ago
700 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2008/12/28 16:49:10
Here's some pictures taken earlier in the Christmas season that I forgot to toss on the blog. SpongeBob SquarePants is a favorite with the young Christmas Lights fans ... and the Snow Globe was new this year ... a compliment to the Frosty Family.
701 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-2-101.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/28 21:34:24
Happy new year Alek! and all the family at wgg an here!
702 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/29 11:50:16
Bummer light not on !!!?:-( ---Great!!.
703 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Wild & Crazy Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/29 13:41:21
Hey Alek, how much did you raise for Celiac this year. I saw $30K and $35K. What did it end up being? Have a safe New Year's.
Alek replies at 15:26 - I last checked in with the University of Maryland folks a week ago and per the donation page, the total as of December 22nd was $35,950. I'll do a final tally after New Years - thank you everyone that donated to charity.
704 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.752°N 104.999°W "Donna Lee" from (97-122-111-27.hlrn.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/12/30 01:51:02
Hello I have been on and off for a while now, I am having a hard time financially but I am thankful for what I have. I will pray for your kids and for a cure to be found. I am truly blessed and lucky to be alive and living with my four healthy kids. I love what you did to the place!! I also loved ribbing you a little on the im screen, all in good fun though!!! Have a great new year!!
705 -
United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Gary" from (cpc1-ldry1-0-0-cust813.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/30 07:17:54
Hi Alek. Just looking at the front yard webcam. Looks like the christmas tree and snowmen have taking a bit of tumble during the night. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Alek replies at 08:35 - We get occasional strong Chinook winds from the Continental Divide. I guess I should be happy that the peak gust was only (!) 72 MPH on this one as we've had a few over 100MPH. Took a bit of damage - pictures are worth a thousand words - note that Hulk's Santa hat was still on this morning! ;-)
Front yard - almost everything standing is knocked down (despite being staked) including fence and 10' tree
Side View of fence and related carnage ... a few candy canes are still standing
Lighted Santa Plane (top roof) and Train (above garage) are high drag objects - note safety rope saved 'em
70° bending of metal (from Santa Plane) and broken stake (from Candy Cane)
706 -
United Kingdom - Londonderry Derry 55.000°N 7.333°W "Gary" from (cpc1-ldry1-0-0-cust813.belf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/30 10:02:22
The lights seem to have taken a good battering. I noticed after I posted the previous comment that there was a lot of wind. I could see the roof lights and pumpkin jack being tossed around quite a bit. Hope they all still work.
707 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/30 11:21:22
Hey Alek r u gonna turn cam1 on wen u fix the lights on tye roof
708 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/12/30 13:29:20
Hmmmm....this close to New Years, have to decide whether it is worth the trouble setting everything back up. Only going to be running another night or two....
709 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "Jack" from (host86-143-126-237.range86-143.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/30 16:14:38
Hey Alek, have you took some of the lights and decorations of the garage roof? Did they all break in the wind?
710 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Matthew" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/30 17:11:26
Hey Alex, is this the last day to control the lights?? if so you should extend the time a extra hour.
Alek replies at 17:35 - Per the main page, the last night will be January 1st. And yea, the display is running with a few thousand less lights because of the wind storm last night ... although I fixed/repaired quite a few for the last three days.
711 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Walt C from NB CANADA" from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2008/12/30 18:33:09
Alek - my sincere Thank You for this site. Best Wishes to you and your family for 2009. Your hard work and dedication is admirable.
712 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/12/31 05:47:46
hi alek if you could notify me if i am right will you leave the cam facing the front yard on so we can see you taking them down?? and what time will you be taking them down?? Thanks if you could reply so i know when to log on Many thanks Happy new year to you and your family!x
Alek replies at 07:34 - I'll be taking things down shortly after the last night of X10 controls on January 1st and the front yard cam will be online 7x24 until that is done. The exact date/time will depend on weather and my family's schedule.
713 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-37.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/12/31 08:51:51
714 -
United States - Astoria New York 40.762°N 73.912°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-190-13-89.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/12/31 09:03:55
trash day!!!! in post # 625 you rote trash day- guess who takes that out! ;-). i bet it was you both days.
Alek replies at 10:11 - Yep - here I had just finished chatting with my neighbor about the broken fence (see pics in blog post #705) between our properties.
Here's a wide-angle picture from before the wind damage -
closer up.
715 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Matthew" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/31 10:30:35
Hey alex, are going to keep the lights on till Midnight on your Time zone???
Alek replies at 14:09 - I've extended it an extra hour ... so at least until 11:00PM local ... although I usually watch the Midnight Ball Drop in New York City (at 10:00 PM here) and then hit the sack shortly thereafter ... plus may take the family skiing on New Years Day.
716 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/31 15:29:19
Happy New Year!
717 -
United Kingdom - Hill South Gloucestershire 51.651°N 2.515°W "Alison S" from (user44.resC135.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/12/31 16:18:11
45 Minutes til 2009 here in the Uk. Thank you for another brilliant display Alek. Happy New Year everyone.
718 -
United Kingdom - Cramlington Northumberland 55.066°N 1.583°W "fred118118" from (customer6656.pool1.Newcastle-HTL0207-BAS0001.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2008/12/31 16:25:30
happy newyear!!!!!!!!!
719 -
United Kingdom - Coventry 52.416°N 1.550°W "jack" from (host86-143-126-237.range86-143.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/31 17:42:21
happy new year! from the uk!
720 -
United States - Champaign Illinois 40.112°N 88.242°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-212-146-90.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/31 17:56:44
Hi Alek this site has some inflatables for ___5 just an fyi. Keep up the great work!!! LINK DELETED
721 -
United Kingdom - Northwich Cheshire 53.266°N 2.500°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2009/01/01 07:18:24
Happy New Year.....only 358 days till xmas
722 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.729°N 73.825°W "BRUCE" from (pool-96-224-58-167.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 08:59:29
another windy night alek the snowman feel in the front & soo was it windy in new your too. i went up to the roof to take some pics of the fire works in time square last light & they all came bilr with the wind. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKK HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO ALLL!
723 -
United States - Queen Creek Arizona 33.198°N 111.604°W "hayley" from (70-58-115-139.phnx.qwest.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 11:07:08
724 -
United Kingdom - Mirfield York 53.666°N 1.683°W "derek uk" from (5acc7b99.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2009/01/01 16:43:36
happy new alek your last night for the lights ours tomorrow we will soon be putting them back up all the best regards derek
725 -
United States - Rehoboth Massachusetts 41.842°N 71.245°W "Ed" from (c-76-118-207-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 17:49:39
It has been a great past month looking at all your decorations and controlling them. I will miss seeing them a great deal. You made our Christmas very special here in Massachusetts. Thanks so much and I hope you and your entire family have a very happy and healthy 2009. Look forward to seeing the 2009 lights! Thanks again for everything!
726 -
United Kingdom - Huddersfield Kirklees 53.650°N 1.783°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2009/01/01 18:45:43
Hi Alec, Great display as usual. Enjoy all of your KFC!
727 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Paul C." from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 20:58:27
Been a fun Christmas season, look forward to seeing you again next year Alek. Thanks a lot :)
728 -
United States - Hanford California 36.276°N 119.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-192-178-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 21:23:10
Happy 2009!!! Can't wait to come back next christmas
729 -
United States - Hanford California 36.276°N 119.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-192-178-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 21:28:27
Thanks for the christmas lights this year i will miss them!!!!
730 -
United States - Gwynedd Pennsylvania 40.200°N 75.245°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-81-22-217.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/01 22:12:12
Hope you and your family have a great year, Alek! Thank You for all of your hard work and Christmas Spirit!
731 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2009/01/01 22:49:11
Christmas 2008 is officially over as this was the last night for the lights and X10 controls. It should be sunny and hit 60°F tomorrow before a winter storm comes in the next day ... so I'll be taking everything down PDQ - see webcam2 for live action. I'll be turning off comments on the blog next week, so now is your last chance to chime in for this holiday season.
732 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Daniel" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2009/01/02 04:10:58
Happy New Year everyone! :)
733 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 06:44:46
Alek, thanks for another memorable Christmas! Happy New Year to you and yours.... Time to go back to "Watching Grass Grow"!
734 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Luke's Mum UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 08:47:48
Hope you and your family had a good new year.Luke was disappointed taking the lights down, he was going to have one last go at switching on/off.Would it be possible for just one more night?Also I think a lot of us would agree, could you keep us all happy and do something for Valentines, light up heart maybe?We all need some extra cheer this year.:-)
735 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 09:39:05
Thanks everyone for a great year. I'll be taking down all christmas decorations today. Talk to you in September!
736 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 09:50:26
Hey alex, turn webcam one on
Alek replies at 10:09 - That's going to be hard to do since I just took webcam1 down from the neighbor's house ... ;-)
737 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 10:23:36
when are you taking lights down?? im waiting
Alek replies at 10:49 - Doing the roof and garage this morning, plus other misc. Probably be out on the front yard (and visible on webcam2) sometime after Noon - depends if I take a break for lunch. The take down is pretty quick, so don't miss it!
738 -
United States - San Marcos California 33.137°N 117.167°W "Mr H" from (adsl-75-55-39-199.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 12:10:19
Down they come. It's over (sniff, sniff). Don't know about the rest of you, but I had a blast. This year was better than ever. All over the news, national contest winner, bigger and better every year. Thank you for all your hard work Mr Grassmas and for keeping us entertained through the holidays. I've said it before... you da man! Now back to Watching Grass Grow.
739 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Daniel" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:03:26
What are the boys doing at the bottom of the drive, on webcam2?
740 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Paul C." from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:07:09
omg someone is taking the lights, stop them!!! noooooooooooo
741 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Anonymous" from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:12:10
yeah what is that at the end of the driveway, looks like a sandwich board sign
742 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "Anonymous" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:14:09
what did that kid put in the post box,why did he run off
743 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Anonymous" from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:23:57
wow this takedown cam is action packed! people running across the street & everything! :)
744 -
United Kingdom - Greenock Inverclyde 55.933°N 4.750°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-grnk2-0-0-cust246.renf.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 13:46:15
could this take down take any longer??
745 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 14:43:37
Bye Bye Christmas Decorations! Looks like Alek and Crew are busy!
746 -
United States - Waukesha Wisconsin 43.030°N 88.215°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-70-92-170-191.wi.res.rr.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 15:13:14
Alek, we just logged on to see the dismantling of your decorations and to check the temperature there in CO :) Please send some of that warm weather our way! Best wishes for a great 2009. Jean (and family) from WI.
747 -
United States - Gwynedd Pennsylvania 40.200°N 75.245°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-81-22-217.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 15:37:04
Any chance of there being a time lapse video of the decoration dismantling?
748 -
United Kingdom - Hemel Hempstead Hertford 51.750°N 0.466°W "Anonymous" from (host86-150-123-202.range86-150.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2009/01/02 16:18:05
Happy New Year Alek, Look Forward To seeing your lights again at halloween!
749 -
United States - Easton Pennsylvania 40.641°N 75.227°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-175-215-175.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 16:42:05
Thank you for the nice Christmas display. Looking forward to coming back to see your halloween lights.
750 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Russ" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 16:44:46
hey Alek. I was wondering, the show this year was fantastic, really! so I'm not saying it wasn't. but perhaps for 2009 you should look at changing things up a little? surprise us in 09 with someone totally unexpected! Along with what you bought that's new.. make some surprises for us when the cameras turn on! shake it up a little, have some fun with it! ya know??
Alek replies at 20:17 - Needless to say, I'm always up for something zany ... but it's hard to come up with something truly original/unique/unexpected ... such as allowing people over the Internet to turn my Christmas Lights on & off! ;-)
751 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.729°N 73.825°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-224-58-167.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 17:32:54
that was quick alek. one day to take every thing down but to put it up 2 weeks. (lol) yha i no it a big job. see u at watching grass grow.
752 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Paul C." from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/02 19:17:15
It's sad seeing that empty lawn but I'll keep the happy memories spent enjoying your lights this past year...thanks again so much Alek.
753 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2009/01/02 22:49:37
Per Blog post #731, it was takedown day ... and for those that missed the action, here's a time-lapse animation of the front yard ... and what you see below in the back yard (next to the basement stairwell) is only part of the pile of Christmas Stuff! ;-)
754 -
Canada - Spruce Grove Alberta 53.533°N 113.916°W "Russ" from (S010600195b4bd3ea.ed.shawcable.net) wrote at 2009/01/03 00:10:46
Well, I'm sure that you'll figure out something that will really be great, as always for 2009! we have faith in ya!
755 -
United States - Hanford California 36.276°N 119.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-242-22-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/03 08:55:48
I hope everyone had a great christmas and i hope everyone has a great year in 2009. see you again next christmas.
756 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/03 11:45:51
Hey Alex you forgot to turn off webcam 2 off on the High-def webpage....
Alek replies at 12:09 - Ooops ... I always seem to forget that - fixed - thanks!
757 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/03 11:57:13
Key Alek, I got a question for you.. Do you put both the Halloween stuff and the Christmas stuff in the basement??
Alek replies at 20:06 - Everything is stored in the basement crawlspace - here's what it looks like right now! I hope to put it all away in the next couple of days. Speaking of that, a reminder that I'll be shutting down the blog for comments this week as Christmas 2008 is over.
758 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/04 09:10:14
Bye everyone, take care i'll miss you all! Happy 2009. I don't know what i'll do instead of this!
759 -
United Kingdom - Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire 53.116°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceba5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2009/01/04 09:27:54
Bye, soon be Halloween : )
760 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-37.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2009/01/04 17:52:47
haapy new year be back for hollween
761 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/04 18:07:38
Bye, every one. See you in October..
762 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-68-72-101-193.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) wrote at 2009/01/04 18:29:48
Merry Christmas and Happu New Year
763 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "chris hill" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/04 18:59:39
hope everyone has a great 2009.see yis in october for halloween
764 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2009/01/04 19:36:42
Bye all Xmas viewers see you all later for Halloween. Or maybe on the one and only grass blog. Spring is coming.
765 -
United States - Gardnerville Nevada 38.915°N 119.797°W "Anonymous" from (75-141-235-157.dhcp.nv.charter.com) wrote at 2009/01/05 08:55:38
where do i get the grass griws site?
766 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "chrishill" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/05 10:12:20
where do you purchase your inflatables for halloween/christmas.please put answer here or send to my email.
Alek replies at 10:15 - Please read the Christmas FAQ that answers this question and many more.
767 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2009/01/05 10:16:18
Yo, 075. Watching Grass Grow
768 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "chrishill" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/05 10:18:23
thanks.wishing you and your family a happy new year.
769 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "chrishill" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/05 11:05:36
cant find where it says where you buy your inflatables.please help
770 -
United States - Greenwood Arkansas 35.201°N 94.193°W "n10cities" from (wsip-98-175-205-143.fv.ks.cox.net) wrote at 2009/01/05 16:33:54
In the U.S., Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart would sell items like Alek gets. Outside the U.S., would not know....
771 -
United States - Henderson Nevada 36.032°N 115.024°W "chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2009/01/05 19:02:55
well happy 2009 to you all!!!
772 -
United States - Gardnerville Nevada 38.915°N 119.797°W "Anonymous" from (75-141-235-157.dhcp.nv.charter.com) wrote at 2009/01/05 19:24:37
thank you 067
773 -
United States - Round Lake Illinois 42.341°N 88.113°W "Fartnog Tinkle" from (c-67-184-200-31.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/06 03:05:51
Man, this time of year is always the most depressing since it's cold, dark, and holiday-less until spring and even when spring comes, here in Illinois it remains cold until the beginning of May! Oh well, two months until baseball spring training and "only" 11 months until the holiday season returns. Happy 2009!
774 -
United States - Bethlehem Pennsylvania 40.636°N 75.364°W "Frank" from (pool-72-94-143-237.phlapa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2009/01/06 06:44:18
I am not happy with cold days and I wish it would stay light out longer. I am looking forward to spring and your Christmas lights in 2009.
775 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Paul" from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/06 14:24:33
Happy Epiphany all, the 12th & final day of Christmas is here! See you all when the lights come back into our lives!
776 -
Canada - Saint John New Brunswick 45.266°N 66.066°W "Paul C." from (stjhnbsu83w-156034196019.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net) wrote at 2009/01/07 07:39:37
Any final stats for the year Alek? most visitors at one time, etc? Number of times you guys have had free KFC so far ? :)
Alek replies at 08:52 - There is a composite snapshot of what the christmas webcam page looked like in 2008 - from the raw data, max number of viewers was 4,132 on Christmas Eve - lotta eyes looking for Santa! We've only had KFC once, but have already given away a 1/3 of the coupons.
777 -
Australia - Adelaide South Australia 34.933°S 138.600°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-182-102-11.sa.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2009/01/07 14:28:11
awesome!! well done - its wonderful that you are bringing joy to so many people!!!
778 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Alek says at 2009/01/07 19:44:52
I was cleaning out my Christmas pictures and decided a couple more were worth posting on the blog before I turn off comments.
The entire Christmas Display ... at sunrise - note Sunlight to the left/East
Giant Rope Light Snowman was the highlight for Christmas/2008 in the front yard
Closeup of various parts of the Christmas Display in the Snow
779 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/08 04:11:15
mr. komar i tried three times now to post another post and i even got 1 + 0? i put 1 and it said wrong your addition thing seems to be messed up
780 -
Ireland - Newbridge Kildare 53.181°N 6.796°W "chris hill" from (089-101-253125.ntlworld.ie) wrote at 2009/01/08 11:31:31
they look brill.i found out i have over 1352 lights.thats not including figurines
781 -
United States - Hanford California 36.276°N 119.632°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-242-22-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/08 17:04:46
your a mean one Mr.Grinch
782 -
United States - Walpole Massachusetts 42.151°N 71.256°W "ed" from (kanewon.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2009/01/09 05:55:23
Alek, When are you turning the blog off?
Alek replies at Noon - It's about time ... so this will be the last comment. Web Surfers from 152 countries visited in 2008 - see Christmas Maps. The total raised for Celiac is now over $35,000 and here's one last picture of the Christmas display - D'OH! Surf on back for Christmas 2009 and Merry Christmas to everyone.